‘The second wave has begun’................nice work, Trumpleton's.

A second wave of coronavirus has started in the U.S. — and people need to remain careful or risk stressing out the health-care system again, said William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

“The second wave has begun,” said the professor of medicine told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. “We’re opening up across the country, but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”

Even so, he said he “cannot imagine” a second shutdown due to the impact of the first one.

Thanks to right wing nutbags exercising their "freedom" (to get the virus) because they rejected the "tyranny" of being socially responsible so a second wave didn't happen. You must be thrilled that you've set the country back. Hopefully, these worthless pieces of shit parading outside the halls of government with their automatic weapons don't decide speed limits are tyranny too.

... Unless, you want to riot. That is fine.
The great irony of the hiccup in the re-opening is the Orange Messiah is his own worst enemy for rushing it and for not stressing the importance of opening safely.
We knew there would be a second wave when we began opening back up. The question is whether we can just be smart and manage it.

Why don't you move the CHAZ? You know they residents don't believe in social distancing. Watch them on CNN/MSNBC.
When you move the CHAZ remember to take lots of Tampax dear. There isn't a store in Chaz that isn't looted.
What in the world are you talking about? How does it relate to my post?

Are you drunk?
but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”
Such as ANTIFA and BLM wackos rioting in the streets?
ANTIFA exists only in the imaginations of wackos and the peaceful protests have outnumbered the riots by a large margin, snowflake and most of them are wearing masks. will they be wearing masks at the next trump klan rally?

The democrats are the party of the Klan. I know it. History knows it. You know it. That is a fact and you cant change it.
A second wave of coronavirus has started in the U.S. — and people need to remain careful or risk stressing out the health-care system again, said William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

“The second wave has begun,” said the professor of medicine told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. “We’re opening up across the country, but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”

Even so, he said he “cannot imagine” a second shutdown due to the impact of the first one.

Thanks to right wing nutbags exercising their "freedom" (to get the virus) because they rejected the "tyranny" of being socially responsible so a second wave didn't happen. You must be thrilled that you've set the country back. Hopefully, these worthless pieces of shit parading outside the halls of government with their automatic weapons don't decide speed limits are tyranny too.

Nope, it was your idiot rioters in the streets, blm, antifa that are causing an increase. Your media forgot all about the virus when these communist/marxists were burning down private property and assaulting others while piled on top of each other like sardines. Pound sand.
If you were not critical of the rioters spreading the virus, you need to shut the fucking hell up about people wanting to go back to work spreading the virus.

That's kind of the point.

You're arguing with someone who sides with subhuman animals, that loot and riot, and only cause violence and destruction, but who despises those who actually want to be productive and to contribute to society. That's the sort of piece of shit that he is. To his kind, the #CoronaHoax2020 was a perfect excuse to shut down the economy, throw good people out of work and into poverty, and allow the government to seize power and destroy freedoms, setting the stage for the subhuman animals to loot and destroy.
A second wave of coronavirus has started in the U.S. — and people need to remain careful or risk stressing out the health-care system again, said William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

“The second wave has begun,” said the professor of medicine told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. “We’re opening up across the country, but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”

Even so, he said he “cannot imagine” a second shutdown due to the impact of the first one.

Thanks to right wing nutbags exercising their "freedom" (to get the virus) because they rejected the "tyranny" of being socially responsible so a second wave didn't happen. You must be thrilled that you've set the country back. Hopefully, these worthless pieces of shit parading outside the halls of government with their automatic weapons don't decide speed limits are tyranny too.

Lol. You been living under a rock? You miss the tea party taking over six blocks in Seattle? Retard.
The great irony of the hiccup in the re-opening is the Orange Messiah is his own worst enemy for rushing it and for not stressing the importance of opening safely.

We'll see in November.

I think that the voters, by a huge majority, will clearly remember which side it was that cooked up an absurd hoax, based on an overhyped flu bug, and used this hoax as an excuse to deliberately and maliciously trash the economy, and to seize and abuse unprecedented powers.

At my age, I think there is a very good chance that I will not live to see the Democraps ever win the Presidency again or anything better than a small minority in either house of Congress.
The great irony of the hiccup in the re-opening is the Orange Messiah is his own worst enemy for rushing it and for not stressing the importance of opening safely.

We'll see in November.

I think that the voters, by a huge majority, will clearly remember which side it was that cooked up an absurd hoax, based on an overhyped flu bug, and used this hoax as an excuse to deliberately and maliciously trash the economy, and to seize and abuse unprecedented powers.

At my age, I think there is a very good chance that I will not live to see the Democraps ever win the Presidency again or anything better than a small minority in either house of Congress.
At your age it`s quite obvious that you will die the same way you lived. An ignoramus.
I live in the heart of a deep blue liberal state and one of the hot zones for coronavirus. Nobody is social distancing, stores are packed, traffic is jammed, you still see a percentage of people with home made masks on for all the good those do the virus is sub-micron in size.
A second wave of coronavirus has started in the U.S. — and people need to remain careful or risk stressing out the health-care system again, said William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

“The second wave has begun,” said the professor of medicine told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. “We’re opening up across the country, but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”

Even so, he said he “cannot imagine” a second shutdown due to the impact of the first one.

Thanks to right wing nutbags exercising their "freedom" (to get the virus) because they rejected the "tyranny" of being socially responsible so a second wave didn't happen. You must be thrilled that you've set the country back. Hopefully, these worthless pieces of shit parading outside the halls of government with their automatic weapons don't decide speed limits are tyranny too.
If this had been handled better from the start we wouldn't be having this "second wave"! Why we quarantined healthy people has never made sense. We should have isolated elderly and those with health issues and had everyone else go about their business. All we did by panicking and closing everything down is to extend the amount of time it's going to take for this virus to run it's course! Healthy people are getting the virus NOW that should have gotten it three months ago! Because of that the elderly and the infirm are STILL at risk and STILL have to hide in their homes! Your "expert" is just one more idiot that got it wrong from the start and is now doubling down on his stupidity!
A second wave of coronavirus has started in the U.S. — and people need to remain careful or risk stressing out the health-care system again, said William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

“The second wave has begun,” said the professor of medicine told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. “We’re opening up across the country, but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”

Even so, he said he “cannot imagine” a second shutdown due to the impact of the first one.

Thanks to right wing nutbags exercising their "freedom" (to get the virus) because they rejected the "tyranny" of being socially responsible so a second wave didn't happen. You must be thrilled that you've set the country back. Hopefully, these worthless pieces of shit parading outside the halls of government with their automatic weapons don't decide speed limits are tyranny too.

And the winner of the most pathetic attempt at deflection by a left wing weenie goes to....


heeere he is, the biggest douche in the uuuuuniverse!!!

You are now officially the new SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED. congrats.

In denial much?

“This virus is not going to rest” until it infects about 60 percent to 70 percent of the population, said Dr. Michael T. Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, in an appearance on “Fox News Sunday.”

Experts have estimated that without a vaccine, about 70 percent of the population will need to be infected and develop immunity in order to stop the virus’s spread, a concept called herd immunity. The current number of confirmed cases in the United States is over 2 million, less than 1 percent of the U.S. population, according to a New York Times database.

If it's inevitable that the commievirus going to infect that many people, how does hiding under your fucking bed until.....?????..... stop that, shitferbrains?


This notion that quarantine is being done out of fear is ridiculous and your whole attitude is why you're still having problems with the virus while the rest of the first world has moved on to re-opening and getting on with our lives. The USA never really shut down. You STILL don't have proper testing 6 months into this thing.

How bad do things have to get before Americans will just shut up and stay home long enough to get this crud under control? You're prepared to destroy your economy over your "freedom" to be as stupid as possible.

While Dumb Donald wants to hold mass rallies now, we're being allowed to have 10 people get togethers - after THREE MONTHS of quarantine. Our closed cases are double the number of active cases, and while we're seeing cases rising because of re-opening, areas where cases are not spiking are now moving to Phase 2.
A second wave of coronavirus has started in the U.S. — and people need to remain careful or risk stressing out the health-care system again, said William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

“The second wave has begun,” said the professor of medicine told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. “We’re opening up across the country, but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”

Even so, he said he “cannot imagine” a second shutdown due to the impact of the first one.

Thanks to right wing nutbags exercising their "freedom" (to get the virus) because they rejected the "tyranny" of being socially responsible so a second wave didn't happen. You must be thrilled that you've set the country back. Hopefully, these worthless pieces of shit parading outside the halls of government with their automatic weapons don't decide speed limits are tyranny too.

And the winner of the most pathetic attempt at deflection by a left wing weenie goes to....


heeere he is, the biggest douche in the uuuuuniverse!!!

You are now officially the new SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED. congrats.

In denial much?

“This virus is not going to rest” until it infects about 60 percent to 70 percent of the population, said Dr. Michael T. Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, in an appearance on “Fox News Sunday.”

Experts have estimated that without a vaccine, about 70 percent of the population will need to be infected and develop immunity in order to stop the virus’s spread, a concept called herd immunity. The current number of confirmed cases in the United States is over 2 million, less than 1 percent of the U.S. population, according to a New York Times database.

If it's inevitable that the commievirus going to infect that many people, how does hiding under your fucking bed until.....?????..... stop that, shitferbrains?


This notion that quarantine is being done out of fear is ridiculous and your whole attitude is why you're still having problems with the virus while the rest of the first world has moved on to re-opening and getting on with our lives. The USA never really shut down. You STILL don't have proper testing 6 months into this thing.

How bad do things have to get before Americans will just shut up and stay home long enough to get this crud under control? You're prepared to destroy your economy over your "freedom" to be as stupid as possible.

While Dumb Donald wants to hold mass rallies now, we're being allowed to have 10 people get togethers - after THREE MONTHS of quarantine. Our closed cases are double the number of active cases, and while we're seeing cases rising because of re-opening, areas where cases are not spiking are now moving to Phase 2.
Oh fuck off....Your scaremongering isn't working anymore....That's why you jackasses have moved on to race hustling.
A second wave of coronavirus has started in the U.S. — and people need to remain careful or risk stressing out the health-care system again, said William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

“The second wave has begun,” said the professor of medicine told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. “We’re opening up across the country, but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”

Even so, he said he “cannot imagine” a second shutdown due to the impact of the first one.

Thanks to right wing nutbags exercising their "freedom" (to get the virus) because they rejected the "tyranny" of being socially responsible so a second wave didn't happen. You must be thrilled that you've set the country back. Hopefully, these worthless pieces of shit parading outside the halls of government with their automatic weapons don't decide speed limits are tyranny too.

And the winner of the most pathetic attempt at deflection by a left wing weenie goes to....


heeere he is, the biggest douche in the uuuuuniverse!!!

You are now officially the new SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED. congrats.

In denial much?

“This virus is not going to rest” until it infects about 60 percent to 70 percent of the population, said Dr. Michael T. Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, in an appearance on “Fox News Sunday.”

Experts have estimated that without a vaccine, about 70 percent of the population will need to be infected and develop immunity in order to stop the virus’s spread, a concept called herd immunity. The current number of confirmed cases in the United States is over 2 million, less than 1 percent of the U.S. population, according to a New York Times database.


Here is true Trump Derangement Syndrome on display.

First, Trump has left it up to the individual States to decide when to re-open. The retard who posted this nonsense pretends that Trump is responsible for every case of the virus.

He points to a "Second Wave" (supposedly caused by Trump and the people who voted for him) and here in this post, he says it is basically a necessity that 60 to 70 per cent of the population get the virus before it stops.

Which, in effect, says the same thing that people with common sense knew two months ago---protect the old people with health issues, while the rest of the people get on with their lives (Note that the Dumb-Asses in New York and New Jersey did the opposite--killing thousands in Nursing Homes.)

This, allowing people to get on with their lives, is particularly true when considering the damage to lives done by a shutdown---which is obvious to any one not debilitated by TDS.

And the herd immunity that this Fool OP now says is necessary may be going on. The 7 day moving average of CASES is going up some in places like Texas and Florida, but the DEATHS are steady or declining, and in any event off their previous highs. So it looks Texas and Florida are protecting their old and sick and letting everybody else get on with their lives, and gradually developing that herd immunity this Fool OP says is necessary--with a few getting the equivalent of colds or flu as the price of acquiring the herd immunity and saving our economy and our way of life.

I would suggest that the OP seek help, but there is no known cure for TDS, and likely won't be one until January of 2025.
A second wave of coronavirus has started in the U.S. — and people need to remain careful or risk stressing out the health-care system again, said William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

“The second wave has begun,” said the professor of medicine told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. “We’re opening up across the country, but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”

Even so, he said he “cannot imagine” a second shutdown due to the impact of the first one.

Thanks to right wing nutbags exercising their "freedom" (to get the virus) because they rejected the "tyranny" of being socially responsible so a second wave didn't happen. You must be thrilled that you've set the country back. Hopefully, these worthless pieces of shit parading outside the halls of government with their automatic weapons don't decide speed limits are tyranny too.
There is no scenario under which a second wave is avoidable it never was.
we will move forward and we will survive with the casualties that were always going to happen no matter what we did. Your attempt to politicize it is puny at best.


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