The solution to terrorism...........1000 lashes

I love Churchill, and he was a weak human being like the rest of us...Islam is a piece of shit if I ever stepped on it. Islam incites suicide cells, kills artist and is generally evil. But other than that, it's just great.

I should not have used the s word. That was kind of nasty. But, I was annoyed by your petulance. Churchill oversaw torture of innocent people in Africa. If you criticize Muslim countries for not doing enough against terrorism and then profess your love for people like Churchill then that simply demonstrates that you have an ax to grind with Muslim folks.
Wasn't this board about Muslim punishments? 1000 lashes dealt under sharia law....Damn, given 9/11, shouldn't we just carpet bomb Mecca just a little tiny bit? No. That is uncivilized. Mark my words, Muslim terrorist WILL get Nuclear weapons, and they won't have any qualms using THEM. And then what?
Wasn't this board about Muslim punishments? 1000 lashes dealt under sharia law....Damn, given 9/11, shouldn't we just carpet bomb Mecca just a little tiny bit? No. That is uncivilized. Mark my words, Muslim terrorist WILL get Nuclear weapons, and they won't have any qualms using THEM. And then what?

Flogging is a clear case of human rights violation. It is our duty as progressive people to speak out against it but from what I know you are not a progressive person. So, I am confused why are you so strongly against flogging? You are compounding my confusion further by advocating indiscriminate bombing of Muslim places of worship. It is bizarre that you are concerned about human rights violation and then to alleviate that concern you are proposing another form of human rights violation. Do you not see something wrong with your position?
Well, here is an interesting question, I think. Does Islam do more good or more harm in the world? How many have they helped and how many have been hurt by this ideology?
Damned good question, fodder for a new thread methinks, Is Islam a force of GOOD, or is it just a old school form of religious fascism?
Bill Maher is a true progressive person who is opposed to terrorism, flogging, beheading and other acts which contradict progressive values. Sometimes he says things that can be a bit over the top but for the most part, he is funny and right on the mark.

when I used to encounter his programs on TV----I did find
him smart and funny------BUT over the past few years I
heard that he OFFENDED lots of people ----------I would like to know what the guy said that bothers people

He is a comedian. That is what comedians do - poke fun.

yes----but not all comedians manage to OFFEND to a degree that it becomes a scandal------I was not offended by him when I was --------uhm younger----and --of course---well never mind.

To be fair, he pokes fun at everybody. He has made jokes about Hindus, Buddhists, Mormons, Christians, Jews, you name it. He uses particular weakness in an entity to create a funny narrative. This is what essentially satire is. At the moment, terrorism is a weakness in Islam and he creates funny narratives around it. That is all. Remember words cannot hurt you but sticks and stones can. So it is important for us as civilized humans to never give justifications for barbaric acts like terrorism even if the victim has said something offensive. At the end of the day, nothing is more offensive than the act of terror itself.

Last but not least, he has support of secular Muslims and they show it by coming to his shows.

have you ever considered becoming a kindergarten teacher?
You express those necessary life lessons WELL ----however -----not the point. It's ok somewhere I will find out who hates bill maher and why. I used to jump rope to
my knees would hold up to it anymore

I have considered becoming a professor just so that I can smoke that pipe :)
when I used to encounter his programs on TV----I did find
him smart and funny------BUT over the past few years I
heard that he OFFENDED lots of people ----------I would like to know what the guy said that bothers people

He is a comedian. That is what comedians do - poke fun.

yes----but not all comedians manage to OFFEND to a degree that it becomes a scandal------I was not offended by him when I was --------uhm younger----and --of course---well never mind.

To be fair, he pokes fun at everybody. He has made jokes about Hindus, Buddhists, Mormons, Christians, Jews, you name it. He uses particular weakness in an entity to create a funny narrative. This is what essentially satire is. At the moment, terrorism is a weakness in Islam and he creates funny narratives around it. That is all. Remember words cannot hurt you but sticks and stones can. So it is important for us as civilized humans to never give justifications for barbaric acts like terrorism even if the victim has said something offensive. At the end of the day, nothing is more offensive than the act of terror itself.

Last but not least, he has support of secular Muslims and they show it by coming to his shows.

have you ever considered becoming a kindergarten teacher?
You express those necessary life lessons WELL ----however -----not the point. It's ok somewhere I will find out who hates bill maher and why. I used to jump rope to
my knees would hold up to it anymore

I have considered becoming a professor just so that I can smoke that pipe :)

That's funny----my elder brother became a professor----
suddenly he started wearing a cordoroy jacket and smoking
a pipe-------he did give it up after awhile
He is a comedian. That is what comedians do - poke fun.

yes----but not all comedians manage to OFFEND to a degree that it becomes a scandal------I was not offended by him when I was --------uhm younger----and --of course---well never mind.

To be fair, he pokes fun at everybody. He has made jokes about Hindus, Buddhists, Mormons, Christians, Jews, you name it. He uses particular weakness in an entity to create a funny narrative. This is what essentially satire is. At the moment, terrorism is a weakness in Islam and he creates funny narratives around it. That is all. Remember words cannot hurt you but sticks and stones can. So it is important for us as civilized humans to never give justifications for barbaric acts like terrorism even if the victim has said something offensive. At the end of the day, nothing is more offensive than the act of terror itself.

Last but not least, he has support of secular Muslims and they show it by coming to his shows.

have you ever considered becoming a kindergarten teacher?
You express those necessary life lessons WELL ----however -----not the point. It's ok somewhere I will find out who hates bill maher and why. I used to jump rope to
my knees would hold up to it anymore

I have considered becoming a professor just so that I can smoke that pipe :)

That's funny----my elder brother became a professor----
suddenly he started wearing a cordoroy jacket and smoking
a pipe-------he did give it up after awhile

I have run into a clothing store called The Professor. It is dedicated to selling boots, shirts, pants, jackets, caps, hats, pipes and anything a professor needs. It is actually quite fashionable.
yes----but not all comedians manage to OFFEND to a degree that it becomes a scandal------I was not offended by him when I was --------uhm younger----and --of course---well never mind.

To be fair, he pokes fun at everybody. He has made jokes about Hindus, Buddhists, Mormons, Christians, Jews, you name it. He uses particular weakness in an entity to create a funny narrative. This is what essentially satire is. At the moment, terrorism is a weakness in Islam and he creates funny narratives around it. That is all. Remember words cannot hurt you but sticks and stones can. So it is important for us as civilized humans to never give justifications for barbaric acts like terrorism even if the victim has said something offensive. At the end of the day, nothing is more offensive than the act of terror itself.

Last but not least, he has support of secular Muslims and they show it by coming to his shows.

have you ever considered becoming a kindergarten teacher?
You express those necessary life lessons WELL ----however -----not the point. It's ok somewhere I will find out who hates bill maher and why. I used to jump rope to
my knees would hold up to it anymore

I have considered becoming a professor just so that I can smoke that pipe :)

That's funny----my elder brother became a professor----
suddenly he started wearing a cordoroy jacket and smoking
a pipe-------he did give it up after awhile

I have run into a clothing store called The Professor. It is dedicated to selling boots, shirts, pants, jackets, caps, hats, pipes and anything a professor needs. It is actually quite fashionable.

I have never hurt anyone in my life, and I despise violence, despite my last posts. When you read about peaceful Buddhists rioting AND attacking Muslims, that has to make you get up and scratch your head. Islam provokes hate and suspicion even in BUDDHISTS. So, where are we going with this? Islam does that to people. They are the superstition of hate, they strap bombs on little girls. That is what they DO. And we are supposed to be nice and pretend they don't do that?
Last edited:
I love Churchill, and he was a weak human being like the rest of us...Islam is a piece of shit if I ever stepped on it. Islam incites suicide cells, kills artist and is generally evil. But other than that, it's just great.

I should not have used the s word. That was kind of nasty. But, I was annoyed by your petulance. Churchill oversaw torture of innocent people in Africa. If you criticize Muslim countries for not doing enough against terrorism and then profess your love for people like Churchill then that simply demonstrates that you have an ax to grind with Muslim folks.

Churchill did what?
But, I've never seen the baptist religion denounce Westboro or the catholic religion denounce McVeigh.

How many people have Westboro killed? McVeigh didn't kill in the name of religion, he killed because he hated the gov't. You need to read up on history
History indicates that it's not really clear about what McVeigh's motivations were. The problem is that liberal media opinion has been passed off and accepted as "history" for the last half century.
I have never hurt anyone in my life, and I despise violence, despite my last posts. When you read about peaceful Buddhists rioting AND attacking Muslims, that has to make you get up and scratch your head. Islam provokes hate and suspicion even in BUDDHISTS. So, where are we going with this? Islam does that to people. They are the superstition of hate, they strap bombs on little girls. That is what they DO.

Buddhists aren't any more "peaceful" than any other religion. In the end they are just as human as the rest of us.

Sounds like you are blaming the victims.
I have never hurt anyone in my life, and I despise violence, despite my last posts. When you read about peaceful Buddhists rioting AND attacking Muslims, that has to make you get up and scratch your head. Islam provokes hate and suspicion even in BUDDHISTS. So, where are we going with this? Islam does that to people. They are the superstition of hate, they strap bombs on little girls. That is what they DO.

Buddhists aren't any more "peaceful" than any other religion. In the end they are just as human as the rest of us.

Sounds like you are blaming the victims.
You do understand that it was Islam, not Buddhism, not anything else but Islam that that crashed those planes in Manhattan, and shot those artists at Charlie Hebdo, right? Are we even on the same page here?
I have never hurt anyone in my life, and I despise violence, despite my last posts. When you read about peaceful Buddhists rioting AND attacking Muslims, that has to make you get up and scratch your head. Islam provokes hate and suspicion even in BUDDHISTS. So, where are we going with this? Islam does that to people. They are the superstition of hate, they strap bombs on little girls. That is what they DO.

Buddhists aren't any more "peaceful" than any other religion. In the end they are just as human as the rest of us.

Sounds like you are blaming the victims.
You do understand that it was Islam, not Buddhism, not anything else but Islam that that crashed those planes in Manhattan, and shot those artists at Charlie Hebdo, right? Are we even on the same page here?

You do understand that has nothing whatsoever to do with what I said?
I have never hurt anyone in my life, and I despise violence, despite my last posts. When you read about peaceful Buddhists rioting AND attacking Muslims, that has to make you get up and scratch your head. Islam provokes hate and suspicion even in BUDDHISTS. So, where are we going with this? Islam does that to people. They are the superstition of hate, they strap bombs on little girls. That is what they DO.

Buddhists aren't any more "peaceful" than any other religion. In the end they are just as human as the rest of us.

Sounds like you are blaming the victims.

I disagree with you. Buddhist Dharma as a civilization is perhaps one of the most peaceful ones.
I love Churchill, and he was a weak human being like the rest of us...Islam is a piece of shit if I ever stepped on it. Islam incites suicide cells, kills artist and is generally evil. But other than that, it's just great.

I should not have used the s word. That was kind of nasty. But, I was annoyed by your petulance. Churchill oversaw torture of innocent people in Africa. If you criticize Muslim countries for not doing enough against terrorism and then profess your love for people like Churchill then that simply demonstrates that you have an ax to grind with Muslim folks.

Churchill did what?

The young Churchill charged through imperial atrocities, defending each in turn. When concentration camps were built in South Africa, for white Boers, he said they produced "the minimum of suffering". The death toll was almost 28,000, and when at least 115,000 black Africans were likewise swept into British camps, where 14,000 died, he wrote only of his "irritation that Kaffirs should be allowed to fire on white men". Later, he boasted of his experiences there: "That was before war degenerated. It was great fun galloping about."

Not his finest hour The dark side of Winston Churchill - UK Politics - UK - The Independent
I have never hurt anyone in my life, and I despise violence, despite my last posts. When you read about peaceful Buddhists rioting AND attacking Muslims, that has to make you get up and scratch your head. Islam provokes hate and suspicion even in BUDDHISTS. So, where are we going with this? Islam does that to people. They are the superstition of hate, they strap bombs on little girls. That is what they DO.

Buddhists aren't any more "peaceful" than any other religion. In the end they are just as human as the rest of us.

Sounds like you are blaming the victims.
You do understand that it was Islam, not Buddhism, not anything else but Islam that that crashed those planes in Manhattan, and shot those artists at Charlie Hebdo, right? Are we even on the same page here?

Just a minor correction: It was not Islam but Islamists who did 911 and Charlie Hebdo.
I have never hurt anyone in my life, and I despise violence, despite my last posts. When you read about peaceful Buddhists rioting AND attacking Muslims, that has to make you get up and scratch your head. Islam provokes hate and suspicion even in BUDDHISTS. So, where are we going with this? Islam does that to people. They are the superstition of hate, they strap bombs on little girls. That is what they DO.

Buddhists aren't any more "peaceful" than any other religion. In the end they are just as human as the rest of us.

Sounds like you are blaming the victims.

I disagree with you. Buddhist Dharma as a civilization is perhaps one of the most peaceful ones.

Every religion has it's extremists, it's human nature and in Bhuddism, what is happening in Myanmar is a perfect example. People think certain religions are pacifists, but the reality is - it depends on the followers. There was a quote, wasn't there, by Ghandi - something along the lines of "I love your Christ, it's your Christians I don't like" - Christ was a pacifist with a powerful message. His followers - a mixed bag.

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