The Siege Of Mecca And Sadat's Assassination


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Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Many recall the assassination of the President of Egypt, Anwar Sadat, murdered on this date, October 6th, of 1981,by Islamists because he had agreed to peace with Israel. But there is far more to this story, an event which led to that assassination.

A momentous event, barely reported, was the take-over of the holiest site in all of Islam.....Mecca. Radicals took Mecca in 1979, and that event, covered in a spectacular book, Yaroslav Trofimov's "The Siege of Mecca," led to the assassination of the Egyptian President.

1. October 6, 1981 A young student, Mohammed Islambouli, who had watched the take-over of the Grand Mosque of Mecca ( 11/20/1979) brought the teaching of Juhayman back to Egypt. He shared the burgeoning Islamic revival with his brother, Khaled, a lieutenant in the Egyptian army. On this day, marching past President Sadat, he suddenly emptied his weapon into Sadat for betraying Islam and making peace with the Jews.
A main street n Tehran is named in Kaled Islambouli’s honor.

2. "When Khalid el-islambouli’s unit began to approach the PresidentAnwar Saadat's platform, he with three other soldiers, jumped from their truck and ran towards the stand while throwing grenades toward President Anwar Saadat’s platform, where hewas standing with foreign dignitaries. Khalid el-islambouli climbed the platform and emptied his rifle intoAnwar Saadat's body, shouting "I have killed the Pharaoh!". Immediately afterwards Khalid el-islambouliwas captured. He and twenty-three co-conspirators were tried and found guilty. Khalid el-islambouli, Muhammad al-Salam Faraj, Essam al-Qamari and three other co-conspirators were executed on 04/15/1982.

3. "Two other factors added to the mix produce the picture we see today.

a. The first of these—founded by a theologian called Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, who lived in a remote area of Najd in desert Arabia—is known as Wahhabi. Its argument is that the root of Arab-Islamic troubles lies in following the ways of the infidel. The Islamic world, it holds, has abandoned the true faith that God gave it through His prophet and His holy book, and the remedy is a return to pure, original Islam....

In the mid-1920s the local tribal chiefs of the House of Saud—who had been converted since the 18th century to the Wahhabi version of Islam—conquered the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. This was of immense importance, giving them huge prestige and influence in the whole Islamic world. It also gave them control of the pilgrimage, which brings millions of Muslims from the Islamic world together to the same place at the same time every year.

b. Another important thing that happened—also in the mid-20s—was the discovery of oil.With that, this extremist sectfound itselfnot only in possession of Mecca and Medina, but also of wealth beyond the dreams of avarice.

As a result, what would otherwise have been a lunatic fringe in a marginal country became a major force in the world of Islam. Now, its influence spreads far beyond the region."

But according to Wahhabi adherents....the House of Saud did not live up to the Wahhabi version of Islam....the response to the lapse led to the siege of Mecca......
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4. Juhayman....the leader of the assault on Mecca.....

"Juhayman ibn Muhammad ibn Sayf al-Otaybi(Arabic:جهيمان بن محمد بن سيف العتيبي‎) (16 September 1936[1][2]– 9 January 1980) was areligiousactivist and militant who led thetakeoverof theGrand MosqueinMecca,Islam'sholiest site, to protest against theSaudi monarchyand their ruling, in the last months of 1979.... His doctrines are said to have included:

1. The imperative to emulate the Prophet's example—revelation, propagation, and military takeover.

2. The necessity for the Muslims to overthrow their present corrupt rulers who are forced upon them and lack Islamic attributes since the Quran recognizes no king or dynasty.

3. The requirements for legitimate rulership are devotion to Islam and its practice, rulership by the Holy Book and not by repression,Qurayshitribal roots, and election by the Muslim believers.

4. The duty to base the Islamic faith on the Quran and thesunnahand not on the equivocal interpretations (taqlid) of theulamaand on their "incorrect" teachings in the schools and universities.

5. The necessity to isolate oneself from the sociopolitical system by refusing to accept any official positions.

6. The advent of themahdifrom the lineage of the Prophet throughHusayn ibn Alito remove the existing injustices and bring equity and peace to the faithful.

7. The duty to reject all worshipers of the partners of God (shirk), including worshipers ofAli,FatimahandMuhammad, theKhawarij, and even music.

8. The duty to establish a puritanical Islamic community which protects Islam from unbelievers and does not court foreigners."
Juhayman al-Otaybi - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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The Cliff Notes version:

Jimmy Carter removes the Shah and puts the Ayatollah in his place...1979

Juhayman feels the power of the tidal wave of Islamism, and attacks Mecca because the Saudi family isn't stern enough...1979

The siege of Mecca inspires Khalid el-islambouli to murder the President of Egypt October 6,1981

Al Qaeda is formed in the late1980s

5. "The 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran has been compared in importance to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. “The central problems of world affairs today spring from the Iranian Revolution much as those of the 20th century sprang from the Russian Revolution.”

If the return of the Ayatollah Khomeini to Iran was the gasoline....then the naive Jimmy Carter was the match that ignited the Middle East. He facilitated the removal of long-time United States ally, the Shah....and...

a. "When the Iranian revolution came to power, with the help of Democratic President Jimmy Carter,the Ayatollah Khomeini killed more human beings (about twenty thousand) in two weeks than had been killed by the Shah during his entire thirty-eight years.Khomeini followed this by sending hundreds of thousands of Iranians to die in the Iran-Iraq war, as martyrdom was needed to resurrect the Islamic Empire."
Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 108

Elections have consequences.
6. Ayatollah Khomeini's rants inflamed radicals like Juhayman...filled him, and his insane followers, with the kind of throat-cutting homicidal mania the world has come to expect from these monsters.

But their target was the surprise!
They planned to usurp the power of the House of Saud, to take over Mecca by force.

" ...November 20, 1979 was the beginning of the third week of the Iranian hostage situation.... .... hundreds of rebels, mostly Saudis of Bedouin stock. They smuggled in arms inside caskets supposedly carrying dead relatives brought for blessing.....

The Saudi Army then blasted the snipers out of the minarets (using U.S. Army TOW missiles),... the group of religious fanatics also took over the holiest shrine in Islam! It was held for over two weeks and was not brought back under Saudi control until well over 300 people had been killed. One would think that such an event would get a lot of coverage and be seen as one of the major event in the recent history of the Middle East, but it is hardly ever mentioned...

.. . roots in fundamentalist Wahabi doctrine which rejects the commercial and cultural evils of the modern western world and teaches its youth to strike back and become martyrs in their quest for a "pure" Islamic world....

.... .... the Saudi family receive[d] permission from leading Wahhabi clerics - including Bin Baz - to mount an all-out assault upon the mosque itself, in exchange for ending the family's modest efforts at Western-influenced modernization, and other measures which set the stage for the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks upon America itself."
The Siege of Mecca The 1979 Uprising at Islam s Holiest Shrine Yaroslav Trofimov 9780307277732 Books

And so, Jimmy Carter....the gift that keeps on giving....brought about the Iranian Revolution, the reign of Ayatollah Khomeini, the Hostage Crisis, the siege of Mecca, the end of the liberalization of Islam, the assassination of Anwar Sadat,....
...and essentially the terrorism the world has today.
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The House of Saud made noises about bringing Islam more in line with the rest of the civilized world.....but Jimmy Carter put an end to that by instilling the Ayatollah in Iran...this led to infusing maniacs like Juhayman, who led the assault on Mecca.

This rattled the Saudis so much, that they moved toward more 'pure' Wahhabi Islam.

Here's what happened:

7. "For seven long days, the Saudi authorities lost control of Islam’s holiest site in Mecca. With the Iranian Ayatollah Khomeini contesting for leadership of the world’s Muslims, the Saudis were caught napping at the wheel during this week in 1979..... hundreds of Salafist extremists ...seized control of the Grand Mosque after dawn prayers, holding thousands of worshippers from across the world hostage. They declared that [Juhayman] Uteybi’s brother-in-law, Mohammed Abdullah al-Qahtani, was the long-awaited messiah, or Mahdi, to whom Muslims around the world were to pledge allegiance.

..... the Saudis reached out for help from the secretive French special forces’ unit, Groupe d’Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale (GIGN)—reputed then to be the world’s best-trained special force—....Within days, the French infidels commanded Saudi forces to liberate Islam’s holiest shrine. The siege of Mecca started on November 20, and with the French at the helm, ended on November 27."
The Arab Street When the French Liberated Mecca

8. "And there were hundreds, maybe more than a thousand casualties. A large part of the structure was severely damaged. Saudi government had to use tanks, artillery. At the very end, they had to bring in the help of the French special forces. And the French special forces brought this poison gas that was pumped in the basement of the Grand Mosque, flushing out the last rebels." 1979 Remembering The Siege Of Mecca NPR
9. "The soldiers were backed by a small team of French commandos, led by the now infamous Lieutenant Paul Barril, and endorsed by a fatwa extracted the highest clerics that it was permissible to shoot the militants inside the sanctum.

The official death toll was 127 soldiers, 117 militants, and an unknown number of civilians. Trofimov [in "The Siege of Mecca"] cites independent observers in reporting a toll of 'well over 1,000 lives.'

'We can now see that Juhaymans revolt helped shift Saudi society in the conservative and reactionary direction that has only been seriously contested in the last few years.'

Trofimov drew a closer parallel, saying that in many ways Oteibis multinational army of zealous Islamic fighters 'was a precursor to Al-Qaeda itself.'

By the 1990s, when bin Laden turned against the Saudi rulers, 'he started to repeat almost word for word Juhaymans repudiations of the royal family,' Trofimov wrote.

And indeed, several Oteibi acolytes joined Al-Qaeda after their release from Saudi prisons, he said." Thirty years on Mecca mosque siege reverberates - - DAWN.COM

10. "Juhaymanand 67 members of his group were subsequentlybeheadedby the Saudi." [The heads sewn back onto the corpse for Islamic burials.] Juhayman al-Uteybi and Mecca uprising Islamic Inquisition

But his efforts were echoed in Egypt....on this date, October 6th, in 1981.
Did Hitler unleash the Holocaust because a Jewish prostitute gave him syphilis?

Last updated at 21:33 20 June 2007

A brief encounter with a Jewish prostitute may have led to Hitler's genocidal Holocaust, claim psychiatrists.

They believe he may have caught the sexually transmitted disease syphilis which, if untreated,

can eventually cause madness.

According to a report, mental and behavioural disturbances triggered by the advanced stages of the disease could have resulted in Hitler targeting Jews and the mentally retarded.

There is "ample circumstantial evidence" for the theory, according to a team headed by psychiatrist Dr Bassem Habeeb.

Dr Habeeb said that there had been speculation

that Hitler had syphilis from diary entries made by his personal doctor, Theo Morrell.

Yet despite significant medical and political clues, the theory has never been rigorously examined, he told the Royal College of Psychiatrists' annual meeting in Edinburgh.

He said: "If Hitler's life is looked at through the lens of a syphilis diagnosis, one clue leads to another until a pattern of infection and progressive infection emerges, a disease that may have defined him from youth as an outsider and that progressively ravaged his body and mind."

The disease would have fuelled a "deadly logic and blueprint for the Holocaust" which focused on particular minorities, he said.

Hitler, who reportedly had sex with a Jewish prostitute in Vienna in 1908, put syphilis high on his political agenda, devoting 13 pages to the disease in his book Mein Kampf.

The job of "combating syphilis - the Jewish disease - should be the task of the entire German nation," he wrote.

"The health of the nation will be regained only by eliminating the Jews."

Dr Habeeb said: "Hitler's bizarre belief that syphilis was a hereditary disease that was originated and propagated by the Jews and resulted in insanity and mental retardation" could be the reason he attempted to eliminate the mentally retarded.

He said well-documented aspects of Hitler's behaviour and health such as mood swings, paranoid rages, rashes and stomach problems were typical of syphilis.

In his diary, Dr Morrell noted Hitler's severe gastric crises, skin lesions, Parkinson's disease and violent mood swings as evidence that he had syphilis, as well as "sudden criminal behaviour, paranoia, grandiosity and mania", all of which are characteristic of cases of the advanced stage, neuro-syphilis.

Dr Habeeb, who works at Hollins Park Hospital, Warrington, said that experts had previously explored the possibility that Hitler had syphilis, but had not put together the chain of secondary neuro-symptoms that meant the Holocaust became the focus of his psychotic behaviour.

Before antibiotic treatments were developed, syphilis was incurable and could cause madness after a latent stage lasting many years.

Dr Habeeb said: "This disease can send you mad and it could be a horrible explanation for the obsession that led to the Holocaust.

"It's very hard to say with certainty. There's

ample circumstantial evidence, though no final proof, that he definitely had it.

"But many other historical figures in the 19th

and early 20 th century suffered from syphilis without the murderous consequences wreaked by Hitler."

Some historians say Hitler was exempt from Army service because of early symptoms caused by syphilis, which then disappeared as it entered the latent stage.

Others have suggested that Hitler received iodide salts, a well-known treatment for advanced or tertiary stage syphilis.

Some historians have laid Hitler's health problems partly at Dr Morrell's door, claiming he may even deliberately poisoned his patient.

Read more: Did Hitler unleash the Holocaust because a Jewish prostitute gave him syphilis Daily Mail Online
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Did Hitler unleash the Holocaust because a Jewish prostitute gave him syphilis?

Last updated at 21:33 20 June 2007

A brief encounter with a Jewish prostitute may have led to Hitler's genocidal Holocaust, claim psychiatrists.

They believe he may have caught the sexually transmitted disease syphilis which, if untreated,

can eventually cause madness.

According to a report, mental and behavioural disturbances triggered by the advanced stages of the disease could have resulted in Hitler targeting Jews and the mentally retarded.

There is "ample circumstantial evidence" for the theory, according to a team headed by psychiatrist Dr Bassem Habeeb.

Dr Habeeb said that there had been speculation

that Hitler had syphilis from diary entries made by his personal doctor, Theo Morrell.

Yet despite significant medical and political clues, the theory has never been rigorously examined, he told the Royal College of Psychiatrists' annual meeting in Edinburgh.

He said: "If Hitler's life is looked at through the lens of a syphilis diagnosis, one clue leads to another until a pattern of infection and progressive infection emerges, a disease that may have defined him from youth as an outsider and that progressively ravaged his body and mind."

The disease would have fuelled a "deadly logic and blueprint for the Holocaust" which focused on particular minorities, he said.

Hitler, who reportedly had sex with a Jewish prostitute in Vienna in 1908, put syphilis high on his political agenda, devoting 13 pages to the disease in his book Mein Kampf.

The job of "combating syphilis - the Jewish disease - should be the task of the entire German nation," he wrote.

"The health of the nation will be regained only by eliminating the Jews."

Dr Habeeb said: "Hitler's bizarre belief that syphilis was a hereditary disease that was originated and propagated by the Jews and resulted in insanity and mental retardation" could be the reason he attempted to eliminate the mentally retarded.

He said well-documented aspects of Hitler's behaviour and health such as mood swings, paranoid rages, rashes and stomach problems were typical of syphilis.

In his diary, Dr Morrell noted Hitler's severe gastric crises, skin lesions, Parkinson's disease and violent mood swings as evidence that he had syphilis, as well as "sudden criminal behaviour, paranoia, grandiosity and mania", all of which are characteristic of cases of the advanced stage, neuro-syphilis.

Dr Habeeb, who works at Hollins Park Hospital, Warrington, said that experts had previously explored the possibility that Hitler had syphilis, but had not put together the chain of secondary neuro-symptoms that meant the Holocaust became the focus of his psychotic behaviour.

Before antibiotic treatments were developed, syphilis was incurable and could cause madness after a latent stage lasting many years.

Dr Habeeb said: "This disease can send you mad and it could be a horrible explanation for the obsession that led to the Holocaust.

"It's very hard to say with certainty. There's

ample circumstantial evidence, though no final proof, that he definitely had it.

"But many other historical figures in the 19th

and early 20 th century suffered from syphilis without the murderous consequences wreaked by Hitler."

Some historians say Hitler was exempt from Army service because of early symptoms caused by syphilis, which then disappeared as it entered the latent stage.

Others have suggested that Hitler received iodide salts, a well-known treatment for advanced or tertiary stage syphilis.

Some historians have laid Hitler's health problems partly at Dr Morrell's door, claiming he may even deliberately poisoned his patient.

Read more: Did Hitler unleash the Holocaust because a Jewish prostitute gave him syphilis Daily Mail Online
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And the reason you've included this in the Sadat assassination thread???

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