The shameful right wing spinning of the Charleston shooting

The shameful right wing spinning of the Charleston shooting has begun


Shame on you, Rick Santorum, for trying to imply this is about “religious liberty” and not about racism.

Shame on you, Brian Kilmeade, for trying to confuse the issue and pretend that there’s any doubt about what happened here.

Shame on Fox & Friends to try to exploit this incident to help gun manufacturers sell more guns.

Also, shame on Fox & Friends for trying to spin this as an attack on Christians for being Christians, as if it had nothing to do with race.

Man, before the week is out, it appears that the official right wing narrative on this will be that it was an attack on “faith” and the response needs to be to sell more guns and take away more birth control pills. For shame.
The shameful right wing spinning of the Charleston shooting has begun


Shame on you, Rick Santorum, for trying to imply this is about “religious liberty” and not about racism.

Shame on you, Brian Kilmeade, for trying to confuse the issue and pretend that there’s any doubt about what happened here.

Shame on Fox & Friends to try to exploit this incident to help gun manufacturers sell more guns.

Also, shame on Fox & Friends for trying to spin this as an attack on Christians for being Christians, as if it had nothing to do with race.

Man, before the week is out, it appears that the official right wing narrative on this will be that it was an attack on “faith” and the response needs to be to sell more guns and take away more birth control pills. For shame.

There was actually someone on Faux News tonight who said it was liberals that created Dylann Roof. Faux is so over-the-top propaganda it has become a parody of itself. To everyone except the 28% of conservatives that think it is bible gospel dipped in golden honey.

Faux News has blood on their hands for creating people like Dylann Roof. They are the modern version of the KKK made to mimic legitimacy and Dylann Roof is the face of Faux News.

They use people's deaths like Amon Goeth used Jewish tombstones to build a road in Schindler's List.
The shameful right wing spinning of the Charleston shooting has begun


Shame on you, Rick Santorum, for trying to imply this is about “religious liberty” and not about racism.

Shame on you, Brian Kilmeade, for trying to confuse the issue and pretend that there’s any doubt about what happened here.

Shame on Fox & Friends to try to exploit this incident to help gun manufacturers sell more guns.

Also, shame on Fox & Friends for trying to spin this as an attack on Christians for being Christians, as if it had nothing to do with race.

Man, before the week is out, it appears that the official right wing narrative on this will be that it was an attack on “faith” and the response needs to be to sell more guns and take away more birth control pills. For shame.

It's Obama and the liberals who started spinning the minute they heard about this.

The guy does not represent anyone but himself. His reasons are insane. He is seriously demented.

He indicated that race was his reason. His reason. He alone must answer for that. He is a crazy person who was going to eventually hurt or kill people. He and others like him exist and they will eventually find something to obsess about. It can be anything. He is no different than the whacko radical Muslims who randomly kill infidels. It makes no sense to anyone but them.

What the left is doing is exploiting this tragedy to further their agenda.

Obama wasted no time calling for more gun control. Never mind that all the laws on the books didn't stop this and will never stop these lunatics from killing.

He entered a gun-free zone. The law in SC says churches, schools, etc are gun free zones. Mass murderers ALWAYS choose gun free zones. We never learn.

He had been charged with a felony drug possession and was not allowed to own a gun.

His father broke the law by buying a gun and giving it to him.

Murder has always been against the law.

4 laws broken as this crazy asshole murdered innocent people. None of those laws stopped him. More laws will not stop people like him.

I don't think this is about religious freedom. While that seems to be under attack, I think this sociopath just did what every other psycho did and chose a gun free zone to release his demons on. Why he chose a church rather than a movie theater or school, who knows. Maybe because the church was closer or there were less people to deal with.

I felt sick when the guy said he almost didn't go through with it because the people were so nice. Yet, he did. It's not a political statement. It's a crazy guy who found a excuse to kill people. Some serial killers choose people for the lamest reasons. Maybe the victims look like the girl who rejected him or maybe they remind him of his mother. None of the reasons for murdering random people ever makes sense and it never will. It doesn't matter which excuse they settle on. Their reasons are theirs alone and they can obsess over the most minor issues. You cannot blame anyone else, except his father in this case for breaking the law to make sure this killer had a gun. I also believe that if the guy hadn't been given a gun, he would have found another way to kill.

Before you bash the entire right for one guy making a comment about religion, try listening to the number of liberals who are trying to pin this on the news or talk shows. Now that is stupid. I would hope the left is intelligent enough to blame the killer and not others who don't condone any violence.

i didn't even get past the part where you say that his father bought him a gun.

He bought it himself with money his father gave him.

Not that it matters. I expect the NRA will start a campaign of sending gun catalogs to churches everywhere in partnership with choir robe retailers, complete with options to have a sewn in holster in the inside lining of each choir robe.

I posted this yesterday. Today, the NRA says this:

NRA executive suggests slain Charleston pastor to blame for gun deaths - Yahoo News

I no longer consider the NRA to be a bucnh of clueless nuts. i consider them to be a terrorist hate group.
The shameful right wing spinning of the Charleston shooting has begun

Shame on you, Rick Santorum, for trying to imply this is about “religious liberty” and not about racism.

Shame on you, Brian Kilmeade, for trying to confuse the issue and pretend that there’s any doubt about what happened here.

Shame on Fox & Friends to try to exploit this incident to help gun manufacturers sell more guns.

Also, shame on Fox & Friends for trying to spin this as an attack on Christians for being Christians, as if it had nothing to do with race.

Man, before the week is out, it appears that the official right wing narrative on this will be that it was an attack on “faith” and the response needs to be to sell more guns and take away more birth control pills. For shame.

Shame on YOU for not including THESE IDIOTS in your blame game >>>

I posted this yesterday. Today, the NRA says this:
NRA executive suggests slain Charleston pastor to blame for gun deaths - Yahoo News
I no longer consider the NRA to be a bucnh of clueless nuts. i consider them to be a terrorist hate group.

Which means you are in DENIAL. The NRA is right. Why don't YOU admit that the NRA is right, that if there had been a CCW permit holder or two in the church, Roof would be dead now, and most of the 9 people killed, would still be alive. This is a FACT. Admit it.
Faux News has blood on their hands for creating people like Dylann Roof. They are the modern version of the KKK made to mimic legitimacy and Dylann Roof is the face of Faux News. They use people's deaths like Amon Goeth used Jewish tombstones to build a road in Schindler's List.

Gosh. All that rant, energy expenditure, and not one word about these guys. I wonder why that would be ?

Not one word about THIS either >>>

A brief bio on Kayne Waste. >>>>>>>>> He is famous for disrupting three different live televised events to go on racial rants.

First he disrupted a live Mtv awards show in Germany to accuse Mtv of “racism.” He vowed to boycott all future Mtv award shows.

Next he disrupted a live red cross telethon, being watching by millions to say “George Bush doesn’t care about black people.”

Then he reneged on his vow against Mtv, and attended another live award show only disrupt it again. He charged the stage and seized the microphone to express his displeasure that country star Taylor Swift won an award instead of a black singer.


Let's be clear. Kayne Idiot isn't the only Black rapper who is polluting kids' brains with racist hate, and antisocial garbage. Lots of others do it too, and if you live in an integrated housing complex like I do, you hear it blasting from car radios at any hour of the day, as they drive in and out below your window.

Combining this with an unhinged, 21 year old, white kid with a gun, and trouble is a-brewin'.
There was actually someone on Faux News tonight who said it was liberals that created Dylann Roof. Faux is so over-the-top propaganda it has become a parody of itself. To everyone except the 28% of conservatives that think it is bible gospel dipped in golden honey.
Faux News has blood on their hands for creating people like Dylann Roof. They are the modern version of the KKK made to mimic legitimacy and Dylann Roof is the face of Faux News.They use people's deaths like Amon Goeth used Jewish tombstones to build a road in Schindler's List.

You're a joke. I suppose you don't watch Fox too often - not enough to know that it is loaded with liberals. So if it is as "Faux" as you say it is, then those liberals are "Faux" too. It's a package deal, dude. I just watched something on Fox. Along with a conservative (you know those ones you're programmed to dismiss) thy has a liberal. Alan Colmes, Julie Roginsky, and Tamara Holder. Sheesh/ But it is balanced (not like MSNBC - maybe THAT'S who you meant by "Faux News" ?) :laugh:
The left is exploiting this. Remember Raheem Emmanuel: "Never let a crisis go without exploiting it." Left are mindless automatons.
I posted this yesterday. Today, the NRA says this:
NRA executive suggests slain Charleston pastor to blame for gun deaths - Yahoo News
I no longer consider the NRA to be a bucnh of clueless nuts. i consider them to be a terrorist hate group.
Which means you are in DENIAL. The NRA is right. Why don't YOU admit that the NRA is right, that if there had been a CCW permit holder or two in the church, Roof would be dead now, and most of the 9 people killed, would still be alive. This is a FACT. Admit it.
Except that the church was a gun-free zone and carrying there is illegal.
Murdering people is, too.
Except that the church was a gun-free zone and carrying there is illegal.
Murdering people is, too.
No "except". It should NOT have been a gun-free zone. That's the point. And if it wasn't, and CCW permit holders were there, carrying their guns, a lot of lives would have been saved. Gun-free zone only endangers people, and we just saw the results of it.
The shameful right wing spinning of the Charleston shooting has begun


Shame on you, Rick Santorum, for trying to imply this is about “religious liberty” and not about racism.

Shame on you, Brian Kilmeade, for trying to confuse the issue and pretend that there’s any doubt about what happened here.

Shame on Fox & Friends to try to exploit this incident to help gun manufacturers sell more guns.

Also, shame on Fox & Friends for trying to spin this as an attack on Christians for being Christians, as if it had nothing to do with race.

Man, before the week is out, it appears that the official right wing narrative on this will be that it was an attack on “faith” and the response needs to be to sell more guns and take away more birth control pills. For shame.
The shameful right wing spinning of the Charleston shooting has begun


Shame on you, Rick Santorum, for trying to imply this is about “religious liberty” and not about racism.

Shame on you, Brian Kilmeade, for trying to confuse the issue and pretend that there’s any doubt about what happened here.

Shame on Fox & Friends to try to exploit this incident to help gun manufacturers sell more guns.

Also, shame on Fox & Friends for trying to spin this as an attack on Christians for being Christians, as if it had nothing to do with race.

Man, before the week is out, it appears that the official right wing narrative on this will be that it was an attack on “faith” and the response needs to be to sell more guns and take away more birth control pills. For shame.

There was actually someone on Faux News tonight who said it was liberals that created Dylann Roof. Faux is so over-the-top propaganda it has become a parody of itself. To everyone except the 28% of conservatives that think it is bible gospel dipped in golden honey.

Faux News has blood on their hands for creating people like Dylann Roof. They are the modern version of the KKK made to mimic legitimacy and Dylann Roof is the face of Faux News.

They use people's deaths like Amon Goeth used Jewish tombstones to build a road in Schindler's List.
The average age of a fox viewer is 68 years old, highly doubt this 21 year old watched fox news
Yes, a long, long time ago, some extreme right wing Southern Democrats started the KKK.

But those kind of people began emigrating to the Republican party in the late 60s.

Read some history, stupid. Your giant lies of omission don't fly here.

A 'long, long time ago'?

You mean like Robert KKK Byrd? The longest serving member of the US Senate and former Grand Kleagle of the KKK?

Or Harry Truman, former dimocrap POS-TUS and member of the KKK?

Or Hugo Black, former SCOTUS Justice and author of the phony 'Separation of Church and State' doctrine and member of the KKK who also successfully defended a brother KKK member of murdering a Catholic Priest?

How about the 1924 dimocrap scum convention, aka; The Klanbake?

the KKK is totally and completely and absolutely a dimocrap scum invention. Fucking period.

It was the dimocrap scum terrorist arm. Just like the NBPP, the Occupy Movement and the Black Lives Matter crowd of today is the dimocrap scum terrorist arm.

All dimocrap scum have done is switched from being White racists to being Black racists

you are scum
Every single person you named in the KKK was a long time ago, yes.

That's what revisionist retards like you have to do. You have to go way back, and then pretend it has some relevance to the modern 21st century Democratic party while ignoring more recent history.

Massive lies of omission.

The Democratic party has a lot of evils and problems, but being a branch of the KKK is one of the most stupidest brain damaged attempts at a smear going.

Like I said. No one is fooled. Except tards like you who parrot that shit.
Robert Byrd died, what 10 years ago? Anf that was a long time?
But the Civil Rights Movement was 50 years ago and you assholes claim the modern GOP is made up of people who migrated from the Democratic Party of the 1960s.
Byrd left the KKK many years before he died and had apologized for his membership.
Now, David Duke [R] was a big wheel in the KKK and is still very active in the White Supremacist movement to this day.
No "except". It should NOT have been a gun-free zone. That's the point. And if it wasn't, and CCW permit holders were there, carrying their guns, a lot of lives would have been saved. Gun-free zone only endangers people, and we just saw the results of it.
Pretty SICK for someone to tack a "funny" onto this. Combination of that and extreme stupidity.
No "except". It should NOT have been a gun-free zone. That's the point. And if it wasn't, and CCW permit holders were there, carrying their guns, a lot of lives would have been saved. Gun-free zone only endangers people, and we just saw the results of it.
Pretty SICK for someone to tack a "funny" onto this. Combination of that and extreme stupidity.

Pro, you are so far beyond the pale that I simply can not take anything you say seriously. Sometimes, your paranoia and twisted thinking goes clean off the meter. At that point, it becomes funny! All that is missing is your advising people not to bow their heads and close their eyes in prayer, since that is the perfect opportunity for someone to kill you in church....
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The shameful right wing spinning of the Charleston shooting has begun


Shame on you, Rick Santorum, for trying to imply this is about “religious liberty” and not about racism.

Shame on you, Brian Kilmeade, for trying to confuse the issue and pretend that there’s any doubt about what happened here.

Shame on Fox & Friends to try to exploit this incident to help gun manufacturers sell more guns.

Also, shame on Fox & Friends for trying to spin this as an attack on Christians for being Christians, as if it had nothing to do with race.

Man, before the week is out, it appears that the official right wing narrative on this will be that it was an attack on “faith” and the response needs to be to sell more guns and take away more birth control pills. For shame.

It's Obama and the liberals who started spinning the minute they heard about this.

The guy does not represent anyone but himself. His reasons are insane. He is seriously demented.

He indicated that race was his reason. His reason. He alone must answer for that. He is a crazy person who was going to eventually hurt or kill people. He and others like him exist and they will eventually find something to obsess about. It can be anything. He is no different than the whacko radical Muslims who randomly kill infidels. It makes no sense to anyone but them.

What the left is doing is exploiting this tragedy to further their agenda.

Obama wasted no time calling for more gun control. Never mind that all the laws on the books didn't stop this and will never stop these lunatics from killing.

He entered a gun-free zone. The law in SC says churches, schools, etc are gun free zones. Mass murderers ALWAYS choose gun free zones. We never learn.

He had been charged with a felony drug possession and was not allowed to own a gun.

His father broke the law by buying a gun and giving it to him.

Murder has always been against the law.

4 laws broken as this crazy asshole murdered innocent people. None of those laws stopped him. More laws will not stop people like him.

I don't think this is about religious freedom. While that seems to be under attack, I think this sociopath just did what every other psycho did and chose a gun free zone to release his demons on. Why he chose a church rather than a movie theater or school, who knows. Maybe because the church was closer or there were less people to deal with.

I felt sick when the guy said he almost didn't go through with it because the people were so nice. Yet, he did. It's not a political statement. It's a crazy guy who found a excuse to kill people. Some serial killers choose people for the lamest reasons. Maybe the victims look like the girl who rejected him or maybe they remind him of his mother. None of the reasons for murdering random people ever makes sense and it never will. It doesn't matter which excuse they settle on. Their reasons are theirs alone and they can obsess over the most minor issues. You cannot blame anyone else, except his father in this case for breaking the law to make sure this killer had a gun. I also believe that if the guy hadn't been given a gun, he would have found another way to kill.

Before you bash the entire right for one guy making a comment about religion, try listening to the number of liberals who are trying to pin this on the news or talk shows. Now that is stupid. I would hope the left is intelligent enough to blame the killer and not others who don't condone any violence.

i didn't even get past the part where you say that his father bought him a gun.

He bought it himself with money his father gave him.

Not that it matters. I expect the NRA will start a campaign of sending gun catalogs to churches everywhere in partnership with choir robe retailers, complete with options to have a sewn in holster in the inside lining of each choir robe.

I posted this yesterday. Today, the NRA says this:

NRA executive suggests slain Charleston pastor to blame for gun deaths - Yahoo News

I no longer consider the NRA to be a bucnh of clueless nuts. i consider them to be a terrorist hate group.

RE: "It's my opinion that there should not be any gun-free zones in schools or churches or anywhere else. If we look at mass shootings that occur, most happen in gun-free zones," he told the newspaper.

A. His meaning is to blame the insistence and ADVERTISING of "GUN FREE ZONES"
so that people know to target these places. he is blaming the CIRCUMSTANCES

B. the WORDING that he should retract is trying to pin or blame the gun free zones
on the church pastor or whoever voted for that. It is still the fault of the shooter for
choosing to target the church for the gun-free policy.

You can blame the CIRCUMSTANCES that the church is gun-free.
But after that, blaming the victims instead of the shooter for choosing to go there
is considered projection of blame in an insensitive manner.

You can blame the CONDITIONS without blaming the wrong people.

That is like blaming citizens for passing a law allowing Muslims or Hindus to wear their cultural dress in public,
and then if anyone targets them for harassment, because they are easily identified, then you
"blame the people who supported that law" instead of blaming the people doing the targeting and harassing.
Except that the church was a gun-free zone and carrying there is illegal.
Murdering people is, too.
No "except". It should NOT have been a gun-free zone. That's the point. And if it wasn't, and CCW permit holders were there, carrying their guns, a lot of lives would have been saved. Gun-free zone only endangers people, and we just saw the results of it.

You can have a gun-free zone, and then have security guards or certain designated
personnel who are trained to handle firearms handle firearms for security.
And ADVERTISE that even though this is gun free, the guards and trained personnel have arms at all times.
And they are the only ones authorized, just the ones trained and licensed, and approved by the administration.
You can have a gun-free zone, and then have security guards or certain designated
personnel who are trained to handle firearms handle firearms for security.
And ADVERTISE that even though this is gun free, the guards and trained personnel have arms at all times.
And they are the only ones authorized, just the ones trained and licensed, and approved by the administration.

That would be even worse than the situation we have now. The shooting that took place was already illegal several different ways. Making it more illegal would be a positive change? And-in case you missed it-government sanctioned crazies are no more to be trusted than civilian crazies.
I'm wondering.. What would be the correct handgun for church worship services? Vote now! A Glock 9 MM semi-automatic, or a Colt 45 semi-automatic?

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