The tax bill....and education.

The bill is based on An economic theory that has never worked as promised. It’s like communism...looks good theory but sucks in reality.

More to the point though...consider this. Jobs.

More to the point, the kind of jobs we want to attract...that we hope these investors will theoretically bring with their massive cuts.

Jobs that require education, in particular higher education. Cutting edge high tech, sciences, that pay well and make us national leaders.

But what is in the bill? A Republican inspired wet dream of educational vendettas. Teachers can no longer claim tax breaks for supplies they buy. Students can no longer deduct student loan interest. And the most mean spirited, taxing tuition waivers.

Tuition waivers are designed to attract and help fund quality students on higher degrees (MA, MS, PHD)They cover some of the cost of tuition reducing the need for loans. Students work and receive a small stipend as income. That along with loans pays for fees, books and other non covered costs as well as rent and living expenses. The stipend is taxed. The tuition waiver is a grant they never see as income.

In more expensive institutions, tuition alone can be as much as $50,000 per term and the associated stipend around $ 30,000. This means those students are going to have to pay tax on 80,000 worth of income while living on a far smaller stipend. State U’s cost less. The one I work for is 12,000 to 17,000 per semester for tuition. Stipends are correspondingly lower, around 14,600 for a doctoral, less for a masters. Do the math, many students are not going to be able to pay this.

So what is going to happen? A less qualified American work force losing out to foreign workers? Or, more likely are we just going to see a proliferation of low skill low pay jobs in the service sector? We don’t need more of those and you already look down your nose at those workers.

What is our workforce going to look like and where will we be in terms of scientific invitation?

This is not surprising to find in the’s a reflection of an ongoing right wing attack on higher education. Students aren’t like wealthy donors, their political clout is relatively small. But they are our country’s future. They become wealthy donors. THEY will be the ones facing the massive deficit and they will be the ones paying for our care down the road. Kind of sounds like we are fucking them over in this bill.

I do not want that future to mirror idiocracy.

You apparently can add taxes to the list you don't know anything about.

I have been a teacher every year that the $250 tax credit has been given. I have been able to take it once.

Did you conveniently forget that the standard deduction from everyone has doubled? Put that deduction back in and very few would be able to claim it anyway.

BTW, you work for a VERY expensive school. Have a nice day! :D

I don't work for a very expensive school, it's in fact pretty inexpensive in so far as state universities go.

But mainly - my point was on taxing student tuition waivers. What are your thoughts on that?

I don't give a shit! How's that?

And, yes, you do work for a very expensive school.
Vendetta? Would democrats rather have the status quo of a Hussein stagnant economy rather than risk some teachers having to buy ...gasp...the same supplies that soccer moms have to shell out for? Democrats see everything through the eyes of incoherent borderline crazy idiots who are still angry about last year's election. Freaking grow up and join the human race.
It wasn’t a stagnant economy....yet another Trumpian lie. The economy was coming out of the worst recession since the Great Depression and steadily growing. This is per economists. Freaking stop lying for a change.

And join the human race.

Slowest recovery since the Great Depression.

Do those words ring a bell? If not, they should!

I'm not sure that is relevant - SINCE the Great Depression is key here. This is the WORST recession since the Great Depression. And the recovery from the Great Depression (according to you) took longer.

What do you expect?

You fail again. It was the worst recovery from a RECESSION since the Great Depression.
The bill is based on An economic theory that has never worked as promised. It’s like communism...looks good theory but sucks in reality.

More to the point though...consider this. Jobs.

More to the point, the kind of jobs we want to attract...that we hope these investors will theoretically bring with their massive cuts.

Jobs that require education, in particular higher education. Cutting edge high tech, sciences, that pay well and make us national leaders.

But what is in the bill? A Republican inspired wet dream of educational vendettas. Teachers can no longer claim tax breaks for supplies they buy. Students can no longer deduct student loan interest. And the most mean spirited, taxing tuition waivers.

Tuition waivers are designed to attract and help fund quality students on higher degrees (MA, MS, PHD)They cover some of the cost of tuition reducing the need for loans. Students work and receive a small stipend as income. That along with loans pays for fees, books and other non covered costs as well as rent and living expenses. The stipend is taxed. The tuition waiver is a grant they never see as income.

In more expensive institutions, tuition alone can be as much as $50,000 per term and the associated stipend around $ 30,000. This means those students are going to have to pay tax on 80,000 worth of income while living on a far smaller stipend. State U’s cost less. The one I work for is 12,000 to 17,000 per semester for tuition. Stipends are correspondingly lower, around 14,600 for a doctoral, less for a masters. Do the math, many students are not going to be able to pay this.

So what is going to happen? A less qualified American work force losing out to foreign workers? Or, more likely are we just going to see a proliferation of low skill low pay jobs in the service sector? We don’t need more of those and you already look down your nose at those workers.

What is our workforce going to look like and where will we be in terms of scientific invitation?

This is not surprising to find in the’s a reflection of an ongoing right wing attack on higher education. Students aren’t like wealthy donors, their political clout is relatively small. But they are our country’s future. They become wealthy donors. THEY will be the ones facing the massive deficit and they will be the ones paying for our care down the road. Kind of sounds like we are fucking them over in this bill.

I do not want that future to mirror idiocracy.

A Government should not be stealing peoples money via taxes, if the money belongs to the people they should be allowed to keep as much of their own money as possible ie. 90%. Also all Inheritance Tax should be stopped, Leftists love the Inheritance Tax in all Western nations because Leftists hate people who have wealth and they want to Redistribute The Wealth etc.

It's also not a Governments job to fund education, if someone wants an education they should pay for it.

A Government does not create jobs, businesses create jobs and the best way to get businesses creating more jobs is to give both small businesses and medium sized businesses tax cuts and also tax incentives for them to add to their workforce.

A Government should only be responsible for Defence of nation both internally and externally including especially protecting the borders, Justice to protect the nations citizens and the most basic Social spending that only is designed to protect a nations most vulnerable citizens ie. the elderly and ONLY the disabled who are NOT physically capable of working, if you have a mental health issue but are physically okay then take your meds and get off your buttocks and get a job even if it's cleaning toilets or answering the phone in a call centre.

Old Rocks darling I have come to cherish every Funny you give me :thup::smoke:

View attachment 164108
Well good. Because as long as you are trying to make this nation illiterate, you will get plenty of those from me. But do return the favor, it is allowed, you know. LOL
Vendetta? Would democrats rather have the status quo of a Hussein stagnant economy rather than risk some teachers having to buy ...gasp...the same supplies that soccer moms have to shell out for? Democrats see everything through the eyes of incoherent borderline crazy idiots who are still angry about last year's election. Freaking grow up and join the human race.
It wasn’t a stagnant economy....yet another Trumpian lie. The economy was coming out of the worst recession since the Great Depression and steadily growing. This is per economists. Freaking stop lying for a change.

And join the human race.

Slowest recovery since the Great Depression.

Do those words ring a bell? If not, they should!

I'm not sure that is relevant - SINCE the Great Depression is key here. This is the WORST recession since the Great Depression. And the recovery from the Great Depression (according to you) took longer.

What do you expect?

You fail again. It was the worst recovery from a RECESSION since the Great Depression.

It was also the WORST recession by far since the Great Depression.

Again - what do you expect?
Vendetta? Would democrats rather have the status quo of a Hussein stagnant economy rather than risk some teachers having to buy ...gasp...the same supplies that soccer moms have to shell out for? Democrats see everything through the eyes of incoherent borderline crazy idiots who are still angry about last year's election. Freaking grow up and join the human race.
It wasn’t a stagnant economy....yet another Trumpian lie. The economy was coming out of the worst recession since the Great Depression and steadily growing. This is per economists. Freaking stop lying for a change.

And join the human race.

Slowest recovery since the Great Depression.

Do those words ring a bell? If not, they should!

I'm not sure that is relevant - SINCE the Great Depression is key here. This is the WORST recession since the Great Depression. And the recovery from the Great Depression (according to you) took longer.

What do you expect?

You fail again. It was the worst recovery from a RECESSION since the Great Depression.

It was also the WORST recession by far since the Great Depression.

Again - what do you expect?
Silly far left drone, unions have everything to do with it, stop your trolling and realize there are already several threads on this. This thread is about you and your ego and nothing else.

If the unions would give the money back to the community, would there even be a need to raise taxes?

Silly far left drone troll!

THAT'S IT...........its ALL the unions' fault........LOL

They certainly do not help the problem, do they far left drone?

They take much of that tax payer money they get and give to far left politicians.

If the unions gave that money to the committee, would there need to be a need to raise taxes?

What tax payer money are you talking about?

Unions do not receive tax payer money.
The bill is based on An economic theory that has never worked as promised. It’s like communism...looks good theory but sucks in reality.

More to the point though...consider this. Jobs.

More to the point, the kind of jobs we want to attract...that we hope these investors will theoretically bring with their massive cuts.

Jobs that require education, in particular higher education. Cutting edge high tech, sciences, that pay well and make us national leaders.

But what is in the bill? A Republican inspired wet dream of educational vendettas. Teachers can no longer claim tax breaks for supplies they buy. Students can no longer deduct student loan interest. And the most mean spirited, taxing tuition waivers.

Tuition waivers are designed to attract and help fund quality students on higher degrees (MA, MS, PHD)They cover some of the cost of tuition reducing the need for loans. Students work and receive a small stipend as income. That along with loans pays for fees, books and other non covered costs as well as rent and living expenses. The stipend is taxed. The tuition waiver is a grant they never see as income.

In more expensive institutions, tuition alone can be as much as $50,000 per term and the associated stipend around $ 30,000. This means those students are going to have to pay tax on 80,000 worth of income while living on a far smaller stipend. State U’s cost less. The one I work for is 12,000 to 17,000 per semester for tuition. Stipends are correspondingly lower, around 14,600 for a doctoral, less for a masters. Do the math, many students are not going to be able to pay this.

So what is going to happen? A less qualified American work force losing out to foreign workers? Or, more likely are we just going to see a proliferation of low skill low pay jobs in the service sector? We don’t need more of those and you already look down your nose at those workers.

What is our workforce going to look like and where will we be in terms of scientific invitation?

This is not surprising to find in the’s a reflection of an ongoing right wing attack on higher education. Students aren’t like wealthy donors, their political clout is relatively small. But they are our country’s future. They become wealthy donors. THEY will be the ones facing the massive deficit and they will be the ones paying for our care down the road. Kind of sounds like we are fucking them over in this bill.

I do not want that future to mirror idiocracy.

You apparently can add taxes to the list you don't know anything about.

I have been a teacher every year that the $250 tax credit has been given. I have been able to take it once.

Did you conveniently forget that the standard deduction from everyone has doubled? Put that deduction back in and very few would be able to claim it anyway.

BTW, you work for a VERY expensive school. Have a nice day! :D

I don't work for a very expensive school, it's in fact pretty inexpensive in so far as state universities go.

But mainly - my point was on taxing student tuition waivers. What are your thoughts on that?

I don't give a shit! How's that?

And, yes, you do work for a very expensive school.

My mistake - I meant per academic year not per semester.
I do not recall you telling this to all your fellow Trump lemmings that are cheering his amazing victory. I think you really should not be calling anyone a drone unless you are looking in the mirror

So you see there you go again running the far left debunked religious dogma.

I am against the far left, that should be obvious to anyone.

So be careful when you use far left debunked narratives when you post!

What the hell are you talking about? what "left debunked religious dogma" are you accusing me of passing? You mean me pointing out there are like a dozen threads on this forum alone talking about the great "win" for Trump last night?

The OP of this thread is a perfect example of what you ask.

The law is not even in the final stages and they are saying that it will cut this and hurt that, neither parts have come together to put a tax reform plan in a final format.

Most of this speculation is based on debunked far left religious narratives not based in reality.

And since the far left does not want to participate unless they get DACA included into a tax reform bill, they have no real say on this away. Why criticize something that you do not want to take part in?

The only reason Obamacare passed was because it happened after the mid term and those that got voted out of office turn on their constituents and voted for the bill.

They have been absent on most of the bills. If it was just one or two, that would be ok and understandable. But to not take part in most things because you are upset that you are in minority, is just plain silly.

They did this under Bush as well. They think if they do nothing they will regain power. The reason why it work for the republicans is because Obamacare did hurt a lot of people. The far left still does not understand why the lost so many seats in 2010. Obama was so popular that the far left lost about 1000 all over the country. They should take that as a hint, but they do not.

Just like the OP is a falsehood as this is not a tax plan, it is tax reform.

Dude, have you been drinking? You are making zero sense here, I mean like none at all.

Yes most far left drone's see the truth as not making sense!

Just point out facts of history and pointing out the OP is a far left drone, just like your hatred of Trump has turned you into one.

So be careful when posting the debunked religious narratives like the OP

Just like when I point if unions would give back to the communities, would we need to raise taxes for schools?

Why don't you just write a check and pay for everything a school needs? You are asking unions to do something that are not intended to do.

How about truck drivers having the Teamsters pay for their truck's fuel bills?

How about the UMW paying people's electric bills?
The bill is based on An economic theory that has never worked as promised. It’s like communism...looks good theory but sucks in reality.

More to the point though...consider this. Jobs.

More to the point, the kind of jobs we want to attract...that we hope these investors will theoretically bring with their massive cuts.

Jobs that require education, in particular higher education. Cutting edge high tech, sciences, that pay well and make us national leaders.

But what is in the bill? A Republican inspired wet dream of educational vendettas. Teachers can no longer claim tax breaks for supplies they buy. Students can no longer deduct student loan interest. And the most mean spirited, taxing tuition waivers.

Tuition waivers are designed to attract and help fund quality students on higher degrees (MA, MS, PHD)They cover some of the cost of tuition reducing the need for loans. Students work and receive a small stipend as income. That along with loans pays for fees, books and other non covered costs as well as rent and living expenses. The stipend is taxed. The tuition waiver is a grant they never see as income.

In more expensive institutions, tuition alone can be as much as $50,000 per term and the associated stipend around $ 30,000. This means those students are going to have to pay tax on 80,000 worth of income while living on a far smaller stipend. State U’s cost less. The one I work for is 12,000 to 17,000 per semester for tuition. Stipends are correspondingly lower, around 14,600 for a doctoral, less for a masters. Do the math, many students are not going to be able to pay this.

So what is going to happen? A less qualified American work force losing out to foreign workers? Or, more likely are we just going to see a proliferation of low skill low pay jobs in the service sector? We don’t need more of those and you already look down your nose at those workers.

What is our workforce going to look like and where will we be in terms of scientific invitation?

This is not surprising to find in the’s a reflection of an ongoing right wing attack on higher education. Students aren’t like wealthy donors, their political clout is relatively small. But they are our country’s future. They become wealthy donors. THEY will be the ones facing the massive deficit and they will be the ones paying for our care down the road. Kind of sounds like we are fucking them over in this bill.

I do not want that future to mirror idiocracy.

You apparently can add taxes to the list you don't know anything about.

I have been a teacher every year that the $250 tax credit has been given. I have been able to take it once.

Did you conveniently forget that the standard deduction from everyone has doubled? Put that deduction back in and very few would be able to claim it anyway.

BTW, you work for a VERY expensive school. Have a nice day! :D

I don't work for a very expensive school, it's in fact pretty inexpensive in so far as state universities go.

But mainly - my point was on taxing student tuition waivers. What are your thoughts on that?

I don't give a shit! How's that?

And, yes, you do work for a very expensive school.

My mistake - I meant per academic year not per semester.

Now, you are talking!
Well you keep proving that you are a far left drone that does not understand anything beyond far left religious dogma.

But since there are already several threads (8 at least) on this I will say it again here.

The house passed a bill and the senate passed a similar bill and the two have to go into conference to work out all the details.

Nothing is final and any speculation is not based on any bill that is being worked on or passed as of yet!

So once again the far left proves they do not understand how the government works.

Proof the far left should never be in charge of anything!

I do not recall you telling this to all your fellow Trump lemmings that are cheering his amazing victory. I think you really should not be calling anyone a drone unless you are looking in the mirror

So you see there you go again running the far left debunked religious dogma.

I am against the far left, that should be obvious to anyone.

So be careful when you use far left debunked narratives when you post!

What the hell are you talking about? what "left debunked religious dogma" are you accusing me of passing? You mean me pointing out there are like a dozen threads on this forum alone talking about the great "win" for Trump last night?

The OP of this thread is a perfect example of what you ask.

The law is not even in the final stages and they are saying that it will cut this and hurt that, neither parts have come together to put a tax reform plan in a final format.

Most of this speculation is based on debunked far left religious narratives not based in reality.

And since the far left does not want to participate unless they get DACA included into a tax reform bill, they have no real say on this away. Why criticize something that you do not want to take part in?

The only reason Obamacare passed was because it happened after the mid term and those that got voted out of office turn on their constituents and voted for the bill.

They have been absent on most of the bills. If it was just one or two, that would be ok and understandable. But to not take part in most things because you are upset that you are in minority, is just plain silly.

They did this under Bush as well. They think if they do nothing they will regain power. The reason why it work for the republicans is because Obamacare did hurt a lot of people. The far left still does not understand why the lost so many seats in 2010. Obama was so popular that the far left lost about 1000 all over the country. They should take that as a hint, but they do not.

Just like the OP is a falsehood as this is not a tax plan, it is tax reform.

The bill is not tax reform. It's tax cuts.

No, by nature of the fact that it is eliminating exemptions, that makes it tax reform. You just proved yourself wrong.
Look Coyote the Dem's CASH COW college loan program has been raping students for decades. The cost of a 4 year degree skyrocketing far beyond its value in the market, propped up by easy government guaranteed loans to lure students into debt up to their eyeballs before their careers even begin. You people are the worst enemy of education and students. At the K-12 level corrupt politicians in collusion with teachers unions are raping local taxpayers.

Teacher's unions are raping the taxpayers? Since when?

Is that why teaching is the second lowest average income for a profession requiring a degree?

Only social workers get the shaft more than teachers.
What the hell are you talking about? what "left debunked religious dogma" are you accusing me of passing? You mean me pointing out there are like a dozen threads on this forum alone talking about the great "win" for Trump last night?

The OP of this thread is a perfect example of what you ask.

The law is not even in the final stages and they are saying that it will cut this and hurt that, neither parts have come together to put a tax reform plan in a final format.

Most of this speculation is based on debunked far left religious narratives not based in reality.

And since the far left does not want to participate unless they get DACA included into a tax reform bill, they have no real say on this away. Why criticize something that you do not want to take part in?

The only reason Obamacare passed was because it happened after the mid term and those that got voted out of office turn on their constituents and voted for the bill.

They have been absent on most of the bills. If it was just one or two, that would be ok and understandable. But to not take part in most things because you are upset that you are in minority, is just plain silly.

They did this under Bush as well. They think if they do nothing they will regain power. The reason why it work for the republicans is because Obamacare did hurt a lot of people. The far left still does not understand why the lost so many seats in 2010. Obama was so popular that the far left lost about 1000 all over the country. They should take that as a hint, but they do not.

Just like the OP is a falsehood as this is not a tax plan, it is tax reform.

The bill is not tax reform. It's tax cuts.

And you prove once again that you are far left!

No it is a tax reform bill, but you pushing the debunked narrative was already know from your OP.

So if unions give back to the community do we need to raise taxes?

Unions are irrelevant. They don't take money from the community.

It isn't reforming anything. It's only cutting taxes.

Should Tuition Waivers be taxed?

See how the far left just our right lies?

I mean you can not seriously make this stuff up!

Unions for teachers get their money from the tax payers in the community, you seriously want to run with that narrative far left drone?

You might want to pull that bullshit express back into the station! Teacher's unions get their funds from teachers who join the union through their union dues.

Where did you come up with such an incredibly stupid concept?
The bill is based on An economic theory that has never worked as promised. It’s like communism...looks good theory but sucks in reality.

More to the point though...consider this. Jobs.

More to the point, the kind of jobs we want to attract...that we hope these investors will theoretically bring with their massive cuts.

Jobs that require education, in particular higher education. Cutting edge high tech, sciences, that pay well and make us national leaders.

But what is in the bill? A Republican inspired wet dream of educational vendettas. Teachers can no longer claim tax breaks for supplies they buy. Students can no longer deduct student loan interest. And the most mean spirited, taxing tuition waivers.

Tuition waivers are designed to attract and help fund quality students on higher degrees (MA, MS, PHD)They cover some of the cost of tuition reducing the need for loans. Students work and receive a small stipend as income. That along with loans pays for fees, books and other non covered costs as well as rent and living expenses. The stipend is taxed. The tuition waiver is a grant they never see as income.

In more expensive institutions, tuition alone can be as much as $50,000 per term and the associated stipend around $ 30,000. This means those students are going to have to pay tax on 80,000 worth of income while living on a far smaller stipend. State U’s cost less. The one I work for is 12,000 to 17,000 per semester for tuition. Stipends are correspondingly lower, around 14,600 for a doctoral, less for a masters. Do the math, many students are not going to be able to pay this.

So what is going to happen? A less qualified American work force losing out to foreign workers? Or, more likely are we just going to see a proliferation of low skill low pay jobs in the service sector? We don’t need more of those and you already look down your nose at those workers.

What is our workforce going to look like and where will we be in terms of scientific invitation?

This is not surprising to find in the’s a reflection of an ongoing right wing attack on higher education. Students aren’t like wealthy donors, their political clout is relatively small. But they are our country’s future. They become wealthy donors. THEY will be the ones facing the massive deficit and they will be the ones paying for our care down the road. Kind of sounds like we are fucking them over in this bill.

I do not want that future to mirror idiocracy.
It's my money. You're not entitled to it.

This has nothing to do with your money.
Of course it does. If it didn't I wouldn't have a representative in DC arguing about it on my behalf.

What does taxing a students tuition waiver have to do with your money?
I stand corrected. The last couple of days I have see many on the left characterize this situation as hurting the less educated & helping the rest of the elites. I assumed based on the title this was another dig on the under educated and as such did not read beyond the title.

My apologies
Loserterians want to give it all to the rich and make this inequality even worse. It is about going back to the times when a poor person was nothing more then a serf.

They hate modern America as their masters in the church and the wealthy haven't had as much power these past hundred or so years.
Loserterians want to give it all to the rich and make this inequality even worse. It is about going back to the times when a poor person was nothing more then a serf.

They hate modern America as their masters in the church and the wealthy haven't had as much power these past hundred or so years.

Poor people don't pay income taxes, dumb ass!
Education should be one of our top priorities, if not top priority, but for some reason I never hear a thing about it. Dems pretend to care, but don't, and cons don't even pretend ...Hmm ...

You are, unfortunately, correct......Both parties have failed.
The bill is based on An economic theory that has never worked as promised. It’s like communism...looks good theory but sucks in reality.

More to the point though...consider this. Jobs.

More to the point, the kind of jobs we want to attract...that we hope these investors will theoretically bring with their massive cuts.

Jobs that require education, in particular higher education. Cutting edge high tech, sciences, that pay well and make us national leaders.

But what is in the bill? A Republican inspired wet dream of educational vendettas. Teachers can no longer claim tax breaks for supplies they buy. Students can no longer deduct student loan interest. And the most mean spirited, taxing tuition waivers.

Tuition waivers are designed to attract and help fund quality students on higher degrees (MA, MS, PHD)They cover some of the cost of tuition reducing the need for loans. Students work and receive a small stipend as income. That along with loans pays for fees, books and other non covered costs as well as rent and living expenses. The stipend is taxed. The tuition waiver is a grant they never see as income.

In more expensive institutions, tuition alone can be as much as $50,000 per term and the associated stipend around $ 30,000. This means those students are going to have to pay tax on 80,000 worth of income while living on a far smaller stipend. State U’s cost less. The one I work for is 12,000 to 17,000 per semester for tuition. Stipends are correspondingly lower, around 14,600 for a doctoral, less for a masters. Do the math, many students are not going to be able to pay this.

So what is going to happen? A less qualified American work force losing out to foreign workers? Or, more likely are we just going to see a proliferation of low skill low pay jobs in the service sector? We don’t need more of those and you already look down your nose at those workers.

What is our workforce going to look like and where will we be in terms of scientific invitation?

This is not surprising to find in the’s a reflection of an ongoing right wing attack on higher education. Students aren’t like wealthy donors, their political clout is relatively small. But they are our country’s future. They become wealthy donors. THEY will be the ones facing the massive deficit and they will be the ones paying for our care down the road. Kind of sounds like we are fucking them over in this bill.

I do not want that future to mirror idiocracy.
The tax bill has nothing to do with jobs.

Jobs is just a lie that the GOP loves to use when they vote for more tax cuts for the rich.

And the Fed's should get out of the education business. That is a separate state issue. So what if little Negroes in poor Southern states don't get any education ?! Not a Federal issue. And the Fed's can't afford it. All that the Fed's are doing is printing money. They need to cut their expenditures, especially after this current tax cut for the rich.
Loserterians want to give it all to the rich and make this inequality even worse. It is about going back to the times when a poor person was nothing more then a serf.

They hate modern America as their masters in the church and the wealthy haven't had as much power these past hundred or so years.

Poor people don't pay income taxes, dumb ass!
Yes they do dumbazz it is withheld from their pay.
Look Coyote the Dem's CASH COW college loan program has been raping students for decades. The cost of a 4 year degree skyrocketing far beyond its value in the market, propped up by easy government guaranteed loans to lure students into debt up to their eyeballs before their careers even begin. You people are the worst enemy of education and students. At the K-12 level corrupt politicians in collusion with teachers unions are raping local taxpayers.

Teacher's unions are raping the taxpayers? Since when?

Is that why teaching is the second lowest average income for a profession requiring a degree?

Only social workers get the shaft more than teachers.
Teachers are the people that we trust our children to, to prepare them for a future. The lack of respect we give those teachers, and the compensation we give them for their time and effort are indictutive of how much we value our children.
Loserterians want to give it all to the rich and make this inequality even worse. It is about going back to the times when a poor person was nothing more then a serf.

They hate modern America as their masters in the church and the wealthy haven't had as much power these past hundred or so years.

Poor people don't pay income taxes, dumb ass!
They pay SS, Medicare, and Workmans Comp. They pay income taxes out of their check and get it back at the end of the year.
Well you keep proving that you are a far left drone that does not understand anything beyond far left religious dogma.

But since there are already several threads (8 at least) on this I will say it again here.

The house passed a bill and the senate passed a similar bill and the two have to go into conference to work out all the details.

Nothing is final and any speculation is not based on any bill that is being worked on or passed as of yet!

So once again the far left proves they do not understand how the government works.

Proof the far left should never be in charge of anything!

I do not recall you telling this to all your fellow Trump lemmings that are cheering his amazing victory. I think you really should not be calling anyone a drone unless you are looking in the mirror

So you see there you go again running the far left debunked religious dogma.

I am against the far left, that should be obvious to anyone.

So be careful when you use far left debunked narratives when you post!

What the hell are you talking about? what "left debunked religious dogma" are you accusing me of passing? You mean me pointing out there are like a dozen threads on this forum alone talking about the great "win" for Trump last night?

The OP of this thread is a perfect example of what you ask.

The law is not even in the final stages and they are saying that it will cut this and hurt that, neither parts have come together to put a tax reform plan in a final format.

Most of this speculation is based on debunked far left religious narratives not based in reality.

And since the far left does not want to participate unless they get DACA included into a tax reform bill, they have no real say on this away. Why criticize something that you do not want to take part in?

The only reason Obamacare passed was because it happened after the mid term and those that got voted out of office turn on their constituents and voted for the bill.

They have been absent on most of the bills. If it was just one or two, that would be ok and understandable. But to not take part in most things because you are upset that you are in minority, is just plain silly.

They did this under Bush as well. They think if they do nothing they will regain power. The reason why it work for the republicans is because Obamacare did hurt a lot of people. The far left still does not understand why the lost so many seats in 2010. Obama was so popular that the far left lost about 1000 all over the country. They should take that as a hint, but they do not.

Just like the OP is a falsehood as this is not a tax plan, it is tax reform.

The bill is not tax reform. It's tax cuts.
Actually it’s neither.

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