‘The second wave has begun’................nice work, Trumpleton's.

Is this a joke?
I suppose it is to Trumpletards or we wouldn't be having a resurgence.

"Several states in America have reported recent spikes in Covid-19 cases as measures are eased throughout the country. The U.S. has the highest number of cases in the world. Nearly 2.1 million people have been infected by the disease and more than 115,000 people have died, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

Schaffner added that mass gatherings and religious services are also being held. “Many people are simply not being careful, they’re being carefree,” he said. “That, of course, will lead to more spread of the Covid virus.”

If you liberals really believed that mass gatherings spread the virus , you wouldn't be scheduling George Floyd riots and protests coast to coast as live events. So don't give me this crapola. Libs could hold their protests virtually through Skype instead of on the streets, if you all were really concerned.

When those who promote quarantine don't do it themselves, it really reduces the amount of credibility you have
A second wave of coronavirus has started in the U.S. — and people need to remain careful or risk stressing out the health-care system again, said William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

“The second wave has begun,” said the professor of medicine told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. “We’re opening up across the country, but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”

Even so, he said he “cannot imagine” a second shutdown due to the impact of the first one.

Thanks to right wing nutbags exercising their "freedom" (to get the virus) because they rejected the "tyranny" of being socially responsible so a second wave didn't happen. You must be thrilled that you've set the country back. Hopefully, these worthless pieces of shit parading outside the halls of government with their automatic weapons don't decide speed limits are tyranny too.
READ: - I am going to ignore the 100,000's of protestors all in close proximity for the past 2 weeks as a possible reason because, like the media, I only pay attention to facts that support the narrative.
Trumpletards said the whole thing was being exaggerated. Yet it appears that lock downs may need to be re-imposed in some hot spots.

"On Monday, investors were reacting in part to bad news out of China, where some monthly economic indicators were weaker than expected, and where officials are battling a new spate of coronavirus cases in Beijing. In the United States, Arizona, Texas and Florida have also reported higher infection numbers, and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York said that the state might have to reinstate lock down conditions."
A second wave of coronavirus has started in the U.S. — and people need to remain careful or risk stressing out the health-care system again, said William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

“The second wave has begun,” said the professor of medicine told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. “We’re opening up across the country, but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”

Even so, he said he “cannot imagine” a second shutdown due to the impact of the first one.

Thanks to right wing nutbags exercising their "freedom" (to get the virus) because they rejected the "tyranny" of being socially responsible so a second wave didn't happen. You must be thrilled that you've set the country back. Hopefully, these worthless pieces of shit parading outside the halls of government with their automatic weapons don't decide speed limits are tyranny too.

And the winner of the most pathetic attempt at deflection by a left wing weenie goes to....


heeere he is, the biggest douche in the uuuuuniverse!!!

You are now officially the new SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED. congrats.

In denial much?

“This virus is not going to rest” until it infects about 60 percent to 70 percent of the population, said Dr. Michael T. Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, in an appearance on “Fox News Sunday.”

Experts have estimated that without a vaccine, about 70 percent of the population will need to be infected and develop immunity in order to stop the virus’s spread, a concept called herd immunity. The current number of confirmed cases in the United States is over 2 million, less than 1 percent of the U.S. population, according to a New York Times database.

If it's inevitable that the commievirus going to infect that many people, how does hiding under your fucking bed until.....?????..... stop that, shitferbrains?
A second wave of coronavirus has started in the U.S. — and people need to remain careful or risk stressing out the health-care system again, said William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

“The second wave has begun,” said the professor of medicine told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. “We’re opening up across the country, but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”

Even so, he said he “cannot imagine” a second shutdown due to the impact of the first one.

Thanks to right wing nutbags exercising their "freedom" (to get the virus) because they rejected the "tyranny" of being socially responsible so a second wave didn't happen. You must be thrilled that you've set the country back. Hopefully, these worthless pieces of shit parading outside the halls of government with their automatic weapons don't decide speed limits are tyranny too.

Sorry Turd80, the panic is over and your side will not get national mail in balloting therefore Fingers Joe will lose the election.
Nice try though.
A second wave of coronavirus has started in the U.S. — and people need to remain careful or risk stressing out the health-care system again, said William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

“The second wave has begun,” said the professor of medicine told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. “We’re opening up across the country, but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”

Even so, he said he “cannot imagine” a second shutdown due to the impact of the first one.

Thanks to right wing nutbags exercising their "freedom" (to get the virus) because they rejected the "tyranny" of being socially responsible so a second wave didn't happen. You must be thrilled that you've set the country back. Hopefully, these worthless pieces of shit parading outside the halls of government with their automatic weapons don't decide speed limits are tyranny too.

Yup, a whole lot of Trump voters there.
I thought y'all said they weren't wearing masks! More FAKE NEWS from the Trumpkins, I guess.
Yep...masks make everyone 100% impervious to the virus.
Moving the goalposts from "they're not wearing masks" to "masks don't work"!!! Silly Trumpkins think we don't see their total lack of logical thinking. Nothing's perfect, but masks help.
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Groups of nitwits gather, without masks, trying to prove their idiocy makes them immune to COVID.

Groups of nitwits gather, without masks, trying to prove their idiocy makes them immune to COVID.

View attachment 350540

You just don't get it. Virtually everyone is going to end up being infected with this virus.

The Draconian lockdowns over the past 3 months didn't stop it, and weren't intended to. The idea was to Flatten the Curve, so everyone didn't get sick at the same time.
Groups of nitwits gather, without masks, trying to prove their idiocy makes them immune to COVID.

View attachment 350540

You just don't get it. Virtually everyone is going to end up being infected with this virus.

The Draconian lockdowns over the past 3 months didn't stop it, and weren't intended to. The idea was to Flatten the Curve, so everyone didn't get sick at the same time.

The problem is the re-opening was delayed for longer than it should have been. Once hospitals weren't overwhelmed gradual re-opening should have started back in May.
Groups of nitwits gather, without masks, trying to prove their idiocy makes them immune to COVID.

View attachment 350540

You just don't get it. Virtually everyone is going to end up being infected with this virus.

The Draconian lockdowns over the past 3 months didn't stop it, and weren't intended to. The idea was to Flatten the Curve, so everyone didn't get sick at the same time.
Recognizing that fact would require the memory and attention span longer than that of a goldfish....OP fails miserably on that account.
A second wave of coronavirus has started in the U.S. — and people need to remain careful or risk stressing out the health-care system again, said William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

“The second wave has begun,” said the professor of medicine told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. “We’re opening up across the country, but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”

Even so, he said he “cannot imagine” a second shutdown due to the impact of the first one.

Thanks to right wing nutbags exercising their "freedom" (to get the virus) because they rejected the "tyranny" of being socially responsible so a second wave didn't happen. You must be thrilled that you've set the country back. Hopefully, these worthless pieces of shit parading outside the halls of government with their automatic weapons don't decide speed limits are tyranny too.
Anyone who believes a "second wave" wouldn't happen is smoking something. It would happen if you waited two years to re-open. IOW, you're gripe was predicted and is baseless.
A second wave of coronavirus has started in the U.S. — and people need to remain careful or risk stressing out the health-care system again, said William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

“The second wave has begun,” said the professor of medicine told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. “We’re opening up across the country, but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”

Even so, he said he “cannot imagine” a second shutdown due to the impact of the first one.

Thanks to right wing nutbags exercising their "freedom" (to get the virus) because they rejected the "tyranny" of being socially responsible so a second wave didn't happen. You must be thrilled that you've set the country back. Hopefully, these worthless pieces of shit parading outside the halls of government with their automatic weapons don't decide speed limits are tyranny too.

This sounds like Wishful Thinking on part of the OP.

The libs want a continued lockdown as long as possible and they don't want Trump Rallies and Speeches to restart.

Nothing like a Trump Rally to contrast Sleepy Joe hiding under his bed with The Donald.

The reason for the High Anxiety this week is the Tremendous Trump Rally scheduled for Tulsa this weekend. The libs concern isn't that tens of thousands will get sick or die, but that they WON'T and the Corona Panic will be officially over.

Wrong,I want him to rally and speak more than ever.
A second wave of coronavirus has started in the U.S. — and people need to remain careful or risk stressing out the health-care system again, said William Schaffner, a professor at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

“The second wave has begun,” said the professor of medicine told CNBC’s “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. “We’re opening up across the country, but many, many people are not social distancing, many are not wearing their masks.”

Even so, he said he “cannot imagine” a second shutdown due to the impact of the first one.

Thanks to right wing nutbags exercising their "freedom" (to get the virus) because they rejected the "tyranny" of being socially responsible so a second wave didn't happen. You must be thrilled that you've set the country back. Hopefully, these worthless pieces of shit parading outside the halls of government with their automatic weapons don't decide speed limits are tyranny too.

And the winner of the most pathetic attempt at deflection by a left wing weenie goes to....


heeere he is, the biggest douche in the uuuuuniverse!!!

You are now officially the new SHE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED. congrats.

In denial much?

“This virus is not going to rest” until it infects about 60 percent to 70 percent of the population, said Dr. Michael T. Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, in an appearance on “Fox News Sunday.”

Experts have estimated that without a vaccine, about 70 percent of the population will need to be infected and develop immunity in order to stop the virus’s spread, a concept called herd immunity. The current number of confirmed cases in the United States is over 2 million, less than 1 percent of the U.S. population, according to a New York Times database.

And how do you expect us to reach herd immunity with everyone in lock down? We have a young population, allow them to get it because they aren’t affected by it, while the elderly can stay home.

At the full lockdown rate, it would take us 20 years to reach herd immunity.

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