The Seditionists' Indictment You Can Read For Yourselves

The difference between the Mueller investigation and this is all the video documentation by the perps themselves, and the trumpists do not have anybody in power like AG Barr to mischaracterize what if found out prior to it becoming public. This crap is already in front of juries, and on television. The genie is out of the bottle, and I don't think you can put this one back, as everybody already knows it was real.

Dont think so. We haven't seen any footage nor testimony. Pelosi isn't allowing it. So, this is just more kabuki theatre and circus from the left. As always.
17. The conspirators carried out the conspiracy through the following manner and
means, among others:

a. Preparing for and coordinating travel to Washington, D.C., to use force to stop the
lawful transfer of presidential power;
b. Organizing into teams that were prepared and willing to use force and to transport
firearms and ammunition into Washington, D.C.;
c. Recruiting members and affiliates to participate in the conspiracy;
d. Organizing trainings to teach and learn paramilitary combat tactics;
e. Bringing and contributing firearms, ammunition, and related equipment to the QRF
staging areas outside Washington, D.C.;
f. Bringing and contributing paramilitary gear, weapons, and supplies-including
knives, batons, camouflaged combat uniforms, tactical vests with plates, helmets,
eye protection, and radio equipment-to the Capitol grounds;
g. Breaching and attempting to take control of the Capitol grounds and building on
January 6, 2021, in an effort to prevent, hinder, and delay the Certification of the
Electoral College vote;
h. Using force against law enforcement officers while inside the Capitol on January
6, 2021;
i. Continuing to plot, after January 6,2021, to oppose by force the lawful transfer of
presidential power; and
J. Using websites, social media, text messaging, and encrypted messaging
applications to communicate with co-conspirators and others.
17. The conspirators carried out the conspiracy through the following manner and
means, among others:

a. Preparing for and coordinating travel to Washington, D.C., to use force to stop the
lawful transfer of presidential power;
b. Organizing into teams that were prepared and willing to use force and to transport
firearms and ammunition into Washington, D.C.;
c. Recruiting members and affiliates to participate in the conspiracy;
d. Organizing trainings to teach and learn paramilitary combat tactics;
e. Bringing and contributing firearms, ammunition, and related equipment to the QRF
staging areas outside Washington, D.C.;
f. Bringing and contributing paramilitary gear, weapons, and supplies-including
knives, batons, camouflaged combat uniforms, tactical vests with plates, helmets,
eye protection, and radio equipment-to the Capitol grounds;
g. Breaching and attempting to take control of the Capitol grounds and building on
January 6, 2021, in an effort to prevent, hinder, and delay the Certification of the
Electoral College vote;
h. Using force against law enforcement officers while inside the Capitol on January
6, 2021;
i. Continuing to plot, after January 6,2021, to oppose by force the lawful transfer of
presidential power; and
J. Using websites, social media, text messaging, and encrypted messaging
applications to communicate with co-conspirators and others.
Looks pretty specific to me.
Dont think so. We haven't seen any footage nor testimony. Pelosi isn't allowing it. So, this is just more kabuki theatre and circus from the left. As always.
You think Mitch McConnell withheld also? He thinks trump is responsible. I tend to agree, but am not on a jury or likely to be called. Plenty of Republicans in both houses, who could have leaked your video if there was anything to leak. Lots of Republicans have leaked lots of crap. They haven't even written editorials alluding to any video. It makes it sound like you are grasping at straws, making crap up. I suspect the vast majority involved will go down and probably rat out others involved to save their own skin.
You think Mitch McConnell withheld also? He thinks trump is responsible. I tend to agree, but am not on a jury or likely to be called. Plenty of Republicans in both houses, who could have leaked your video if there was anything to leak. Lots of Republicans have leaked lots of crap. They haven't even written editorials alluding to any video. It makes it sound like you are grasping at straws, making crap up. I suspect the vast majority involved will go down and probably rat out others involved to save their own skin.

Naw, the feds always have shaky charges. Sure, the may get a mouse to squeal just to save himself but it won't amount to anything. McConnell is dirty and just another stooge who has made millions in the senate. Of course he hates trump because trump didn't uphold the establishment creed.
Naw, the feds always have shaky charges. Sure, the may get a mouse to squeal just to save himself but it won't amount to anything. McConnell is dirty and just another stooge who has made millions in the senate. Of course he hates trump because trump didn't uphold the establishment creed.
You really should read the indictment. I realize that is an enormous intellectual challenge for you as it is longer than a tweet, but Rhodes is going to prison.

"The media treated the date as a sort of new national holiday to reinforce the awfulness of former President Trump and his deplorable supporters. But all that hyperbole about that riot being the moral equivalent of the Confederates firing on Fort Sumter, Pearl Harbor, or even the 9/11 terrorist attacks hasn’t convinced many people living outside the leftist bubble of CNN, MSNBC, and The New York Times to believe Republicans are a party of insurrectionists."

Naw, the feds always have shaky charges. Sure, the may get a mouse to squeal just to save himself but it won't amount to anything. McConnell is dirty and just another stooge who has made millions in the senate. Of course he hates trump because trump didn't uphold the establishment creed.
Well, some truth to that. I am not a fan of either one, to be honest, which is not a strong suit for either one, nor Pelosi for that matter. I just don't think there are any secret videotapes that could clear the conspiracy to overthrow the election by Trump hand his assorted cronies, and certainly nothing that would justify the organization of an insurrection on the cheap, to overthrow the election and make voting no longer count.
You think none of the specifics in the indictment are illegal acts?

it's 114 pages, so I skimmed much of it, but I saw no actual crimes.


I see far worse from the average Nazi democrat here every day.

then you're a fucking retard. Not much else to say.

You seek to outlaw speech critical of your party.

Unless Garland and his goons can threaten the families of these men - which they will - they always do - but unless they can beat confessions out of these guys, they are all going to walk.

And Garland doesn't care - he's just looking to put on a show for the midterms. This is just campaigning for the Reich.
Nothing illegal.

Unless traveling to DC by enemies of the Reich is now a crime?

I mean, probably is, along with criticism of the party.

Bottom line, dissent against the Reich is now "sedition."
a. Preparing for and coordinating travel to Washington, D.C., to use force to stop the
lawful transfer of presidential power;
b. Organizing into teams that were prepared and willing to use force and to transport
firearms and ammunition into Washington, D.C.;
c. Recruiting members and affiliates to participate in the conspiracy;
d. Organizing trainings to teach and learn paramilitary combat tactics;
e. Bringing and contributing firearms, ammunition, and related equipment to the QRF
staging areas outside Washington, D.C.;
f. Bringing and contributing paramilitary gear, weapons, and supplies-including
knives, batons, camouflaged combat uniforms, tactical vests with plates, helmets,
eye protection, and radio equipment-to the Capitol grounds;
g. Breaching and attempting to take control of the Capitol grounds and building on
January 6, 2021, in an effort to prevent, hinder, and delay the Certification of the
Electoral College vote;
h. Using force against law enforcement officers while inside the Capitol on January
6, 2021;
i. Continuing to plot, after January 6,2021, to oppose by force the lawful transfer of
presidential power; and
J. Using websites, social media, text messaging, and encrypted messaging
applications to communicate with co-conspirators and others.
And then there's item 3 page TWO
Conspired with co-defendants to by force obstruct the transfer of power

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