‘The second wave has begun’................nice work, Trumpleton's.

It is hilarious to see these TDS afflicted Moon Bats blame the virus on Trump when it was Biden's Chicom buddies that brought it here.

Then you have all the stupid hatefilled Negroes and Moon Bats out marching around, rioting and looting, not doing their social distances.

40% of the cases in the US can be attributed to the mismangement that we saw in Democrat New York alone.
Amazing that Covid has no effect on rioters and looters and they can congregate en masse but white worshippers should be jailed because they don’t care enough about everyone else And are going to infect others.
In virtue signaling land it’s All about the others.
Amazing that Covid has no effect on rioters and looters and they can congregate en made but white worshippers should be jailed because they don’t care enough about everyone else Snd are going to infect others.

Amazing how much of a moron you are.
Spittle flying and name calling because no rebuttal and your feelings are hurt,
Thank you for your demonstration of surrender.
Now back to hiding
Amazing that Covid has no effect on rioters and looters and they can congregate en made but white worshippers should be jailed because they don’t care enough about everyone else Snd are going to infect others.

Amazing how much of a moron you are.
Spittle flying and name calling because no rebuttal and your feelings are hurt,
Thank you for your demonstration of surrender.
Now back to hiding

No rebuttal, necessary. You're a foaming at the mouth wingertard. Everything you say is inflammatory and worthless.
Amazing that Covid has no effect on rioters and looters and they can congregate en made but white worshippers should be jailed because they don’t care enough about everyone else Snd are going to infect others.

Amazing how much of a moron you are.
Spittle flying and name calling because no rebuttal and your feelings are hurt,
Thank you for your demonstration of surrender.
Now back to hiding

No rebuttal, necessary. You're a foaming at the mouth wingertard. Everything you say is inflammatory and worthless.

The OP of the thread you’re posting in is inflammatory and worthless but that’s ok right?
Amazing that Covid has no effect on rioters and looters and they can congregate en made but white worshippers should be jailed because they don’t care enough about everyone else Snd are going to infect others.

Amazing how much of a moron you are.
Spittle flying and name calling because no rebuttal and your feelings are hurt,
Thank you for your demonstration of surrender.
Now back to hiding

No rebuttal, necessary. You're a foaming at the mouth wingertard. Everything you say is inflammatory and worthless.
Raised your hand again to confess and self identify
Way to go and thanks
:boo_hoo14: U Mad? Because the virus spreads in church, but not outside. You wish all those protesters would die so police can continue imposing big government rule on US!

No, I am just pointing out the criminal Un-Constitutional hypocrisy of the Left and Leftist snowflake sheep who CAN AMAZINGLY look past reality / the obvious - like tens of thousands of sweaty, angry, no-mask-wearing (many), side-by-side marchers, looters, thugs, thieves, murderers, domestic terrorists, and liberal politicians completely DESTROYING all the precautions / guidelines / social distancing rules they forcibly ram down the throats of those who do not support their ideology and agenda and still manage to punish others who refuse to do as they are told, not what they see the Leftist criminals / terrorists doing.

Need a tissue, sheep?
You poor little SnowFlake! :boo_hoo14: Trumptards & Repubtards told you to open up :eek2yum: & swallowed while they rammed that BS down your throat. :suck: Why don't you post proof of Covid-19 transmission outside at protest?
:boo_hoo14: U Mad? Because the virus spreads in church, but not outside. You wish all those protesters would die so police can continue imposing big government rule on US!

No, I am just pointing out the criminal Un-Constitutional hypocrisy of the Left and Leftist snowflake sheep who CAN AMAZINGLY look past reality / the obvious - like tens of thousands of sweaty, angry, no-mask-wearing (many), side-by-side marchers, looters, thugs, thieves, murderers, domestic terrorists, and liberal politicians completely DESTROYING all the precautions / guidelines / social distancing rules they forcibly ram down the throats of those who do not support their ideology and agenda and still manage to punish others who refuse to do as they are told, not what they see the Leftist criminals / terrorists doing.

Need a tissue, sheep?
You poor little SnowFlake! :boo_hoo14: Trumptards & Repubtards told you to open up :eek2yum: & swallowed while they rammed that BS down your throat. :suck: Why don't you post proof of Covid-19 transmission outside at protest?
Shut the hell up you TDS suffering uneducated sheep. Why don’t you show your precious rioters DIDN’T spread anything. Then again, you swallow the Dim jizz every day while you cower under your bed. If there’s no transmission at protests, the STFU about REAL Americans protesting the illegal lockdown orders.
I live in the heart of a deep blue liberal state and one of the hot zones for coronavirus. Nobody is social distancing, stores are packed, traffic is jammed, you still see a percentage of people with home made masks on for all the good those do the virus is sub-micron in size.

Even the homemade masks stop the spread of droplets and cut transmission by 70%. Many stores and businesses are telling employees not to wear masks because it "frightens" customers.

Agree there's some value to a homemade mask vs no mask, the issue is in my area its about 90% homemade masks. People should purchase a proper mask imo.
The great irony of the hiccup in the re-opening is the Orange Messiah is his own worst enemy for rushing it and for not stressing the importance of opening safely.

What a hypocrite! ^^

So it's all about picking and choosing what sort of gathering will give you Corona Virus...... and which won't?

"If it were not for double standards, Dems would have no standards at all! "

Demrats are imbeciles who have lost all credibility. Nobody believes them anymore!

....and Fake News Media goes right along with them ....total hypocrites too!

Covid is a killer at every gathering except massive looting and rioting,
Yet another nail in the coffin of this hoax being “for real”
I live in the heart of a deep blue liberal state and one of the hot zones for coronavirus. Nobody is social distancing, stores are packed, traffic is jammed, you still see a percentage of people with home made masks on for all the good those do the virus is sub-micron in size.

As I reported in this thread, an N95 mask which I examined under my microscope has big enough gaps to easily let particles through as large as 50 microns. The #CornoaHoax2020 virus has a diameter ranging from 0.05 to 0.2 of a micron. You have to be pretty ignorant to believe that such a mask will give any meaningful protection against the #CoronaHoax virus.

I have little doubt that the cloth masks that are so popular are even less effective than an N95 mask.
Anyone who still continues to believe the #CornoaHoax2020 is too damn stupid to be taken seriously on any subject.

Quod erat demonstrandum.


This notion that quarantine is being done out of fear is ridiculous and your whole attitude is why you're still having problems with the virus while the rest of the first world has moved on to re-opening and getting on with our lives. The USA never really shut down. You STILL don't have proper testing 6 months into this thing.

How bad do things have to get before Americans will just shut up and stay home long enough to get this crud under control? You're prepared to destroy your economy over your "freedom" to be as stupid as possible.

While Dumb Donald wants to hold mass rallies now, we're being allowed to have 10 people get togethers - after THREE MONTHS of quarantine. Our closed cases are double the number of active cases, and while we're seeing cases rising because of re-opening, areas where cases are not spiking are now moving to Phase 2.

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