The Sham Trial Against Trump

I'm not hearing anything that is relevant to the facts of the matter. I does not appear the bank was required to do appraisals on every property. Remember, these other properties were not being used as actual collateral, but to indicate the financial health of Trump's organization.

Either way, lying on these forms is illegal and fraud.
I appraised maybe thousands of residential property at my firm. I do not understand why you are so confused. Can you document for us all that that those forms were a legal form that one swears by an oath is true?

I also owned a Mortgage firm but for the life of me can't recall having to put customers under a legal oath and have them testify to the forms submitted being the truth.
We would always simply verify everything they said and we determined if the forms were truth or not. If wrong, an adjustment to their loan would be one option as a lender.
I realize talking to you that you make claims you can't substantiate.

The testimony from the executives from Deutsche Bank speaks for itself and definitely contradicts your unsubstantiated claims.
And what was the German's bank testifying to? Show proof the bank ignored obtaining evidence the forms were honest?

By the way, I posted the FDIC laws proving I am posting honestly. And you did not so much as show the proof you allege came from the bank.
No one is requiring they be "expert" appraisers. We aren't talking about errors. We are talking about deliberate fabrications.
I see you do not understand. I doubt you ever will.
Still waiting to cite that law. Perhaps you know more than the bank executives.

Haigh testified that when Trump approached the bank for loans, he offered several properties as collateral, including his Doral golf course and his Chicago hotel and condo building. Those properties alone, Haigh said, would not ordinarily have been enough. Haigh, who was head of risk assessment for the Deutsche’s private wealth management division—a division that handles banking for very wealthy clients—said that it was unusual for a customer to try to offer those types of properties as collateral.

“In general terms, my conclusion was the client owned a lot of real estate, a lot of golf courses, which I didn’t know how to value,” Haigh said.

Fancy houses, works of art, or planes were more typical big-ticket items offered for collateral, he said. With Trump offering golf courses and condo projects instead, Haigh said, the bank relied on Trump’s guarantee that he could use his personal wealth to cover the loans if his business went bad. And, Haigh said, Deutsche agreed to that arrangement based on the documents Trump provided. James’ now charges that those same documents were fraudulent.

LOL He really testified to that? 'I didn't know what I was doing?' LOL
I appraised maybe thousands of residential property at my firm. I do not understand why you are so confused. Can you document for us all that that those forms were a legal form that one swears by an oath is true?

I also owned a Mortgage firm but for the life of me can't recall having to put customers under a legal oath and have them testify to the forms submitted being the truth.
We would always simply verify everything they said and we determined if the forms were truth or not. If wrong, an adjustment to their loan would be one option as a lender.
They don't have to go under oath, the law states that you to be truthful when you create financial statements.

I do not intend to. I did post the relevant laws from the FDIC. But trust me, I am not operating as your reader service. It says enough to prove the banks are heavily regulated on this issue.
The bank execs owe a legal fiduciary duty to their shareholders. End of story.
You all know very well if this happens to Biden over loans on his property, you will twist and turn like a top. You excused Biden for secret papers at his residence. We know very well how you operate.

I wouldn't.

If Biden had a history of persistant fraudulant and illegal filings of Statements of Financial Conditions to investors, banks, and insurance companies - charge him.

And what was the German's bank testifying to? Show proof the bank ignored obtaining evidence the forms were honest?

By the way, I posted the FDIC laws proving I am posting honestly. And you did not so much as show the proof you allege came from the bank.
It's not particularly honest to cite the entire code book and claim that it backs up your specific claim. A citation needs to be specific.

This describes the testimony pretty well.
You of course are free to believe whatever you want. However when you make them part of legally required Statements of Financial Conditions then you are required to adhere to generally accepted accounting practices.

When you 3 triple the size of a property from 10,996 square feet to 30,000 square feet, that is not subjective. (Trump Penthouse)

When you inflate the value of the property based on subdivisions that have not been made and include buildings that have not been built, that is not subjective. (Seven Springs)

When you inflate the value of rent controlled apartment by treating them as non-rent controlled, that is not subjective. (New York City properties).

When you inflate the value of a property that is deed limited preventing subdivision, requires preservation of a historical site, prevents subdividion, and prevents other construction and treat commercial property (social club) as residential property, that is not subjective. (Mar A Lago).


Sorry, just because you don't like it makes it fake news.

The bank execs owe a legal fiduciary duty to their shareholders. End of story.

I agee, maybe they should sue the Trump Organization since it's been shown that FPOTUS#45 and the Trump Organization used persistent fraudulent and illegal business processes.

Just because the State won on it's fraud claim does not preclude the investors, banks, and insurance carriers from filing their own civil suit. There is no double jeopardy in civil cases.

I agee, maybe they should sue the Trump Organization since it's been shown that FPOTUS#45 and the Trump Organization used persistent fraudulent and illegal business processes.

Just because the State won on it's fraud claim does not preclude the investors, banks, and insurance carriers from filing their own civil suit. There is no double jeopardy in civil cases.

Nope, Maren just posted the testimony of the bank exec saying that he didn't know what the fuck he was doing, Their suit is against the bank
Nope, the first part of the trail was the judge determining guilty or innocent since Trump did not request a jury for that. this is the 2nd phase of the trial.
And Trump's attorneys were the ones asking for a summary judgement in the first part of the trial. That is essentially the defense admitting to the facts presented.
It’s almost impossible to get away with committing a crime by arguing selective prosecution.
Unless it's SO blatant that it's impossible to ignore? Like if you prosecute your political enemy with a charge that hasn't been leveled against ANYONE else...EVER?
Unless it's SO blatant that it's impossible to ignore? Like if you prosecute your political enemy with a charge that hasn't been leveled against ANYONE else...EVER?
What charge has never been leveled against anyone? Specifically.
Unless it's SO blatant that it's impossible to ignore? Like if you prosecute your political enemy with a charge that hasn't been leveled against ANYONE else...EVER?

People v. Barclays Capital, Inc., 47 Misc. 3d 862, 871 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2015)
New York v. Princess Prestige, 42 N.Y.2d 104 (N.Y. 1977)
People v. Mean LLC (2023)

I'm sure someone with access to the New York State Court system could find more cases under NYS Law 63(12).

People v. Barclays Capital, Inc., 47 Misc. 3d 862, 871 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2015)
New York v. Princess Prestige, 42 N.Y.2d 104 (N.Y. 1977)
People v. Mean LLC (2023)

I'm sure someone with access to the New York State Court system could find more cases under NYS Law 63(12).

Yes, we've been through that already. Those are not precedent for the case against Trump
Trump is corrupt. I thought you would have gotten this by now. If he wasn't, he wouldn't be in the situations he's in. And this is just the low hanging fruit trial. But in some ways, it's bigger than the other three trials. This one goes to to the heart of Trump's four decades of bragging about "The Art of the Deal" and him being this successful, savvy businessman. When in fact, he lost all his daddy's money and then proceeded to scam and fraud his way through the next decades. The fine coming from this trial may bankrupt him and take away his family's right to do business in the state of NY. More than that, it will forever dispel the notion that Trump is anything but a grifting con artist. :)
Yet, Trump keeps gaining ground and Joey is losing ground. Make America great again.

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