The State Of The Mid-Terms

If I'm a member of Disabled American Veterans DAV and go out and rob a bank is the DAV responsible? Cause that is what you are saying in regards to unions.

Do it.

When the TV crews get there, and as you're being dragged away rant and rave about being a disabled Vet and insist that is the reason you robbed the bank and see if the DAV isn't tarnished by your actions.

Out of thousands of justified shootings by police, when opponents of police can propagandize an incident are not all police tarnished even if it's wrong?

I'm not responsible for how the public perceives things.

My perception of unions are based on my experiences with most members. Most of which are negative.

My perception of police are based on my experiences with them, almost all of them are positive.

There is a reason for that.

If I'm a member of Disabled American Veterans DAV and go out and rob a bank is the DAV responsible? Cause that is what you are saying in regards to unions.

Do it.

When the TV crews get there, and as you're being dragged away rant and rave about being a disabled Vet and insist that is the reason you robbed the bank and see if the DAV isn't tarnished by your actions.

Out of thousands of justified shootings by police, when opponents of police can propagandize an incident are not all police tarnished even if it's wrong?

I'm not responsible for how the public perceives things.

My perception of unions are based on my experiences with most members. Most of which are negative.

My perception of police are based on my experiences with them, almost all of them are positive.

There is a reason for that.


Just like those thugs tarnished the union
Are you applying the right wing double standard?
Anyway, I'm not seeing how unions are hurting you so bad.. Check this out from Wikipedia:

"Later analysis by the University of California, Santa Barbara's American Presidency Project found that there were 235,248,000 people of voting age in the United States in the 2012. " AFL-CIO has roughly 12 million members. More people declared to be "Independant" than "Democrats". Maybe you should take your problems up with them.
And the Democrat platform will be what?

We hate America and love MS13?
Rich people don't deserve the money they earned and everybody who doesn't vote Democrat is a racist, misogynistic, phobic, bigot, racist who eat poor people. Typical Democratic Party platform stuff.
Just like those thugs tarnished the union
Are you applying the right wing double standard?

Now you're talking out your ass because you lost the argument.

It has NOTHING to do with politics.

Perception is reality. The unions failed to police up their thugs and oxygen thieves, police prosecute bad cops.

Anyway, I'm not seeing how unions are hurting you so bad.. Check this out from Wikipedia:

"Later analysis by the University of California, Santa Barbara's American Presidency Project found that there were 235,248,000 people of voting age in the United States in the 2012. " AFL-CIO has roughly 12 million members. More people declared to be "Independant" than "Democrats". Maybe you should take your problems up with them.

I'm in TX, they're hurting YOU.

I'm just telling you why they're losing public support.
Just like those thugs tarnished the union
Are you applying the right wing double standard?

Now you're talking out your ass because you lost the argument.

It has NOTHING to do with politics.

Perception is reality. The unions failed to police up their thugs and oxygen thieves, police prosecute bad cops.

Police their thugs, what kinda shit is that. It seems the PTSD from your encounter got the best of you.
Anyway, I'm not seeing how unions are hurting you so bad.. Check this out from Wikipedia:

"Later analysis by the University of California, Santa Barbara's American Presidency Project found that there were 235,248,000 people of voting age in the United States in the 2012. " AFL-CIO has roughly 12 million members. More people declared to be "Independant" than "Democrats". Maybe you should take your problems up with them.

I'm in TX, they're hurting YOU.

I'm just telling you why they're losing public support.
Just like those thugs tarnished the union
Are you applying the right wing double standard?

Now you're talking out your ass because you lost the argument.

It has NOTHING to do with politics.

Perception is reality. The unions failed to police up their thugs and oxygen thieves, police prosecute bad cops.


Police have policing authority. What did you expect the union stewart to do? Or did you even report it?
Police their thugs, what kinda shit is that. It seems the PTSD from your encounter got the best of you.


Now you're getting all emotional...

If you had a frontal lobe you'd be able to follow the logic, but instead you ended up in a fetal position on a soiled mattress.

At least you gave it a shot. I'll give you that.

Anyway, I'm not seeing how unions are hurting you so bad.. Check this out from Wikipedia:

"Later analysis by the University of California, Santa Barbara's American Presidency Project found that there were 235,248,000 people of voting age in the United States in the 2012. " AFL-CIO has roughly 12 million members. More people declared to be "Independant" than "Democrats". Maybe you should take your problems up with them.

I'm in TX, they're hurting YOU.

I'm just telling you why they're losing public support.

Not hurting me, the IAMAW has been in these parts since WWII. Nobody complains.
Pete, tell you what. The number one problem with unions, to the right-wingers, is that generally speaking "bosses" are the right, workers are the left. Unions keep bosses power in check and the bosses want to play king on the hill. To bosses they think unions undermines their authority, so they set out to "do the unions in". They tell every kinda of lie and just try to undermine the union because to themselves only they are right. Generally because they have a college degree and most probably inherited money. Inherited money sounds like the UK right?
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Pete, tell you what. The number one problem with unions, to the right-wingers, is that generally speaking "bosses" are the right, workers are the left. Unions keep bosses power in check and the bosses want to play king on the hill.

That's not entirely my perception.

At least not at the IBEW job. The supervisors ignored the slow progress and did nothing to motivate people.

The owner of the company showed up every day and lost his mind. He would walk up to a gaggle of 12 dudes watching one guy installing a plug and flip out. He chewed out the bosses constantly. He couldn't fire them though. After that job was done the company went broke.

A lot of workers aren't lefties either. Some are just lazy asswipes, but have NRA stickers on their trucks. They like the easy money. The stupid one was a full blown moonbat though. Complete with dreds, a Che T-Shirt and acted as if working was exploitation and all the leftist drivel.

That's TX though.

In NY it was a different mentality, sort of like you illustrated, it was a "brotherhood" and some of them had pride in their craft but banded together to keep bosses in check. It was a good ol' boy system where someone could still be pretty much a piece of shit, but told funny stories and always brought donuts and had lots of people over on the weekends for beer and BBQ.

The guys that got into that gasket place I worked at briefly were agitators though. Most of the people working there for years didn't make a lot, but they weren't unhappy with the job, until those assholes convinced them the job sucked and the next thing you knew, productivity shit the bed, attitudes went south, the bosses became the enemy and the company finally went away.

Unions are a leftist concept. While they did do good things for American labor in general, they have been a detriment also.

Take for instance what I know about the steel industry from stories I've been told.

Buffalo NY used to be a steel city. The whole lake shore was a giant fucking steel mill.

The unions consistently, along with the local government made it impossible to compete.

My father worked at a plant in the late 60's briefly. His job paid real well, but all it consisted of was walking around checking gauges that never changed every hour. It took 10 minutes to do the patrol, write the paperwork and then he had 50 minutes of absolute boredom. He was not allowed to do anything else. He used to go into the tool and die shop and learn to use the machines, but the union rep put a stop to it. After 6 months he quit.

Years later as demand for steel slowed, guys who made top dollar working the cranes had to sit up there for hours. They were going to get paid for 8 no matter what, so they slept 6 hours a day. The unions refused to have them sent home, the companies were bleeding money so they folded. Hence the rust belt.

If your union works for you, I'm glad. Nationwide however, they're obviously not working too well because all the jobs are coming to Right To Work States. No one is talking about rebuilding industrial plants in Detroit, Buffalo, or Cleveland.

Pete, tell you what. The number one problem with unions, to the right-wingers, is that generally speaking "bosses" are the right, workers are the left. Unions keep bosses power in check and the bosses want to play king on the hill.

That's not entirely my perception.

At least not at the IBEW job. The supervisors ignored the slow progress and did nothing to motivate people.

The owner of the company showed up every day and lost his mind. He would walk up to a gaggle of 12 dudes watching one guy installing a plug and flip out. He chewed out the bosses constantly. He couldn't fire them though. After that job was done the company went broke.

A lot of workers aren't lefties either. Some are just lazy asswipes, but have NRA stickers on their trucks. They like the easy money. The stupid one was a full blown moonbat though. Complete with dreds, a Che T-Shirt and acted as if working was exploitation and all the leftist drivel.

That's TX though.

In NY it was a different mentality, sort of like you illustrated, it was a "brotherhood" and some of them had pride in their craft but banded together to keep bosses in check. It was a good ol' boy system where someone could still be pretty much a piece of shit, but told funny stories and always brought donuts and had lots of people over on the weekends for beer and BBQ.

The guys that got into that gasket place I worked at briefly were agitators though. Most of the people working there for years didn't make a lot, but they weren't unhappy with the job, until those assholes convinced them the job sucked and the next thing you knew, productivity shit the bed, attitudes went south, the bosses became the enemy and the company finally went away.

Unions are a leftist concept. While they did do good things for American labor in general, they have been a detriment also.

Take for instance what I know about the steel industry from stories I've been told.

Buffalo NY used to be a steel city. The whole lake shore was a giant fucking steel mill.

The unions consistently, along with the local government made it impossible to compete.

My father worked at a plant in the late 60's briefly. His job paid real well, but all it consisted of was walking around checking gauges that never changed every hour. It took 10 minutes to do the patrol, write the paperwork and then he had 50 minutes of absolute boredom. He was not allowed to do anything else. He used to go into the tool and die shop and learn to use the machines, but the union rep put a stop to it. After 6 months he quit.

Years later as demand for steel slowed, guys who made top dollar working the cranes had to sit up there for hours. They were going to get paid for 8 no matter what, so they slept 6 hours a day. The unions refused to have them sent home, the companies were bleeding money so they folded. Hence the rust belt.

If your union works for you, I'm glad. Nationwide however, they're obviously not working too well because all the jobs are coming to Right To Work States. No one is talking about rebuilding industrial plants in Detroit, Buffalo, or Cleveland.


Makes me wonder if these unions were under the AFL-CIO? The reason I ask is because their objective is to make the company thrive.
Makes me wonder if these unions were under the AFL-CIO? The reason I ask is because their objective is to make the company thrive.

I dunno...

It only makes sense that someone would want the company they work for to prosper, so that they can continue to make decent money and even get raises.

I'm not sure where "people" who believe that no one should profit from marketing and incorporating the collective production of a group of people who perform labor. If you operate machinery someone else provided, and believe it's wrong that person should make a return on his investment in the machine, teaching you to operate it, and keeping it going is "exploitation" you're an imbecile and deserve to starve to death.

Even if you make, lets say $.10 per blue widget, and the owners of the company make $1000 per widget, they're the ones who made it possible for you to make 8000 widgets a week. There are lots of people willing to take your job at that machine, so at some point, you have to decide it it worth it to stay there, or can you do better somewhere else? I don't cotton to the idea that you should be able to demand $1 per widget, and the government should protect you from being replaced if you shut down the machine until your demands are met.

That's my understanding of how unions destroyed the major industries.

Sounds like you have been hearing only one side of the story. Not every employer thinks of his workers beyond the dollar. Remember child labor 80 hour work weeks etc. The AFL-CIO works to maintain the good standard of work we have today. Yes you as an employer have to negotiate with the union, about your employees. Not to many people agree with me but I think they should. Fear being it will revert back to the old ways of employers.
A new CNN poll has the republicans down by 2 to 3 points against the democrats for the midterms. A month ago it was a double digit lead. Since it’s CNN, the left wing headquarters, anybody with a brain would say if CNN has them down by 2, the republicans are leading by 8 to 10..
Sounds like you have been hearing only one side of the story. Not every employer thinks of his workers beyond the dollar. Remember child labor 80 hour work weeks etc. The AFL-CIO works to maintain the good standard of work we have today. Yes you as an employer have to negotiate with the union, about your employees. Not to many people agree with me but I think they should. Fear being it will revert back to the old ways of employers.

Not to many people agree with me but I think they should

Well of course you believe that.

I oppose collective bargaining because not everyone is equal when it comes to work.

Some people are highly motivated, innovative and desire a better standard of living.

Some people are stupid, lazy, even criminally inclined. Some just want to get by doing as little as possible.

Better workers deserve better pay.

I seriously doubt we would ever see sweatshops full of 8 year olds again. That said, some kids aren't college material either, I don't see why they can't get jobs at 16 where they have the opportunity to learn a trade.

So you are saying the "rewards" of the labor are more standardized instead of performance based. I work for Ma Bell in 1980 and I didn't find that to be the case. The employers watched you like a hawk. They knew how to work the unions, I guess from a lot of experience. I don't think employers are at a total loss.

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