The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

The only crook, liar, criminal and thief out there bigger than Hillary and the Clintons is the Big Mack-daddy himself, Barry Soetoro masquerading as an American citizen president who will probably never answer for his crimes at all because the Deep State protects presidents, except when they're Donald Trump.

But beyond that....the question that never gets asked.....and therefore may never get an answer is....
So now that we know...are we simply going to sit by while they do this to us all?

Are We The American People ripe for a Venezuelan coup right here at home due to the simple fact that.....noone stopped them?
It most certainly looks that way. I suspect we'll get what we've allowed as soon as the next Democrat/Progressive power grab takes place.

All that is required for evil men to prevail, is for good men to do.........nothing.
1. What makes him a war criminal?
Awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.
Curious that Trump has not yet cancelled the treaty. Is he a co-conspirator?
So you agree that the 'treaty' identifies Hussein Obama as a war criminal!

So you agree that keeping the treaty in place identifies Trump as a war criminal.


Gads, you're a moron.

"Iran nuclear deal: Donald Trump 'decertifies' 2015 pact"
Iran nuclear deal: Donald Trump 'decertifies' 2015 pact

What really put the burr under your saddle, you donkey, is the last line in the OP.
Trump's move does not immediately pull the US out of the deal but pushes action to the Republican-controlled US Congress. A tough-sounding action that does nothing but keep the treaty in effect and kick the can down the road. If Trump believes the treaty is so bad for the US keeping it even another day would be treason wouldn't it?

I swear if he flaps those wings fast enough he'll fly.

THIS is the face of Presidential material......
as Michal Moore & Rosie O'Donnell are the faces of fitness and femininity


I'll take the orange one over any of these three any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

I swear if he flaps those wings fast enough he'll fly.

THIS is the face of Presidential material......
as Michal Moore & Rosie O'Donnell are the faces of fitness and femininity


I'll take the orange one over any of these three any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Ever see an elephant fly???

Because the $1 billion dollars in drug trafficking and money laundering was taking place on U.S. soil that's why. Blatant criminal activity on U.S. soil and Obama ignored it because he didn't want his Iran deal interrupted.

Yawn. We only have a drug problem because we treat drugs like a criminal problem instead of a medical one.

Given that Big Pharma is pushing a lot more opioids than Hezbollah does, I can't get that worked up about it.

Dummy money laundering to buy weapons to commit terrorist attacks doesn't concern you? Your deflection to big pharma is laughable.
Hezbollah has not attacked the US, and repeatedly said it would not ... unless we change the rules by attacking it.

It's a presidential trade off. Hezbollah is not openly creating civil war in Lebanon and Iran doesn't have nuke. And we get cheaper cocaine.
...are we simply going to sit by while they do this to us all?

Are We The American People ripe for a Venezuelan coup right here at home due to the simple fact that.....noone stopped them?
It most certainly looks that way. I suspect we'll get what we've allowed as soon as the next Democrat/Progressive power grab takes place.

All that is required for evil men to prevail, is for good men to do.........nothing.

No one is sitting by.
The American people are not ripe for a Venezuelan coup.
We didn't do nothing.
We've put a real American True Patriot in the White House who believes in America and puts us first.

We stopped the Democratic coup d'état. We stopped Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Donald Trump is in there working 24/7 to unravel all the plans of the Leftist Socialist Global Cabal.

And Mueller's been served notice: YOU ARE BEING WATCHED. No way he can serve up Russian Collusion or any other charges on Trump now.
Because the $1 billion dollars in drug trafficking and money laundering was taking place on U.S. soil that's why. Blatant criminal activity on U.S. soil and Obama ignored it because he didn't want his Iran deal interrupted.

Yawn. We only have a drug problem because we treat drugs like a criminal problem instead of a medical one.

Given that Big Pharma is pushing a lot more opioids than Hezbollah does, I can't get that worked up about it.

Dummy money laundering to buy weapons to commit terrorist attacks doesn't concern you? Your deflection to big pharma is laughable.
Hezbollah has not attacked the US, and repeatedly said it would not ... unless we change the rules by attacking it.

It's a presidential trade off. Hezbollah is not openly creating civil war in Lebanon and Iran doesn't have nuke. And we get cheaper cocaine.

Allowing Hezbollah to launder drug money on U.S. soil is okay??? Can the average American citizen get away with that?
The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

"An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah's billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House's desire for a nuclear deal with Iran."

wow. the troubling part is people will still come out and defend obama. why do we care so much if iran has nuclear power one way or another? their issue, their problem but the hezbollah has been OUR problem for awhile.

sending billions to them on pallets
crap like this

trump can't even talk to the postman without a conspiracy theory coming up on his so i know damn good and well if he were to pull this crap the liberals would spontaneously combust in a trump fit of rage.

very long and detailed story. gonna take some time for this one to sink in to many.

as opposed to every other president?

Donald is not the subject of conspiracy theories. he's the beneficiary of his own actions.
The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

"An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah's billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House's desire for a nuclear deal with Iran."

wow. the troubling part is people will still come out and defend obama. why do we care so much if iran has nuclear power one way or another? their issue, their problem but the hezbollah has been OUR problem for awhile.

sending billions to them on pallets
crap like this

trump can't even talk to the postman without a conspiracy theory coming up on his so i know damn good and well if he were to pull this crap the liberals would spontaneously combust in a trump fit of rage.

very long and detailed story. gonna take some time for this one to sink in to many.

It isn't nuclear is a nuclear weapon. obama believes that all the problems in the muslim controlled countries are the fault of the U.S.....and he knows that countries with nuclear weapons, like North Korea, can't be pushed around by the he wanted Iran, who he sees as a victim, to get a nuclear weapon so they don't have to put up with the United is an ignorant understading of the world....and obama was stupid to allow them their path to nuclear weapons.
We have the same Zionist BS here every day.

Iran is not an enemy of the US.

Indeed, in the start of the "Terror War" after Israel/Zionism did 911 and the W/Zionism/media alliance lied about it, we went to war in Afghan after "Al Qaeda" which was an "ally" (really just one orphanage) of The Taliban. The Taliban was at war at the time with The Northern Alliance, armed and funded by, you guessed it, Iran under then moderate and pro-US leader Rafsanjani. We were supposed to ally with TNA against Taliban, but Master Israel didn't like it. Master Israel didn't want Iran to "win" in Afghan. So W did what he did for 8 straight years, he got on his knees, kissed the Star of David on Rupert Murdoch's rug, and sold out the TNA with the "Axis of Evil" bullshit, equating Iran with "Al Qaeda," and suggesting those allied with Iran were enemies. That was the end of our alliance with TNA, and it likely is about 2-300 of our US casualties in Afghan, all over a giant lie called 911....

Tell us again how building 7 was not subjected to CONTROLLED DEMOLITION....
Because the $1 billion dollars in drug trafficking and money laundering was taking place on U.S. soil that's why. Blatant criminal activity on U.S. soil and Obama ignored it because he didn't want his Iran deal interrupted.

Yawn. We only have a drug problem because we treat drugs like a criminal problem instead of a medical one.

Given that Big Pharma is pushing a lot more opioids than Hezbollah does, I can't get that worked up about it.

Dummy money laundering to buy weapons to commit terrorist attacks doesn't concern you? Your deflection to big pharma is laughable.
Hezbollah has not attacked the US, and repeatedly said it would not ... unless we change the rules by attacking it.

It's a presidential trade off. Hezbollah is not openly creating civil war in Lebanon and Iran doesn't have nuke. And we get cheaper cocaine.

Allowing Hezbollah to launder drug money on U.S. soil is okay??? Can the average American citizen get away with that?
No. Well .... maybe but it remains to be seen.

Seriously, If Trump let Vlad launder money in exchange for getting rid of NK's nukes, I be ok with it.
Dummy money laundering to buy weapons to commit terrorist attacks doesn't concern you? Your deflection to big pharma is laughable.

Doesn't bother me a bit. Terrorism and Drugs are problems of our own making.

He does not act alone, Un-Constitutionally, as Obama did. Trump put the onus back where it belongs / belonged the whole time - ON CONGRESS.

Actually, Congress approved that treaty. If Trump breaks it, he breaks faith with the rest of the world, and Iran can build whatever they want.
The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

"An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah's billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House's desire for a nuclear deal with Iran."

wow. the troubling part is people will still come out and defend obama. why do we care so much if iran has nuclear power one way or another? their issue, their problem but the hezbollah has been OUR problem for awhile.

sending billions to them on pallets
crap like this

trump can't even talk to the postman without a conspiracy theory coming up on his so i know damn good and well if he were to pull this crap the liberals would spontaneously combust in a trump fit of rage.

very long and detailed story. gonna take some time for this one to sink in to many.

It isn't nuclear is a nuclear weapon. obama believes that all the problems in the muslim controlled countries are the fault of the U.S.....and he knows that countries with nuclear weapons, like North Korea, can't be pushed around by the he wanted Iran, who he sees as a victim, to get a nuclear weapon so they don't have to put up with the United is an ignorant understading of the world....and obama was stupid to allow them their path to nuclear weapons.
i'm well aware. staying PC for now however.
Dummy money laundering to buy weapons to commit terrorist attacks doesn't concern you? Your deflection to big pharma is laughable.

Doesn't bother me a bit. Terrorism and Drugs are problems of our own making.

He does not act alone, Un-Constitutionally, as Obama did. Trump put the onus back where it belongs / belonged the whole time - ON CONGRESS.

Actually, Congress approved that treaty. If Trump breaks it, he breaks faith with the rest of the world, and Iran can build whatever they want.
Congress did not ratify the treaty. Obama entered into it Un-Constitutionally then took it to the UN for ratification BEFORE letting Congress see it.

More Obama Un-Constitutional acts...
Congress did not ratify the treaty. Obama entered into it Un-Constitutionally then took it to the UN for ratification BEFORE letting Congress see it.

More Obama Un-Constitutional acts...

After the Senate authorized him to do so... Most treaties are concluded this way, BTW.

Here's the thing you wingnuts don't get. That treaty was happening whether or not we went along. The Russians, Germans, Chinese, French and British were going to lift sanctions, regardless, in exchange for these inspections. and there wasn't a fucking thing Obama could do about it.
The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

"An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah's billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House's desire for a nuclear deal with Iran."

wow. the troubling part is people will still come out and defend obama. why do we care so much if iran has nuclear power one way or another? their issue, their problem but the hezbollah has been OUR problem for awhile.

sending billions to them on pallets
crap like this

trump can't even talk to the postman without a conspiracy theory coming up on his so i know damn good and well if he were to pull this crap the liberals would spontaneously combust in a trump fit of rage.

very long and detailed story. gonna take some time for this one to sink in to many.
Obama siding with Islamist terrorists?
Who woulda thunk.
The secret backstory of how Obama let Hezbollah off the hook

"An ambitious U.S. task force targeting Hezbollah's billion-dollar criminal enterprise ran headlong into the White House's desire for a nuclear deal with Iran."

wow. the troubling part is people will still come out and defend obama. why do we care so much if iran has nuclear power one way or another? their issue, their problem but the hezbollah has been OUR problem for awhile.

sending billions to them on pallets
crap like this

trump can't even talk to the postman without a conspiracy theory coming up on his so i know damn good and well if he were to pull this crap the liberals would spontaneously combust in a trump fit of rage.

very long and detailed story. gonna take some time for this one to sink in to many.

It isn't nuclear is a nuclear weapon. obama believes that all the problems in the muslim controlled countries are the fault of the U.S.....and he knows that countries with nuclear weapons, like North Korea, can't be pushed around by the he wanted Iran, who he sees as a victim, to get a nuclear weapon so they don't have to put up with the United is an ignorant understading of the world....and obama was stupid to allow them their path to nuclear weapons.

And, stemming from your post is this simple query:
Which is only one 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama advanced, praised, shielded from blame, has stood up for, deniedcriticism, defended.....

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