The shameful right wing spinning of the Charleston shooting

Slow down Hazel....first we have to figure out if it was a hate crime....was it terrorism...was it slavery...was it the crusades...was it lack of infrastructure...too few jobs...poor education...gender identity confusion...or just another maladjusted moron, exhibiting all the signs, and being ignored until he acted out.

If you read that news articles you would know that this is about race and the crazy person who did this wanted to start a race war.

White suspect charged with murder in attack on black U.S. church -

Here's the very first paragraph of the article.

A 21-year-old white man has been charged with nine counts of murder for an attack on a historic black South Carolina church, local police said on Friday, with media reporting that he had hoped his actions would incite a race war in the United States.

Get off left wing news sites and you'd know he was taking medication to control violent outbursts. He's just another nut that went berserk.

Aol is a left wing site?

Wow you people are really reaching on this one.

The facts speak loudly. This is a racists who set out to start a race war.

You don't have to like the truth. You do have to accept the truth.

Yeah AOL is leftist, think Huffpo, dumb ass. The truth is the kid was nuts. There you have it, now run along, you're too stupid to live, clown face
Trying to dismiss bigotry as "nuts" exposes you as "nuts". But we already knew that.
A liberal calling someone shameful???????????? Please! there is nothing more shameful than a liberal these days. A liberal smells of disgusting shame. Anyone that voted for OBAMA and the likes of Pelosi and Reid should be very ashamed.

No deflection just truth and you all know you should hang your heads in shame but your stupid misplaced pride won't allow you to admit how fucked up you all have made our once beautiful nation. Next year that all changes...we are going to take back our nation from the snibbling little bitches that run it now. Live it love it learn it!
Slow down Hazel....first we have to figure out if it was a hate crime....was it terrorism...was it slavery...was it the crusades...was it lack of infrastructure...too few jobs...poor education...gender identity confusion...or just another maladjusted moron, exhibiting all the signs, and being ignored until he acted out.

If you read that news articles you would know that this is about race and the crazy person who did this wanted to start a race war.

White suspect charged with murder in attack on black U.S. church -

Here's the very first paragraph of the article.

A 21-year-old white man has been charged with nine counts of murder for an attack on a historic black South Carolina church, local police said on Friday, with media reporting that he had hoped his actions would incite a race war in the United States.

Get off left wing news sites and you'd know he was taking medication to control violent outbursts. He's just another nut that went berserk.

Aol is a left wing site?

Wow you people are really reaching on this one.

The facts speak loudly. This is a racists who set out to start a race war.

You don't have to like the truth. You do have to accept the truth.

Yeah AOL is leftist, think Huffpo, dumb ass. The truth is the kid was nuts. There you have it, now run along, you're too stupid to live, clown face
Trying to dismiss bigotry as "nuts" exposes you as "nuts". But we already knew that.
Are you saying that bigotry is somehow rational and well founded?
The evidence speaks for itself. Every time someone who thinks they are a right winger on this forum is talking about blacks or Mexicans or Muslims or gays, it is always in a negative light.

You cannot escape that truth. You can try to throw up the corpse of Robert Byrd all the live long day, it won't work.

Everyone can see it for themselves. The best part is that even though I have made you aware of this behavior, you will not be able to stop yourselves. You hate minorities so much, you will not be able to stop yourselves from continuing to slam them.

Even when you don't say "Mexicans", when you talk about "illegal immigrants", it is Mexicans whose faces will be dancing before your eyes as you write.

Even when you don't say "Negroes", when you talk about food stamps and blame the CRA for the housing crash, it will be negro faces that will be dancing before your eyes as you write.

Have a nice hateful day!
A liberal calling someone shameful???????????? Please! there is nothing more shameful than a liberal these days. A liberal smells of disgusting shame. Anyone that voted for OBAMA and the likes of Pelosi and Reid should be very ashamed.
You bigots really are unbelievable in your attempts to deflect attention from your guilt. But please continue trying, it exposes your desperation.
A 'long, long time ago'?

You mean like Robert KKK Byrd? The longest serving member of the US Senate and former Grand Kleagle of the KKK?

Or Harry Truman, former dimocrap POS-TUS and member of the KKK?

Or Hugo Black, former SCOTUS Justice and author of the phony 'Separation of Church and State' doctrine and member of the KKK who also successfully defended a brother KKK member of murdering a Catholic Priest?

How about the 1924 dimocrap scum convention, aka; The Klanbake?

the KKK is totally and completely and absolutely a dimocrap scum invention. Fucking period.

It was the dimocrap scum terrorist arm. Just like the NBPP, the Occupy Movement and the Black Lives Matter crowd of today is the dimocrap scum terrorist arm.

All dimocrap scum have done is switched from being White racists to being Black racists

you are scum
Every single person you named in the KKK was a long time ago, yes.

That's what revisionist retards like you have to do. You have to go way back, and then pretend it has some relevance to the modern 21st century Democratic party while ignoring more recent history.

Massive lies of omission.

The Democratic party has a lot of evils and problems, but being a branch of the KKK is one of the most stupidest brain damaged attempts at a smear going.

Like I said. No one is fooled. Except tards like you who parrot that shit.
Robert Byrd died, what 10 years ago? Anf that was a long time?
But the Civil Rights Movement was 50 years ago and you assholes claim the modern GOP is made up of people who migrated from the Democratic Party of the 1960s.
50 years ago. Yep. A long time ago.

Robert Byrd was a member of the KKK a long, long time ago. What part of this are you having trouble comprehending?

The Southern Strategy worked very well. It attracted negrophobes to the Republican party. Worked like a charm.

I am not kidding when I say you have to be mentally retarded to associate the KKK to the modern day Democratic party. I do not mean that figuratively. You actually have to work very hard at convincing yourself of such a thing. It is a willfull kind of ignorance and stupidity. And astonishing phenomenon to behold, really.

You cannot ignore the simple fact that every right winger on this forum talks about blacks and Mexicans and gays and Muslims in a negative light every single time. You do not see left wingers doing that.

QED, you're a fucking willfully stupid retard.
As far as I know you are a white girl...and we disparage you far more than those you whine about.
Wow. This is such a stupid statement, I don't know where to begin.

It is astonishing how hard you avoid looking in the mirror.

You can try to throw me around all you like, but that is not the same thing as slamming entire races and creeds of people EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU TALK ABOUT THEM.
Oh come now...if anyone on this board pukes out stupid statements it's you. Daily troll.
The evidence speaks for itself. Every time someone who thinks they are a right winger on this forum is talking about blacks or Mexicans or Muslims or gays, it is always in a negative light.

You cannot escape that truth. You can try to throw up the corpse of Robert Byrd all the live long day, it won't work.

Everyone can see it for themselves. The best part is that even though I have made you aware of this behavior, you will not be able to stop yourselves. You hate minorities so much, you will not be able to stop yourselves from continuing to slam them.

Have a nice hateful day!
Actually I see the libs here speaking negatively about blacks. I see them excusing black crime, rationalizing black welfare dependency and maintaining that blacks cannot get ahead with Big Daddy Gov't helping them. I see them demonizing black men like Ben Carson and Clarence Thomas as Uncle Toms, demonizing black women like Mia Love as "tokens".
The conservatives are opposed to all this. That you think that's racism shows you're an idiot.
A liberal calling someone shameful???????????? Please! there is nothing more shameful than a liberal these days. A liberal smells of disgusting shame. Anyone that voted for OBAMA and the likes of Pelosi and Reid should be very ashamed.
You bigots really are unbelievable in your attempts to deflect attention from your guilt. But please continue trying, it exposes your desperation.
There are no greater bigots and race conscious people on the planet than a lib.
A liberal calling someone shameful???????????? Please! there is nothing more shameful than a liberal these days. A liberal smells of disgusting shame. Anyone that voted for OBAMA and the likes of Pelosi and Reid should be very ashamed.
You bigots really are unbelievable in your attempts to deflect attention from your guilt. But please continue trying, it exposes your desperation.
"Your guilt"?? Sorry but I dont think anyone on this board shot up that church. I think it was one disturbed fucking scumbag in SC.
The evidence speaks for itself. Every time someone who thinks they are a right winger on this forum is talking about blacks or Mexicans or Muslims or gays, it is always in a negative light.

You cannot escape that truth. You can try to throw up the corpse of Robert Byrd all the live long day, it won't work.

Everyone can see it for themselves. The best part is that even though I have made you aware of this behavior, you will not be able to stop yourselves. You hate minorities so much, you will not be able to stop yourselves from continuing to slam them.

Even when you don't say "Mexicans", when you talk about "illegal immigrants", it is Mexicans whose faces will be dancing before your eyes as you write.

Even when you don't say "Negroes", when you talk about food stamps and blame the CRA for the housing crash, it will be negro faces that will be dancing before your eyes as you write.

Have a nice hateful day!

You are a scumbag motherfucker.

Is that clear enough for you, scumbag motherfucker?
The evidence speaks for itself. Every time someone who thinks they are a right winger on this forum is talking about blacks or Mexicans or Muslims or gays, it is always in a negative light.

You cannot escape that truth. You can try to throw up the corpse of Robert Byrd all the live long day, it won't work.

Everyone can see it for themselves. The best part is that even though I have made you aware of this behavior, you will not be able to stop yourselves. You hate minorities so much, you will not be able to stop yourselves from continuing to slam them.

Even when you don't say "Mexicans", when you talk about "illegal immigrants", it is Mexicans whose faces will be dancing before your eyes as you write.

Even when you don't say "Negroes", when you talk about food stamps and blame the CRA for the housing crash, it will be negro faces that will be dancing before your eyes as you write.

Have a nice hateful day!
Everytime....everyone....always....rhetorical bullshit.
The evidence speaks for itself. Every time someone who thinks they are a right winger on this forum is talking about blacks or Mexicans or Muslims or gays, it is always in a negative light.

You cannot escape that truth. You can try to throw up the corpse of Robert Byrd all the live long day, it won't work.

Everyone can see it for themselves. The best part is that even though I have made you aware of this behavior, you will not be able to stop yourselves. You hate minorities so much, you will not be able to stop yourselves from continuing to slam them.

Even when you don't say "Mexicans", when you talk about "illegal immigrants", it is Mexicans whose faces will be dancing before your eyes as you write.

Even when you don't say "Negroes", when you talk about food stamps and blame the CRA for the housing crash, it will be negro faces that will be dancing before your eyes as you write.

Have a nice hateful day!

You are a scumbag motherfucker.

Is that clear enough for you, scumbag motherfucker?
But do you think he's lying?
It's already happening, the real truth comes out the shooter was just another insane psycho and the left's dreams of Tea Party,NRA, gun grabbing, etc etc are being shot to hell
The evidence speaks for itself. Every time someone who thinks they are a right winger on this forum is talking about blacks or Mexicans or Muslims or gays, it is always in a negative light.

You cannot escape that truth. You can try to throw up the corpse of Robert Byrd all the live long day, it won't work.

Everyone can see it for themselves. The best part is that even though I have made you aware of this behavior, you will not be able to stop yourselves. You hate minorities so much, you will not be able to stop yourselves from continuing to slam them.

Even when you don't say "Mexicans", when you talk about "illegal immigrants", it is Mexicans whose faces will be dancing before your eyes as you write.

Even when you don't say "Negroes", when you talk about food stamps and blame the CRA for the housing crash, it will be negro faces that will be dancing before your eyes as you write.

Have a nice hateful day!
Everytime....everyone....always....rhetorical bullshit.

From the scummiest scumbag piece of shit motherfucker on the Board.

That ain't bigotry, that's a fucking fact.

dimocraps are scum
The evidence speaks for itself. Every time someone who thinks they are a right winger on this forum is talking about blacks or Mexicans or Muslims or gays, it is always in a negative light.

You cannot escape that truth. You can try to throw up the corpse of Robert Byrd all the live long day, it won't work.

Everyone can see it for themselves. The best part is that even though I have made you aware of this behavior, you will not be able to stop yourselves. You hate minorities so much, you will not be able to stop yourselves from continuing to slam them.

Have a nice hateful day!
Actually I see the libs here speaking negatively about blacks. I see them excusing black crime, rationalizing black welfare dependency and maintaining that blacks cannot get ahead with Big Daddy Gov't helping them. I see them demonizing black men like Ben Carson and Clarence Thomas as Uncle Toms, demonizing black women like Mia Love as "tokens".
The conservatives are opposed to all this. That you think that's racism shows you're an idiot.
I challenge you to show where a liberal called Carson or Thomas an "Uncle Tom".
If you don't, you expose your rhetoric as nazi style propaganda and destroy all your credibility.

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