The splintering of the Democrat Party into 2 or more third parties has begun

California Democrats plunge into 'civil war'

LOS ANGELES — Long-standing tensions between the Democratic Party’s moderate and liberal wings have ignited in California, where progressive activists are redirecting their anger over Donald Trump and congressional Republicans toward Democratic leaders at home.

Stoked by a contested race for state Democratic Party chair and the failure of a single-payer health care bill, activists are staging protests at the capitol. Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon reported receiving death threats after shelving the health care legislation late last month, and security was tightened at the statehouse after activists disrupted a floor session last week.

The rancor, a spillover from the contentious Democratic presidential primary last year, is aggravating divisions in a state regarded nationally as a lodestar for the liberal cause. Establishment Democrats fear the rhetoric and appetite for new spending could go too far, jeopardizing the party’s across-the-board dominance of state politics...

...California established itself as a fortress of the opposition immediately after Trump’s election, with Democrats advancing high-profile legislation to defy the new president on climate change and immigration.

But progressives who have long agitated for more spending on social services and for stricter environmental and campaign finance rules believed that they might seize the post-Trump moment for other causes, too. Despite victories on a range of issues here in recent years, liberal activists have fallen short in other areas, unsettling progressives across the country who view California as a state in which they should be racking up wins.

Progressives this year have continued to press Gov. Jerry Brown’s administration, unsuccessfully, for a ban on hydraulic fracturing. Lawmakers proposed a “debt-free” college plan, only to settle for more modest measures to reduce the cost of higher education. And many progressives aligned with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders bemoaned the narrow election of an establishment favorite, Eric Bauman, over their preferred candidate in the race for state Democratic Party chair.

Most recently, when Rendon announced that he would not allow a single-payer health care bill to advance through California’s lower house, tempers boiled over.

The California Nurses Association and other single-payer advocates descended on the Capitol, waving signs with Rendon’s name printed on a knife buried in the back of the California bear. Sanders himself admonished Rendon, and the nurses union said it planned to air radio ads targeting the Democratic speaker.

“Corporate Dems: Don't underestimate grassroots taking action on #SinglePayer,” RoseAnn DeMoro, head of the nurses union, said on Twitter.

The episode left a deflating mark on the progressive movement’s ranks across the country.

“It’s more than a disappointment, watching how it plays out there in California,” said Donna Smith, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America. “For Democrats, for progressives, [health care] really encompasses everything that’s going on in the country at the moment. And California … is so critical, and California is this incubator of what happens in Democratic politics.”

Yet as progressives look west for inspiration — and to a raft of competitive House races in California in 2018 — there are signs that intraparty conflict may only intensify...

The far left has proven time and time again that they cannot peacefully coexist with anyone to the right of Joseph Stalin. As a Californian, I welcome the implosion of the Democrat Party.

But as happened with the Tea Party movement, the system won't allow for that, so...

This is news to me, what happened to the tea party?
They are alive and well working with their many 501c3's all across the country.
I get many of their donation calls same as any of the others.

They are not a qualified political party in any state.
Who is the far left? Who is the far right? Personally I love the in fighting amongst the two major parties and the current dysfunctionality n america because it provides entertainment and the division is only going to grow. America when you think about it is divided in many more ways than it is united.
California Democrats plunge into 'civil war'

LOS ANGELES — Long-standing tensions between the Democratic Party’s moderate and liberal wings have ignited in California, where progressive activists are redirecting their anger over Donald Trump and congressional Republicans toward Democratic leaders at home.

Stoked by a contested race for state Democratic Party chair and the failure of a single-payer health care bill, activists are staging protests at the capitol. Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon reported receiving death threats after shelving the health care legislation late last month, and security was tightened at the statehouse after activists disrupted a floor session last week.

The rancor, a spillover from the contentious Democratic presidential primary last year, is aggravating divisions in a state regarded nationally as a lodestar for the liberal cause. Establishment Democrats fear the rhetoric and appetite for new spending could go too far, jeopardizing the party’s across-the-board dominance of state politics...

...California established itself as a fortress of the opposition immediately after Trump’s election, with Democrats advancing high-profile legislation to defy the new president on climate change and immigration.

But progressives who have long agitated for more spending on social services and for stricter environmental and campaign finance rules believed that they might seize the post-Trump moment for other causes, too. Despite victories on a range of issues here in recent years, liberal activists have fallen short in other areas, unsettling progressives across the country who view California as a state in which they should be racking up wins.

Progressives this year have continued to press Gov. Jerry Brown’s administration, unsuccessfully, for a ban on hydraulic fracturing. Lawmakers proposed a “debt-free” college plan, only to settle for more modest measures to reduce the cost of higher education. And many progressives aligned with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders bemoaned the narrow election of an establishment favorite, Eric Bauman, over their preferred candidate in the race for state Democratic Party chair.

Most recently, when Rendon announced that he would not allow a single-payer health care bill to advance through California’s lower house, tempers boiled over.

The California Nurses Association and other single-payer advocates descended on the Capitol, waving signs with Rendon’s name printed on a knife buried in the back of the California bear. Sanders himself admonished Rendon, and the nurses union said it planned to air radio ads targeting the Democratic speaker.

“Corporate Dems: Don't underestimate grassroots taking action on #SinglePayer,” RoseAnn DeMoro, head of the nurses union, said on Twitter.

The episode left a deflating mark on the progressive movement’s ranks across the country.

“It’s more than a disappointment, watching how it plays out there in California,” said Donna Smith, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America. “For Democrats, for progressives, [health care] really encompasses everything that’s going on in the country at the moment. And California … is so critical, and California is this incubator of what happens in Democratic politics.”

Yet as progressives look west for inspiration — and to a raft of competitive House races in California in 2018 — there are signs that intraparty conflict may only intensify...

The far left has proven time and time again that they cannot peacefully coexist with anyone to the right of Joseph Stalin. As a Californian, I welcome the implosion of the Democrat Party.

But as happened with the Tea Party movement, the system won't allow for that, so...

This is news to me, what happened to the tea party?
They are alive and well working with their many 501c3's all across the country.
I get many of their donation calls same as any of the others.

They are not a qualified political party in any state.

Who said that they ever were? :cuckoo:
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California Democrats plunge into 'civil war'

LOS ANGELES — Long-standing tensions between the Democratic Party’s moderate and liberal wings have ignited in California, where progressive activists are redirecting their anger over Donald Trump and congressional Republicans toward Democratic leaders at home.

Stoked by a contested race for state Democratic Party chair and the failure of a single-payer health care bill, activists are staging protests at the capitol. Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon reported receiving death threats after shelving the health care legislation late last month, and security was tightened at the statehouse after activists disrupted a floor session last week.

The rancor, a spillover from the contentious Democratic presidential primary last year, is aggravating divisions in a state regarded nationally as a lodestar for the liberal cause. Establishment Democrats fear the rhetoric and appetite for new spending could go too far, jeopardizing the party’s across-the-board dominance of state politics...

...California established itself as a fortress of the opposition immediately after Trump’s election, with Democrats advancing high-profile legislation to defy the new president on climate change and immigration.

But progressives who have long agitated for more spending on social services and for stricter environmental and campaign finance rules believed that they might seize the post-Trump moment for other causes, too. Despite victories on a range of issues here in recent years, liberal activists have fallen short in other areas, unsettling progressives across the country who view California as a state in which they should be racking up wins.

Progressives this year have continued to press Gov. Jerry Brown’s administration, unsuccessfully, for a ban on hydraulic fracturing. Lawmakers proposed a “debt-free” college plan, only to settle for more modest measures to reduce the cost of higher education. And many progressives aligned with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders bemoaned the narrow election of an establishment favorite, Eric Bauman, over their preferred candidate in the race for state Democratic Party chair.

Most recently, when Rendon announced that he would not allow a single-payer health care bill to advance through California’s lower house, tempers boiled over.

The California Nurses Association and other single-payer advocates descended on the Capitol, waving signs with Rendon’s name printed on a knife buried in the back of the California bear. Sanders himself admonished Rendon, and the nurses union said it planned to air radio ads targeting the Democratic speaker.

“Corporate Dems: Don't underestimate grassroots taking action on #SinglePayer,” RoseAnn DeMoro, head of the nurses union, said on Twitter.

The episode left a deflating mark on the progressive movement’s ranks across the country.

“It’s more than a disappointment, watching how it plays out there in California,” said Donna Smith, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America. “For Democrats, for progressives, [health care] really encompasses everything that’s going on in the country at the moment. And California … is so critical, and California is this incubator of what happens in Democratic politics.”

Yet as progressives look west for inspiration — and to a raft of competitive House races in California in 2018 — there are signs that intraparty conflict may only intensify...

The far left has proven time and time again that they cannot peacefully coexist with anyone to the right of Joseph Stalin. As a Californian, I welcome the implosion of the Democrat Party.
I believe I called this the Frankenstein syndrome & the Arafat, & Assad syndrome.
They created the monster through propaganda, protest tactics, & demonizing the opponent to create hate & anger that will eventually turn
to outrage and protest activism on their own failed abusive masters. Just wait till the
anti fascist realize their corrupt masters paying them with corruption money and pulling the strings (asking them to protest) are the actual fascists.
Dems threaten December shutdown if Dreamers aren't protected

House Democrats are prepared to threaten a government shutdown in December unless Congress adopts protections for Dreamers, a senior member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus said Friday.

Hours after Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-Ill.) voted for a three-month government funding deal that he had lambasted his party’s leaders for striking with President Donald Trump, he suggested that top Democrats are prepared to take a stronger stand once that deal expires. Gutiérrez said Democratic leaders ceded leverage they could have used to help undocumented immigrants who came to the country as children.

“We will shut it down or let Republicans keep it open with their own votes,” Gutiérrez told Dreamers and immigration activists gathered on Capitol Hill on Friday. He and every other House Democrat had just voted for the funding package that also includes aid for Hurricane Harvey victims.

“The vast majority of members in the Democratic Caucus are ready to say, if there is no pathway forward” for Dreamers, “then there is no government for anyone," Gutiérrez said....

Trump continues to play 4D chess as he forces radical Democrats to confirm that they value illegal immigrants over U.S. citizens and legal immigrants.
Dreamsers crash Pelosi conference to demand entitlements and bitch about other crap they have no right to have.

Dreamsers crash Pelosi conference to demand entitlements and bitch about other crap they have no right to have.

And there is the perfect example I posted about, of people like Pelosi creating the divisive & angry mob mentality who feels entitled and approach lobbying by bullying and protesting instead of intellectual commentary, and so that (created) mob mentality used by Pelosi for political devious means end up turning on it's creator=the Dr Frankenstein and his monster analogy.
Like Arafat and Hassad creating their hate mongers and violent protesters through propaganda to target their opponent, they eventually turn on their creators and protest and attack them.=Poetic justice, cause & affect=Bestow & Receive.

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