The Sudden Concern about Corruption

I have a question of my own.... On what basis do you claim Trump did not? Are you aware of every conversation Trump had with everyone in law enforcement? Do you believe that Trump never expected them to investigate all corruption, not just the Bidens?

And if you do, on what proof do you make that case?

Actually my "proof" is simple fucking logic which you obviously LACK......

If the orange turd had a memo, a recording ANYTHING that he started his "corruption quest" in 2017 or 2018.....would he not have shoved that up your behind since this whole mess erupted???

Yes or fucking No???

So your lack of any evidence, is your idea of evidence?

I don't think so. Not a convincing argument.

I never thought the Trump alone was going to drain the swamp. No single man, is going to drain the swamp.

What will drain the swamp is when the public stops electing evil people. I mean, it is really ironic that most of the people who are decrying Trump over not fixing corruption, were in fact supporters of the single most corrupt female politician of our life time.

But I do not believe that Trump has engaged in corruption, or that he has given a pass on corruption.

I do not believe that you need a memo that says "oh by the way, corruption bad".

Besides, maybe you missed it, but Trump as a lot of reason to distrust the FBI and CIA. It does not surprise me, that he was not openly engaging with them.
I have a question of my own.... On what basis do you claim Trump did not? Are you aware of every conversation Trump had with everyone in law enforcement? Do you believe that Trump never expected them to investigate all corruption, not just the Bidens?

And if you do, on what proof do you make that case?

Actually my "proof" is simple fucking logic which you obviously LACK......

If the orange turd had a memo, a recording ANYTHING that he started his "corruption quest" in 2017 or 2018.....would he not have shoved that up your behind since this whole mess erupted???

Yes or fucking No???

He ran his campaign on getting rid if corruption.
Drain the swamp ring a bell?
That applies to both parties and he is keeping that campaign promise.
youre the only ignorant moron on this thread,,,

If you CANNOT address the questions posed, why don't you go change your diapers and take a nap somewhere else???
Everyday we see corruption or the look of corruption from your so called side. Very little is ever questioned by the media/entertainment//political fiefdoms. It seems 90% or more is on your side on this issue. Clinton's wealth, Obama's wealth, Biden's wealth, Pelosi's wealth, Feinstein's wealth, family members of high political people. These are just a few of a bunch more. And then their agendas come into play in which they do not have to be part of. There are many americans whose views are spread across the spectrum politically. But the 20% or about that are Progs and rule with an iron hand have moved us insanely to the left. They control the whole Democratic Party and have for decades. Left leaning Repubs seemed to fall into their shadow and became their silent partners in many agendas to move us way to the left. There are other people in America besides you. Really! We do not care about what you accuse Trump of. Why should we? We have seen much worse if he did anything at all from the political class with people getting away with most anything especially if they are on the left. They really have to be bad or used as pawns and jettisoned for the Prog common good to be indicted on anything.
What’s also incredible is how they are convinced Hillary should have been locked up for her emails yet they go through these fallacious and desperate explanations to defend Trump from ANY wrong doing.

The CULT mentality (and ignorance and cowardice) demand they comply........
Besides, maybe you missed it, but Trump as a lot of reason to distrust the FBI and CIA. It does not surprise me, that he was not openly engaging with them.

So, assholes like you and Trump would rather "trust" China to investigate another American citizen???

Is THAT what this fucking cult has reversed itself to be the damn norm???

Here, moron.....for idiots like you, China's system is better than our own FBI and CIA???

Deep Flaws, and Little Justice, in China's Court System
He ran his campaign on getting rid if corruption.
Drain the swamp ring a bell?
That applies to both parties and he is keeping that campaign promise.

Dimwit....why don't you post on here just how many of Trump's staff is serving prison terms. You morons are just too fucking ignorant.

Everyday we see corruption or the look of corruption from your so called side. Very little is ever questioned by the media/entertainment//political fiefdoms.

Yet another asshole chimes in.........The idiot writes, "....Everyday we see corruption or the look of corruption from your so called side."

So, how the fuck is it that ONLY you and your fellow morons know of this corruption.....Does it come out of an orifice when you sit on the toilet?

Do you idiots even know what the fuck you're spewing???
He ran his campaign on getting rid if corruption.
Drain the swamp ring a bell?
That applies to both parties and he is keeping that campaign promise.

Dimwit....why don't you post on here just how many of Trump's staff is serving prison terms. You morons are just too fucking ignorant.


Got rid of them and now looking into international voting interference that seems to be tied to the DNC.
He has the right to look into corruption.
The Trump acolytes should also ask if there have been any people that Trump's corruption crusade has been aiming at who aren't his political foes.

I can answer that. There haven't been any. Not one. Trump's corruption crusade is convienently focused with laser-like precision on his political enemies and nobody else.

That's why someone would have to be a piss-guzzling cult retard above and beyond the call to believe Trump here. That describes the Trump acolytes.
Actually the question is rather simple to answer IF you have an ounce of objectivity.

Trump has just spewed that his asking Ukraine and China to investigate Biden is STRICTLY his wish to fight corruption and NOT politically-motivated.....


So, the question then is:

If Trump is the champion of anti-corruption, why did he not go after Biden in 2017.....or throughout 2018....and only wanted to go after Biden when he announced his candidacy..... AND after the former VP was beating the pants off of Trump in EVERY poll by double digits???

See if you can address THAT question without your constant....

But, but, Hillary

But, but Obama.....

(or simply put your smiley face with this post and move on to spew your crap in another thread....Fair enough???)

Probably for a simple reason.
A) He had to undo all the anti-business statements and policies of DummyBama.
B) He had to rebuild the military after DummyObama dismantled... SEE ROE!
C) Now President Trump is going after Biden under the below Treaty of 1999 which Clinton signed and Biden as senator approved!



Got rid of them and now looking into international voting interference that seems to be tied to the DNC.
He has the right to look into corruption.

Place your head right back up Trump's ass.......WHERE'S YOUR LINK???
Or do you pull your info. out of your ass.
Probably for a simple reason.
A) He had to undo all the anti-business statements and policies of DummyBama.

OH, so you're one of the ones that the orange turd has convinced that he was just too fucking busy????


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Everyday we see corruption or the look of corruption from your so called side. Very little is ever questioned by the media/entertainment//political fiefdoms.

Yet another asshole chimes in.........The idiot writes, "....Everyday we see corruption or the look of corruption from your so called side."

So, how the fuck is it that ONLY you and your fellow morons know of this corruption.....Does it come out of an orifice when you sit on the toilet?

Do you idiots even know what the fuck you're spewing???

Did the main steam media even want to talk about the good things that happened with President Trump and the President of Finland?
Our Native Americans ancestors bones are being returned to be reburied in each tribes sacred burial
grounds along with Mesa Verde artifacts.
But no it was all about Impeach.
Probably for a simple reason.
A) He had to undo all the anti-business statements and policies of DummyBama.

OH, so you're one of the ones that the orange turd has convinced that he was just too fucking busy????

And you are probably one of those people that live in your parents' basement at 40 years old!
Evidenced by the FACTS you supply NO links no proof of your dumb comments and evidently too lazy to read the facts of what Trump had
to over come. I'm not even attempting to instruct you in the Federal Reserves QE investments under Obama of over $4
trillion all to prop up the market.
I'm not going to educate you on the dumb ass taxing of tanning salons under ACA while Obama let lawyers ambulance chase to the tune of
over $800 billion a year as evidenced by the below!
Again stupid anti-business ignorant outcomes of Obama and dummy supporters like you... probably a racist pig to boot!
Our Native Americans ancestors bones are being returned to be reburied in each tribes sacred burial
grounds along with Mesa Verde artifacts.
But no it was all about Impeach.

You're dumber than most Natives.....Here learn something
Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act

The above law was sponsored by Mo Udall a Democrat
It is really amazing how stupid the Trump Haters, are. I have always said, demoRATs, socialists, communists, whatever they call themselves, always need a person to hate.

Can they articulate why without repeating what they here in the fake news? Not at all. Their brain is either the television or a google search result.
Got rid of them and now looking into international voting interference that seems to be tied to the DNC.
He has the right to look into corruption.

Place your head right back up Trump's ass.......WHERE'S YOUR LINK???
Or do you pull your info. out of your ass.

DNC and Hillary campaign paid for dirt on Trump in Ukraine.
Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for Russia Trump Dossier

The last Ukraine Government was very corrupt and Obama was giving them over a 100 million dollars of Americans tax money in security assistance for them.
What’s also incredible is how they are convinced Hillary should have been locked up for her emails yet they go through these fallacious and desperate explanations to defend Trump from ANY wrong doing.

What wrongdoing on the part of President Donald Trump?

What was in those 30,000 emails erased by Hillary Clinton? What about all those cell phones she destroyed with a hammer?

If President Donald Trump had done, oh say 1/1024th of what was done by the Clinton cabal, you'd be marching in the street demanding his impeachment. Instead, you're trying to impeach President Trump for crimes committed by Joe and Hunter Biden.

Oh gee what a surprise you just completely deflect from the topic at hand.

Obama inherited a massive recession that ended 6 months into his presidency and began 4 months before came to office. 100,000’s of jobs per month were being lost. The recession then ended in mid 2009 and we’ve had job growth EVER SINCE. He presided over the longest stretch of job growth in history. Trump’s job growth at this time is simply because he already inherited an economy that had consistent job growth. Basic facts like these matter.

Oh, was there a point to a nat4600 thread? Who knew?

As to what failed former President Barack Hussein Obama started, it was the slowest recovery in our history.

I'll be glad to explain this chart to you and how it shows what caused the drop in unemployment touted by President Obama.


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