The solution to terrorism...........1000 lashes

One thousand lashes....
I know they spread it out but c'mon....
Who decides on the number?

These wack jobs don't think 100 would be enough?
What a bunch of ass holes.

Maybe it's the same kind of thought process that goes into the 72 virgins claim. Why 72 virgins? Those pricks probably couldn't even handle one REAL woman. Lol.
One virgin would be enough. After that why not the other 71 with women who can give you wild assed sweaty sex?
One thousand lashes....
I know they spread it out but c'mon....
Who decides on the number?

These wack jobs don't think 100 would be enough?
What a bunch of ass holes.

Maybe it's the same kind of thought process that goes into the 72 virgins claim. Why 72 virgins? Those pricks probably couldn't even handle one REAL woman. Lol.
One virgin would be enough. After that why not the other 71 with women who can give you wild assed sweaty sex?

After one time, they aren't virgins anymore, so that means 72 times and then you would be STUCK with 72 women! :lol: One might think that would be every man's worst nightmare!
One thousand lashes....
I know they spread it out but c'mon....
Who decides on the number?

These wack jobs don't think 100 would be enough?
What a bunch of ass holes.

Maybe it's the same kind of thought process that goes into the 72 virgins claim. Why 72 virgins? Those pricks probably couldn't even handle one REAL woman. Lol.
One virgin would be enough. After that why not the other 71 with women who can give you wild assed sweaty sex?

After one time, they aren't virgins anymore, so that means 72 times and then you would be STUCK with 72 women! :lol: One might think that would be every man's worst nightmare!
Virgins are overrated

Who wants sex with a woman who doesn't know what she is doing?
One thousand lashes....
I know they spread it out but c'mon....
Who decides on the number?

These wack jobs don't think 100 would be enough?
What a bunch of ass holes.

Maybe it's the same kind of thought process that goes into the 72 virgins claim. Why 72 virgins? Those pricks probably couldn't even handle one REAL woman. Lol.
One virgin would be enough. After that why not the other 71 with women who can give you wild assed sweaty sex?

After one time, they aren't virgins anymore, so that means 72 times and then you would be STUCK with 72 women! :lol: One might think that would be every man's worst nightmare!
Virgins are overrated

Who wants sex with a woman who doesn't know what she is doing?

Some men do apparently. :D Virgins are all the rage amongst the religious people. It's purity and innocence and all that stuff. I guess that's really important to them. I could say another reason why, but it's probably not very appropriate. Lol.
If they believe in the lash....why isn't it applied to those who are advocating and celebrating terrorism in their society?

They talk the talk when it comes to opposing terrorism, when will they walk the walk?

You're just figuring this out when the Saudis have been funding radical madrassas throughout the ME since the late 80's? Maybe your next tiny step toward reality will be getting behind our frackers to end US dollars financing a holy war against us.
As a matter of public health, fracking is evil. But it is a lot less evil than funding Jihad through oil purchase.

It is "not yet" for most people for the purchase of electric cars. 40K is just too much. But the second electric cars manage 25k (maybe 5 years from now?) I would support a 30% tariff on saudi oil.
Who are you and what have you done with Baruch Menachem?!!! Seriously though, it isn't often I agree with you.
What can you be flogged for in Saudi Arabia - BBC Newsbeat

Last week the world watched as a Saudi man received the first of a 1000 lashes for the crime of blasphemy. Other crimes against Islam you can be flogged for include adultery, talking to someone of the opposite sex, even a woman driving a car

Absent from the list is advocating terrorism in the name of Allah. Muslims will condemn terrorism after the fact and immediately remind us that most Muslims are peaceful. But they look the other way as Muslim clerics, writers and bloggers openly advocate terror attacks

Until the Muslim world shows the same repulsion for terrorism as they do for blasphemy, adultery and mixing of the sexes, terrorism will flourish

Take a Muslim cleric who calls for terrorism and give him 1000 lashes
Grab someone who openly celebrates 9-11 or Charlie Abdo and give him 1000 lashes

Then see what happens with Muslim terrorism


That's some really facist shit right there, rightwinger. Something like that may work, but the problem is these Middle Eastern countries sponsoring terrorism, theyre not going to all of a sudden decide to start fighting terrorism. Why would they?
What can you be flogged for in Saudi Arabia - BBC Newsbeat

Last week the world watched as a Saudi man received the first of a 1000 lashes for the crime of blasphemy. Other crimes against Islam you can be flogged for include adultery, talking to someone of the opposite sex, even a woman driving a car

Absent from the list is advocating terrorism in the name of Allah. Muslims will condemn terrorism after the fact and immediately remind us that most Muslims are peaceful. But they look the other way as Muslim clerics, writers and bloggers openly advocate terror attacks

Until the Muslim world shows the same repulsion for terrorism as they do for blasphemy, adultery and mixing of the sexes, terrorism will flourish

Take a Muslim cleric who calls for terrorism and give him 1000 lashes
Grab someone who openly celebrates 9-11 or Charlie Abdo and give him 1000 lashes

Then see what happens with Muslim terrorism


That's some really facist shit right there, rightwinger. Something like that may work, but the problem is these Middle Eastern countries sponsoring terrorism, theyre not going to all of a sudden decide to start fighting terrorism. Why would they?

I guess it comes down to priorities. Right now, when given a choice to violate free speech, they choose to punish those who want to speak about their religion
If they had the same passion in punishing those who support terrorism, we wouldn't have the culture we do now
That's some really facist shit right there, rightwinger. Something like that may work, but the problem is these Middle Eastern countries sponsoring terrorism, theyre not going to all of a sudden decide to start fighting terrorism. Why would they?

Especially when terrorism is so lucrative. Just look at what it has done for the genocidal maniacs that started calling themselves "Palestinian" a few decades ago. They are the world's darlings because of all their terrorism and they receive more aid per capita than any other group in the world.

With useful idiots in the west rewarding terrorism like they do, why ruin a good thing?
What can you be flogged for in Saudi Arabia - BBC Newsbeat

Last week the world watched as a Saudi man received the first of a 1000 lashes for the crime of blasphemy. Other crimes against Islam you can be flogged for include adultery, talking to someone of the opposite sex, even a woman driving a car

Absent from the list is advocating terrorism in the name of Allah. Muslims will condemn terrorism after the fact and immediately remind us that most Muslims are peaceful. But they look the other way as Muslim clerics, writers and bloggers openly advocate terror attacks

Until the Muslim world shows the same repulsion for terrorism as they do for blasphemy, adultery and mixing of the sexes, terrorism will flourish

Take a Muslim cleric who calls for terrorism and give him 1000 lashes
Grab someone who openly celebrates 9-11 or Charlie Abdo and give him 1000 lashes

Then see what happens with Muslim terrorism


That's some really facist shit right there, rightwinger. Something like that may work, but the problem is these Middle Eastern countries sponsoring terrorism, theyre not going to all of a sudden decide to start fighting terrorism. Why would they?

I guess it comes down to priorities. Right now, when given a choice to violate free speech, they choose to punish those who want to speak about their religion
If they had the same passion in punishing those who support terrorism, we wouldn't have the culture we do now

Totally agree that's the problem. They view it differently though - they think our way of life is what's fucked.
One thousand lashes....
I know they spread it out but c'mon....
Who decides on the number?

These wack jobs don't think 100 would be enough?
What a bunch of ass holes.

Maybe it's the same kind of thought process that goes into the 72 virgins claim. Why 72 virgins? Those pricks probably couldn't even handle one REAL woman. Lol.
One virgin would be enough. After that why not the other 71 with women who can give you wild assed sweaty sex?

After one time, they aren't virgins anymore, so that means 72 times and then you would be STUCK with 72 women! :lol: One might think that would be every man's worst nightmare!
They are always virgins. After one night they are virgins again.
One thousand lashes....
I know they spread it out but c'mon....
Who decides on the number?

These wack jobs don't think 100 would be enough?
What a bunch of ass holes.

Maybe it's the same kind of thought process that goes into the 72 virgins claim. Why 72 virgins? Those pricks probably couldn't even handle one REAL woman. Lol.
One virgin would be enough. After that why not the other 71 with women who can give you wild assed sweaty sex?

After one time, they aren't virgins anymore, so that means 72 times and then you would be STUCK with 72 women! :lol: One might think that would be every man's worst nightmare!
They are always virgins. After one night they are virgins again.

Oh, so they're magical virgins? :lol:
One thousand lashes....
I know they spread it out but c'mon....
Who decides on the number?

These wack jobs don't think 100 would be enough?
What a bunch of ass holes.

Maybe it's the same kind of thought process that goes into the 72 virgins claim. Why 72 virgins? Those pricks probably couldn't even handle one REAL woman. Lol.
One virgin would be enough. After that why not the other 71 with women who can give you wild assed sweaty sex?

After one time, they aren't virgins anymore, so that means 72 times and then you would be STUCK with 72 women! :lol: One might think that would be every man's worst nightmare!
They are always virgins. After one night they are virgins again.

Probably 72 old maids. :D
If they believe in the lash....why isn't it applied to those who are advocating and celebrating terrorism in their society?

They talk the talk when it comes to opposing terrorism, when will they walk the walk?

You're just figuring this out when the Saudis have been funding radical madrassas throughout the ME since the late 80's? Maybe your next tiny step toward reality will be getting behind our frackers to end US dollars financing a holy war against us.
As a matter of public health, fracking is evil. But it is a lot less evil than funding Jihad through oil purchase.

It is "not yet" for most people for the purchase of electric cars. 40K is just too much. But the second electric cars manage 25k (maybe 5 years from now?) I would support a 30% tariff on saudi oil.
Who are you and what have you done with Baruch Menachem?!!! Seriously though, it isn't often I agree with you.
you, my friend, are the blind squirrel who found a nut.

Srsly, I have changed my view re the Saudis. And tariffs for political reasons. I generally don't like them. There comes time when you have to move away from principles when there are exceptions
One thousand lashes....
I know they spread it out but c'mon....
Who decides on the number?

These wack jobs don't think 100 would be enough?
What a bunch of ass holes.

Maybe it's the same kind of thought process that goes into the 72 virgins claim. Why 72 virgins? Those pricks probably couldn't even handle one REAL woman. Lol.
One virgin would be enough. After that why not the other 71 with women who can give you wild assed sweaty sex?

After one time, they aren't virgins anymore, so that means 72 times and then you would be STUCK with 72 women! :lol: One might think that would be every man's worst nightmare!
They are always virgins. After one night they are virgins again.

Maybe they heard wrong and it's a 72-year-old virgin?
A news program said that since he could not survive all 1000 at one time, he's getting 50 at a time. He was so debilitated by the first 50, they're waiting to give him the next fifty. Pretty sick stuff.

Remembering the American kid in China being flogged.

It was Singapore. And he got off lightly.
Muslims have denounced terrorism and it has had no effect.

But, I've never seen the baptist religion denounce Westboro or the catholic religion denounce McVeigh.
. That is quite possibly the most fucked up and outrageous statement ever to have been posted on the USMB in its history.
But, I've never seen the baptist religion denounce Westboro or the catholic religion denounce McVeigh.

How many people have Westboro killed? McVeigh didn't kill in the name of religion, he killed because he hated the gov't. You need to read up on history

Good point. And, he killed in the support of Iraqi people. He was extremely unhappy with the collateral damage U.S. war in Iraq caused. He witnessed it first hand during his tour of duty in Iraq.

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