The smollett case.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Many Americans donā€™t know who Jussie Smollett is but many do. They watch as a gay-minority celebrity orchestrates a fraud that closely parallels the scam the Washington elites are running to slander, destroy and overthrow the presidential election results. Smollett is apparently emboldened by the corruption he sees in the FBI and Department of Justice and a cast of characters led by James Comey and Hillary Clinton to enact a Coupe against a duly elected president.

Smollett appears to have seen that none of the coupe perpetrators have been held accountable or indicted so it looks like he just jumped on the bandwagon to smear and gin up violence against Trump supporters while elevating himself to the same level of resistance-victim hero worship he sees Comey and Clinton enjoying.

The Smollett incident neatly contains all of the tropes used by the presidentā€™s opposition: homophobia, racism, bullying, violence and of course, MAGA hats. The presidentā€™s political enemies have cleverly fostered a slobbering, visceral hatred of the president by branding him as a racist and homophobe.

The media was as quick to seize on Smollettā€™s ploy as it was in its rush to judgement on the Covington episode and in light of Lara Loganā€™s recent revelations about the liberal leanings of the American press US citizens are beginning to see that the presidentā€™s rivals have been burning the Reichstag since election eve.

If the president wants to strengthen border security with better walls the distorted media lens presents racism as not just axiomatic but automatic. This is not the Fourth Estate acting in good faith; this is blatant propaganda pandering and Loganā€™s points are well taken.

The tainted press is not alone in the sedition of the silent coupe. American education infested with and protected by public sector unions is flagrantly inciting students to topple statues, drape black hoods across their faces and attack historical artifacts of American society. Itā€™s chaos and bedlam on an industrial scale and itā€™s designed to overthrow a presidency.

Smollett is a much smaller fish than his predatory counterparts and is not afforded the sinister, corrupted deference of a Clinton or a Comey. He could end up paying a steep price especially for playing the overworked and crime-buried Chicago law enforcement authorities.

If Smollett is eventually charged and jailed Lara Loganā€™s biased media will immediately set about the task of turning him into a martyr like Bowe Bergdahl.

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