The shameful right wing spinning of the Charleston shooting

Slow down Hazel....first we have to figure out if it was a hate crime....was it terrorism...was it slavery...was it the crusades...was it lack of infrastructure...too few jobs...poor education...gender identity confusion...or just another maladjusted moron, exhibiting all the signs, and being ignored until he acted out.

If you read that news articles you would know that this is about race and the crazy person who did this wanted to start a race war.

White suspect charged with murder in attack on black U.S. church -

Here's the very first paragraph of the article.

A 21-year-old white man has been charged with nine counts of murder for an attack on a historic black South Carolina church, local police said on Friday, with media reporting that he had hoped his actions would incite a race war in the United States.

Get off left wing news sites and you'd know he was taking medication to control violent outbursts. He's just another nut that went berserk.

Aol is a left wing site?

Wow you people are really reaching on this one.

The facts speak loudly. This is a racists who set out to start a race war.

You don't have to like the truth. You do have to accept the truth.

Yeah AOL is leftist, think Huffpo, dumb ass. The truth is the kid was nuts. There you have it, now run along, you're too stupid to live, clown face

So you don't like AOL news how about The Atlantic Constitution?

You're so full of hate it oozes from your posts.

Oh, and thank you for letting me know my avatar still upsets you and rest of you right wingers. That made my day.

Roof wanted ‘race war’, faces 9 counts of murder in church... |

If you don't like that site just click the link below. It's to the Bing search I did on the subject. Just pick the article of your choice. It's all over the news and will probably be all over the news for a while.

Stupidity oozes from your account, starting with your idiotic avatar.
Are you arguing this kid was a well adjusted mentally healthy person?
If you read that news articles you would know that this is about race and the crazy person who did this wanted to start a race war.

White suspect charged with murder in attack on black U.S. church -

Here's the very first paragraph of the article.

A 21-year-old white man has been charged with nine counts of murder for an attack on a historic black South Carolina church, local police said on Friday, with media reporting that he had hoped his actions would incite a race war in the United States.

Get off left wing news sites and you'd know he was taking medication to control violent outbursts. He's just another nut that went berserk.


Aol is a left wing site?

Wow you people are really reaching on this one.

The facts speak loudly. This is a racists who set out to start a race war.

You don't have to like the truth. You do have to accept the truth.

Yeah AOL is leftist, think Huffpo, dumb ass. The truth is the kid was nuts. There you have it, now run along, you're too stupid to live, clown face

So you don't like AOL news how about The Atlantic Constitution?

You're so full of hate it oozes from your posts.

Oh, and thank you for letting me know my avatar still upsets you and rest of you right wingers. That made my day.

Roof wanted ‘race war’, faces 9 counts of murder in church... |

If you don't like that site just click the link below. It's to the Bing search I did on the subject. Just pick the article of your choice. It's all over the news and will probably be all over the news for a while.

A twenty one year old punk wants to start a race war? How about the millions and millions of other young people who prefer peace and national unity? Libtard hysteria is showing.

Your projection is showing.

You believe that everyone who isn't like you are all alike. So since you believe that, you expect all of us who don't share your views to do the exact same thing.

I don't see what one person does whether they're liberal or conservative as what all liberals or conservatives do.

This isn't a one or two size fits all world.

The crazy person who did this was a conservative who wanted to start a race war. If you want to believe that all conservatives want that, go ahead but I think you would be in the minority.

Now, back to the subject at hand. The crazy person who did this wanted to start a race war. Do you have any comments about that or are you going to continue to try to change the subject?
If you read that news articles you would know that this is about race and the crazy person who did this wanted to start a race war.

White suspect charged with murder in attack on black U.S. church -

Here's the very first paragraph of the article.

A 21-year-old white man has been charged with nine counts of murder for an attack on a historic black South Carolina church, local police said on Friday, with media reporting that he had hoped his actions would incite a race war in the United States.

Get off left wing news sites and you'd know he was taking medication to control violent outbursts. He's just another nut that went berserk.

Aol is a left wing site?

Wow you people are really reaching on this one.

The facts speak loudly. This is a racists who set out to start a race war.

You don't have to like the truth. You do have to accept the truth.

Yeah AOL is leftist, think Huffpo, dumb ass. The truth is the kid was nuts. There you have it, now run along, you're too stupid to live, clown face

So you don't like AOL news how about The Atlantic Constitution?

You're so full of hate it oozes from your posts.

Oh, and thank you for letting me know my avatar still upsets you and rest of you right wingers. That made my day.

Roof wanted ‘race war’, faces 9 counts of murder in church... |

If you don't like that site just click the link below. It's to the Bing search I did on the subject. Just pick the article of your choice. It's all over the news and will probably be all over the news for a while.


That's all over the news, I don't need Bing nor do I use Bing. Now GFY, clown face

If you know it's all over the news then why did you claim that it's from a left wing news source so it's not true?

I showed your lies for what they are.

Thank you so much for letting me know that my avatar bothers you a lot. I'm having a lot of fun with it.
Get off left wing news sites and you'd know he was taking medication to control violent outbursts. He's just another nut that went berserk.

Aol is a left wing site?

Wow you people are really reaching on this one.

The facts speak loudly. This is a racists who set out to start a race war.

You don't have to like the truth. You do have to accept the truth.

Yeah AOL is leftist, think Huffpo, dumb ass. The truth is the kid was nuts. There you have it, now run along, you're too stupid to live, clown face

So you don't like AOL news how about The Atlantic Constitution?

You're so full of hate it oozes from your posts.

Oh, and thank you for letting me know my avatar still upsets you and rest of you right wingers. That made my day.

Roof wanted ‘race war’, faces 9 counts of murder in church... |

If you don't like that site just click the link below. It's to the Bing search I did on the subject. Just pick the article of your choice. It's all over the news and will probably be all over the news for a while.


That's all over the news, I don't need Bing nor do I use Bing. Now GFY, clown face

If you know it's all over the news then why did you claim that it's from a left wing news source so it's not true?

I showed your lies for what they are.

Thank you so much for letting me know that my avatar bothers you a lot. I'm having a lot of fun with it.

Clown face, loosen up your girl panties and get past the idea I take anyone using a clown for an avatar with a grain of salt
Every side is putting their own spin on this horror. Everyone wants to accuse the other of spinning it for selfish reasons.
This was murder, downright evil. Plain and simple.
Now, please, resume your rational discourse. The world needs more BS right now.
Crikey. :eusa_eh:
Aol is a left wing site?

Wow you people are really reaching on this one.

The facts speak loudly. This is a racists who set out to start a race war.

You don't have to like the truth. You do have to accept the truth.

Yeah AOL is leftist, think Huffpo, dumb ass. The truth is the kid was nuts. There you have it, now run along, you're too stupid to live, clown face

So you don't like AOL news how about The Atlantic Constitution?

You're so full of hate it oozes from your posts.

Oh, and thank you for letting me know my avatar still upsets you and rest of you right wingers. That made my day.

Roof wanted ‘race war’, faces 9 counts of murder in church... |

If you don't like that site just click the link below. It's to the Bing search I did on the subject. Just pick the article of your choice. It's all over the news and will probably be all over the news for a while.


That's all over the news, I don't need Bing nor do I use Bing. Now GFY, clown face

If you know it's all over the news then why did you claim that it's from a left wing news source so it's not true?

I showed your lies for what they are.

Thank you so much for letting me know that my avatar bothers you a lot. I'm having a lot of fun with it.

Clown face, loosen up your girl panties and get past the idea I take anyone using a clown for an avatar with a grain of salt

It's you who has their panties in a twist. I showed your post for what it is. A lie. Now you are resorting to personal attacks and insults.

Which shows you know you lost the debate a long time ago.

Keep letting me know how much my avatar bothers you. You're letting me know it's doing it's job very well. Thank you very much for making my day with that information!
Yeah AOL is leftist, think Huffpo, dumb ass. The truth is the kid was nuts. There you have it, now run along, you're too stupid to live, clown face

So you don't like AOL news how about The Atlantic Constitution?

You're so full of hate it oozes from your posts.

Oh, and thank you for letting me know my avatar still upsets you and rest of you right wingers. That made my day.

Roof wanted ‘race war’, faces 9 counts of murder in church... |

If you don't like that site just click the link below. It's to the Bing search I did on the subject. Just pick the article of your choice. It's all over the news and will probably be all over the news for a while.


That's all over the news, I don't need Bing nor do I use Bing. Now GFY, clown face

If you know it's all over the news then why did you claim that it's from a left wing news source so it's not true?

I showed your lies for what they are.

Thank you so much for letting me know that my avatar bothers you a lot. I'm having a lot of fun with it.

Clown face, loosen up your girl panties and get past the idea I take anyone using a clown for an avatar with a grain of salt

It's you who has their panties in a twist. I showed your post for what it is. A lie. Now you are resorting to personal attacks and insults.

Which shows you know you lost the debate a long time ago.

Keep letting me know how much my avatar bothers you. You're letting me know it's doing it's job very well. Thank you very much for making my day with that information!

:anj_stfu: :asshole:
Are liberals doing anything useful on this issue besides using it to smear conservatives or white people or use it as a poltical tool to bring up more moronic arguments for guncontrol. No? Didn't think so. Shame on you.
NO they are not. They are seizing on it to demonize whites, southerners, the Confederate legacy, America, gun owners, and anyone else they consider an enemy.
But this is typical to take one off the wall example and try to extrapolate to a whole class of people.

Never let a crisis go to waste....


Ignore that man behind the curtain. Also, pretend that nothing bad happened, if it has anything to do with racist gunman who slaughter innocent people.

Fact: The kid was mental and dopes like you overlook that to promote your agenda....just like the majority of these shootings

Oh! Mental cases with guns is not an issue in the USA? Sure could have fooled me!
No, the main issue of Christianity I'd bring up here is the denial and depriving of public access to and knowledge
that Christian spiritual healing can cure schizophrenia and other mental or criminal illness, as in the shooter.

hazlnut because people like you want to rag on and reject Christians as bad bad bad this has reinforced social barriers and obstructs the lifesaving approach of medically researching spiritual healing as the cure
to the very drug addiction and sickness that contribute to deaths and tragedy as here. That's another tragedy.

The political division and demonization must stop. You are quick to point out when the rightwing does it, but don't equally police the left for half the denial, division and damage to society caused by mutual rejection.

The shameful right wing spinning of the Charleston shooting has begun


Shame on you, Rick Santorum, for trying to imply this is about “religious liberty” and not about racism.

Shame on you, Brian Kilmeade, for trying to confuse the issue and pretend that there’s any doubt about what happened here.

Shame on Fox & Friends to try to exploit this incident to help gun manufacturers sell more guns.

Also, shame on Fox & Friends for trying to spin this as an attack on Christians for being Christians, as if it had nothing to do with race.

Man, before the week is out, it appears that the official right wing narrative on this will be that it was an attack on “faith” and the response needs to be to sell more guns and take away more birth control pills. For shame.
The Left spins it one way...

The Right spins it another way...

Both sides of the aisle engage in petty and shameful exploitation of situations like this.



Meanwhile, in other news...

This is yet another in a long and growing list of Poster Children for better Gun Control.

Gun Control does not mean grabbing guns.

Gun Control means taking common-sense steps to reduce the number of head-cases and bad guys who can get their hands on one.

Gun Control means introducing more owner-accountability into the mix.

Gun Control means national standards for personal licensing and weapon registration and sales and transfers and such.

Personally, I'm a huge fan of the Second Amendment.

I'm also a huge fan of the concept of national standards, with some teeth in them.

Regardless of the naysayers and obstructionists who point to half-assed efforts elsewhere, that don't work very well.

Done right... with a little vision and imagination and hard work... we can undertake dramatic reforms that prove both effective and palatable.

HI Kondor3
What do you think of having an agreement that the Second Amendment in
referring to the right of the people, means "law abiding citizens"

Could we have an agreement that's how the law is to be applied, defended and interpreted?
If all citizens went through the same training and oath a military or police officer has to undergo
in order to use weapons, and go through training to enforce the Constitution, respect due process,
and follow given procedures when apprehending someone, wouldn't that solve the problem?
by agreeing on PROCEDURES by which citizens, like police, are authorized to use firearms
to DEFEND the law and to follow set procedures, not abuse them to violate laws or due process.

by agreeing to INTERPRET and enforce the law to mean LAW ABIDING citizens have the right to bear arms, that clearly stops this fear it is going to enable CRIMINALS to abuse weapons to violate laws. That is not the intent of the Second Amendment to enable anyone to abuse firearms, it is implied the point is to defend and enforce Constitutional laws from abuses by others.

So we shouldn't have to "go make more laws trying to limit criminal access to guns" when this isn't what is meant or justified by the Second Amendment in the first place. And then we won't have to fight more battles to stop such laws from infringing on law abiding citizens. We can cut the loop short by agreeing from the beginning the Second Amendment is about the use of firearms by law abiding citizens to DEFENSE Constitutional law, order and due process; and in no way justifies abuse of firearms to defy defeat violate or abuse laws or due process of justice.
Last edited:
So you don't like AOL news how about The Atlantic Constitution?

You're so full of hate it oozes from your posts.

Oh, and thank you for letting me know my avatar still upsets you and rest of you right wingers. That made my day.

Roof wanted ‘race war’, faces 9 counts of murder in church... |

If you don't like that site just click the link below. It's to the Bing search I did on the subject. Just pick the article of your choice. It's all over the news and will probably be all over the news for a while.


That's all over the news, I don't need Bing nor do I use Bing. Now GFY, clown face

If you know it's all over the news then why did you claim that it's from a left wing news source so it's not true?

I showed your lies for what they are.

Thank you so much for letting me know that my avatar bothers you a lot. I'm having a lot of fun with it.

Clown face, loosen up your girl panties and get past the idea I take anyone using a clown for an avatar with a grain of salt

It's you who has their panties in a twist. I showed your post for what it is. A lie. Now you are resorting to personal attacks and insults.

Which shows you know you lost the debate a long time ago.

Keep letting me know how much my avatar bothers you. You're letting me know it's doing it's job very well. Thank you very much for making my day with that information!

:anj_stfu: :asshole:

Looks like you just don't like people showing you're a liar.

Too bad.

Deal with it.
Frankly, I am surprised that this has not happened in SC long before now. I grew up in Georgia, and SC made us appear to be sophisticated, educated, and enlightened by comparison. The state is stuck in the 19th century. Racism there is considered their heritage for which they take pride. They are still proud of firing the first shots in the civil war. They are highly suspicious of education, and anyone who came from north of North Carolina. if you are not a Christian, they are more than surprised. they simply don't believe that there is anyone who is not. When traveling through the state, avoid getting off of the main roads. They don't need you, and as Dylan once said, ", they expect the same"
The shameful right wing spinning of the Charleston shooting has begun


Shame on you, Rick Santorum, for trying to imply this is about “religious liberty” and not about racism.

Shame on you, Brian Kilmeade, for trying to confuse the issue and pretend that there’s any doubt about what happened here.

Shame on Fox & Friends to try to exploit this incident to help gun manufacturers sell more guns.

Also, shame on Fox & Friends for trying to spin this as an attack on Christians for being Christians, as if it had nothing to do with race.

Man, before the week is out, it appears that the official right wing narrative on this will be that it was an attack on “faith” and the response needs to be to sell more guns and take away more birth control pills. For shame.

It's Obama and the liberals who started spinning the minute they heard about this.

The guy does not represent anyone but himself. His reasons are insane. He is seriously demented.

He indicated that race was his reason. His reason. He alone must answer for that. He is a crazy person who was going to eventually hurt or kill people. He and others like him exist and they will eventually find something to obsess about. It can be anything. He is no different than the whacko radical Muslims who randomly kill infidels. It makes no sense to anyone but them.

What the left is doing is exploiting this tragedy to further their agenda.

Obama wasted no time calling for more gun control. Never mind that all the laws on the books didn't stop this and will never stop these lunatics from killing.

He entered a gun-free zone. The law in SC says churches, schools, etc are gun free zones. Mass murderers ALWAYS choose gun free zones. We never learn.

He had been charged with a felony drug possession and was not allowed to own a gun.

His father broke the law by buying a gun and giving it to him.

Murder has always been against the law.

4 laws broken as this crazy asshole murdered innocent people. None of those laws stopped him. More laws will not stop people like him.

I don't think this is about religious freedom. While that seems to be under attack, I think this sociopath just did what every other psycho did and chose a gun free zone to release his demons on. Why he chose a church rather than a movie theater or school, who knows. Maybe because the church was closer or there were less people to deal with.

I felt sick when the guy said he almost didn't go through with it because the people were so nice. Yet, he did. It's not a political statement. It's a crazy guy who found a excuse to kill people. Some serial killers choose people for the lamest reasons. Maybe the victims look like the girl who rejected him or maybe they remind him of his mother. None of the reasons for murdering random people ever makes sense and it never will. It doesn't matter which excuse they settle on. Their reasons are theirs alone and they can obsess over the most minor issues. You cannot blame anyone else, except his father in this case for breaking the law to make sure this killer had a gun. I also believe that if the guy hadn't been given a gun, he would have found another way to kill.

Before you bash the entire right for one guy making a comment about religion, try listening to the number of liberals who are trying to pin this on the news or talk shows. Now that is stupid. I would hope the left is intelligent enough to blame the killer and not others who don't condone any violence.
The shameful right wing spinning of the Charleston shooting has begun


Shame on you, Rick Santorum, for trying to imply this is about “religious liberty” and not about racism.

Shame on you, Brian Kilmeade, for trying to confuse the issue and pretend that there’s any doubt about what happened here.

Shame on Fox & Friends to try to exploit this incident to help gun manufacturers sell more guns.

Also, shame on Fox & Friends for trying to spin this as an attack on Christians for being Christians, as if it had nothing to do with race.

Man, before the week is out, it appears that the official right wing narrative on this will be that it was an attack on “faith” and the response needs to be to sell more guns and take away more birth control pills. For shame.

It's Obama and the liberals who started spinning the minute they heard about this.

The guy does not represent anyone but himself. His reasons are insane. He is seriously demented.

He indicated that race was his reason. His reason. He alone must answer for that. He is a crazy person who was going to eventually hurt or kill people. He and others like him exist and they will eventually find something to obsess about. It can be anything. He is no different than the whacko radical Muslims who randomly kill infidels. It makes no sense to anyone but them.

What the left is doing is exploiting this tragedy to further their agenda.

Obama wasted no time calling for more gun control. Never mind that all the laws on the books didn't stop this and will never stop these lunatics from killing.

He entered a gun-free zone. The law in SC says churches, schools, etc are gun free zones. Mass murderers ALWAYS choose gun free zones. We never learn.

He had been charged with a felony drug possession and was not allowed to own a gun.

His father broke the law by buying a gun and giving it to him.

Murder has always been against the law.

4 laws broken as this crazy asshole murdered innocent people. None of those laws stopped him. More laws will not stop people like him.

I don't think this is about religious freedom. While that seems to be under attack, I think this sociopath just did what every other psycho did and chose a gun free zone to release his demons on. Why he chose a church rather than a movie theater or school, who knows. Maybe because the church was closer or there were less people to deal with.

I felt sick when the guy said he almost didn't go through with it because the people were so nice. Yet, he did. It's not a political statement. It's a crazy guy who found a excuse to kill people. Some serial killers choose people for the lamest reasons. Maybe the victims look like the girl who rejected him or maybe they remind him of his mother. None of the reasons for murdering random people ever makes sense and it never will. It doesn't matter which excuse they settle on. Their reasons are theirs alone and they can obsess over the most minor issues. You cannot blame anyone else, except his father in this case for breaking the law to make sure this killer had a gun. I also believe that if the guy hadn't been given a gun, he would have found another way to kill.

Before you bash the entire right for one guy making a comment about religion, try listening to the number of liberals who are trying to pin this on the news or talk shows. Now that is stupid. I would hope the left is intelligent enough to blame the killer and not others who don't condone any violence.

i didn't even get past the part where you say that his father bought him a gun.

He bought it himself with money his father gave him.

Not that it matters. I expect the NRA will start a campaign of sending gun catalogs to churches everywhere in partnership with choir robe retailers, complete with options to have a sewn in holster in the inside lining of each choir robe.
we should really see what this poor boy was led to believe before making any conclusions, amirite libs?

and btw notice how the godless libs are acting all upset because Christians were killed. I wonder if they were white ; would they give a shit?

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