‘The second wave has begun’................nice work, Trumpleton's.

Perhaps if we didn't have a prez acting like a moron the resurgence would not have occurred now, before some states actually showed the kind of decline in cases the CDC required before the re-opening.

“The CDC required”??????

Since when did the CDC get the power to shut states down, Dummy?
Oh, it happened, and now they'll try that shit every other week from now until Doomsday unless we purge the traitorous fucks from our country.
What is is it they tell me? I have zero filter. I suppose that's right. I'm not into deceiving people at all. That's just not me.
These pieces of shit need purged from America before they become a serious problem.
Perhaps if we didn't have a prez acting like a moron the resurgence would not have occurred now, before some states actually showed the kind of decline in cases the CDC required before the re-opening.

a resurgence now when the virus is weakened by sun light is better for everyone
There is no scenario under which a second wave is avoidable it never was.
The fact that you didn't add context to your comment makes it bullshit. A second wave was likely in the fall when the influenza virus normally returns and when people are forced indoors because of the cold. But it's no coincidence cases have risen in states that re-opened before conditions warranted it and without people sticking to wearing masks and distancing. Something that is largely attributable to right wing nitwits...............meaning Trumpleheads.
There is no scenario under which a second wave is avoidable it never was.
The fact that you didn't add context to your comment makes it bullshit. A second wave was likely in the fall when the influenza virus normally returns and when people are forced indoors because of the cold. But it's no coincidence cases have risen in states that re-opened before conditions warranted it and without people sticking to wearing masks and distancing. Something that is largely attributable to right wing nitwits...............meaning Trumpleheads.
Nah....I told you morons at the beginning that the spread cannot be stopped....so far everything bears that out. All the distancing, masking, quarantine bullshit....none of it works.
The virus will spread to non immune
patrons inexhorably and continuously
until it finds its natural equilibrium.
Politics cannot change that doofus.

We knew there would be a second wave when we began opening back up. The question is whether we can just be smart and manage it.

Why don't you move the CHAZ? You know they residents don't believe in social distancing. Watch them on CNN/MSNBC.
When you move the CHAZ remember to take lots of Tampax dear. There isn't a store in Chaz that isn't looted.
What in the world are you talking about? How does it relate to my post?

Are you drunk?
B/c YOU are habitually bitching about people social distancing but you have yet to post a fucking word about how the (cough) 'protesters' are completely ignoring social distancing. That makes you a fucking hypocrite.
A second wave of coronavirus has started in the U.S. — and people need to remain careful or risk stressing out the health-care system again, said William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

“The second wave has begun,” said the professor of medicine told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. “We’re opening up across the country, but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”

Even so, he said he “cannot imagine” a second shutdown due to the impact of the first one.

Thanks to right wing nutbags exercising their "freedom" (to get the virus) because they rejected the "tyranny" of being socially responsible so a second wave didn't happen. You must be thrilled that you've set the country back. Hopefully, these worthless pieces of shit parading outside the halls of government with their automatic weapons don't decide speed limits are tyranny too.

You must have missed the 10s of thousands of rioters and looters, and killers running wild through democrat party controlled cities.....who the democrat party members of the press told us it was okay for them to run around spreading the disease..

Now....with the Trump Rally in Tulsa, seating capacity 15,000, getting 800,000 requests for tickets.....all of a sudden the Chinese Flu matters again...

Selll your bullshit to democrats....they are the only ones who will swallow...
We knew there would be a second wave when we began opening back up. The question is whether we can just be smart and manage it.

Why don't you move the CHAZ? You know they residents don't believe in social distancing. Watch them on CNN/MSNBC.
When you move the CHAZ remember to take lots of Tampax dear. There isn't a store in Chaz that isn't looted.
What in the world are you talking about? How does it relate to my post?

Are you drunk?
B/c YOU are habitually bitching about people social distancing but you have yet to post a fucking word about how the (cough) 'protesters' are completely ignoring social distancing. That makes you a fucking hypocrite.
I am "habitually bitching about people social distancing"?

Show me (1) time I did that. Just one. One.

You people exist in weird fantasy world. It's funny, but it's not funny.

Are you sure you're not drunk?
Maybe the fact that Trumpleton's refusing to adhere to COVID protocols has caused a second wave now will help the inevitable increase in cases in the fall to be minimized. But only if they have learned their lesson. Based on their track record it's not a reason for optimism.
How many residents of CHAZ are REPs? You asshole! These infested rats aren't social distancing unless you call gang-banging an 18 year old anorexic white chick high on meth. who hasn't had a shower in a month but the rapists are at least waiting six feet back until it's their turn.
We knew there would be a second wave when we began opening back up. The question is whether we can just be smart and manage it.

Why don't you move the CHAZ? You know they residents don't believe in social distancing. Watch them on CNN/MSNBC.
When you move the CHAZ remember to take lots of Tampax dear. There isn't a store in Chaz that isn't looted.
What in the world are you talking about? How does it relate to my post?

Are you drunk?
B/c YOU are habitually bitching about people social distancing but you have yet to post a fucking word about how the (cough) 'protesters' are completely ignoring social distancing. That makes you a fucking hypocrite.
I am "habitually bitching about people social distancing"?

Show me (1) time I did that. Just one. One.

You people exist in weird fantasy world. It's funny, but it's not funny.

Are you sure you're not drunk?
Then I don't expect to read a fucking word from you about the patriots attending President Trump's rallies..........right bitch?
Have you ever posted about how the subhumans in CHAZ and 'Marching' should be social distancing?
A second wave of coronavirus has started in the U.S. — and people need to remain careful or risk stressing out the health-care system again, said William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

“The second wave has begun,” said the professor of medicine told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. “We’re opening up across the country, but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”

Even so, he said he “cannot imagine” a second shutdown due to the impact of the first one.

Thanks to right wing nutbags exercising their "freedom" (to get the virus) because they rejected the "tyranny" of being socially responsible so a second wave didn't happen. You must be thrilled that you've set the country back. Hopefully, these worthless pieces of shit parading outside the halls of government with their automatic weapons don't decide speed limits are tyranny too.
The “New Deaths” report says you are full of shit berg80

oronavirus (COVID-19) U.S. Deaths

RCP Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Deaths

StateDeathsDeaths /
1M pop
Confirmed Case
Fatality Rate
Confirmed Cases /
1M pop
Seasonal Flu Deaths1
(CDC 10-Year Avg)
New York30,9111,589.0-2,934,599-404,4707.64%20,791.63,408
New Jersey12,7331,433.5-1,097,616-169,4417.51%19,076.5944
North Carolina1,132107.9-627,130-44,2632.56%4,220.31,430
Rhode Island851803.3+18200,445-16,0935.29%15,191.2150
South Carolina600116.5-286,100-18,7953.19%3,650.4575
District of Columbia515729.7-64,530-9,7995.26%13,884.560
New Mexico435207.5-263,665-9,7234.47%4,637.0260
New Hampshire320235.3-113,375-5,3186.02%3,911.1166
Puerto Rico14746.0-13,022-5,8902.50%1,844.3730
West Virginia8849.2-131,223-2,2983.83%1,285.8343
South Dakota7584.8-65,319-5,8981.27%6,667.0143
North Dakota7497.1-86,880-3,0802.40%4,041.7107
A second wave of coronavirus has started in the U.S. — and people need to remain careful or risk stressing out the health-care system again, said William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

“The second wave has begun,” said the professor of medicine told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. “We’re opening up across the country, but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”

Even so, he said he “cannot imagine” a second shutdown due to the impact of the first one.

Thanks to right wing nutbags exercising their "freedom" (to get the virus) because they rejected the "tyranny" of being socially responsible so a second wave didn't happen. You must be thrilled that you've set the country back. Hopefully, these worthless pieces of shit parading outside the halls of government with their automatic weapons don't decide speed limits are tyranny too.

Your message is you're too fucking dumb for words OP?
A second wave of coronavirus has started in the U.S. — and people need to remain careful or risk stressing out the health-care system again, said William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

“The second wave has begun,” said the professor of medicine told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. “We’re opening up across the country, but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”

Even so, he said he “cannot imagine” a second shutdown due to the impact of the first one.

Thanks to right wing nutbags exercising their "freedom" (to get the virus) because they rejected the "tyranny" of being socially responsible so a second wave didn't happen. You must be thrilled that you've set the country back. Hopefully, these worthless pieces of shit parading outside the halls of government with their automatic weapons don't decide speed limits are tyranny too.
We had only 333 COVID deaths yesterday. That's the lowest since March.
If they were all republicans I'd call that a score
A second wave of coronavirus has started in the U.S. — and people need to remain careful or risk stressing out the health-care system again, said William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

“The second wave has begun,” said the professor of medicine told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. “We’re opening up across the country, but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”

Even so, he said he “cannot imagine” a second shutdown due to the impact of the first one.

Thanks to right wing nutbags exercising their "freedom" (to get the virus) because they rejected the "tyranny" of being socially responsible so a second wave didn't happen. You must be thrilled that you've set the country back. Hopefully, these worthless pieces of shit parading outside the halls of government with their automatic weapons don't decide speed limits are tyranny too.
We had only 333 COVID deaths yesterday. That's the lowest since March.
If they were all republicans I'd call that a score
Thanks for showing the entire forum what a scumbag you are.
We knew there would be a second wave when we began opening back up. The question is whether we can just be smart and manage it.

Why don't you move the CHAZ? You know they residents don't believe in social distancing. Watch them on CNN/MSNBC.
When you move the CHAZ remember to take lots of Tampax dear. There isn't a store in Chaz that isn't looted.
What in the world are you talking about? How does it relate to my post?

Are you drunk?
B/c YOU are habitually bitching about people social distancing but you have yet to post a fucking word about how the (cough) 'protesters' are completely ignoring social distancing. That makes you a fucking hypocrite.
I am "habitually bitching about people social distancing"?

Show me (1) time I did that. Just one. One.

You people exist in weird fantasy world. It's funny, but it's not funny.

Are you sure you're not drunk?
Then I don't expect to read a fucking word from you about the patriots attending President Trump's rallies..........right bitch?
Have you ever posted about how the subhumans in CHAZ and 'Marching' should be social distancing?
Yeah, I didn't think you would.

Yours are the behaviors of a child.
It's the Trumpers...


Do you understand now, why black people are the most effected?

And they are supposedly heroes... but to hell with it if anyone protests for American rights...
Last edited:
How this is a surprise I have no idea. Once lockdowns were lifted a resurgence was expected.

And here's a fun fact for the Crowd of Eternal Lockdown: The more severe the lockdown protocols, the more severe the spikes will be.

It's just math. We'll be dealing with this for a couple of years, trying to balance the economy with healthcare capacity. Get used to it.
The post isn't based on statistics or evidence. It's an essay for CNBC by somebody named Abby Ng based loosely on the opinion by an aged med school professor. Notice how quickly angry lefties latch on to it while the rest of us breathe a sigh of relief that we are no longer under martial law.
A second wave of coronavirus has started in the U.S. — and people need to remain careful or risk stressing out the health-care system again, said William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

“The second wave has begun,” said the professor of medicine told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. “We’re opening up across the country, but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”

Even so, he said he “cannot imagine” a second shutdown due to the impact of the first one.

Thanks to right wing nutbags exercising their "freedom" (to get the virus) because they rejected the "tyranny" of being socially responsible so a second wave didn't happen. You must be thrilled that you've set the country back. Hopefully, these worthless pieces of shit parading outside the halls of government with their automatic weapons don't decide speed limits are tyranny too.
We had only 333 COVID deaths yesterday. That's the lowest since March.
If they were all republicans I'd call that a score
Thanks for showing the entire forum what a scumbag you are.
Thanks to you I can only be #2

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