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The Sickness Racism Breeds

Who's "they"? Whites? So no whites endeavor to stop racism?

You're absolutely right, most of my questions can be answered by anyone with a rudimentary grasp of the english languge. But you would be surprised how often they are dodged and not answered.

A lot of my questions are designed to get my debate opponent to look at other aspects of an issue through the filter of their own biases and inconsistencies. IM2 contended that the professor who said "I now hate white people" was not necessarily racist. So I asked if he would feel the same way if the guy had said "I now hate black people". You know and I know and IM2 knows goddamned well that if he had said that, he would be called racist on the spot by both of you. After all, the both of you have called me racist for much less than that.

Yes "they" are whites. See here how I purposely ignore your deflecting question designed to float the "good white person" dynamic?

You answered the question and then say you purposely ignored it. WTF?

We are talking about whites as a race. Spare me the juvenile attempt to change the subject.

You always talk about whites as a race. That is precisely the problem and why I'm here.

Your questions are nothing to dodge. They just show you have bad reading comprehension. I dont waste time answering questions you should already know the answer to by reading my statement.

I did know the answer to the question. The idea was to get you to realize that you are painting white people, as a race, as weaker mentally and morally which is exactly what whites used to say about blacks a hundred years ago.

Unfortunately your design lacks any substance that would necessitate me using a different filter.

Okay, keep your biases.

I agree with IM2. Out of context you have no real knowledge of what he meant by that statement. The best bet would be to be in the room so you can observe his body language, contextual clues and past history to determine what he meant. I disagree. I dont call people racist unless I know the context of their comments. I learned long ago that sentences taken out of context typically are designed to elicit a specific response.

If you couldn't be bothered to go and read the original post for context then don't lecture me about context and hand me that puke about being in the same room. It was right fucking there for you to read.

If I called you a racist its because you are and have proven it to me. Dont get bent out of shape over it. Lots of people are racist.

Nothing has been proven to you, it is simply your opinion, nothing more. Besides, what you think of me is none of my business.
I answered your first question then I ignored the second deflecting question. Cant you read?

"Deflecting"? You're the one who said that whites don't try and stop racism. I'm just asking for clarification as to whether you mean all whites or some whites.

I think you are the one who deflected by not answering. If you had said "Yes, no whites endeavor to stop racism", you know you would be full of shit and everyone would see that. To say otherwise would have required you to crawfish and qualify your remarks. And we can't have that now, can we?

Of course I talk about whites as a race. You being here isnt going to alter that.

First of all, why would I think my being here would alter that? Secondly, if my being here altered that, you wouldn't do it and I would not be confronting you about it.

If you knew the answer to the question why ask a dumb question instead of just answering the question put to you?

First of all, I went back through our entire conversation and found only three questions asked by you:

"How fucking stupid are you?"
"What kind of stupid question is that?
"Doesnt it bother you that your ancestors and your current fellow racists feel you need a head start?"

The first two were obviously rhetorical and I answered the last one. So what question are you referring to?

Secondly, my question was what is called a r-h-e-t-o-r-i-c-a-l question. Surely you're familiar with the concept, given your artful mastery of the craft with questions like "How fucking stupid are you?"

Who told you I wasnt going to keep my biases?

No one. But if you're not going to give up yours then don't give me any shit for my white biases and defending the white race from your biased "Whites are the weaker race" and other such nonsense.

Dont get angry. Get a better argument. You cant get context just by reading a quote. What kind of fool thinks thats true? You have to understand the context. In my case I go even further before making a determination.

How could you go any further than me in analyzing context when you were looking at the same words and context I was?

I disagree. You have proven yourself to be a racist if I have called you a racist. See my above statement. There are a lot of criteria you have to meet in order for me to label you a racist. When I do there is no argument or discussion needed. You are a racist.

Oh Jesus, I think I just threw up a little.

You have proven yourself to be full of shit if I have called you full of shit.There are a lot of criteria you have to meet in order for me to label you full of shit. When I do there is no argument or discussion needed. You are full of shit.
You keep contradicting yourself. You just got through saying you already knew the answer to my question. Why would you need clarification?

"I did know the answer to the question."

Clarification for you. I knew the answer and I knew you wouldn't. I know you meant all whites and the point was to get you to see that.

I cant deflect from something you brought up that I never mentioned. You brought up the deflection. I just refused to be deflected.

Whether or not you brought it up or I did is irrelevant, you refused to answer a question.

Obviously you think you matter. If you didnt why would you say that you were here to address what you see as a problem?

What? I fail to see your line of reasoning here. If you didn't think you mattered then you wouldn't be here addressing what you see as a problem either. So what's your point?

"You always talk about whites as a race. That is precisely the problem and why I'm here".

I'm not here so much because you talk about the white race, I'm here because, as I said, you always talk about the white race.

You and IM2 seem to think that white racism is the answer or explanation for any and every race issue.

"A black guy spit on you? What did you do to him? Doesn't matter, he's angry about white racism."
"Oh, you didn't mistreat him? Well, uh, he's angry about white racism."
"Rwandans massacred each other? Chalk that one up to white racism."
"They raped little girls? Chalk that one up to white racism too."
"The Tutsis agreed with the laws that oppressed the Hutus and participated in their enforcement and practice just like whites did in America? White racism.
"A black guy assassinated police officers? White racism."
"A black guy assaults a cop and gets shot trying to take his gun from him? What racism."
"A black man...white racism."
"A black woman...white racism."
"...white racism."
"...white racism."
"...white racism."

ad infinitum.

If your question was just rhetorical you should state that so everyone knows its rhetorical.

What difference does that make if you were never going to answer it in the first place?

I'm definitely going to give you shit about your opinions that are wrong. Thats what I do here.

Obviously you think you matter...

Who said I could go any further than you in understanding the context?

"In my case, I go even further..."

I am pointing out your criteria is terribly inadequate and mine is more comprehensive. You only saw the same words as did I. To come to the conclusion that he was being racist is foolish. You simply need more context. Your ignorance in this regard has been highlighted by your question.

Let me ask you: Did you even read the guy's post? I'm betting you did not. If you did not read the entire quote for context as I did then fuck off with your pseudo-grammarian bullshit.

Here is the professor's facebook post in its entirety:

"OK, officially, I now hate white people. I am white people, for God’s sake, but can we keep them -- us -- us out of my neighborhood? I just went to Harlem Shake on 124 and Lenox for a Classic burger to go, that would be my dinner, and the place is overrun by little Caucasian assholes (talking about white children here) who know their parents will approve of anything they do. Slide around the floor, you little shithead, sing loudly, you unlikely moron. Do what you want, nobody here is gonna restrict your right to be white. I hereby resign from my race. Fuck these people. Yeah, I know, it’s about my access to dinner. Fuck you, too.

He faced an investigation from the university and facebook removed the post for violating their standards on hate speech. So you tell me.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

You and IM2 seem to think that white racism is the answer or explanation for any and every race issue.

angry white male.jpg

Hello, Ghost. I discovered this image published on the FB profile of an elder American woman who is great at sharing demeaning comments, as well as engaging in name calling.

However, when questioned about her viewpoints, instead of addressing issues, she engages in silly, juvenile name-calling....indicating to me is an apparent emotionally troubled member of a specific population of black or African American girls, women and MOTHERS of African descent who most all of President Barack "My Brother's Keeper" and Mrs. Michelle "Girl Power" Obama's American urban story-TRUTH-teller friends and WH guests HATEFULLY denigrate as less than human *itches and *hores, 'hoes' or 'thots' undeserving of being treated with basic human respect.
The female FB member who posted the ignorant image on her FB profile added this comment: "All day, every day"

Do sane, reasonably well adjusted, responsible, caring human beings wake up and begin their day thinking, "How can I piss someone off today?"

Ghost, IM2 and several other PRO BLACK minded USMB members support these apparent unbalanced American men:

Dr. Umar Johnson Ph.D, Dr. Boyce Watkins Ph.D, Tariq Nasheed.jpg

Ghost, you can debate whomever you want, though frankly it pains me witnessing reasonably responsible citizens being PLAYED or taunted by apparent HATE embracing, possibly emotionally or mentally ill slow-to-evolve, illogical, otherwise Freedom Loving “Pro-Black and Conscious Black Community” American citizens believing they have a right, as well as duty to LOUDLY demean, denigrate, bully, taunt, HATE, harass, and in some instances threaten with violence our peaceful, free-thinking, successful, accomplished black or American neighbors, friends and co-workers of African descent.

Ghost, apparent unbalanced, emotionally unwell people like IM2 and his crew are not interested in logical debate...they are focused on spreading HATE.

"Black American Men 'Take Control of Emotionally Troubled Women'"

"Black women are destroying themselves and black men" ~BlacksUnited - Alexis Erika Published on Mar 7, 2014

"I agree that SINGLE MOTHERS are DESTROYING their sons." ~Neko Cheri


"Young Mothers Are Poisoning the black community"

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations


  • obama white house guests.jpg
    obama white house guests.jpg
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Yes "they" are whites. See here how I purposely ignore your deflecting question designed to float the "good white person" dynamic?

You answered the question and then say you purposely ignored it. WTF?

We are talking about whites as a race. Spare me the juvenile attempt to change the subject.

You always talk about whites as a race. That is precisely the problem and why I'm here.

Your questions are nothing to dodge. They just show you have bad reading comprehension. I dont waste time answering questions you should already know the answer to by reading my statement.

I did know the answer to the question. The idea was to get you to realize that you are painting white people, as a race, as weaker mentally and morally which is exactly what whites used to say about blacks a hundred years ago.

Unfortunately your design lacks any substance that would necessitate me using a different filter.

Okay, keep your biases.

I agree with IM2. Out of context you have no real knowledge of what he meant by that statement. The best bet would be to be in the room so you can observe his body language, contextual clues and past history to determine what he meant. I disagree. I dont call people racist unless I know the context of their comments. I learned long ago that sentences taken out of context typically are designed to elicit a specific response.

If you couldn't be bothered to go and read the original post for context then don't lecture me about context and hand me that puke about being in the same room. It was right fucking there for you to read.

If I called you a racist its because you are and have proven it to me. Dont get bent out of shape over it. Lots of people are racist.

Nothing has been proven to you, it is simply your opinion, nothing more. Besides, what you think of me is none of my business.
I answered your first question then I ignored the second deflecting question. Cant you read?

"Deflecting"? You're the one who said that whites don't try and stop racism. I'm just asking for clarification as to whether you mean all whites or some whites.

I think you are the one who deflected by not answering. If you had said "Yes, no whites endeavor to stop racism", you know you would be full of shit and everyone would see that. To say otherwise would have required you to crawfish and qualify your remarks. And we can't have that now, can we?

Of course I talk about whites as a race. You being here isnt going to alter that.

First of all, why would I think my being here would alter that? Secondly, if my being here altered that, you wouldn't do it and I would not be confronting you about it.

If you knew the answer to the question why ask a dumb question instead of just answering the question put to you?

First of all, I went back through our entire conversation and found only three questions asked by you:

"How fucking stupid are you?"
"What kind of stupid question is that?
"Doesnt it bother you that your ancestors and your current fellow racists feel you need a head start?"

The first two were obviously rhetorical and I answered the last one. So what question are you referring to?

Secondly, my question was what is called a r-h-e-t-o-r-i-c-a-l question. Surely you're familiar with the concept, given your artful mastery of the craft with questions like "How fucking stupid are you?"

Who told you I wasnt going to keep my biases?

No one. But if you're not going to give up yours then don't give me any shit for my white biases and defending the white race from your biased "Whites are the weaker race" and other such nonsense.

Dont get angry. Get a better argument. You cant get context just by reading a quote. What kind of fool thinks thats true? You have to understand the context. In my case I go even further before making a determination.

How could you go any further than me in analyzing context when you were looking at the same words and context I was?

I disagree. You have proven yourself to be a racist if I have called you a racist. See my above statement. There are a lot of criteria you have to meet in order for me to label you a racist. When I do there is no argument or discussion needed. You are a racist.

Oh Jesus, I think I just threw up a little.

You have proven yourself to be full of shit if I have called you full of shit.There are a lot of criteria you have to meet in order for me to label you full of shit. When I do there is no argument or discussion needed. You are full of shit.
You keep contradicting yourself. You just got through saying you already knew the answer to my question. Why would you need clarification?

"I did know the answer to the question."

Clarification for you. I knew the answer and I knew you wouldn't. I know you meant all whites and the point was to get you to see that.

I cant deflect from something you brought up that I never mentioned. You brought up the deflection. I just refused to be deflected.

Whether or not you brought it up or I did is irrelevant, you refused to answer a question.

Obviously you think you matter. If you didnt why would you say that you were here to address what you see as a problem?

What? I fail to see your line of reasoning here. If you didn't think you mattered then you wouldn't be here addressing what you see as a problem either. So what's your point?

"You always talk about whites as a race. That is precisely the problem and why I'm here".

I'm not here so much because you talk about the white race, I'm here because, as I said, you always talk about the white race.

You and IM2 seem to think that white racism is the answer or explanation for any and every race issue.

"A black guy spit on you? What did you do to him? Doesn't matter, he's angry about white racism."
"Oh, you didn't mistreat him? Well, uh, he's angry about white racism."
"Rwandans massacred each other? Chalk that one up to white racism."
"They raped little girls? Chalk that one up to white racism too."
"The Tutsis agreed with the laws that oppressed the Hutus and participated in their enforcement and practice just like whites did in America? White racism.
"A black guy assassinated police officers? White racism."
"A black guy assaults a cop and gets shot trying to take his gun from him? What racism."
"A black man...white racism."
"A black woman...white racism."
"...white racism."
"...white racism."
"...white racism."

ad infinitum.

If your question was just rhetorical you should state that so everyone knows its rhetorical.

What difference does that make if you were never going to answer it in the first place?

I'm definitely going to give you shit about your opinions that are wrong. Thats what I do here.

Obviously you think you matter...

Who said I could go any further than you in understanding the context?

"In my case, I go even further..."

I am pointing out your criteria is terribly inadequate and mine is more comprehensive. You only saw the same words as did I. To come to the conclusion that he was being racist is foolish. You simply need more context. Your ignorance in this regard has been highlighted by your question.

Let me ask you: Did you even read the guy's post? I'm betting you did not. If you did not read the entire quote for context as I did then fuck off with your pseudo-grammarian bullshit.

Here is the professor's facebook post in its entirety:

"OK, officially, I now hate white people. I am white people, for God’s sake, but can we keep them -- us -- us out of my neighborhood? I just went to Harlem Shake on 124 and Lenox for a Classic burger to go, that would be my dinner, and the place is overrun by little Caucasian assholes (talking about white children here) who know their parents will approve of anything they do. Slide around the floor, you little shithead, sing loudly, you unlikely moron. Do what you want, nobody here is gonna restrict your right to be white. I hereby resign from my race. Fuck these people. Yeah, I know, it’s about my access to dinner. Fuck you, too.

He faced an investigation from the university and facebook removed the post for violating their standards on hate speech. So you tell me.
That doesnt even make any sense. I know what I said. Why would I need clarification for myself? Face it. You got caught contradicting yourself. :rolleyes:

Of course I refused to answer your deflection. I didnt give you permission to deflect.

Now youre lying. I dont just talk about white people. Just because I triggered you on something I said doesnt mean its the only thing I talk about. It just happens to be the subject you were triggered on.

Basically white racism is the ultimate cause of any racial issue. If you disagree with that youre going to have to do more than just denying it to change that fact.

It makes a huge difference. I wouldnt think you were an idiot that needed to deflect. If you have rhetorical question inform me so I dont have to guess every time you ask a question.

Of course I matter. What made you think I didnt?

In that specific case I couldnt go any further than you. There was no more information since I wasnt there and didnt have his history. You were content with claiming him a racist off meager data. I require more than that before I accuse someone of being a racist. Do you see now why I think youre an idiot? How did you not know I was speaking in general terms when I said "In my case I go further....". Did you understand the context of my comment?

Yeah I still need context. Maybe you should provide the link instead of claiming thats his entire post. Seems to me he has a sense of humor. When say I hate Black people I am always joking or being sarcastic. I'm Black so why would I hate myself? If that angers you then I suggest you seek counseling.
Yes "they" are whites. See here how I purposely ignore your deflecting question designed to float the "good white person" dynamic?

You answered the question and then say you purposely ignored it. WTF?

We are talking about whites as a race. Spare me the juvenile attempt to change the subject.

You always talk about whites as a race. That is precisely the problem and why I'm here.

Your questions are nothing to dodge. They just show you have bad reading comprehension. I dont waste time answering questions you should already know the answer to by reading my statement.

I did know the answer to the question. The idea was to get you to realize that you are painting white people, as a race, as weaker mentally and morally which is exactly what whites used to say about blacks a hundred years ago.

Unfortunately your design lacks any substance that would necessitate me using a different filter.

Okay, keep your biases.

I agree with IM2. Out of context you have no real knowledge of what he meant by that statement. The best bet would be to be in the room so you can observe his body language, contextual clues and past history to determine what he meant. I disagree. I dont call people racist unless I know the context of their comments. I learned long ago that sentences taken out of context typically are designed to elicit a specific response.

If you couldn't be bothered to go and read the original post for context then don't lecture me about context and hand me that puke about being in the same room. It was right fucking there for you to read.

If I called you a racist its because you are and have proven it to me. Dont get bent out of shape over it. Lots of people are racist.

Nothing has been proven to you, it is simply your opinion, nothing more. Besides, what you think of me is none of my business.
I answered your first question then I ignored the second deflecting question. Cant you read?

"Deflecting"? You're the one who said that whites don't try and stop racism. I'm just asking for clarification as to whether you mean all whites or some whites.

I think you are the one who deflected by not answering. If you had said "Yes, no whites endeavor to stop racism", you know you would be full of shit and everyone would see that. To say otherwise would have required you to crawfish and qualify your remarks. And we can't have that now, can we?

Of course I talk about whites as a race. You being here isnt going to alter that.

First of all, why would I think my being here would alter that? Secondly, if my being here altered that, you wouldn't do it and I would not be confronting you about it.

If you knew the answer to the question why ask a dumb question instead of just answering the question put to you?

First of all, I went back through our entire conversation and found only three questions asked by you:

"How fucking stupid are you?"
"What kind of stupid question is that?
"Doesnt it bother you that your ancestors and your current fellow racists feel you need a head start?"

The first two were obviously rhetorical and I answered the last one. So what question are you referring to?

Secondly, my question was what is called a r-h-e-t-o-r-i-c-a-l question. Surely you're familiar with the concept, given your artful mastery of the craft with questions like "How fucking stupid are you?"

Who told you I wasnt going to keep my biases?

No one. But if you're not going to give up yours then don't give me any shit for my white biases and defending the white race from your biased "Whites are the weaker race" and other such nonsense.

Dont get angry. Get a better argument. You cant get context just by reading a quote. What kind of fool thinks thats true? You have to understand the context. In my case I go even further before making a determination.

How could you go any further than me in analyzing context when you were looking at the same words and context I was?

I disagree. You have proven yourself to be a racist if I have called you a racist. See my above statement. There are a lot of criteria you have to meet in order for me to label you a racist. When I do there is no argument or discussion needed. You are a racist.

Oh Jesus, I think I just threw up a little.

You have proven yourself to be full of shit if I have called you full of shit.There are a lot of criteria you have to meet in order for me to label you full of shit. When I do there is no argument or discussion needed. You are full of shit.
You keep contradicting yourself. You just got through saying you already knew the answer to my question. Why would you need clarification?

"I did know the answer to the question."

Clarification for you. I knew the answer and I knew you wouldn't. I know you meant all whites and the point was to get you to see that.

I cant deflect from something you brought up that I never mentioned. You brought up the deflection. I just refused to be deflected.

Whether or not you brought it up or I did is irrelevant, you refused to answer a question.

Obviously you think you matter. If you didnt why would you say that you were here to address what you see as a problem?

What? I fail to see your line of reasoning here. If you didn't think you mattered then you wouldn't be here addressing what you see as a problem either. So what's your point?

"You always talk about whites as a race. That is precisely the problem and why I'm here".

I'm not here so much because you talk about the white race, I'm here because, as I said, you always talk about the white race.

You and IM2 seem to think that white racism is the answer or explanation for any and every race issue.

"A black guy spit on you? What did you do to him? Doesn't matter, he's angry about white racism."
"Oh, you didn't mistreat him? Well, uh, he's angry about white racism."
"Rwandans massacred each other? Chalk that one up to white racism."
"They raped little girls? Chalk that one up to white racism too."
"The Tutsis agreed with the laws that oppressed the Hutus and participated in their enforcement and practice just like whites did in America? White racism.
"A black guy assassinated police officers? White racism."
"A black guy assaults a cop and gets shot trying to take his gun from him? What racism."
"A black man...white racism."
"A black woman...white racism."
"...white racism."
"...white racism."
"...white racism."

ad infinitum.

If your question was just rhetorical you should state that so everyone knows its rhetorical.

What difference does that make if you were never going to answer it in the first place?

I'm definitely going to give you shit about your opinions that are wrong. Thats what I do here.

Obviously you think you matter...

Who said I could go any further than you in understanding the context?

"In my case, I go even further..."

I am pointing out your criteria is terribly inadequate and mine is more comprehensive. You only saw the same words as did I. To come to the conclusion that he was being racist is foolish. You simply need more context. Your ignorance in this regard has been highlighted by your question.

Let me ask you: Did you even read the guy's post? I'm betting you did not. If you did not read the entire quote for context as I did then fuck off with your pseudo-grammarian bullshit.

Here is the professor's facebook post in its entirety:

"OK, officially, I now hate white people. I am white people, for God’s sake, but can we keep them -- us -- us out of my neighborhood? I just went to Harlem Shake on 124 and Lenox for a Classic burger to go, that would be my dinner, and the place is overrun by little Caucasian assholes (talking about white children here) who know their parents will approve of anything they do. Slide around the floor, you little shithead, sing loudly, you unlikely moron. Do what you want, nobody here is gonna restrict your right to be white. I hereby resign from my race. Fuck these people. Yeah, I know, it’s about my access to dinner. Fuck you, too.

He faced an investigation from the university and facebook removed the post for violating their standards on hate speech. So you tell me.

Yeah just like I thought. You neglected to provide context. You were missing crucial data with which to make a informed decision. I reality you were ignorant like I suspected all along.

After a professor wrote about hating white people, Rutgers considers the limits of free speech

"Livingston told university officials that he was writing satirically, that his words weren’t a true expression of racism, and that he had a right to express his opinions, according to a copy of the investigation that he shared with the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education."
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Basically white racism is the ultimate cause of any racial issue.

Hello, Asclepias. In your opinion is "white racism" responsible causing perfectly healthy American newborns maturing into apparent emotionally troubled, far too often violent teen and adults embracing SUICIDAL HOMICIDAL 'people and community harming behaviors', as well as largely lacking compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful or less fortunate neighbors?

gang members OPRAH.jpg

Nasir 'Nas' bin Olu Dara Jones.jpg

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
Blacks cant practice racism

You practice it everyday

Nothing they do can be a detriment to whites since whites own all the resources and opportunities.

False. That's the narrative poverty pimps like Al Sharpton and white regressive cucks have given you in order to excuse your racism towards others.




How the Rules of Racism Are Different For Asian Americans


Matthew Salesses reflects upon the moment he realized he was not white, and explores the ways in which racism against Asian Americans is nearly invisible in our culture.

The truth is, racism toward Asians is treated differently in America than racism toward other ethnic groups. This is a truth all Asian Americans know. While the same racist may hold back terms he sees as off-limits toward other minorities, he will often not hesitate to call an Asian person a chink, as Jeremy Lin was referred to, or talk about that Asian person as if he must know karate, or call him Bruce Lee, or consider him weak or effeminate, or so on.

Bullying against Asian Americans
continues at the highest rate of any ethnic group. I remember, when I was taking the Asian American literature course, an article in a major magazine that ran pictures of (male) Asian models above the tagline, “Gay or Asian?” I remember a video that went viral last year in which people explained why men prefer Asian women and why women dislike Asian men. Some of the women on the video were Asian American.


College can be a chance to remake oneself, or to get closer to the foundation of oneself that one gradually moves away from under the influence of peers. I had, in fact, as soon as I got to UNC, attempted to join the Asian American club, but I couldn’t get over how cliquish they seemed, embracing their strangeness, while the truth is that I was trying to get away from those differences. Soon I found myself, with this second chance, once again trying to be accepted by people who looked like my parents, telling myself I didn’t want to be Asian if this was what being Asian meant, being birds of a different feather, expected to be an automatic friend because of race. I had, as you can see, my excuses.

Yet somewhere inside of me, I must have felt that I was growing further from myself. Racist jokes were told with alarming frequency for a school billed the “most liberal in the South,” and I was friends with two groups: one mostly white, mostly Southerners in the same dorm; the other mostly black, with whom I played pick-up basketball. They joked without censor. I had a girlfriend whose aunt and uncle lived in North Carolina, and when we went to visit, they would say that at least I wasn’t black, often before some racist diatribe.

I was taking the AA course to find out what I was. I hadn’t read much Asian American literature at that time—I think almost all I could add to the class discussion was Michael Ondaatje—and a couple of books planted seeds in me then that would grow into a certain self-awareness later in life. I will always be grateful to Don Lee’s story collection,
Yellow. In Lee’s stories, Asian American characters experience racist incident after racist incident, but these incidents are mostly background to their lives as sculptors, surfers, lovers, etc. The characters are very much of the world in which they live, the world in which I lived and a different world than the one in which white people live with the privilege of their color.

In class, the white students were incredulous. They claimed such acts of racism could never happen with such frequency. Yet if anything, to me, the racism seemed infrequent, and with minimal effect on the characters’ lives. I had grown up constantly wavering between denying and suspecting that my skin color was behind the fights picked with me, the insults, the casual distance kept up even between myself and some of my closest friends. Sometimes—in retrospect: oftentimes—these incidents were obviously rooted in race. I have been called “chink” and “flat face” and “monkey” many many times. And it is the context of these words that make a child grow uncomfortable with who he is, that instill a deep fear in him. (As a side note: I am married now to a Korean woman who grew up in Korea, and when I mentioned the “flat face” slur to her, she said, “but your face is flat.” Yet how different was this from the leering way it was said to me as a child, something she hadn’t felt as a Korean in Korea.) I was afraid, back then, of myself, as if there were a little Asian person living within me that was corrupting my being, taking me away from the white person I thought I was.

How the Rules of Racism Are Different For Asian Americans - The Good Men Project

You ain't white. You're Asian. You're the cuck chump and are too stupid to see it.

You answered the question and then say you purposely ignored it. WTF?

You always talk about whites as a race. That is precisely the problem and why I'm here.

I did know the answer to the question. The idea was to get you to realize that you are painting white people, as a race, as weaker mentally and morally which is exactly what whites used to say about blacks a hundred years ago.

Okay, keep your biases.

If you couldn't be bothered to go and read the original post for context then don't lecture me about context and hand me that puke about being in the same room. It was right fucking there for you to read.

Nothing has been proven to you, it is simply your opinion, nothing more. Besides, what you think of me is none of my business.
I answered your first question then I ignored the second deflecting question. Cant you read?

"Deflecting"? You're the one who said that whites don't try and stop racism. I'm just asking for clarification as to whether you mean all whites or some whites.

I think you are the one who deflected by not answering. If you had said "Yes, no whites endeavor to stop racism", you know you would be full of shit and everyone would see that. To say otherwise would have required you to crawfish and qualify your remarks. And we can't have that now, can we?

Of course I talk about whites as a race. You being here isnt going to alter that.

First of all, why would I think my being here would alter that? Secondly, if my being here altered that, you wouldn't do it and I would not be confronting you about it.

If you knew the answer to the question why ask a dumb question instead of just answering the question put to you?

First of all, I went back through our entire conversation and found only three questions asked by you:

"How fucking stupid are you?"
"What kind of stupid question is that?
"Doesnt it bother you that your ancestors and your current fellow racists feel you need a head start?"

The first two were obviously rhetorical and I answered the last one. So what question are you referring to?

Secondly, my question was what is called a r-h-e-t-o-r-i-c-a-l question. Surely you're familiar with the concept, given your artful mastery of the craft with questions like "How fucking stupid are you?"

Who told you I wasnt going to keep my biases?

No one. But if you're not going to give up yours then don't give me any shit for my white biases and defending the white race from your biased "Whites are the weaker race" and other such nonsense.

Dont get angry. Get a better argument. You cant get context just by reading a quote. What kind of fool thinks thats true? You have to understand the context. In my case I go even further before making a determination.

How could you go any further than me in analyzing context when you were looking at the same words and context I was?

I disagree. You have proven yourself to be a racist if I have called you a racist. See my above statement. There are a lot of criteria you have to meet in order for me to label you a racist. When I do there is no argument or discussion needed. You are a racist.

Oh Jesus, I think I just threw up a little.

You have proven yourself to be full of shit if I have called you full of shit.There are a lot of criteria you have to meet in order for me to label you full of shit. When I do there is no argument or discussion needed. You are full of shit.
You keep contradicting yourself. You just got through saying you already knew the answer to my question. Why would you need clarification?

"I did know the answer to the question."

Clarification for you. I knew the answer and I knew you wouldn't. I know you meant all whites and the point was to get you to see that.

I cant deflect from something you brought up that I never mentioned. You brought up the deflection. I just refused to be deflected.

Whether or not you brought it up or I did is irrelevant, you refused to answer a question.

Obviously you think you matter. If you didnt why would you say that you were here to address what you see as a problem?

What? I fail to see your line of reasoning here. If you didn't think you mattered then you wouldn't be here addressing what you see as a problem either. So what's your point?

"You always talk about whites as a race. That is precisely the problem and why I'm here".

I'm not here so much because you talk about the white race, I'm here because, as I said, you always talk about the white race.

You and IM2 seem to think that white racism is the answer or explanation for any and every race issue.

"A black guy spit on you? What did you do to him? Doesn't matter, he's angry about white racism."
"Oh, you didn't mistreat him? Well, uh, he's angry about white racism."
"Rwandans massacred each other? Chalk that one up to white racism."
"They raped little girls? Chalk that one up to white racism too."
"The Tutsis agreed with the laws that oppressed the Hutus and participated in their enforcement and practice just like whites did in America? White racism.
"A black guy assassinated police officers? White racism."
"A black guy assaults a cop and gets shot trying to take his gun from him? What racism."
"A black man...white racism."
"A black woman...white racism."
"...white racism."
"...white racism."
"...white racism."

ad infinitum.

If your question was just rhetorical you should state that so everyone knows its rhetorical.

What difference does that make if you were never going to answer it in the first place?

I'm definitely going to give you shit about your opinions that are wrong. Thats what I do here.

Obviously you think you matter...

Who said I could go any further than you in understanding the context?

"In my case, I go even further..."

I am pointing out your criteria is terribly inadequate and mine is more comprehensive. You only saw the same words as did I. To come to the conclusion that he was being racist is foolish. You simply need more context. Your ignorance in this regard has been highlighted by your question.

Let me ask you: Did you even read the guy's post? I'm betting you did not. If you did not read the entire quote for context as I did then fuck off with your pseudo-grammarian bullshit.

Here is the professor's facebook post in its entirety:

"OK, officially, I now hate white people. I am white people, for God’s sake, but can we keep them -- us -- us out of my neighborhood? I just went to Harlem Shake on 124 and Lenox for a Classic burger to go, that would be my dinner, and the place is overrun by little Caucasian assholes (talking about white children here) who know their parents will approve of anything they do. Slide around the floor, you little shithead, sing loudly, you unlikely moron. Do what you want, nobody here is gonna restrict your right to be white. I hereby resign from my race. Fuck these people. Yeah, I know, it’s about my access to dinner. Fuck you, too.

He faced an investigation from the university and facebook removed the post for violating their standards on hate speech. So you tell me.
That doesnt even make any sense. I know what I said. Why would I need clarification for myself? Face it. You got caught contradicting yourself. :rolleyes:

You got caught not answering a simple question.

Do you or do you not think it is important to know if when a white person says something negative about blacks whether he's talking about a few or the whole race? Isn't that what racial issues are all about when you get down to where the rubber meets the road: judging an entire race by their skin color or by the acts of a few? Isn't that partly why you're here?

Of course I refused to answer your deflection. I didnt give you permission to deflect.


Now youre lying. I dont just talk about white people. Just because I triggered you on something I said doesnt mean its the only thing I talk about. It just happens to be the subject you were triggered on.

No lying here. I didn't say you only talk about the white race, I said you always talk about the white race.

Basically white racism is the ultimate cause of any racial issue. If you disagree with that youre going to have to do more than just denying it to change that fact.

No, it is not. White racism was not the cause behind the black guy spitting on me.
White racism was not behind the decorative cotton display at Hobby Lobby.
White racism is not behind white people wearing dreadlocks.
White racism is not behind every police officer shooting of a black person.
White racism was not behind the cops being called on the two guys at Starbucks.

Face it, people all over this country, blacks and whites both, are seeing racists and racism everywhere. It's becoming an epidemic if it hasn't already. I'm waiting for another college professor or celebrity to tell us that Lucky Charms are racist because there's a white guy on the box.

It makes a huge difference. I wouldnt think you were an idiot that needed to deflect. If you have rhetorical question inform me so I dont have to guess every time you ask a question.

Again, why does it matter? If you don't like the question for whatever reason, you're not going to answer it, rhetorical or not.

Of course I matter. What made you think I didnt?

Nothing. You had just said the same thing to me so I threw it back at you.

If my thinking that I matter was relevant to you or the discussion to a degree that you felt the need to bring it up, then why is it a non-issue in your case?

In that specific case I couldnt go any further than you. There was no more information since I wasnt there and didnt have his history. You were content with claiming him a racist off meager data.

I didn't claim it off meager data, I claimed it off the entire post which I just showed you. You assumed I made a kneejerk judgment because I only quoted one line from it.

I require more than that before I accuse someone of being a racist. Do you see now why I think youre an idiot? How did you not know I was speaking in general terms when I said "In my case I go further....". Did you understand the context of my comment?

Maybe I missed something but I interpreted your remark to mean that you go further by reading for context before making a judgment. Is this not what you meant?

Yeah I still need context. Maybe you should provide the link instead of claiming thats his entire post.

I'll provide the link if you want it but I didn't "claim" it was the entire post, it actually was the entire post and I told you it was.

Since you apparently now think me a liar, here's the link to the article talking about it. They even have a pic of the screenshot of the facebook post itself:

Professor accused of antiwhite racism; others say it's free speech

Seems to me he has a sense of humor. When say I hate Black people I am always joking or being sarcastic. I'm Black so why would I hate myself? If that angers you then I suggest you seek counseling.

So you think calling children "little Caucasian assholes", "Little shithead" and "Unlikely moron" is humorous?
I answered your first question then I ignored the second deflecting question. Cant you read?

"Deflecting"? You're the one who said that whites don't try and stop racism. I'm just asking for clarification as to whether you mean all whites or some whites.

I think you are the one who deflected by not answering. If you had said "Yes, no whites endeavor to stop racism", you know you would be full of shit and everyone would see that. To say otherwise would have required you to crawfish and qualify your remarks. And we can't have that now, can we?

Of course I talk about whites as a race. You being here isnt going to alter that.

First of all, why would I think my being here would alter that? Secondly, if my being here altered that, you wouldn't do it and I would not be confronting you about it.

If you knew the answer to the question why ask a dumb question instead of just answering the question put to you?

First of all, I went back through our entire conversation and found only three questions asked by you:

"How fucking stupid are you?"
"What kind of stupid question is that?
"Doesnt it bother you that your ancestors and your current fellow racists feel you need a head start?"

The first two were obviously rhetorical and I answered the last one. So what question are you referring to?

Secondly, my question was what is called a r-h-e-t-o-r-i-c-a-l question. Surely you're familiar with the concept, given your artful mastery of the craft with questions like "How fucking stupid are you?"

Who told you I wasnt going to keep my biases?

No one. But if you're not going to give up yours then don't give me any shit for my white biases and defending the white race from your biased "Whites are the weaker race" and other such nonsense.

Dont get angry. Get a better argument. You cant get context just by reading a quote. What kind of fool thinks thats true? You have to understand the context. In my case I go even further before making a determination.

How could you go any further than me in analyzing context when you were looking at the same words and context I was?

I disagree. You have proven yourself to be a racist if I have called you a racist. See my above statement. There are a lot of criteria you have to meet in order for me to label you a racist. When I do there is no argument or discussion needed. You are a racist.

Oh Jesus, I think I just threw up a little.

You have proven yourself to be full of shit if I have called you full of shit.There are a lot of criteria you have to meet in order for me to label you full of shit. When I do there is no argument or discussion needed. You are full of shit.
You keep contradicting yourself. You just got through saying you already knew the answer to my question. Why would you need clarification?

"I did know the answer to the question."

Clarification for you. I knew the answer and I knew you wouldn't. I know you meant all whites and the point was to get you to see that.

I cant deflect from something you brought up that I never mentioned. You brought up the deflection. I just refused to be deflected.

Whether or not you brought it up or I did is irrelevant, you refused to answer a question.

Obviously you think you matter. If you didnt why would you say that you were here to address what you see as a problem?

What? I fail to see your line of reasoning here. If you didn't think you mattered then you wouldn't be here addressing what you see as a problem either. So what's your point?

"You always talk about whites as a race. That is precisely the problem and why I'm here".

I'm not here so much because you talk about the white race, I'm here because, as I said, you always talk about the white race.

You and IM2 seem to think that white racism is the answer or explanation for any and every race issue.

"A black guy spit on you? What did you do to him? Doesn't matter, he's angry about white racism."
"Oh, you didn't mistreat him? Well, uh, he's angry about white racism."
"Rwandans massacred each other? Chalk that one up to white racism."
"They raped little girls? Chalk that one up to white racism too."
"The Tutsis agreed with the laws that oppressed the Hutus and participated in their enforcement and practice just like whites did in America? White racism.
"A black guy assassinated police officers? White racism."
"A black guy assaults a cop and gets shot trying to take his gun from him? What racism."
"A black man...white racism."
"A black woman...white racism."
"...white racism."
"...white racism."
"...white racism."

ad infinitum.

If your question was just rhetorical you should state that so everyone knows its rhetorical.

What difference does that make if you were never going to answer it in the first place?

I'm definitely going to give you shit about your opinions that are wrong. Thats what I do here.

Obviously you think you matter...

Who said I could go any further than you in understanding the context?

"In my case, I go even further..."

I am pointing out your criteria is terribly inadequate and mine is more comprehensive. You only saw the same words as did I. To come to the conclusion that he was being racist is foolish. You simply need more context. Your ignorance in this regard has been highlighted by your question.

Let me ask you: Did you even read the guy's post? I'm betting you did not. If you did not read the entire quote for context as I did then fuck off with your pseudo-grammarian bullshit.

Here is the professor's facebook post in its entirety:

"OK, officially, I now hate white people. I am white people, for God’s sake, but can we keep them -- us -- us out of my neighborhood? I just went to Harlem Shake on 124 and Lenox for a Classic burger to go, that would be my dinner, and the place is overrun by little Caucasian assholes (talking about white children here) who know their parents will approve of anything they do. Slide around the floor, you little shithead, sing loudly, you unlikely moron. Do what you want, nobody here is gonna restrict your right to be white. I hereby resign from my race. Fuck these people. Yeah, I know, it’s about my access to dinner. Fuck you, too.

He faced an investigation from the university and facebook removed the post for violating their standards on hate speech. So you tell me.
That doesnt even make any sense. I know what I said. Why would I need clarification for myself? Face it. You got caught contradicting yourself. :rolleyes:

You got caught not answering a simple question.

Do you or do you not think it is important to know if when a white person says something negative about blacks whether he's talking about a few or the whole race? Isn't that what racial issues are all about when you get down to where the rubber meets the road: judging an entire race by their skin color or by the acts of a few? Isn't that partly why you're here?

Of course I refused to answer your deflection. I didnt give you permission to deflect.


Now youre lying. I dont just talk about white people. Just because I triggered you on something I said doesnt mean its the only thing I talk about. It just happens to be the subject you were triggered on.

No lying here. I didn't say you only talk about the white race, I said you always talk about the white race.

Basically white racism is the ultimate cause of any racial issue. If you disagree with that youre going to have to do more than just denying it to change that fact.

No, it is not. White racism was not the cause behind the black guy spitting on me.
White racism was not behind the decorative cotton display at Hobby Lobby.
White racism is not behind white people wearing dreadlocks.
White racism is not behind every police officer shooting of a black person.
White racism was not behind the cops being called on the two guys at Starbucks.

Face it, people all over this country, blacks and whites both, are seeing racists and racism everywhere. It's becoming an epidemic if it hasn't already. I'm waiting for another college professor or celebrity to tell us that Lucky Charms are racist because there's a white guy on the box.

It makes a huge difference. I wouldnt think you were an idiot that needed to deflect. If you have rhetorical question inform me so I dont have to guess every time you ask a question.

Again, why does it matter? If you don't like the question for whatever reason, you're not going to answer it, rhetorical or not.

Of course I matter. What made you think I didnt?

Nothing. You had just said the same thing to me so I threw it back at you.

If my thinking that I matter was relevant to you or the discussion to a degree that you felt the need to bring it up, then why is it a non-issue in your case?

In that specific case I couldnt go any further than you. There was no more information since I wasnt there and didnt have his history. You were content with claiming him a racist off meager data.

I didn't claim it off meager data, I claimed it off the entire post which I just showed you. You assumed I made a kneejerk judgment because I only quoted one line from it.

I require more than that before I accuse someone of being a racist. Do you see now why I think youre an idiot? How did you not know I was speaking in general terms when I said "In my case I go further....". Did you understand the context of my comment?

Maybe I missed something but I interpreted your remark to mean that you go further by reading for context before making a judgment. Is this not what you meant?

Yeah I still need context. Maybe you should provide the link instead of claiming thats his entire post.

I'll provide the link if you want it but I didn't "claim" it was the entire post, it actually was the entire post and I told you it was.

Since you apparently now think me a liar, here's the link to the article talking about it. They even have a pic of the screenshot of the facebook post itself:

Professor accused of antiwhite racism; others say it's free speech

Seems to me he has a sense of humor. When say I hate Black people I am always joking or being sarcastic. I'm Black so why would I hate myself? If that angers you then I suggest you seek counseling.

So you think calling children "little Caucasian assholes", "Little shithead" and "Unlikely moron" is humorous?

I didnt get caught not answering your deflection. I pointed out that I wasnt going to answer it when I replied.

Are you asking me to refrain from talking about the white race? Why should I stop doing that when they are the only cause of the racism I point out to my Black people?

I disagree. Anything that happens racially in this country is ultimately due to white racism. You whites made up the races and the concept that the white race was the best. You own that no matter how much you want to deny it. Sorry. :rolleyes:

Again I disagree. If your question is irrelevant or not allowed I wont answer. Some things are just none of your business. It matters that you ID your question as rhetorical. I dont want to think youre stupid just because you asked a rhetorical question.

It never was a non issue in my case. I typically correct people that think they matter. The only people that do matter are myself and those that are close to me or working towards the same goal as I am. Thats a serious issue.

I assumed you made your misinformed decision off that post you showed me which I pointed out has no historical context and you werent there to see the body language. To make matters worse you completely forgot to evaluate this guys explanation of the whole thing which pointed out your flawed decision making process with laser like precision.

Thats exactly what I meant. If you knew thats what I meant how did you fuck it up so badly? I was speaking generally and you tried to pretend I was not. :rolleyes:

No it wasnt the entire post. He made another post and your link even shows that. See what I mean about you working with incomplete data?

Since he didnt point out any specific kid I find it hilarious.
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Whooosh Right over your head.

What difference does it make why the whites did it if you are both wrong?
What is it that you believe I am wrong about and who is the other person who is also allegedly wrong?

And it makes a difference to a lot of people who try to understand how and why one group of people could perpetuate such evil against their fellow human beings.
That being said, we will never truly eliminate racism from our society until we stop deriving our identity and self-worth from our group and begin celebrating our individuality.

Bullshit. We won't get rid of racism until whites stop making punk ass excuses like the one you just made and do what is necessary to rid racism from your communities.

What are you going to do to rid racism from your community? And before you try and go there, don’t tell me Blacks cannot be racist, that’s BS!
Racist and racism is two different things dummy. Blacks cant practice racism. Nothing they do can be a detriment to whites since whites own all the resources and opportunities.

Bullshit. First of all, hatred for whites is a detriment to whites. Secondly, depriving a race economically or otherwise is racial oppression that stems from racism which is a belief that "race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race."

Do you remember telling me this: "Whites are the weaker race in my opinion."?

This falls under the "...race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities..." part.
Like I said before. Youre full of bullshit. Blacks can hate whites guts but we cant stop them from getting a loan or a job. The only thing that can do that is racism.

Yes I remember telling you that. Any race that has to make laws to hold others back is weak. Any race that has to lie about their achievements are weak and suffering from an insecurity complex. Any race that claims another race is inferior but puts obstacles in their way is weak as hell. Sorry if that stings but thats what white people do at every opportunity.
Being racist is not the same as exerting power over others. It is an irrational hatred of others based on skin tone.
What are you going to do to rid racism from your community? And before you try and go there, don’t tell me Blacks cannot be racist, that’s BS!
Racist and racism is two different things dummy. Blacks cant practice racism. Nothing they do can be a detriment to whites since whites own all the resources and opportunities.

Bullshit. First of all, hatred for whites is a detriment to whites. Secondly, depriving a race economically or otherwise is racial oppression that stems from racism which is a belief that "race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race."

Do you remember telling me this: "Whites are the weaker race in my opinion."?

This falls under the "...race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities..." part.
Like I said before. Youre full of bullshit. Blacks can hate whites guts but we cant stop them from getting a loan or a job. The only thing that can do that is racism.

Where do you guys get this ridiculous notion that only those who have the power to oppress can be racist?

Yes I remember telling you that. Any race that has to make laws to hold others back is weak. Any race that has to lie about their achievements are weak and suffering from an insecurity complex. Any race that claims another race is inferior but puts obstacles in their way is weak as hell. Sorry if that stings but thats what white people do at every opportunity.

Sorry, but your ludicrous ideas about race and racism have no power to sting because they're largely monkey shit.

Having said that, if you're saying that white people as a race are inherently morally weaker and weaker in character than blacks or other races then you are racist.

Again you make yourself out to be an idiot. I said Blacks cant practice racism which is a different word than racist. It should be simple for you. They are two differents words. How fucking stupid are you?

If that makes you feel better I will allow it but I have to warn you. What you think of me is none of my business.
Don't be silly. Anyone can "practise" racism at anytime simply by making a derogatroy remark based on another's race.
Bullshit. We won't get rid of racism until whites stop making punk ass excuses like the one you just made and do what is necessary to rid racism from your communities.

What are you going to do to rid racism from your community? And before you try and go there, don’t tell me Blacks cannot be racist, that’s BS!
Racist and racism is two different things dummy. Blacks cant practice racism. Nothing they do can be a detriment to whites since whites own all the resources and opportunities.

Bullshit. First of all, hatred for whites is a detriment to whites. Secondly, depriving a race economically or otherwise is racial oppression that stems from racism which is a belief that "race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race."

Do you remember telling me this: "Whites are the weaker race in my opinion."?

This falls under the "...race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities..." part.
Like I said before. Youre full of bullshit. Blacks can hate whites guts but we cant stop them from getting a loan or a job. The only thing that can do that is racism.

Yes I remember telling you that. Any race that has to make laws to hold others back is weak. Any race that has to lie about their achievements are weak and suffering from an insecurity complex. Any race that claims another race is inferior but puts obstacles in their way is weak as hell. Sorry if that stings but thats what white people do at every opportunity.
Being racist is not the same as exerting power over others. It is an irrational hatred of others based on skin tone.
I disagree with some aspects of your statement. White racists are irrational. Being racist for Black people can be very rational. Its pretty easy to come to the conclusion in a rational manner that whites are inferior due to what they have done and still do.
Racist and racism is two different things dummy. Blacks cant practice racism. Nothing they do can be a detriment to whites since whites own all the resources and opportunities.

Bullshit. First of all, hatred for whites is a detriment to whites. Secondly, depriving a race economically or otherwise is racial oppression that stems from racism which is a belief that "race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race."

Do you remember telling me this: "Whites are the weaker race in my opinion."?

This falls under the "...race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities..." part.
Like I said before. Youre full of bullshit. Blacks can hate whites guts but we cant stop them from getting a loan or a job. The only thing that can do that is racism.

Where do you guys get this ridiculous notion that only those who have the power to oppress can be racist?

Yes I remember telling you that. Any race that has to make laws to hold others back is weak. Any race that has to lie about their achievements are weak and suffering from an insecurity complex. Any race that claims another race is inferior but puts obstacles in their way is weak as hell. Sorry if that stings but thats what white people do at every opportunity.

Sorry, but your ludicrous ideas about race and racism have no power to sting because they're largely monkey shit.

Having said that, if you're saying that white people as a race are inherently morally weaker and weaker in character than blacks or other races then you are racist.

Again you make yourself out to be an idiot. I said Blacks cant practice racism which is a different word than racist. It should be simple for you. They are two differents words. How fucking stupid are you?

If that makes you feel better I will allow it but I have to warn you. What you think of me is none of my business.
Don't be silly. Anyone can "practise" racism at anytime simply by making a derogatroy remark based on another's race.
No. You cant practice racism unless you can deprive another race of opportunity. Calling someone a honky is not racism. It may be racist.
This is a dumb thread. Only idiots havent caught on yet that most daytime talk show guests are just putting on an act so they can be on TV.
These are legendary idiots right here.
You and whitetrash are the primary legendary idiots.:rolleyes:

I know your daddy wasn't around to teach you these things but everything you see on TV is not real.

Neither is Santa. Sorry to break it to you.
My dad taught me you lice heads were legendary idiots. :rolleyes:
What is with the lice obsession?
What are you going to do to rid racism from your community? And before you try and go there, don’t tell me Blacks cannot be racist, that’s BS!
Racist and racism is two different things dummy. Blacks cant practice racism. Nothing they do can be a detriment to whites since whites own all the resources and opportunities.

Bullshit. First of all, hatred for whites is a detriment to whites. Secondly, depriving a race economically or otherwise is racial oppression that stems from racism which is a belief that "race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race."

Do you remember telling me this: "Whites are the weaker race in my opinion."?

This falls under the "...race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities..." part.
Like I said before. Youre full of bullshit. Blacks can hate whites guts but we cant stop them from getting a loan or a job. The only thing that can do that is racism.

Yes I remember telling you that. Any race that has to make laws to hold others back is weak. Any race that has to lie about their achievements are weak and suffering from an insecurity complex. Any race that claims another race is inferior but puts obstacles in their way is weak as hell. Sorry if that stings but thats what white people do at every opportunity.
Being racist is not the same as exerting power over others. It is an irrational hatred of others based on skin tone.
I disagree with some aspects of your statement. White racists are irrational. Being racist for Black people can be very rational. Its pretty easy to come to the conclusion in a rational manner that whites are inferior due to what they have done and still do.
Racism is never rational because by its nature it generalises traits to people based on the colour of their skin. You are no better than the racist whites you condemn.
This is a dumb thread. Only idiots havent caught on yet that most daytime talk show guests are just putting on an act so they can be on TV.
These are legendary idiots right here.
You and whitetrash are the primary legendary idiots.:rolleyes:

I know your daddy wasn't around to teach you these things but everything you see on TV is not real.

Neither is Santa. Sorry to break it to you.
My dad taught me you lice heads were legendary idiots. :rolleyes:
What is with the lice obsession?
I have no idea. I think its something genetic or maybe the wet dog smell that attracts them to white people.
Racist and racism is two different things dummy. Blacks cant practice racism. Nothing they do can be a detriment to whites since whites own all the resources and opportunities.

Bullshit. First of all, hatred for whites is a detriment to whites. Secondly, depriving a race economically or otherwise is racial oppression that stems from racism which is a belief that "race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race."

Do you remember telling me this: "Whites are the weaker race in my opinion."?

This falls under the "...race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities..." part.
Like I said before. Youre full of bullshit. Blacks can hate whites guts but we cant stop them from getting a loan or a job. The only thing that can do that is racism.

Yes I remember telling you that. Any race that has to make laws to hold others back is weak. Any race that has to lie about their achievements are weak and suffering from an insecurity complex. Any race that claims another race is inferior but puts obstacles in their way is weak as hell. Sorry if that stings but thats what white people do at every opportunity.
Being racist is not the same as exerting power over others. It is an irrational hatred of others based on skin tone.
I disagree with some aspects of your statement. White racists are irrational. Being racist for Black people can be very rational. Its pretty easy to come to the conclusion in a rational manner that whites are inferior due to what they have done and still do.
Racism is never rational because by its nature it generalises traits to people based on the colour of their skin. You are no better than the racist whites you condemn.
I disagree. You can generalize and still be rational. I'm way better than the racists I call out.
How do you reconcile "weakness as a race" and "There are whites who know how to end it"? If there are whites who know how to (and endeavor to) end it then obviously it is not a weakness of race.

Chelsea Handler: "I feel very gross about my white privilege."

Professor James Livingston of Rutgers University: "...I now hate white people."

These are just two of many examples of anti-white rhetoric from whites in the last few years. If these two people are not advocating hatred of and self-loathing for whites then what do you call this?

How does "I now hate white people" teach whites not to be racist?

These people are not telling us not to be racist, they're telling us we should be ashamed of being white and ashamed of other white peoples' racism and racist actions.

Are you even capable of having an adult conversation and countering arguments with logic without denigrating a person's intellect? Save the playground insults for your grandchildren.

Who are apparently morally weaker in spite of this.

I am not obligated to stop racism, I am obligated to not be racist.

"How do you reconcile "weakness as a race" and "There are whites who know how to end it"?"

Pretty easy. Just because you know something is wrong doesnt mean you have the mental strength to correct it. Your question is akin to asking why do some financial advisors go broke.

You didn't say some whites know racism is wrong, you said some whites "know how to end it."

So you're saying some whites have the mental strength to know how to end racism but don't have the mental strength to end racism. Does that about sum it up? This is akin to saying a financial adviser has the mental strength to know how to make money but doesn't have the mental strength to make money.

Do you ever stop and read what you post? How is it that your head has not exploded by now with all of the cognitive dissonance clanging around in there?

"How does "I now hate white people" teach whites not to be racist?"
Probably because hating something doesnt mean you are racist. What kind of stupid question is that?

And if he had said: "I now hate black people.", would you still say it doesn't mean he is racist?

The only one with cognitive dissonance is you. You always try that dumb not all whites shit every time and know no one is talking about all whites.

"Whites are the weaker race."

Having said that, if you're not talking about all whites then why did you assume I was lying about my story?

It's because you are too much pf a coward to actually face the issue. Instead you want to argue that silly bu-bu-bu- but about how you think blacks are racists just like whites. No we are not. Out anger comes from a completely different place and it is based not on race but on how a race has treated us. Get it?

"Whites are the weaker race." Get it?

If you are forever telling people they are inferior or lesser,

"Whites are the weaker race."

if your system promotes that belief through education, law and policy, someone in the group deemed "inferior"is going to step up and declare they are not inferior and in fact they are superior. And in your silly disconnected mind you think that is the same as the assumption of superiority based on nothing whites developed over 400 years ago and has been a traditional way of thinking among many people of the white race.


The blacks of the past who were told they were inferior did not stand up and say they were superior, they said they were equal. And they were right. Then blacks like you and Asclepias come along and say blacks are superior and that whites are the weaker race. But you are wrong. That's the difference between you and black civil rights activists of the past.

"The blacks of the past who were told they were inferior did not stand up and say they were superior, they said they were equal. And they were right."

They were more than equal. They were superior and they knew it. I know because they passed it down to my generation. Whites would have died out under the conditions Blacks dealt with. Blacks didnt have to legislate themselves a head start in order to advance. Whites did that. Blacks didnt have to claim whites were not human to appease their insecurity complexes. Whites did that. That tells Black people that Blacks are superior to whites. Some are uncomfortable with that notion but in their bones they know this to be true. Now I dont know if that superiority is organic or just a result of whites weakening themselves through their culture.
If your argument is that the inferior race was whites and they had to legistlate an advantage, doesn't that make them superior ( as they were smart enough to come up with a strategy ensuring their survival?) I mean human beings are much weaker physically than many species on the planet but our intelligence ensures our survival, so we discovered fire, weapons etc to our benefit, making us the dominant species. Your argument is racist and illogical.
Bullshit. First of all, hatred for whites is a detriment to whites. Secondly, depriving a race economically or otherwise is racial oppression that stems from racism which is a belief that "race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race."

Do you remember telling me this: "Whites are the weaker race in my opinion."?

This falls under the "...race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities..." part.
Like I said before. Youre full of bullshit. Blacks can hate whites guts but we cant stop them from getting a loan or a job. The only thing that can do that is racism.

Yes I remember telling you that. Any race that has to make laws to hold others back is weak. Any race that has to lie about their achievements are weak and suffering from an insecurity complex. Any race that claims another race is inferior but puts obstacles in their way is weak as hell. Sorry if that stings but thats what white people do at every opportunity.
Being racist is not the same as exerting power over others. It is an irrational hatred of others based on skin tone.
I disagree with some aspects of your statement. White racists are irrational. Being racist for Black people can be very rational. Its pretty easy to come to the conclusion in a rational manner that whites are inferior due to what they have done and still do.
Racism is never rational because by its nature it generalises traits to people based on the colour of their skin. You are no better than the racist whites you condemn.
I disagree. You can generalize and still be rational. I'm way better than the racists I call out.
If you are generalising, you are a racist and you are irrational.

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