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The stain...

Originally posted by jimnyc
What a joke! The resident troll is calling others a troll now! Classic.

Page 27, paragraph A of the Democratic Handbook.

Project on to your opponents your own character flaws to make it appear that said opponent is the liar.
Beautifully put.

Paragraph B: Hope that this snake-like "Freudian transfer" tactic incites such outrage in your opponent that he loses his composure, prompting the more weak-minded among us to say, "Well, it's all just a bunch of partisan bickering." Opposing viewpoint neutralized. Mission accomplished. Truth be damned!
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
You're so cute when you talk like that. I hear the other ucky people calling you. :)

You are the one talking about committing treason if Bush is REelected. You cant possibly think you are in the mainstream for that.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
You are the one talking about committing treason if Bush is REelected. You cant possibly think you are in the mainstream for that.

I just love when y'all get yer panties in a twist. You know that I'm right..that Dubbyuh is a hack, and that he has no interest beyond lining the pockets of himself, his family, and his friends...the rest of us be damned. That he is the true threat to the Republic and not some shadowy terrorist threat. You just can't stand it...can ya?
Originally posted by Merlin1047
Wow Fullybullshit, - I mean Bullypulpit (why do I keep confusing that?) you've really outdone yourself in the bomb-throwing rhetoric department this time.

Why don't you take a minute from your compassionate concerns for terrorists and take a moment to remember the thousands who were murdered by them. But I suppose that in your blind, rabid and irrational hatred for Pres. Bush you will seize any pretense, no matter how flimsy, to rail against the president and his administration. Like most flaming libs, you have taken a matchstick and built it into a bonfire. You scream about "abuses" where they do not even exist. So what if innocents have been detained. Tough shit. We're at war. The innocents should be grateful that they were detained by us instead of shot by others. Perhaps we should draft a battalion of shysters to send off with every military contingent to assure idiots here at home that we fully respect the rights of our enemies. And where do you come off characterizing the killing of terrorist leaders as "assasinations"? These people were not assasinated any more than if they had been shot by a sniper on a battlefield, because that is in fact what is happening.

You know the thing I find most disgusting about you is not in the outrageous comments you delight in making, but in the fact that you make them simply to weaken the president. You don the mantle of righteous indignation when in fact your purpose is simply an ill-disguised, self-serving effort to return to power the morally bankrupt Democratic party.

As far as your comment about going uderground, please do. There's plenty of vermin there to keep you company.

In that you are wrong, old son. The perpetrators of 9/11 should be hunted like animals and then tried in open courts. If found guilty, fry 'em. Not extrajudicial assassinations...such actions make us no better than the terrorists.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
In that you are wrong, old son. The perpetrators of 9/11 should be hunted like animals and then tried in open courts. If found guilty, fry 'em. Not extrajudicial assassinations...such actions make us no better than the terrorists.

Wrong. We'll only be as bad as the terrorists when we TARGET innocent civilians. Quit believing lies and distortion Bully.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
In that you are wrong, old son. The perpetrators of 9/11 should be hunted like animals and then tried in open courts. If found guilty, fry 'em. Not extrajudicial assassinations...such actions make us no better than the terrorists.

Tried in open court? Surely you jest. The only trial these bastards deserve is to be centered in a weapon's sights.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
I just love when y'all get yer panties in a twist. You know that I'm right..that Dubbyuh is a hack, and that he has no interest beyond lining the pockets of himself, his family, and his friends...the rest of us be damned. That he is the true threat to the Republic and not some shadowy terrorist threat. You just can't stand it...can ya?

Dont wear panties. Here in Philly its more of a feminine thing to wear panties so the men here dont. I dont know what the men where you from do. So maybe its different there.

But i noticed you are denying that you are starting a rebellion when the President is reelected. The sad thing is you are so brainwashed you actually believe this crap. There is only one threat to the republic. You phoney hypocrites who will use whatever chance there is to undermine the Republic. You say you care about the Republic and then are planning to rebel if the President is reelected. Yeah you care about the Republic so much. We didnt rebel when Clinton was in office. because America is more important then us having power. You just cant stand that you are powerless and cant force your unwanted agenda on people.
Originally posted by Merlin1047
Tried in open court? Surely you jest. The only trial these bastards deserve is to be centered in a weapon's sights.

Either way seems a little moot since the perpetrators committed suicide to preform the act.

We are in a war to stop future terrorism now. I hope there are still enough people awake to hold the resolve.
It would seem that Bully has been in the med cabinet yet again. You are starting to remind me of psyco....no wait Im sorry, at least he could carry on a debate without dredging up totally fabricated bullshit[no doubt from your home-page moveon.og]. Mr Gore LOST, GET OVER IT! as for you going underground, I would say you are already there. you just dont realize it because you are blinded by your un-founded hatred for G.W. & Co. The white house isnt like the playground where you can just take your ball and go home cause the big kids dont let you play YOUR way. This is how the Democrats are acting, IMHO.
Originally posted by jon_forward
It would seem that Bully has been in the med cabinet yet again. You are starting to remind me of psyco....no wait Im sorry, at least he could carry on a debate without dredging up totally fabricated bullshit[no doubt from your home-page moveon.og]. Mr Gore LOST, GET OVER IT! as for you going underground, I would say you are already there. you just dont realize it because you are blinded by your un-founded hatred for G.W. & Co. The white house isnt like the playground where you can just take your ball and go home cause the big kids dont let you play YOUR way. This is how the Democrats are acting, IMHO.

Let's not forget that fabulously reputable site "Newsmax" that so many here rely upon to support their so called arguments.

I don't hate Dubbyuh...loath, yes...hate, no...He's not worthy of such emotion. I merely regard him as a bit of offal that I might spurn with my shoe. At this point, it's moot as to who won the election. Dubbyuh is a threat to the Constitution and the Republic...the sooner he is removed from office, the better for America and the world. And it doesn't matter whether it's by the ballot or by impeachment.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Let's not forget that fabulously reputable site "Newsmax" that so many here rely upon to support their so called arguments.

I don't hate Dubbyuh...loath, yes...hate, no...He's not worthy of such emotion. I merely regard him as a bit of offal that I might spurn with my shoe. At this point, it's moot as to who won the election. Dubbyuh is a threat to the Constitution and the Republic...the sooner he is removed from office, the better for America and the world. And it doesn't matter whether it's by the ballot or by impeachment.

Yes of course. Newsmax is innaccurate for reporting something that the WSJ had reported awhile ago. Yet the Guardian and NYT are beacons of Truth.

Alternate realities must really be fun to live in, bully. You seem to be having a blast.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
<center><b>"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach himself."</i></b></center>

This is a lesson in liberty, amongst many others, that Dubbyuh and his band of thugs have chosen to ignore. With the abuses perpetrated in Afghanistan, Iraq and GITMO...The innocents rounded up indiscriminately, with no judicial review...American citizens detained indefinitely by presidential fiat...Assassinations carried out against suspected terrorists outside the purview of any oversight.

Despite Dubbyuh's stated commitment to the promotion of individual rights and freedoms, his record speaks otherwise. Under Dubbyuh's administration, basic rights to liberty and due process have been denied and secret assassination of suspected terrorists have become the norm. This Administration is the greatest enemy the Republic, and the Constitution it is built upon, have ever faced. It is time to remove this stain on American's heritage of freedom before those freedoms are gone for ever. It matters not if it is by ballot or impeachment, but the sooner...the better.

And my hats off to you if you know the author of the quote.

I suppose the question most to the point would be, who are we oppressing? As far as I can tell that quote is exactley what Bush is doing in that he is restoring liberty to a country that was oppressed and was once our enemy.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
I just love when y'all get yer panties in a twist. You know that I'm right..that Dubbyuh is a hack, and that he has no interest beyond lining the pockets of himself, his family, and his friends...the rest of us be damned. That he is the true threat to the Republic and not some shadowy terrorist threat. You just can't stand it...can ya?

uh.....yeah. cause we all know the President of teh United States makes more than the CEO of EXXON. Try again Bully.

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