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The Sickness Racism Breeds

You didn't say some whites know racism is wrong, you said some whites "know how to end it."

So you're saying some whites have the mental strength to know how to end racism but don't have the mental strength to end racism. Does that about sum it up? This is akin to saying a financial adviser has the mental strength to know how to make money but doesn't have the mental strength to make money.

Do you ever stop and read what you post? How is it that your head has not exploded by now with all of the cognitive dissonance clanging around in there?

And if he had said: "I now hate black people.", would you still say it doesn't mean he is racist?

The only one with cognitive dissonance is you. You always try that dumb not all whites shit every time and know no one is talking about all whites.

"Whites are the weaker race."

Having said that, if you're not talking about all whites then why did you assume I was lying about my story?

It's because you are too much pf a coward to actually face the issue. Instead you want to argue that silly bu-bu-bu- but about how you think blacks are racists just like whites. No we are not. Out anger comes from a completely different place and it is based not on race but on how a race has treated us. Get it?

"Whites are the weaker race." Get it?

If you are forever telling people they are inferior or lesser,

"Whites are the weaker race."

if your system promotes that belief through education, law and policy, someone in the group deemed "inferior"is going to step up and declare they are not inferior and in fact they are superior. And in your silly disconnected mind you think that is the same as the assumption of superiority based on nothing whites developed over 400 years ago and has been a traditional way of thinking among many people of the white race.


The blacks of the past who were told they were inferior did not stand up and say they were superior, they said they were equal. And they were right. Then blacks like you and Asclepias come along and say blacks are superior and that whites are the weaker race. But you are wrong. That's the difference between you and black civil rights activists of the past.
A does make a lot of comments about how whites are dumber and inferior. I figured he just did it to piss people off. He's too smart to actually believe that, isn't he?
(P.S., imo, no one gets to be King of the Hill. We are all pretty much the same.)
I suspect he is being a "racist" black troll. Likewise, there are some "racist" white trolls. They feed off each other and nothing is ever solved in this forum.
They like play-fighting. Not so sure about IM2. He gets pretty sulky, though.

I don't get sulky, but I don't joke with racists.
Why cant whites just stop being racist?

How do you instantly make people smarter? I'd really like an answer to that. Most of the people I deal with on a daily basis are weapons-grade morons.

I don't know how they are able to turn Oxygen into CO2.
Do you really think it has anything to do with being smart? It has more to do with being insecure. How many white scientists claim to this day that Blacks are inferior?

As per the encyclopedia britannica, a scientific publication, a white man is equivalent to 11 black men.

Link please.
That being said, we will never truly eliminate racism from our society until we stop deriving our identity and self-worth from our group and begin celebrating our individuality.

Bullshit. We won't get rid of racism until whites stop making punk ass excuses like the one you just made and do what is necessary to rid racism from your communities.

How about we arrange a racist swap? I'll get to work on the lists. That ought fix things.

From where I sit -- racists of ANY color are pretty much interchangeable and use the same tactics anyways.

Apparently you sit on the floor.

When you find a racist non white that has enacted laws and policies denying whites of opportunity, then we'll talk about racists of any color.

Does Obama count?? :banana:

No Because he did not enact laws denying whites opportunity. Maybe if you weren't a dittohead you'd know that.
There are no laws that give black people in America power or authority over whites unlike the laws that were implemented by whites when racism was lawful in the U.S.

These laws you speak of would not prevent a black employer from favoring blacks over whites in his business.

A black business owner is still required to comply with all of the civil and other employment laws which forbids discrimination, including discrimination against white people.

So is a white business owner.

A black police officer is not granted authority over others by virtue of his race, but by virtue of being an agent of the government (a law enforcement officer). That is not state sponsored discrimination.

A white officer is not granted authority over others by virtue of his race either.

If you keep flipping from institutional racism to individual acts of racism committed by racists in violation of existing law, then we'll never find any common ground from which we can begin to unravel what the actual issues are, other than individuals still engaging in unlawful racist behavior.

If you keep ignoring the fact that not every white person is guilty of racism then we'll never find any common ground from which we can begin to unravel what the actual issues are.

You must address institutional racism or you really have no place in this discussion.

I don't have to address a fucking thing. You're not even the OP so you have no place telling me what to address and what not to address.

This is not about what every white person is. It is about the fact there are whites who are racists.

No shit there are whites who are racist numbnuts. Any idiot knows that. However, if that was all that was being said here then I would have no reason to get in the discussion.

I don't get into any of these discussions to debate the fact of there being white racists. I get into these discussions because most of the other drivel you spout is unmitigated hypocritical bullshit.

And if you can't address instiutional racism, you have no place in this discussion because its part of the sickness.

Uh huh. If I have no place in this discussion then why the fuck are you talking to me? In fact, not only are you talking to me but you're responding to things I say that aren't even addressed to you for Christ's sake. You and Asclepias both have been responding to comments I made to the other guy for the last three days.

For someone who doesn't even know what white racism is and has no place in this discussion, you guys sure have a lot to say to me.

We're trying to help you get out of that ignorance you believe.
These laws you speak of would not prevent a black employer from favoring blacks over whites in his business.

So is a white business owner.

A white officer is not granted authority over others by virtue of his race either.

If you keep ignoring the fact that not every white person is guilty of racism then we'll never find any common ground from which we can begin to unravel what the actual issues are.

You must address institutional racism or you really have no place in this discussion.

I don't have to address a fucking thing. You're not even the OP so you have no place telling me what to address and what not to address.

This is not about what every white person is. It is about the fact there are whites who are racists.

No shit there are whites who are racist numbnuts. Any idiot knows that. However, if that was all that was being said here then I would have no reason to get in the discussion.

I don't get into any of these discussions to debate the fact of there being white racists. I get into these discussions because most of the other drivel you spout is unmitigated hypocritical bullshit.

And if you can't address instiutional racism, you have no place in this discussion because its part of the sickness.

Uh huh. If I have no place in this discussion then why the fuck are you talking to me? In fact, not only are you talking to me but you're responding to things I say that aren't even addressed to you for Christ's sake. You and Asclepias both have been responding to comments I made to the other guy for the last three days.

For someone who doesn't even know what white racism is and has no place in this discussion, you guys sure have a lot to say to me.

We're trying to help you get out of that ignorance you believe.

And what ignorance is that?

I'll bet you a dollar that whatever you think is the ignorance I believe is something I never even said. Either because you confused me with somebody else again or I simply never said it. So go ahead, tell me again for the hundredth time what I said that I didn't actually say or what I believe that I don't actually believe.
So how do you expect me to stop white racism if I don't even know what it is?


But you sure know what you think black racism is. That as a tremendous lie ghost rider, I've got to give you credit for even trying that one.

Of course his comments were based on things whites have done, that doesn't mean that it's not utter bullshit.

If whites have done these things A's comments can't be bullshit. They would be what people call truth.

It's not supported by facts, that's the whole fucking point. If he had said "The whites who made these laws were weak", I would fully agree. But alas, that is not what he said.

It is supported by facts due to the reality that whites agreed with the laws and participated in their enforcement and practice.

And what excuses have you ever gotten from me?

Here are some minor but very important details you have conveniently overlooked in all our discussions:
Not once have I ever said anything negative or denigrating about blacks as a race.
Not once have I ever made blanket claims or assertions about blacks as you and A have done about whites.
Not once have I ever denied or excused white racism.
Not once have I ever denied or excused the fact of the laws and policies meant to keep blacks down.
Not once have I ever denied or excused the racism going on today. In fact, in our last discussion a little over a month ago, I acknowledged the rash of recent incidents of whites calling the police on blacks and condemned these incidents as racist and stupid.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, you have condemned me as racist, not for things I've said about blacks but rather, for things I did not say about whites. You have condemned me as racist for challenging you and some of your views about whites, not for anything I said about blacks. Even when I qualify my remarks by saying "some blacks..." or "certain blacks...", you blow it out of proportion and accuse me of making racist claims about blacks. This is precisely what you did in one of our earlier discussions.

I call you a racist because that's what you've shown yourself; to be. You don't challenge me because you are too scared to discuss the overall impact of racist laws, polices or institutional racism which is the basis of my argument. Instead you run away with hat sorry weak l am an individual crap.

Well I am an Individual. I have a degree. I have never committed a crime. I do not sell drugs and never have. I have no children out of wedlockl I have never taken welfare. I have not lived depending on the government or whitey for a damn thing. I have never blamed whites for anything I could not do after given the chance. I've paid taxes my whole adult working life. But my indvidualism doesn't even fucking count, yet yours always does. And you can't see the racism in that.
I know what racsim is and you excuse it and have decided tell me, a person who has experienced 15-20,000 or more separate instances of racism in the over 20,000 days I have lived, that I don't know what racism is. You don't come close to challenging me about my views on whites. I've lived 57 years, I've lived with and socialized with whites all of my lie. You seem to think seem to think you are educating me about white people as if I've never been around them. Wrong answer.

Read your posts.

When did I say anything about black leaders other than to say they stood for equality?

Fool, you told me how I did not hear all the black leaders fun what you perceive as the civil rights times because I am 2 years older than you, like we have had the exact same lives. You do this all he time.

Bullshit. The traits of fear and mistrust of other groups is inherent in humans and animals and has been with us from the beginning. Europeans didn't do anything that wasn't already done in Africa.

The concept of racial classification was created and developed in Europe.

You already have countless celebrities, professors and politicians out there telling us whites that we are shit and should be ashamed. Isn't that enough? Besides, forgive me if I'm not inclined to bend over backwards and feel sympathy for asswipes who think I'm mentally and morally weaker.

I don't see anybody else white saying whites are shit. And the only people have a problem with whites criticizing themslves while feeling free to criticize everybody else is the white racist. Now do you not think for one second whites should be ashamed for the things they have done? And if not, doesn't this show a moral and mental weakness?

So fuck you, because for 400 years ongoing asswipes like you think we are morally and mentally weaker. White racists make up lies from stats by multiplying stats by 5-6 times the number in order to justify that belief. You reap what you sow bitch. Whites have sown racism and hate but those like you think you should get back respect and love. Not how it works.
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You must address institutional racism or you really have no place in this discussion.

I don't have to address a fucking thing. You're not even the OP so you have no place telling me what to address and what not to address.

This is not about what every white person is. It is about the fact there are whites who are racists.

No shit there are whites who are racist numbnuts. Any idiot knows that. However, if that was all that was being said here then I would have no reason to get in the discussion.

I don't get into any of these discussions to debate the fact of there being white racists. I get into these discussions because most of the other drivel you spout is unmitigated hypocritical bullshit.

And if you can't address instiutional racism, you have no place in this discussion because its part of the sickness.

Uh huh. If I have no place in this discussion then why the fuck are you talking to me? In fact, not only are you talking to me but you're responding to things I say that aren't even addressed to you for Christ's sake. You and Asclepias both have been responding to comments I made to the other guy for the last three days.

For someone who doesn't even know what white racism is and has no place in this discussion, you guys sure have a lot to say to me.

We're trying to help you get out of that ignorance you believe.

And what ignorance is that?

I'll bet you a dollar that whatever you think is the ignorance I believe is something I never even said. Either because you confused me with somebody else again or I simply never said it. So go ahead, tell me again for the hundredth time what I said that I didn't actually say or what I believe that I don't actually believe.

Your posts, you own words show that you are ignorant. For example your claim that you don't know what white racism is. I suppose you didn't say that either.
You must address institutional racism or you really have no place in this discussion.

I don't have to address a fucking thing. You're not even the OP so you have no place telling me what to address and what not to address.

This is not about what every white person is. It is about the fact there are whites who are racists.

No shit there are whites who are racist numbnuts. Any idiot knows that. However, if that was all that was being said here then I would have no reason to get in the discussion.

I don't get into any of these discussions to debate the fact of there being white racists. I get into these discussions because most of the other drivel you spout is unmitigated hypocritical bullshit.

And if you can't address institutional racism, you have no place in this discussion because its part of the sickness.

Institutional racism was, at one time, the law of the land. However, for some time now, it is illegal in criminal law and actionable in civil law. So, racism that you face is from individuals. The mother of racism in individuals is stupidity.

I'm not sure what can be done to eliminate stupidity.

Don't tell me what kind of racism I face white man.

This Is Proof That Institutional Racism Is Still Very Much A Problem
ByMia Mercado
Mar 15 2017

The roots of racism run deep. They permeate our culture beyond the existence of racial slurs and persist regardless of our first black president. To see examples of systemic racism, you don’t even need to look far. If you have gone to school, lived in a house, had a job, or been to the doctor, you’ve likely been hurt or helped by institutional racism at some point in your life.

Institutional racism, or systemic racism, is defined as the pattern of social and political systems discriminating against a group of people based on race. If you’re wondering how a school or a bank or any “thing” or “system” can be racist, ask yourself who runs those “things” and “systems.” A government or any other institution is created and run by human beings. While a building or a document cannot itself hold prejudice or beliefs (on account of...they’re made of bricks and/or paper), human beings are more than capable of holding prejudicial beliefs, and in turn, creating systems that reflect those beliefs.

My “But slavery was abolished and hate crimes are illegal” senses are tingling; this is usually the part in the conversation where laws established or struck down are used as examples of why institutional racism can’t exist. If Equal Employment Opportunity Laws make it federally illegal, how can job discrimination based on race persist? Oh, sweet, naive, hypothetical question. Making something illegal doesn’t make it go away. If that were the case, murders would never happen and even if they did, they would all be solved and the victim brought justice. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but unsolved murders still very much exist. Like, there are whole basic cable channels dedicated to them.

Proof That Institutional Racism Is Still A Problem

Institutional racism has been the law of the land in my lifetime, not just against Blacks, but against Asians, Hispanic, Jews, and Muslims.

Have other groups suffered similar economic disparities? At what point do you tell yourself that despite an uneven playing field, success is still possible for the individual?

No. Stop making the dumb ass assumptions whites such as you make about what we tell each other. And we should not have to accept an uneven playing field.
That is why, in civil litigation, the burden of proof is 'preponderance of evidence'. Unlike criminal law, where the burden of proof is 'beyond a reasonable doubt'.

If someone is denied a job because of race, it wouldn't be difficult to prove. Does the company have any black employees? What is the ratio of qualified candidates rejected vs hired? If you make a tort case against a company you can have the court issue a subpoena duces tecum, which forces the company to provide this information.

In a tort case, you only need convince a judge or jury (depending on the monetary damages sought) there is evidence of discriminatory hiring practice to win the judgement.

That is why, in many such tort cases, the tortfeasor will settle early. The case is not difficult to prove in any company with a history of discriminatory hiring practices.
Everything you said is the way our system is supposed to work, however the reality is very different particularly since there is bias within our civil court system as well as the criminal system starting with some of the civil rights investigators, the attorneys (most of them fight to protect the violations of the employers), court personnel and the judges.

I have documented proof that everyone involved in an interference with an employment contract claim lied - about everything. The only thing I didn't have evidence of was them saying that the reason they did what they did was BECAUSE I was black but they pretty much admitted or got caught on every other material issue or lie they told and it meant nothing to the court, who actually aided them in one case by rearranging the dates in which they had to produce our discovery requests so that their motion for summary judgment erroneously ended up preceeding the date in which they had to turn our the documents which would have incriminated them.

You're right, of course. No legal system is perfect. There will always be someone seeking to divert the course of justice. I see it all the time in my job. There are bad judges and bad lawyers. But, the system works correctly in an overwhelming number of cases. The more the system is exercised, the more obvious becomes who are the bad elements in the system.

Things have got better. We've gone from institutional, socially acceptable racism to eliminating it in a generation and it will continue to improve. The fact that no one can be openly racist is a sign that the majority of public opinion rejects racism. I meet open racist in my job and they're idiots. More often than not, they're under arrest when I speak to them. The only place any person can be openly racist these days is in a jail cell or in an anonymous forum.

I don't believe the playing field will ever be completely even for anyone. Fact is, beautiful people earn more on average than their less attractive peers. That's going to be an interesting prejudice to overcome. Every ethnic group in America has been subject to some for of discriminatory practice. There has to come a time when the individual asks himself, "Who determines my success, me, or the playing field?'.

Instiutional racism has not been eliminated. I mean your post would be funny if it wasn't so sad. For example the fact that no one can be openly racist doesn't mean the majority of public opinion rejects racism. It means a person can undermine things that have helped create equal opportunity or deny opportunity for people of color. Here is an example, interviewing blacks but not hiring them then stating they found better candidates as result of interviews.
For example the fact that no one can be openly racist doesn't mean the majority of public opinion rejects racism.

You under the impression that it's ILLEGAL to be a racist? Hope not. Because you'd be a fugitive from justice if that were true.. :113:

It's not. Because there's not a "bright line" to being a racist. Especially if you think most everyone who questions your opinions and theories to BE a racist..
So how do you expect me to stop white racism if I don't even know what it is?


But you sure know what you think black racism is. That as a tremendous lie ghost rider, I've got to give you credit for even trying that one.

Oh for fuck's sake. Did you forget already that You're the one who said I didn't know what racism is?

Of course his comments were based on things whites have done, that doesn't mean that it's not utter bullshit.

If whites have done these things A's comments can't be bullshit. They would be what people call truth.

Blacks have committed murder. Does this mean blacks are a murderous people as a race?

It's not supported by facts, that's the whole fucking point. If he had said "The whites who made these laws were weak", I would fully agree. But alas, that is not what he said.

It is supported by facts due to the reality that whites agreed with the laws and participated in their enforcement and practice.

So did the Tutsis.

And what excuses have you ever gotten from me?

Here are some minor but very important details you have conveniently overlooked in all our discussions:
Not once have I ever said anything negative or denigrating about blacks as a race.
Not once have I ever made blanket claims or assertions about blacks as you and A have done about whites.
Not once have I ever denied or excused white racism.
Not once have I ever denied or excused the fact of the laws and policies meant to keep blacks down.
Not once have I ever denied or excused the racism going on today. In fact, in our last discussion a little over a month ago, I acknowledged the rash of recent incidents of whites calling the police on blacks and condemned these incidents as racist and stupid.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, you have condemned me as racist, not for things I've said about blacks but rather, for things I did not say about whites. You have condemned me as racist for challenging you and some of your views about whites, not for anything I said about blacks. Even when I qualify my remarks by saying "some blacks..." or "certain blacks...", you blow it out of proportion and accuse me of making racist claims about blacks. This is precisely what you did in one of our earlier discussions.

I call you a racist because that's what you've shown yourself; to be.

How? You always say that but never explain why or how. So how have I shown myself to be racist?

You don't challenge me because you are too scared to discuss the overall impact of racist laws, polices or institutional racism which is the basis of my argument. Instead you run away with hat sorry weak l am an individual crap.

I don't discuss it because you use it as a trap. It's a given that racist laws, policies and institutional racism have had a negative impact on blacks. That's not an issue with me and I never denied it. My problem is that you seem to think it is the end-all, be-all answer or explanation to any race issue and it's not. I think it clouds your objectivity about racism and whites in particular. If it didn't then you wouldn't have automatically assumed that I concocted my story.

Well I am an Individual. I have a degree. I have never committed a crime. I do not sell drugs and never have. I have no children out of wedlockl I have never taken welfare. I have not lived depending on the government or whitey for a damn thing. I have never blamed whites for anything I could not do after given the chance. I've paid taxes my whole adult working life. But my indvidualism doesn't even fucking count, yet yours always does. And you can't see the racism in that.

Why the fuck are you telling me this? I've never said or implied a goddamned thing about you selling drugs or taking welfare or anything. And where do you get the idea that I think your individualism doesn't count? Your individualism was never an issue because, unlike you, I don't make blanket statements about an entire race.

I've never said a word about blacks as a race. When I challenge you on race issues I challenge YOU, not blacks. I challenge you because most blacks don't think like you on these matters.
I've known and worked with blacks my whole life (with the exception of my childhood up to the age of thirteen when we were still in upstate New York and there were no blacks in the area) and my overall experience with them is no better and no worse than my overall experience with whites. I've met great folks and assholes on both sides of the racial line in equal measure.
I know what racsim is and you excuse it and have decided tell me, a person who has experienced 15-20,000 or more separate instances of racism in the over 20,000 days I have lived, that I don't know what racism is. You don't come close to challenging me about my views on whites. I've lived 57 years, I've lived with and socialized with whites all of my lie. You seem to think seem to think you are educating me about white people as if I've never been around them. Wrong answer.

Read your posts.

Yes, sometimes I think you are wrong about what is racist. Most times you are wrong about what you think I said or believe. You were wrong about me being racist. You were wrong about me concocting my story. You were wrong when you assumed I must have mistreated the guy. You were wrong when you said I misstated MLK when I never said a word about him. You were wrong in this post when you said I think your individualism didn't count.

You have been wrong about a great many things about me since we first interacted.

When did I say anything about black leaders other than to say they stood for equality?

Fool, you told me how I did not hear all the black leaders fun what you perceive as the civil rights times because I am 2 years older than you, like we have had the exact same lives. You do this all he time.

Foo', my question was in response to this remark from you: "Whites are the ones who decided hat blacks had one leader. And you are just dumb enough to believe that as well."

As you can see, you had made yet another assumption about me and what I believe when I never said a fucking thing about black leaders. In fact, the term I used was "civil rights activists", not "black leaders".

Bullshit. The traits of fear and mistrust of other groups is inherent in humans and animals and has been with us from the beginning. Europeans didn't do anything that wasn't already done in Africa.

The concept of racial classification was created and developed in Europe.

If that is true then you need to present research, study and peer-reviewed scholarship to that effect. Otherwise it's just more "I hates whitey" rhetorical dog vomit.

You already have countless celebrities, professors and politicians out there telling us whites that we are shit and should be ashamed. Isn't that enough? Besides, forgive me if I'm not inclined to bend over backwards and feel sympathy for asswipes who think I'm mentally and morally weaker.

I don't see anybody else white saying whites are shit.

You're not white so how would you know?

And the only people have a problem with whites criticizing themslves while feeling free to criticize everybody else is the white racist.

First of all, these whites aren't criticizing themselves per se, they are criticizing the white race. Secondly, as I said above, I don't criticize everybody else, I criticize you. And if Handler or the professor were here now I would challenge and criticize them.

Now do you not think for one second whites should be ashamed for the things they have done? And if not, doesn't this show a moral and mental weakness?

I think that the whites who have done wrong should be ashamed for the things they have done. Should Muslims be ashamed for 9/11?

So fuck you, because for 400 years ongoing asswipes like you think we are morally and mentally weaker.

This is just incredible, I don't know what to say. Asclepias says outright that whites are the weaker race and you basically agree with him. And yet in spite of that, you turn it around on me and accuse me of the same fucking thing you guys did even though I never any such thing about blacks. Jesus Christ what an unmitigated hypocrite you are.

I never said anything about blacks being morally and mentally weaker and I don't think they are.

White racists make up lies from stats by multiplying stats by 5-6 times the number in order to justify that belief. You reap what you sow bitch. Whites have sown racism and hate but those like you think you should get back respect and love. Not how it works.

You have insulted my intelligence a number of times and called me every name in the book - stupid fucker, dumb bastard, moron, bitch, punk, foo', etc. - and you think you should get back respect and love. Not how it works.
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QUOTE="flacaltenn, post: 21092597, member: 30473"]
For example the fact that no one can be openly racist doesn't mean the majority of public opinion rejects racism.

You under the impression that it's ILLEGAL to be a racist? Hope not. Because you'd be a fugitive from justice if that were true.. :113:

It's not. Because there's not a "bright line" to being a racist. Especially if you think most everyone who questions your opinions and theories to BE a racist..[/QUOTE]

It is illegal to be a racist. And you can't post a racist statement I have made. I don't think everyone who questions my opinion are racists. But people who tell me how blacks can only improve if they move out of black communities into all white ones like you have done, well, you get called a racist.

You are not qualified to tell me about racism. I've lived having to deal with white racsim now for 57 years or at least 20,805 days. You cannot say the same.

"Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it (Kumashiro, 2009; LaDuke, 2009). We are the least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences (King, 1991). At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism.Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience (Chinnery, 2008). This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as “people just need to see each other as individuals” or “see each other as humans” or “take personal responsibility.”

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue (DiAngelo & Sensoy, 2009)."

Learn to listen.
I don't have to address a fucking thing. You're not even the OP so you have no place telling me what to address and what not to address.

No shit there are whites who are racist numbnuts. Any idiot knows that. However, if that was all that was being said here then I would have no reason to get in the discussion.

I don't get into any of these discussions to debate the fact of there being white racists. I get into these discussions because most of the other drivel you spout is unmitigated hypocritical bullshit.

And if you can't address instiutional racism, you have no place in this discussion because its part of the sickness.

Uh huh. If I have no place in this discussion then why the fuck are you talking to me? In fact, not only are you talking to me but you're responding to things I say that aren't even addressed to you for Christ's sake. You and Asclepias both have been responding to comments I made to the other guy for the last three days.

For someone who doesn't even know what white racism is and has no place in this discussion, you guys sure have a lot to say to me.

We're trying to help you get out of that ignorance you believe.

And what ignorance is that?

I'll bet you a dollar that whatever you think is the ignorance I believe is something I never even said. Either because you confused me with somebody else again or I simply never said it. So go ahead, tell me again for the hundredth time what I said that I didn't actually say or what I believe that I don't actually believe.

Your posts, you own words show that you are ignorant. For example your claim that you don't know what white racism is. I suppose you didn't say that either.

I didn't, you did.
Oh for fuck's sake. Did you forget already that You're the one who said I didn't know what racism is?

Don't play stupid.

Blacks have committed murder. Does this mean blacks are a murderous people as a race?

Did blacks make laws making it legal to kill whites and there would be no penalty?

So did the Tutsis.

The problem in Rwanda was a result of white colonization. You were shown that.

If that is true then you need to present research, study and peer-reviewed scholarship to that effect. Otherwise it's just more "I hates whitey" rhetorical dog vomit.


“I am apt to suspect the negroes and in general all other species of men (for there are four or five different kinds) to be naturally inferior to the whites. There never was a civilized nation of any other complexion than white, nor even any individual eminent either in action or speculation. No ingenious manufactures amongst them, no arts, no sciences. On the other hand, the most rude and barbarous of the whites, such as the ancient GERMANS, the present TARTARS, have still something eminent about them in their valour, form of government, or some other particular. Such a uniform and constant differences could not happen in so many countries and ages, if nature had not made an original distinction betwixt these breeds of men. Not to mention our colonies, there are Negroe slaves dispersed all over Europe, of which none ever discovered any symptoms of ingenuity, tho' low people, without education, will start up amonst us, and distinguish themselves in every profession. In JAMAICA indeed they talk of one negroe as a man of parts and learning; but 'tis likely he is admired for very slender accomplishments like a parrot, who speaks a few words plainly. “

David Hume, “Of National Characters”

In three separate works Kant claimed that the Negro is, in most respects, the lowest of all races. He also referred to blacks as the “bad race” and whites as “the good race,” argued that the white race contains “all incentives and talents,” and felt that whites were the “only ones who always progress toward perfection.”

To my knowledge, Kant never repudiated any of these explicitly racist claims.

Ryan Very, Kant’s Racism

How White People Invented Racism

Drawing from the
Encyclopedia Brittanica (a surprisingly good resource for race theory), racism’s core ideology has three components. First, it’s the belief that humans are separated into biological categories called “races”. Second, it posits that racialized physical traits are the source of personality characteristics like intelligence, sexuality, and work ethic. Finally, the ideology holds that these racial categories exist within a hierarchy and that some races are superior to others.

While scientists have challenged race’s biological foundation, and many of us now understand race to be a social construct, “race has not lost its biological origins“. Although ethnocentricism, nationalism, and tribalism all predate race, it’s racial hierarchy’s pseudo biological foundation that sets it apart as a distinctly European invention. The treatment of the Ainu and burakumin in Japan, which was based in part on a biology-like concept of “polluted blood”, is the only precolonial non-European social hierarchy with similar characteristics to racism. Given the overall lack of precolonial non-White concepts of race, racism (and race itself) is the original “white people problem”.

How White People Invented Racism

Groups of humans have always identified themselves as distinct from neighboring groups, but such differences have not always been understood to be natural, immutable and global. These features are the distinguishing features of how the concept of race is used today. In this way the idea of race as we understand it today came about during the historical process of exploration and conquest which brought Europeans into contact with groups from different continents, and of the ideology of classification and typology found in the natural sciences.[35] The term race was often used in a general biological taxonomic sense,[15] starting from the 19th century, to denote genetically differentiated human populations defined by phenotype.

Marks, Jonathan (2008). "Race: Past, present and future. Chapter 1". In Koenig, Barbara; Soo-Jin Lee, Sandra; Richardson, Sarah S. Revisiting Race in a Genomic Age. Rutgers University Press.

"Race2". Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 5 October 2012

Lie, John (2004). Modern Peoplehood. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. ISBN 0674013271.

Thompson, William; Hickey, Joseph (2005). Society in Focus. Boston: Pearson. ISBN 0-205-41365-X.

Keita, S. O. Y.; Kittles, R. A.; Royal, C. D. M.; Bonney, G. E.; Furbert-Harris, P.; Dunston, G. M.; Rotimi, C. N.; et al. (2004). "Conceptualizing human variation". Nature Genetics. 36 (11s): S17–S20. doi:10.1038/ng1455. PMID 15507998. Retrieved 5 September 2015.

Race (human categorization) - Wikipedia

There are many or citations in this link.

You're not white so how would you know?

It's pretty simple. I lived in a majority white town. I went majority white schools including college. I worked with white people for most of my working life. I had teammates on my sports teams that were white. I've had girlfriends and a wife that was white. I don't think you have had the same kind of exposure to blacks. Whites like you have been singing this sorry sad song for most of my life..

You still don't get it. You are not talking to blacks who have newer personally ben around white people.

First of all, these whites aren't criticizing themselves per se, they are criticizing the white race. Secondly, as I said above, I don't criticize everybody else, I criticize you. And if Handler or the professor were here now I would challenge and criticize them.

And why can't whites criticize the white race for things they have done and keep doing wrong?

I think that the whites who have done wrong should be ashamed for the things they have done. Should Muslims be ashamed for 9/11?

But those who benefited from the wrongs?

This is just incredible, I don't know what to say. Asclepias says outright that whites are the weaker race and you basically agree with him. And yet in spite of that, you turn it around on me and accuse me of the same fucking thing you guys did even though I never any such thing about blacks. Jesus Christ what an unmitigated hypocrite you are.

I never said anything about blacks being morally and mentally weaker and I don't think they are.

Well I'm no hypocrite. When you look at what whites have done, what does it say to you about your own race?

Because whites do not say what they do about us based on a pattern of behavior or abuses that run the spectrum. And you want to ignore why things are said to make your conclusion because you are not able to deal with the truth. I can say that since I have dealt with negative things blacks have done. I have criticized blacks for bad behaviors and I have worked to change things I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DOING. So in my view YOU are weak because you can't do that and you are full of excuses of why you can't do that in the white community.
I am. I've heard people make the claim that they are 'gang stalked' or 'mob stalked'. But, they never can answer the simple question. "In order for a person to be targeted by a community, wouldn't the entire community have to be in on the targeting?"

Mostly, the idea that you're the object of a vast public conspiracy is classic symptom of narcissism.
Are you a detective or patrol officer?

Gang Stalking by Another Name

A criminal conspiracy exists when two or more people agree to commit almost any unlawful act, then take some action toward its completion. The action taken need not itself be a crime, but it must indicate that those involved in the conspiracy knew of the plan and intended to break the law. One person may be charged with and convicted of both conspiracy and the underlying crime based on the same circumstances.

A civil conspiracy or collusion is an agreement between two or more parties to deprive a third party of legal rights or deceive a third party to obtain an illegal objective.[1] A conspiracy may also refer to a group of people who make an agreement to form a partnership in which each member becomes the agent or partner of every other member and engage in planning or agreeing to commit some act. It is not necessary that the conspirators be involved in all stages of planning or be aware of all details. Any voluntary agreement and some overt act by one conspirator in furtherance of the plan are the main elements necessary to prove a conspiracy. A conspiracy may exist whether legal means are used to accomplish illegal results, or illegal means used to accomplish something legal.[2] "Even when no crime is involved, a civil action for conspiracy may be brought by the persons who were damaged."[1]
You ever work with domestic violence victims?
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I did know the answer to the question. The idea was to get you to realize that you are painting white people, as a race, as weaker mentally and morally which is exactly what whites used to say about blacks a hundred years ago.
And on what were they basing the opinion that black people were inferior? Nothing more than their desire to commit violations against blacks which if it were even suggested that the same crimes be perpetrated against any of them would have resulted in them torching the entire earth (sort of like they did in the Tulsa Oklahoma Race Riots).

In other words, there was no basis for this belief other than a self proclaimed declaration that they put into law that allowed them to exploit other human beings for profit. That's one of the reasons why black people were deemed to not have souls so that they could rationalize, justify and reconcile their Christian beliefs with their selling, whipping, raping, lynching, murdering, etc. of people of African descent.

This is pretty much common knowledge
For example the fact that no one can be openly racist doesn't mean the majority of public opinion rejects racism.

You under the impression that it's ILLEGAL to be a racist? Hope not. Because you'd be a fugitive from justice if that were true.. :113:

It's not. Because there's not a "bright line" to being a racist. Especially if you think most everyone who questions your opinions and theories to BE a racist..
Well I heard this idiot just got charged after spewing all her "I'm white" "I'm hot" and "I'm beautiful" drunken bs so being a racist ass finally is having a downside: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/woman-declaring-i-m-white-i-m-hot-fired-job-n926151?cid=sm_npd_nn_fb_ma

Garris eventually did call police, and in the video indicated that she had to call twice because the first dispatcher hung up on her.

"Is she white, black, Hispanic or Asian," that dispatcher had asked among a series of other questions. The next responder told Garris that officers were on their way.

It's unclear if police ever responded to the parking lot, but Westwood is facing four criminal summonses for communicating threats and simple assault, NBC affiliate WCNC reported.​

And then there is this. I think it used to be referred to as the Anti-Klan act (see the second paragraph)

Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 - Conspiracy Against Rights
This statute makes it unlawful for two or more persons to conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person of any state, territory or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him/her by the Constitution or the laws of the United States, (or because of his/her having exercised the same).

It further makes it unlawful for two or more persons to go in disguise on the highway or on the premises of another with the intent to prevent or hinder his/her free exercise or enjoyment of any rights so secured.

Punishment varies from a fine or imprisonment of up to ten years, or both; and if death results, or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years, or for life, or may be sentenced to death.​
I am. I've heard people make the claim that they are 'gang stalked' or 'mob stalked'. But, they never can answer the simple question. "In order for a person to be targeted by a community, wouldn't the entire community have to be in on the targeting?"

Mostly, the idea that you're the object of a vast public conspiracy is classic symptom of narcissism.
Are you a detective or patrol officer?

Gang Stalking by Another Name

A criminal conspiracy exists when two or more people agree to commit almost any unlawful act, then take some action toward its completion. The action taken need not itself be a crime, but it must indicate that those involved in the conspiracy knew of the plan and intended to break the law. One person may be charged with and convicted of both conspiracy and the underlying crime based on the same circumstances.

A civil conspiracy or collusion is an agreement between two or more parties to deprive a third party of legal rights or deceive a third party to obtain an illegal objective.[1] A conspiracy may also refer to a group of people who make an agreement to form a partnership in which each member becomes the agent or partner of every other member and engage in planning or agreeing to commit some act. It is not necessary that the conspirators be involved in all stages of planning or be aware of all details. Any voluntary agreement and some overt act by one conspirator in furtherance of the plan are the main elements necessary to prove a conspiracy. A conspiracy may exist whether legal means are used to accomplish illegal results, or illegal means used to accomplish something legal.[2] "Even when no crime is involved, a civil action for conspiracy may be brought by the persons who were damaged."[1]
You ever work with domestic violence victims?

I do, all the time. But 'gang-stalking' is a concerted effort on the part of a community at large to ruin every part of a person's life, social, professional, and economic.

To claim to be gang-stalked, you're saying that 'everyone' is out to get you.

You feel everything is part of a vast conspiracy aimed directly at you.

That's more commonly known as paranoia.
I did know the answer to the question. The idea was to get you to realize that you are painting white people, as a race, as weaker mentally and morally which is exactly what whites used to say about blacks a hundred years ago.

Except whites are still saying that now in places such as this. Again GR is here trying to compare more than 400 ongoing years of an observed behavior against a false assumption thinking it's the same thing.
I am. I've heard people make the claim that they are 'gang stalked' or 'mob stalked'. But, they never can answer the simple question. "In order for a person to be targeted by a community, wouldn't the entire community have to be in on the targeting?"

Mostly, the idea that you're the object of a vast public conspiracy is classic symptom of narcissism.
Are you a detective or patrol officer?

Gang Stalking by Another Name

A criminal conspiracy exists when two or more people agree to commit almost any unlawful act, then take some action toward its completion. The action taken need not itself be a crime, but it must indicate that those involved in the conspiracy knew of the plan and intended to break the law. One person may be charged with and convicted of both conspiracy and the underlying crime based on the same circumstances.

A civil conspiracy or collusion is an agreement between two or more parties to deprive a third party of legal rights or deceive a third party to obtain an illegal objective.[1] A conspiracy may also refer to a group of people who make an agreement to form a partnership in which each member becomes the agent or partner of every other member and engage in planning or agreeing to commit some act. It is not necessary that the conspirators be involved in all stages of planning or be aware of all details. Any voluntary agreement and some overt act by one conspirator in furtherance of the plan are the main elements necessary to prove a conspiracy. A conspiracy may exist whether legal means are used to accomplish illegal results, or illegal means used to accomplish something legal.[2] "Even when no crime is involved, a civil action for conspiracy may be brought by the persons who were damaged."[1]
You ever work with domestic violence victims?

I do, all the time. But 'gang-stalking' is a concerted effort on the part of a community at large to ruin every part of a person's life, social, professional, and economic.

To claim to be gang-stalked, you're saying that 'everyone' is out to get you.

You feel everything is part of a vast conspiracy aimed directly at you.

That's more commonly known as paranoia.

I don't think that's exactly the case. And it has been done.

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