The tax bill....and education.

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  • #81
The bill is based on An economic theory that has never worked as promised. It’s like communism...looks good theory but sucks in reality.

More to the point though...consider this. Jobs.

More to the point, the kind of jobs we want to attract...that we hope these investors will theoretically bring with their massive cuts.

Jobs that require education, in particular higher education. Cutting edge high tech, sciences, that pay well and make us national leaders.

But what is in the bill? A Republican inspired wet dream of educational vendettas. Teachers can no longer claim tax breaks for supplies they buy. Students can no longer deduct student loan interest. And the most mean spirited, taxing tuition waivers.

Tuition waivers are designed to attract and help fund quality students on higher degrees (MA, MS, PHD)They cover some of the cost of tuition reducing the need for loans. Students work and receive a small stipend as income. That along with loans pays for fees, books and other non covered costs as well as rent and living expenses. The stipend is taxed. The tuition waiver is a grant they never see as income.

In more expensive institutions, tuition alone can be as much as $50,000 per term and the associated stipend around $ 30,000. This means those students are going to have to pay tax on 80,000 worth of income while living on a far smaller stipend. State U’s cost less. The one I work for is 12,000 to 17,000 per semester for tuition. Stipends are correspondingly lower, around 14,600 for a doctoral, less for a masters. Do the math, many students are not going to be able to pay this.

So what is going to happen? A less qualified American work force losing out to foreign workers? Or, more likely are we just going to see a proliferation of low skill low pay jobs in the service sector? We don’t need more of those and you already look down your nose at those workers.

What is our workforce going to look like and where will we be in terms of scientific invitation?

This is not surprising to find in the’s a reflection of an ongoing right wing attack on higher education. Students aren’t like wealthy donors, their political clout is relatively small. But they are our country’s future. They become wealthy donors. THEY will be the ones facing the massive deficit and they will be the ones paying for our care down the road. Kind of sounds like we are fucking them over in this bill.

I do not want that future to mirror idiocracy.

A Government should not be stealing peoples money via taxes, if the money belongs to the people they should be allowed to keep as much of their money as possible ie. 90%.

It's also not a Governments job to fund education, if someone wants an education they should pay for it.

A Government does not create jobs, businesses create jobs and the best way to get businesses creating more jobs is to give both small businesses and medium sized businesses tax cuts and also tax incentives for them to add to their workforce.

A Government should only be responsible for Defence of nation both internally and externally including especially protecting the borders, Justice to protect the nations citizens and the most basic Social spending that only is designed to protect a nations most vulnerable citizens ie. the elderly and ONLY the disabled who are NOT physically capable of working, if you have a mental health issue but are physically okay then take your meds and get off your buttocks and get a job even if it's cleaning toilets or answering the phone in a call centre.

I disagree - it IS the job of the government to fund education. In fact - it's been the "jewel in the crown" of our country. We mandate education, and we fund it because it is for the good of us all - we all benefit from an educated citizenry. Just look at the countries that don't have that.
The House tax bill repeals the tax deduction for student loan interest and taxes tuition waivers.

That passed.

The Senate bill does not.

They have to be reconciled but as it stands now - this is what is in the bills.

The summary presented today said that the compromise was $500. Most teachers buy a few things and won't spend much more than that. Withe the new tax brackets then at most that would result in less than $100 off a family tax bill The increased deductions and lower tax brackets more than make up for any loss on that deduction.

When my wife was teaching she would buy things for the classroom every year but never even bothered to claim them when we itemized because that would have been only a drop in the bucket with the filthy ass taxes we were forced to pay.

Of all the things to get bent out of shape about this is hardly worth worth the effort. These Moon Bats always have to bitch about something, don't they?
What we need to do as a nation is bite the bullet and admit that we have a huge number of colleges that teach absolutely nothing of value. Evergreen, Oberlin, Entire wings at Berkeley, University of Missouri. These are failing schools. Their enrollment is down, the alums have zipped the wallets. These colleges deserve to fail if they cannot survive on educating the next generation of marxist culture warriors.
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  • #84
The House tax bill repeals the tax deduction for student loan interest and taxes tuition waivers.

That passed.

The Senate bill does not.

They have to be reconciled but as it stands now - this is what is in the bills.

Not until you show the proof!

But this post contradicts your OP, but often far left drones will wind up contradicting themselves.


Easy you assumed the "bill" (which has not been written yet) will not allow these deductions.

So once again you contradict yourself before a bill is even written.

But you have yet to provide proof to any of your comments..

Two bills have been written and passed.

Yes the content of those bills which your debunked far left narrative is base on is the bases, not that bills have been passed.

So post the proof of your comments or you are just trolling like always!

Read the House bill troll.
Not until you show the proof!

But this post contradicts your OP, but often far left drones will wind up contradicting themselves.


Easy you assumed the "bill" (which has not been written yet) will not allow these deductions.

So once again you contradict yourself before a bill is even written.

But you have yet to provide proof to any of your comments..

Two bills have been written and passed.

Yes the content of those bills which your debunked far left narrative is base on is the bases, not that bills have been passed.

So post the proof of your comments or you are just trolling like always!

Read the House bill troll.

The house bill is not the final bill there far left drone troll!

See you ask the far left to provide proof, then they call you a troll..

So far left drone troll why not merge this thread with the other threads? Is that because you were trolling?

As I said before this thread is about you and your ego.

So either merge this thread with the others, post your proof or finally admit you were just being a far left drone troll!
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  • #86

Easy you assumed the "bill" (which has not been written yet) will not allow these deductions.

So once again you contradict yourself before a bill is even written.

But you have yet to provide proof to any of your comments..

Two bills have been written and passed.

Yes the content of those bills which your debunked far left narrative is base on is the bases, not that bills have been passed.

So post the proof of your comments or you are just trolling like always!

Read the House bill troll.

The house bill is not the final bill there far left drone troll!

See you ask the far left to provide proof, then they call you a troll..

So far left drone troll why not merge this thread with the other threads? Is that because you were trolling?

As I said before this thread is about you and your ego.

So either merge this thread with the others, post your proof or finally admit you were just being a far left drone troll!

No one is talking about the final bill idiot. It's one of the two bills passed which will be reconciled MEANING it could become part of the final bill. It's worthy of discussion. Now go park your ego.
The bill is based on An economic theory that has never worked as promised. It’s like communism...looks good theory but sucks in reality.

More to the point though...consider this. Jobs.

More to the point, the kind of jobs we want to attract...that we hope these investors will theoretically bring with their massive cuts.

Jobs that require education, in particular higher education. Cutting edge high tech, sciences, that pay well and make us national leaders.

But what is in the bill? A Republican inspired wet dream of educational vendettas. Teachers can no longer claim tax breaks for supplies they buy. Students can no longer deduct student loan interest. And the most mean spirited, taxing tuition waivers.

Tuition waivers are designed to attract and help fund quality students on higher degrees (MA, MS, PHD)They cover some of the cost of tuition reducing the need for loans. Students work and receive a small stipend as income. That along with loans pays for fees, books and other non covered costs as well as rent and living expenses. The stipend is taxed. The tuition waiver is a grant they never see as income.

In more expensive institutions, tuition alone can be as much as $50,000 per term and the associated stipend around $ 30,000. This means those students are going to have to pay tax on 80,000 worth of income while living on a far smaller stipend. State U’s cost less. The one I work for is 12,000 to 17,000 per semester for tuition. Stipends are correspondingly lower, around 14,600 for a doctoral, less for a masters. Do the math, many students are not going to be able to pay this.

So what is going to happen? A less qualified American work force losing out to foreign workers? Or, more likely are we just going to see a proliferation of low skill low pay jobs in the service sector? We don’t need more of those and you already look down your nose at those workers.

What is our workforce going to look like and where will we be in terms of scientific invitation?

This is not surprising to find in the’s a reflection of an ongoing right wing attack on higher education. Students aren’t like wealthy donors, their political clout is relatively small. But they are our country’s future. They become wealthy donors. THEY will be the ones facing the massive deficit and they will be the ones paying for our care down the road. Kind of sounds like we are fucking them over in this bill.

I do not want that future to mirror idiocracy.

A Government should not be stealing peoples money via taxes, if the money belongs to the people they should be allowed to keep as much of their money as possible ie. 90%.

It's also not a Governments job to fund education, if someone wants an education they should pay for it.

A Government does not create jobs, businesses create jobs and the best way to get businesses creating more jobs is to give both small businesses and medium sized businesses tax cuts and also tax incentives for them to add to their workforce.

A Government should only be responsible for Defence of nation both internally and externally including especially protecting the borders, Justice to protect the nations citizens and the most basic Social spending that only is designed to protect a nations most vulnerable citizens ie. the elderly and ONLY the disabled who are NOT physically capable of working, if you have a mental health issue but are physically okay then take your meds and get off your buttocks and get a job even if it's cleaning toilets or answering the phone in a call centre.

I disagree - it IS the job of the government to fund education. In fact - it's been the "jewel in the crown" of our country. We mandate education, and we fund it because it is for the good of us all - we all benefit from an educated citizenry. Just look at the countries that don't have that.

"we all benefit from an educated citizenry."

Half of America is dumbed down and is far more ignorant than most European nations, you even now have succeeded in dumbing down a University like Harvard who now have been teaching classes on the so-called benefits of Anal Sex.

The problem with the American Education Establishment is that it's over loaded with Leftist teachers and professors who's only actual concern is teaching their pupils how to be good SJWs and also making them into Sensitive Snowflakes who are not equipped emotionally to handle either the real world or even real life and when confronted with it go totally to pieces.

"Just look at the countries that don't have that."

Yes and Leftists are screaming to Import more and more low IQ dependents from many of the nations who have no functioning educational system because what's the point in having one when the people are so low IQ it's impossible to educate them. So as you are Importing more of that crowd because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Colonialism logically America will become more dumbed down and your Social spending will rocket higher because as I said they are dependents they are not contributors to your Society in any tangible or constructive way, you pay for them and they do not give anything in return.
The bill is based on An economic theory that has never worked as promised. It’s like communism...looks good theory but sucks in reality.

More to the point though...consider this. Jobs.

More to the point, the kind of jobs we want to attract...that we hope these investors will theoretically bring with their massive cuts.

Jobs that require education, in particular higher education. Cutting edge high tech, sciences, that pay well and make us national leaders.

But what is in the bill? A Republican inspired wet dream of educational vendettas. Teachers can no longer claim tax breaks for supplies they buy. Students can no longer deduct student loan interest. And the most mean spirited, taxing tuition waivers.

Tuition waivers are designed to attract and help fund quality students on higher degrees (MA, MS, PHD)They cover some of the cost of tuition reducing the need for loans. Students work and receive a small stipend as income. That along with loans pays for fees, books and other non covered costs as well as rent and living expenses. The stipend is taxed. The tuition waiver is a grant they never see as income.

In more expensive institutions, tuition alone can be as much as $50,000 per term and the associated stipend around $ 30,000. This means those students are going to have to pay tax on 80,000 worth of income while living on a far smaller stipend. State U’s cost less. The one I work for is 12,000 to 17,000 per semester for tuition. Stipends are correspondingly lower, around 14,600 for a doctoral, less for a masters. Do the math, many students are not going to be able to pay this.

So what is going to happen? A less qualified American work force losing out to foreign workers? Or, more likely are we just going to see a proliferation of low skill low pay jobs in the service sector? We don’t need more of those and you already look down your nose at those workers.

What is our workforce going to look like and where will we be in terms of scientific invitation?

This is not surprising to find in the’s a reflection of an ongoing right wing attack on higher education. Students aren’t like wealthy donors, their political clout is relatively small. But they are our country’s future. They become wealthy donors. THEY will be the ones facing the massive deficit and they will be the ones paying for our care down the road. Kind of sounds like we are fucking them over in this bill.

I do not want that future to mirror idiocracy.
It's my money. You're not entitled to it.

This has nothing to do with your money.
Of course it does. If it didn't I wouldn't have a representative in DC arguing about it on my behalf.
  • Thread starter
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  • #89
The bill is based on An economic theory that has never worked as promised. It’s like communism...looks good theory but sucks in reality.

More to the point though...consider this. Jobs.

More to the point, the kind of jobs we want to attract...that we hope these investors will theoretically bring with their massive cuts.

Jobs that require education, in particular higher education. Cutting edge high tech, sciences, that pay well and make us national leaders.

But what is in the bill? A Republican inspired wet dream of educational vendettas. Teachers can no longer claim tax breaks for supplies they buy. Students can no longer deduct student loan interest. And the most mean spirited, taxing tuition waivers.

Tuition waivers are designed to attract and help fund quality students on higher degrees (MA, MS, PHD)They cover some of the cost of tuition reducing the need for loans. Students work and receive a small stipend as income. That along with loans pays for fees, books and other non covered costs as well as rent and living expenses. The stipend is taxed. The tuition waiver is a grant they never see as income.

In more expensive institutions, tuition alone can be as much as $50,000 per term and the associated stipend around $ 30,000. This means those students are going to have to pay tax on 80,000 worth of income while living on a far smaller stipend. State U’s cost less. The one I work for is 12,000 to 17,000 per semester for tuition. Stipends are correspondingly lower, around 14,600 for a doctoral, less for a masters. Do the math, many students are not going to be able to pay this.

So what is going to happen? A less qualified American work force losing out to foreign workers? Or, more likely are we just going to see a proliferation of low skill low pay jobs in the service sector? We don’t need more of those and you already look down your nose at those workers.

What is our workforce going to look like and where will we be in terms of scientific invitation?

This is not surprising to find in the’s a reflection of an ongoing right wing attack on higher education. Students aren’t like wealthy donors, their political clout is relatively small. But they are our country’s future. They become wealthy donors. THEY will be the ones facing the massive deficit and they will be the ones paying for our care down the road. Kind of sounds like we are fucking them over in this bill.

I do not want that future to mirror idiocracy.
It's my money. You're not entitled to it.

This has nothing to do with your money.
Of course it does. If it didn't I wouldn't have a representative in DC arguing about it on my behalf.

What does taxing a students tuition waiver have to do with your money?
It has the potential of widening the education gap so only those with enough personal wealth can go on to higher degrees with the rest stuck burgerflipping.

China is pouring in billions into both higher and post higher education, especially for R & D .......It is estimated that in a few years, our stellar universities will be beat by foreign ones.......MAKE CHINA GREAT....again.
Already happening.

Are Chinese university better than MIT in the engineering rankings | Asia World Media

Tsinghua University, arguably the most prestigious research institution in China, last week upset the normally staid world of university rankings. It grabbed the top spot in the engineering schools list compiled by US News, a position long held by MIT. MIT is unambiguously the more prestigious and well known of the two, especially outside of China, so how could Tsinghua have overtaken it? The answer is quantity, not quality. And we’re not talking student quality here, but research papers. US News rankings by subject try to determine the best schools in a particular field, like engineering or economics. For the hard sciences, the subject ranking relies almost exclusively on a university’s research output. It is based on how much research each university produces, measures of how good that research is, and the level of international cooperation. This is different from the US News ranking for schools overall, which include indicators like the number of conferences held, books published, and PhDs awarded. Chinese schools are indeed climbing the engineering list. Tsinghua drew attention for besting MIT, and two other Chinese universities appeared in the top 10. But while these schools score big in the “how much” categories, they do poorly on the “how good” ones.
Ranking School, engineering Country
#1 Tsinghua University China
#2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology US
#3 University of California, Berkeley US
#4 Zhejiang University China
#5 Nanyang Technological University Singapore
#5 (tie) National University of Singapore Singapore
#7 Harbin Institute of Technology China
#8 Stanford University US
#9 Georgia Institute of Technology US
#10 City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

This is what our 'Conservatives' want.
Is this taxing of tuition waivers good?

I would prefer just a plain flat tax with no deductions and be done with it. Then you literally can just do your taxes on a post card. The only reason we have all these deductions is to cater to special interest groups. Everyone should just be treated the same.
All income the same. Wage earnings, dividend, capital gains, inheritance. All the same, and at the present tax rates.
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  • #92
Look Coyote the Dem's CASH COW college loan program has been raping students for decades. The cost of a 4 year degree skyrocketing far beyond its value in the market, propped up by easy government guaranteed loans to lure students into debt up to their eyeballs before their careers even begin. You people are the worst enemy of education and students. At the K-12 level corrupt politicians in collusion with teachers unions are raping local taxpayers.

The high cost of a degree is not caused by student loans. But what do you propose - so students can no longer get loans, so they can't attend college so they are stuck in low wage jobs where you then complain about them for being slackers?
The bill is based on An economic theory that has never worked as promised. It’s like communism...looks good theory but sucks in reality.

More to the point though...consider this. Jobs.

More to the point, the kind of jobs we want to attract...that we hope these investors will theoretically bring with their massive cuts.

Jobs that require education, in particular higher education. Cutting edge high tech, sciences, that pay well and make us national leaders.

But what is in the bill? A Republican inspired wet dream of educational vendettas. Teachers can no longer claim tax breaks for supplies they buy. Students can no longer deduct student loan interest. And the most mean spirited, taxing tuition waivers.

Tuition waivers are designed to attract and help fund quality students on higher degrees (MA, MS, PHD)They cover some of the cost of tuition reducing the need for loans. Students work and receive a small stipend as income. That along with loans pays for fees, books and other non covered costs as well as rent and living expenses. The stipend is taxed. The tuition waiver is a grant they never see as income.

In more expensive institutions, tuition alone can be as much as $50,000 per term and the associated stipend around $ 30,000. This means those students are going to have to pay tax on 80,000 worth of income while living on a far smaller stipend. State U’s cost less. The one I work for is 12,000 to 17,000 per semester for tuition. Stipends are correspondingly lower, around 14,600 for a doctoral, less for a masters. Do the math, many students are not going to be able to pay this.

So what is going to happen? A less qualified American work force losing out to foreign workers? Or, more likely are we just going to see a proliferation of low skill low pay jobs in the service sector? We don’t need more of those and you already look down your nose at those workers.

What is our workforce going to look like and where will we be in terms of scientific invitation?

This is not surprising to find in the’s a reflection of an ongoing right wing attack on higher education. Students aren’t like wealthy donors, their political clout is relatively small. But they are our country’s future. They become wealthy donors. THEY will be the ones facing the massive deficit and they will be the ones paying for our care down the road. Kind of sounds like we are fucking them over in this bill.

I do not want that future to mirror idiocracy.

You apparently can add taxes to the list you don't know anything about.

I have been a teacher every year that the $250 tax credit has been given. I have been able to take it once.

Did you conveniently forget that the standard deduction from everyone has doubled? Put that deduction back in and very few would be able to claim it anyway.

BTW, you work for a VERY expensive school. Have a nice day! :D
Vendetta? Would democrats rather have the status quo of a Hussein stagnant economy rather than risk some teachers having to buy ...gasp...the same supplies that soccer moms have to shell out for? Democrats see everything through the eyes of incoherent borderline crazy idiots who are still angry about last year's election. Freaking grow up and join the human race.

Well the unions could help supply those that they claim to represent as they can offer millions in donations to the far left. Just think if the unions actually took all that money and put into the teachers and school system that give them all their money.

Why should the government have to do it, since the tax exempt corporations (known as unions), has the money to do it?

You don't understand what unions are for, do you?
The bill is based on An economic theory that has never worked as promised. It’s like communism...looks good theory but sucks in reality.

More to the point though...consider this. Jobs.

More to the point, the kind of jobs we want to attract...that we hope these investors will theoretically bring with their massive cuts.

Jobs that require education, in particular higher education. Cutting edge high tech, sciences, that pay well and make us national leaders.

But what is in the bill? A Republican inspired wet dream of educational vendettas. Teachers can no longer claim tax breaks for supplies they buy. Students can no longer deduct student loan interest. And the most mean spirited, taxing tuition waivers.

Tuition waivers are designed to attract and help fund quality students on higher degrees (MA, MS, PHD)They cover some of the cost of tuition reducing the need for loans. Students work and receive a small stipend as income. That along with loans pays for fees, books and other non covered costs as well as rent and living expenses. The stipend is taxed. The tuition waiver is a grant they never see as income.

In more expensive institutions, tuition alone can be as much as $50,000 per term and the associated stipend around $ 30,000. This means those students are going to have to pay tax on 80,000 worth of income while living on a far smaller stipend. State U’s cost less. The one I work for is 12,000 to 17,000 per semester for tuition. Stipends are correspondingly lower, around 14,600 for a doctoral, less for a masters. Do the math, many students are not going to be able to pay this.

So what is going to happen? A less qualified American work force losing out to foreign workers? Or, more likely are we just going to see a proliferation of low skill low pay jobs in the service sector? We don’t need more of those and you already look down your nose at those workers.

What is our workforce going to look like and where will we be in terms of scientific invitation?

This is not surprising to find in the’s a reflection of an ongoing right wing attack on higher education. Students aren’t like wealthy donors, their political clout is relatively small. But they are our country’s future. They become wealthy donors. THEY will be the ones facing the massive deficit and they will be the ones paying for our care down the road. Kind of sounds like we are fucking them over in this bill.

I do not want that future to mirror idiocracy.

A Government should not be stealing peoples money via taxes, if the money belongs to the people they should be allowed to keep as much of their own money as possible ie. 90%. Also all Inheritance Tax should be stopped, Leftists love the Inheritance Tax in all Western nations because Leftists hate people who have wealth and they want to Redistribute The Wealth etc.

It's also not a Governments job to fund education, if someone wants an education they should pay for it.

A Government does not create jobs, businesses create jobs and the best way to get businesses creating more jobs is to give both small businesses and medium sized businesses tax cuts and also tax incentives for them to add to their workforce.

A Government should only be responsible for Defence of nation both internally and externally including especially protecting the borders, Justice to protect the nations citizens and the most basic Social spending that only is designed to protect a nations most vulnerable citizens ie. the elderly and ONLY the disabled who are NOT physically capable of working, if you have a mental health issue but are physically okay then take your meds and get off your buttocks and get a job even if it's cleaning toilets or answering the phone in a call centre.

Old Rocks darling I have come to cherish every Funny you give me :thup::smoke:

Vendetta? Would democrats rather have the status quo of a Hussein stagnant economy rather than risk some teachers having to buy ...gasp...the same supplies that soccer moms have to shell out for? Democrats see everything through the eyes of incoherent borderline crazy idiots who are still angry about last year's election. Freaking grow up and join the human race.
It wasn’t a stagnant economy....yet another Trumpian lie. The economy was coming out of the worst recession since the Great Depression and steadily growing. This is per economists. Freaking stop lying for a change.

And join the human race.

Slowest recovery since the Great Depression.

Do those words ring a bell? If not, they should!
  • Thread starter
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  • #97
The bill is based on An economic theory that has never worked as promised. It’s like communism...looks good theory but sucks in reality.

More to the point though...consider this. Jobs.

More to the point, the kind of jobs we want to attract...that we hope these investors will theoretically bring with their massive cuts.

Jobs that require education, in particular higher education. Cutting edge high tech, sciences, that pay well and make us national leaders.

But what is in the bill? A Republican inspired wet dream of educational vendettas. Teachers can no longer claim tax breaks for supplies they buy. Students can no longer deduct student loan interest. And the most mean spirited, taxing tuition waivers.

Tuition waivers are designed to attract and help fund quality students on higher degrees (MA, MS, PHD)They cover some of the cost of tuition reducing the need for loans. Students work and receive a small stipend as income. That along with loans pays for fees, books and other non covered costs as well as rent and living expenses. The stipend is taxed. The tuition waiver is a grant they never see as income.

In more expensive institutions, tuition alone can be as much as $50,000 per term and the associated stipend around $ 30,000. This means those students are going to have to pay tax on 80,000 worth of income while living on a far smaller stipend. State U’s cost less. The one I work for is 12,000 to 17,000 per semester for tuition. Stipends are correspondingly lower, around 14,600 for a doctoral, less for a masters. Do the math, many students are not going to be able to pay this.

So what is going to happen? A less qualified American work force losing out to foreign workers? Or, more likely are we just going to see a proliferation of low skill low pay jobs in the service sector? We don’t need more of those and you already look down your nose at those workers.

What is our workforce going to look like and where will we be in terms of scientific invitation?

This is not surprising to find in the’s a reflection of an ongoing right wing attack on higher education. Students aren’t like wealthy donors, their political clout is relatively small. But they are our country’s future. They become wealthy donors. THEY will be the ones facing the massive deficit and they will be the ones paying for our care down the road. Kind of sounds like we are fucking them over in this bill.

I do not want that future to mirror idiocracy.

You apparently can add taxes to the list you don't know anything about.

I have been a teacher every year that the $250 tax credit has been given. I have been able to take it once.

Did you conveniently forget that the standard deduction from everyone has doubled? Put that deduction back in and very few would be able to claim it anyway.

BTW, you work for a VERY expensive school. Have a nice day! :D

I don't work for a very expensive school, it's in fact pretty inexpensive in so far as state universities go.

But mainly - my point was on taxing student tuition waivers. What are your thoughts on that?
  • Thread starter
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  • #98
Vendetta? Would democrats rather have the status quo of a Hussein stagnant economy rather than risk some teachers having to buy ...gasp...the same supplies that soccer moms have to shell out for? Democrats see everything through the eyes of incoherent borderline crazy idiots who are still angry about last year's election. Freaking grow up and join the human race.
It wasn’t a stagnant economy....yet another Trumpian lie. The economy was coming out of the worst recession since the Great Depression and steadily growing. This is per economists. Freaking stop lying for a change.

And join the human race.

Slowest recovery since the Great Depression.

Do those words ring a bell? If not, they should!

I'm not sure that is relevant - SINCE the Great Depression is key here. This is the WORST recession since the Great Depression. And the recovery from the Great Depression (according to you) took longer.

What do you expect?
Vendetta? Would democrats rather have the status quo of a Hussein stagnant economy rather than risk some teachers having to buy ...gasp...the same supplies that soccer moms have to shell out for? Democrats see everything through the eyes of incoherent borderline crazy idiots who are still angry about last year's election. Freaking grow up and join the human race.

Well the unions could help supply those that they claim to represent as they can offer millions in donations to the far left. Just think if the unions actually took all that money and put into the teachers and school system that give them all their money.

Why should the government have to do it, since the tax exempt corporations (known as unions), has the money to do it?
The unions have nothing to do with it. Pull yourself away from trolling and think.

Is this taxing of tuition waivers good?

Silly far left drone, unions have everything to do with it, stop your trolling and realize there are already several threads on this. This thread is about you and your ego and nothing else.

If the unions would give the money back to the community, would there even be a need to raise taxes?

Silly far left drone troll!

That money already comes from the teachers, so what would be the difference?

Add yourself to those who have no clue as to what unions are for!
Much has been said concerning the quality of the Asian schools. Yet the Chinese are now the people that are doing the big dreaming. They are planning on connecting Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe with roads. They are already shipping goods to London on the new Silk Road. If they do not go bankrupt, they will be the dominate nation by 2050. In the meantime, the 'Conservatives' here will still have us staring at our navels, and waving swastikas in the streets.

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