The solution to terrorism...........1000 lashes

Timothy McVeigh stated he was agnostic.
So far as Westboro, see links. Now, once again it seems you make claims which are false.
SBC president chaplains denounce military funeral protests
Statement about Westboro Baptist Church American Baptist Churches USA

Bill Maher spoke out about it a week ago

When you have so many bad apples, there is obviously something wrong with the orchard

Until the Muslim world starts to tend to its orchard, terrorism will flourish

Muslims all over the world have spoken out against terrorist but really, its unreasonable to expect that religion to be responsible for the actions of a few.

Are catholics responsible for the actions of Timothy McVeigh? Or are all christians responsible for Jim Jones or David Koresch? All baptists responsible for Westboro baptist's actions? White supremacists/kkk are domestic terrorists. Should all christians be held responsible for their murders?
Pulling out the hankies after a shocking beheading or terrorist attack does not seem to be working

Until the Muslim world shows the same intolerance of speech in favor of terrorism as they do for speech against Mohammad.......the problem will continue

Muslims have denounced terrorism and it has had no effect.

But, I've never seen the baptist religion denounce Westboro or the catholic religion denounce McVeigh.

It doesn't matter what Muslims say about terrorists. The terrorists believe what they're doing is right and they will not be deterred by the opinion of their religious leaders any more than white supremacists, kkk, Westboro, etc has had any effect on other terrorists.
Dog----do you remember fourth grade-----SINGING TIME?
They do it in the madrassa too-------sorta ----in the form of
chants The boredom of study is relieved by a few lively
episodes of

MAWT AL ____________
fill in the blank---any non muslim
peoples or countries

Singing time at the Cuntamucus Madrassa?

Zippity Doo Dah, Zippity A
My, oh my what a wonderful day
Plenty of Jihad headed my way
Zippity Doo Dah, Zippity A.

Mr. vest around my torso
It is primed It is triggered
Now it's time I figured

All the dead Jews I could cause in a day
Zippity Doo Dah, Zippity A!
Again, answer the fucking questions then post.

Do they advocate acts of "terrorism" or RETALIATORY ATTACKS?

Was the violent act PRECEDED by an act of violence?

Have Palestinians been subjected to genocide since 1925?

Was Iraq subjected to US VIOLENCE for 18 years?

I was reading an interesting article in Psychology Today recently about the relationship between profligate use of bold text and extreme mental illness.

It was most enlightening.

I was reading an interesting article in Psychology Today recently about the relationship between stonewalling and extreme mental illness.

It was most enlightening..

If they believe in the lash....why isn't it applied to those who are advocating and celebrating terrorism in their society?

They talk the talk when it comes to opposing terrorism, when will they walk the walk?

You're just figuring this out when the Saudis have been funding radical madrassas throughout the ME since the late 80's? Maybe your next tiny step toward reality will be getting behind our frackers to end US dollars financing a holy war against us.
As a matter of public health, fracking is evil. But it is a lot less evil than funding Jihad through oil purchase.

It is "not yet" for most people for the purchase of electric cars. 40K is just too much. But the second electric cars manage 25k (maybe 5 years from now?) I would support a 30% tariff on saudi oil.
So it isn't just me then ? I've always thought that people who post in big, bold, type have some type of mental disorder. They crave attention.

and are so stupid, they think that if they can just out shout somebody, they win.

that and REPETITION I first began to read islamo Nazi
propaganda ------before I reached age ten---(very long ago)
Even back then some of the stuff floating around in tattered pamphlets actually preceded World War II.---------the stuff has
not changed over the past 100 years------just fixed up a bit to
seem UP TO DATE. Had I not read the stuff-----I would
have never known----in fact I did not know even then (ie age
ten) that islam was involved. I had no idea that
places like Syria, Egypt and Turkey were muslim countries--
and I had no idea that back then "arab" meant muslim.----
a few years later I began to run into muslims-----they knew the
classic stuff chapter and verse. The only way they could have known it would be if someone taught it to them
How to we rid our orchards of blighted apples like Maher?

You hate Maher because he speaks the truth.

Maher is a liberal who upholds liberal values, instead of being just another dogmatic leftist who only knows that he has to defend Islam or else.
I despise him because he is a vile little son of a bitch.

I believe in freedom of speech tempered by the common sense of leaving things best unsaid unsaid.

I don't care if you are a Muslim, Jew, Christian, Buddhist, atheist or whatnot, you right to offend should be tempered by some concern for innocents that may be harmed by your free speech.

One wouldn't throw meat in the kid's playground with packs of rabid dogs on the loose.

Might be time to back off the rhetoric and let law enforcement and military take over the battle against terrorists.
Bill Maher spoke out about it a week ago

When you have so many bad apples, there is obviously something wrong with the orchard

Until the Muslim world starts to tend to its orchard, terrorism will flourish

Muslims all over the world have spoken out against terrorist but really, its unreasonable to expect that religion to be responsible for the actions of a few.

Are catholics responsible for the actions of Timothy McVeigh? Or are all christians responsible for Jim Jones or David Koresch? All baptists responsible for Westboro baptist's actions? White supremacists/kkk are domestic terrorists. Should all christians be held responsible for their murders?
Bill Maher hates Muslims. Whatever he says on this issue is not objective or credible.
He seems to hold humanity in contempt.

Nothing he says has any cred with me.
Um, yes moron, fracking does produce oil.

What an idiot.

Hydraulic fracturing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

A high-pressure fluid (usually chemicals and sand suspended in water) is briefly injected into a wellbore to create cracks in the deep-rock formations through which natural gas, petroleum, and brine will flow more freely

Oh oops, you're a moron.

Dude, I live in south Louisiana. 60% of our population works in the oil and gas industry. I knew about fracking before it made news.
Neanderthals were fracking flint in Britain 10,000 years ago.
I despise him because he is a vile little son of a bitch.

I believe in freedom of speech tempered by the common sense of leaving things best unsaid unsaid.

I don't care if you are a Muslim, Jew, Christian, Buddhist, atheist or whatnot, you right to offend should be tempered by some concern for innocents that may be harmed by your free speech.

One wouldn't throw meat in the kid's playground with packs of rabid dogs on the loose.

Might be time to back off the rhetoric and let law enforcement and military take over the battle against terrorists.

You say you believe in free speech, but then go on to say you are absolutely opposed to the notion.

Islamist's goals are the same as yours, here. They want their political ideology to be inviolate as well.
How to we rid our orchards of blighted apples like Maher?

You hate Maher because he speaks the truth.

Maher is a liberal who upholds liberal values, instead of being just another dogmatic leftist who only knows that he has to defend Islam or else.
I despise him because he is a vile little son of a bitch.

I believe in freedom of speech tempered by the common sense of leaving things best unsaid unsaid.

I don't care if you are a Muslim, Jew, Christian, Buddhist, atheist or whatnot, you right to offend should be tempered by some concern for innocents that may be harmed by your free speech.

One wouldn't throw meat in the kid's playground with packs of rabid dogs on the loose.

Might be time to back off the rhetoric and let law enforcement and military take over the battle against terrorists.

excuse me folks----it's been a long time since I ran into MAHER-------what objectionable stuff has he said in
the past few years?
I despise him because he is a vile little son of a bitch.

I believe in freedom of speech tempered by the common sense of leaving things best unsaid unsaid.

I don't care if you are a Muslim, Jew, Christian, Buddhist, atheist or whatnot, you right to offend should be tempered by some concern for innocents that may be harmed by your free speech.

One wouldn't throw meat in the kid's playground with packs of rabid dogs on the loose.

Might be time to back off the rhetoric and let law enforcement and military take over the battle against terrorists.

You say you believe in free speech, but then go on to say you are absolutely opposed to the notion.

Islamist's goals are the same as yours, here. They want their political ideology to be inviolate as well.


How can it be free speech when anyone can criticize the Muslims but not the Zionists?!?!?!?!?!?

excuse me folks----it's been a long time since I ran into MAHER-------what objectionable stuff has he said in
the past few years?

He speaks the truth about Islam and does so from a liberal perspective, taking leftists to task for their knee jerk defense of all its illiberal values.

How can it be free speech when anyone can criticize the Muslims but not the Zionists?!?!?!?!?!?


One can criticize Israelis all you want. Everyone does it, even, especially, the Israelis.

Free Speech Hypocrites
Thomas DiLorenzo

In the aftermath of the horrific murders of the people at the French cultural Marxist magazine, the journalistic Left all over the world has all of a sudden become a voice for free speech. Yes, the same people responsible or campus speech codes and all other forms of political correctness aimed at censoring words they disapprove of. The French Left, especially, has its collective panties in a wad and is said to be increasing the distribution of the magazine that was targeted by the murderers from its usual 60,000 issues to 1 million in the next issue.

The French cultural Marxists take the top award for hypocrisy here, since they have long supported the French “hate speech” laws that, among other things, criminalize “insults” against various cultural Marxist mascot groups (just about everyone in society except for white heterosexual males). In France, if you are found guilty of insulting a mascot or mascot group, the penalty is 6 months in prison and a 22,500 Euro fine. According to the Wikipedia entry about Hate Speech Laws in France, however, no insult to Christians or Muslims is so severe as to invoke the hate speech law. A French court even ruled that comparing the Christian cross to the Nazi swastika, as one other cultural Marxist magazine did, was “not an insult” to Christians. There is a five year prison sentence and 45,000 Euro fine for “contesting information about the Holocaust.”

One can criticize Israelis all you want. Everyone does it, even, especially, the Israelis.

This particular creature is on record here as supporting the genocide of Jews.

......and it whines about some supposed lack of free speech.

It's always the same song and dance with these things -- they get to advocate anything they damn well please. Humans should be prevented from criticizing them for it.
One thousand lashes....
I know they spread it out but c'mon....
Who decides on the number?

These wack jobs don't think 100 would be enough?
What a bunch of ass holes.
What can you be flogged for in Saudi Arabia - BBC Newsbeat

Last week the world watched as a Saudi man received the first of a 1000 lashes for the crime of blasphemy. Other crimes against Islam you can be flogged for include adultery, talking to someone of the opposite sex, even a woman driving a car

Absent from the list is advocating terrorism in the name of Allah. Muslims will condemn terrorism after the fact and immediately remind us that most Muslims are peaceful. But they look the other way as Muslim clerics, writers and bloggers openly advocate terror attacks

Until the Muslim world shows the same repulsion for terrorism as they do for blasphemy, adultery and mixing of the sexes, terrorism will flourish

Take a Muslim cleric who calls for terrorism and give him 1000 lashes
Grab someone who openly celebrates 9-11 or Charlie Abdo and give him 1000 lashes

Then see what happens with Muslim terrorism


Great post. I couldn't agree more. :) I don't think any of those things mentioned above are as worthy of a flogging as some of the actions of these so-called "clerics."
One thousand lashes....
I know they spread it out but c'mon....
Who decides on the number?

These wack jobs don't think 100 would be enough?
What a bunch of ass holes.

Maybe it's the same kind of thought process that goes into the 72 virgins claim. Why 72 virgins? Those pricks probably couldn't even handle one REAL woman. Lol.
What can you be flogged for in Saudi Arabia - BBC Newsbeat

Last week the world watched as a Saudi man received the first of a 1000 lashes for the crime of blasphemy. Other crimes against Islam you can be flogged for include adultery, talking to someone of the opposite sex, even a woman driving a car

Absent from the list is advocating terrorism in the name of Allah. Muslims will condemn terrorism after the fact and immediately remind us that most Muslims are peaceful. But they look the other way as Muslim clerics, writers and bloggers openly advocate terror attacks

Until the Muslim world shows the same repulsion for terrorism as they do for blasphemy, adultery and mixing of the sexes, terrorism will flourish

Take a Muslim cleric who calls for terrorism and give him 1000 lashes
Grab someone who openly celebrates 9-11 or Charlie Abdo and give him 1000 lashes

Then see what happens with Muslim terrorism


Great post. I couldn't agree more. :) I don't think any of those things mentioned above are as worthy of a flogging as some of the actions of these so-called "clerics."

I think that flogging is barbaric

But if you are going to be barbaric, why not be barbaric against terrorism

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