The spy balloon about Biden showed clearly the US will never respond to Russian nuclear attack against Ukraine


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Yesterday was a good day for Russia and China
Biden proves the US hasn't Air Defense and isn't capable to down a spy balloon twenty miles up
Only idiots can believe the US will respond to Russian nukes targeting Khuew, Warsaw or Berlin
Biden, when you're gonna resign, Russia and China are laughing

"....I wear the black shirt.
Today my love is mourning.
Today I have a regret weighing my soul
And it's the fault of your witchcraft...."

Yesterday was a good day for Russia and China
Biden proves the US hasn't Air Defense and isn't capable to down a spy balloon twenty miles up
Only idiots can believe the US will respond to Russian nukes targeting Khuew, Warsaw or Berlin
Biden, when you're gonna resign, Russia and China are laughing

"....I wear the black shirt.
Today my love is mourning.
Today I have a regret weighing my soul
And it's the fault of your witchcraft...."

Thank you for your zero knowledge of military issues. You and MTG are geniuses, I say !!!
Thank you for your zero knowledge of military issues. You and MTG are geniuses, I say !!!


Why Biden hasn't downed the balloon until now?For missiles a balloon is too small, for fighter jets is too high.

According to intelligence officials, high-altitude balloons like the one China launched this week over Mountain States military bases are considered a key "delivery platform" for covert nuclear strikes on America's power grid.
Spy balloons, used by Japan to drop bombs during World War II, are now much more advanced, can fly up to 200,000 feet, evade detection and carry a small nuclear bomb that, if detonated in the atmosphere, would stop the flight. network and destroy electronics across many states.
The threat of electromagnetic pulse attacks launched from balloons was warned several years ago by the U.S. Congressional Commission on EMPs and the military.
In a 2015 report for the American Leadership and Policy Foundation, Air Force Major David Stuckenberg, one of the nation's leading EMP experts, wrote extensively about the threat balloons with bombs pose to national security.
"Using a balloon as a WMD/WBM platform can provide adversaries with a set of altitude and payload options with which to maximize offensive effect against the United States," he wrote in the report.
"A high-altitude balloon can be designed, built and launched in a matter of months. There's nothing to stop a few hundred pounds of weapons-grade material from being delivered to high altitude," he added.
He told Secrets on Friday, "China's recent balloon flight over the United States is clearly a provocative and aggressive act. It was most likely a sort of test run designed to send a strategic message to the United States. We should not take it for granted. ".
While in the private sector, Stuckenberg, a national security expert and scholar who headed the Defense Department's EMP Task Force and chairman of the American Leadership and Policy Foundation, pointed to the World War II Japanese Project Fugo, which targeted the U.S. with balloons. example of the threat. "Not since World War II has North America faced a threat of this kind. The FuGo project in Japan used balloons to deliver bombs by trade winds across the Pacific to the U.S. and Canada," he told Secrets.
EMP experts warned that China, North Korea, Russia and Iran have programs to hit the U.S. power grid with electromagnetic pulse weapons that would cut the cord for a year or longer. The congressional report warned that such a prolonged blackout could kill millions of people.
Do you know how big the balloon is?
Do you know what is in it?
Do you know if there is anything which would be harmful to people if it would be shot down?
Do you know if the balloon falls on an area with lots of people, that people will not be harmed by it?

Do you know anything about it, really know?
Do you know how big the balloon is?
Do you know what is in it?
Do you know if there is anything which would be harmful to people if it would be shot down?
Do you know if the balloon falls on an area with lots of people, that people will not be harmed by it?

Do you know anything about it, really know?

I know Biden and his criminal family are Chinese puppets
That's enough to explain anything
By the way: the balloon had already flew thousands of squire miles of empty areas until now.
Do you really believe Biden who mandated deadly mRNA 'shots', supported lockdowns and was indirectly involved in murdering of millions through SCAMdemic-1984,
that Biden who does anything possible to welcome Russian unstoppable hypersonic Zircon nukes in Yellowstone can be scared by one destroyed shed or murdered cat?
If YES you're naive!

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I know Biden and his criminal family are Chinese puppets
That's enough to explain anything

Let me be very clear about it.

Not Reagan, Bush Sr, Jr, or Trump would have gone against the Military expertise about this balloon.

But you think that Biden is doing what he wants, instead of following EXACTLY what the Military would have advised all the Republican to do.

Allow your brain to breathe. Just a little.
Yes, you know nothing.


You're completely wrong

The story of the automatic drifting balloon (ADA) from China over the United States has a lot of funny moments, although the whole subject of the ADA is so capacious that it would not fit into the TV format of information presentation.

The main point is that the U.S. air defense has shown that there is no air defense in general, at least on this issue. According to a number of reports with reference to the American military officials, in particular on CBS News, the ADA is at height of about 15 miles, and it is not so nightmarish height.

If it were at height of 25 miles it's another question, the US would have almost nothing to reach it with - the fighters, even their only standing interceptor F-22A is not MiG-31BM, and will not jump to a comparable altitude even dynamically, and will not fire from the cannon. As for the "hypersensitive fuses" on the shells - they have long existed, and in general, the fuses, which are better not to be fired in rain and snow, are not only in aviation - the tankers have them too, for example (B-429E for OFS, with setting for shrapnel action - in this case the shooting is from the ground and is not conducted in heavy precipitation). I think they also have fuses and incendiary fragmentation shells, since they have ancient unguided rockets (ANR) "Zuni" for hinsir. By the way, the ANR are also quite applicable to the ADA. The guided missiles do not have enough capability to exceed flight altitude of the aircraft launching them. And AMRAAM guided missile with ARL SOS is of little use here, missile with IR SOS is needed, and "Sidewinder" will not have enough firepower. The SAMs in service with the United States are, first, extremely scarce and their fleet is scattered around the world, and, second, useless at such altitudes. The THAAD theater missile defense system will not take it, it is not its format, the Patriot will not reach even close, even if it could attack such a target, what about the Aegis Ashore - they are not inside the USA, and there are no destroyers in the Montana mountains, and SM-3 is an anti-missile, and the SM-6 SAM, say, would also hardly help here.

But the ADA is at an altitude of about 15 miles, if they are not lying - and in this case it is already ridiculous. The excuses about the absence of danger for the planes of civil lines, about the fact that they are afraid that the downed ADA would not hurt people - well, don't make our paisas laugh already? Civilian planes obey the air traffic controllers and will fly on a different route during the execution of the execution, but the people... Have you seen the population of Montana? How many people are there? Yes, the balloon doesn't fall instantly, and it would fly a considerable distance, but the probability that it would crash on some farmer or town is small, and the U.S. government was not worried about such subjects before, and when passenger planes with people were crashed, too. And now, all of a sudden, such humanism. They would have spared the mice-flies! If they could, they would have shot down the plane over Alaska or Canada, which is one of the air defense systems (if this outrage can be called that) NORAD actually belongs to.

Even funnier is that these helmet-munchers assure us that the balloon won't see anything new and different from what was shot from satellites. He will see it, of course he will. Aerial photography, including that from high-altitude UAVs and ADFs, will always be a head higher in quality than space photography, even from the most powerful military reconnaissance satellite. This is not counting the fact that the UAV can actively monitor many other parameters, which are inaccessible in space, such as air studies - also useful information for reconnaissance. It leaks out quietly to Beijing via satellite communication channel. And the Pentagon understands this very well, at least those in the military who are not there under the "gender" or any other "lordly" ticket of Baiden.

But the next time ADA may come from North Korea, and not necessarily with reconnaissance equipment, you can think of many things, up to nuclear warheads, if you want. Or even from Africa, from the "blacks" from ISIS, which is banned in Russia - all the components are quite available on the market. Or it won't fly in, because terrorists don't touch their masters.
Let me be very clear about it.

Not Reagan, Bush Sr, Jr, or Trump would have gone against the Military expertise about this balloon.

But you think that Biden is doing what he wants, instead of following EXACTLY what the Military would have advised all the Republican to do.

Allow your brain to breathe. Just a little.

Moron Biden shall care more for USA, not for Ukraine
The U.S./NATO used to very actively launch similarly drifting balloons for reconnaissance over Soviet territory almost until the mid-1980s

That's a tough enough target for an air defense system:

- Only Su-9/Su-11s had enough ceiling to approach it in a slide and maybe the MiG-25P. The MiG-31 is worse in this regard.

- The ball speed is low, and usually interceptors at these altitudes (and even lower) have to keep a very high speed to keep from going down. I.e. the time to aim the cannon is literally a couple of seconds.

- The cannon can shoot it down, but the shell is thin, i.e. the fuse lacks the sensitivity to react by piercing the film through and small holes appear in the shell from which the carrier gas can escape for quite a long time. It seems that shells with increased sensitivity were developed to hit such targets, but I do not know how it ended.

- The target doesn't glow in the thermal spectrum, so IR-guided missiles are useless.

- The target has low radio sensitivity, i.e. the missile is more likely to hit the container than the cladding.

- High altitude, i.e. aerodynamic rudders of missiles are less effective, they need gas-dynamic control, which such missiles usually do not have, which complicates radio-controlled/optical targeting and is very difficult to guess the moment of detonation.

To overcome this headache, the USSR developed the well-known M-17 (there are photos of it even with a rotary gun, as it was supposed to be in the series). But by that time there was a détente and the balls stopped being launched, and then everything fell apart.

At least once the interceptor was lost due to a balloon collision. ( Yak-28P over Czechoslovakia )

What will do Biden when China sends hundred of balloons to USA?
Millions of taxpayer dollars for our military and they are afraid to shoot down a Chinese balloon.

That's happens when USA is run by one senile idiot who does anything possible for Ukraine and not for USA
End of times and no information from US Intelligence or Homeland Security coming from you. Your threads are always negative and intent on scaring people to death.

You wish to believe the worse because the President is a Democrat, go for it.

Still, you are in the dark and are going to stay there.
Moron Biden shall care more for USA, not for Ukraine
The U.S./NATO used to very actively launch similarly drifting balloons for reconnaissance over Soviet territory almost until the mid-1980s

That's a tough enough target for an air defense system:

- Only Su-9/Su-11s had enough ceiling to approach it in a slide and maybe the MiG-25P. The MiG-31 is worse in this regard.

- The ball speed is low, and usually interceptors at these altitudes (and even lower) have to keep a very high speed to keep from going down. I.e. the time to aim the cannon is literally a couple of seconds.

- The cannon can shoot it down, but the shell is thin, i.e. the fuse lacks the sensitivity to react by piercing the film through and small holes appear in the shell from which the carrier gas can escape for quite a long time. It seems that shells with increased sensitivity were developed to hit such targets, but I do not know how it ended.

- The target doesn't glow in the thermal spectrum, so IR-guided missiles are useless.

- The target has low radio sensitivity, i.e. the missile is more likely to hit the container than the cladding.

- High altitude, i.e. aerodynamic rudders of missiles are less effective, they need gas-dynamic control, which such missiles usually do not have, which complicates radio-controlled/optical targeting and is very difficult to guess the moment of detonation.

To overcome this headache, the USSR developed the well-known M-17 (there are photos of it even with a rotary gun, as it was supposed to be in the series). But by that time there was a détente and the balls stopped being launched, and then everything fell apart.

At least once the interceptor was lost due to a balloon collision. ( Yak-28P over Czechoslovakia )

What will do Biden when China sends hundred of balloons to USA?
Blah, blah, blah. It is early Halloween, folks
That's happens when USA is run by one senile idiot who does anything possible for Ukraine and not for USA
And George W Bush or Trump would have done exactly what, according to your expertise on the matter?

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