The single largest problem in the U.S.?

What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?

The state of the family in the US: broken families, babies having babies, parents not bothering to raise their children, etc
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?

The state of the family in the US: broken families, babies having babies, parents not bothering to raise their children, etc

That sounds like a morality problem to me. :dunno:
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?
Partisan hacks who chose to lie, smear, distort, and manipulate to win elections, admvanve their agendas and attack their opposition. It stalls progress, wastes money, limits opportunity and divides America, which despite all your complaints is and has been doing pretty damn good.
You do realize Clinton did the same thing to Sanders AND Trump right? Not only then but she smeared and attacked the women her husband raped.
Yeah, all part of the problem
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?
Partisan hacks who chose to lie, smear, distort, and manipulate to win elections, admvanve their agendas and attack their opposition. It stalls progress, wastes money, limits opportunity and divides America, which despite all your complaints is and has been doing pretty damn good.

That’s what politicians do...that’s what they’ve always would one gain votership if they didn’t “attack” the oppositions position on policy?
What would differentiate the candidates?
Some think they’re sly and “attack” discreetly with a soft tone and some “attack” aggressively with blatant intent. That’s just part of the deal...that’ll never change.
Look at you defending it! I’m not just talking about politicians, I’m also talking about constituents as well. You ask how to beat somebody without attacking them with lies and manipulation and hyperbole and division? That’s pretty easy, you beat them with better and smarter ideas. Attack ideas all you want but have an honest debate about it then shake hands and continue to work together as part of the same team. Businesses, sports teams, and organizations all over the world do it every day. It’s a shame our government can’t do better

“lies and manipulation and hyperbole and division”
Give us an example of this happening now?
Easy.... listen to anything Trump says... listen to anything Pelosi says... listen to anything Rush and Hannity say, listen to MSNBC for 10 minutes... it’s all right there
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?
Partisan hacks who chose to lie, smear, distort, and manipulate to win elections, admvanve their agendas and attack their opposition. It stalls progress, wastes money, limits opportunity and divides America, which despite all your complaints is and has been doing pretty damn good.

That’s what politicians do...that’s what they’ve always would one gain votership if they didn’t “attack” the oppositions position on policy?
What would differentiate the candidates?
Some think they’re sly and “attack” discreetly with a soft tone and some “attack” aggressively with blatant intent. That’s just part of the deal...that’ll never change.
I guess I can use your argument towards your OP point with Illegals so you can se how dumb it is...

people are always going to be seeking a better life and be attracted to a country with wealth and opportunities. They will always find ways to get here... Thats just part of the deal... that'll never change.

“people are always going to be seeking a better life and be attracted to a country with wealth and opportunities. They will always find ways to get here... Thats just part of the deal... that'll never change.”
How many wetbacks would we have here today if we had been aggressively defending our southern border for decades? What if we offered zero incentive to “seek a better life” in the U.S.?
Wow, interesting that with your issue there are a bunch of solutions that would help the problem but with mine it’s “awe shucks well that’s just how it is”
Right wingers need a boogey man to blame all the ills of the world on
What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?
The Government.
In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS

Not all bad ...

What is that one thing which acts as the catalyst to nearly all things bad in the U.S.?
Bad for politics
Bad for the economy
Bad for taxpayers
Bad for healthcare
Bad for citizen division
Bad for our criminal justice system
Etc etc

In my opinion this is quite simple.....ILLEGAL MEXICANS
Your thoughts?

The state of the family in the US: broken families, babies having babies, parents not bothering to raise their children, etc

That sounds like a morality problem to me. :dunno:

It's still the truth. Poorly raised children grow up to make bad decisions, and here we are, IMO.
The Single Largest Problem in our society is the combination of Historical Illiteracy Regarding Western Civilization and Lack of Respect for the Values that Foster Liberty.
Coming from a socialist/Democrat......ROTFLMFAO!

He's not a socialist/Democrat. You are confused by the username.

I'm not a he. I'm a gal.

Yeah, and supposedly is that thing with a name similar to yours.

Sorry! I meant to correct that.

Just remember, I was here first - and she is the one with the beard from the anti-matter universe.
The Single Largest Problem in our society is the combination of Historical Illiteracy Regarding Western Civilization and Lack of Respect for the Values that Foster Liberty.
Coming from a socialist/Democrat......ROTFLMFAO!

Moron. You got the wrong person. That's what morons do.
I'm new, unlike you who just sucks

You don't admit mistakes with grace. Another sign of a moron.

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