The taxes and spending connection

You got a percentage of what you pay. Perceptive adults who understand math realize why the wealthy's cuts equal a higher dollar amount.

Leftists don't believe in that. They believe the people who pay the least taxes should get much more than people that pay the most taxes.
Yep, the ones he signed. It was either sign it or let the government shutdown, and we both know who the media blames when the government shuts down.
So he is to be blamed for it... :)
Especially since he wanted to spend MORE.
And dont try to bring up the media. He loves the spotlight. Even when its negative. Said so himself.
So he is to be blamed for it... :)
Especially since he wanted to spend MORE.
And dont try to bring up the media. He loves the spotlight. Even when its negative. Said so himself.

If we had an honest media, then he would be to blame. But the MSM is nothing more than the amplifier for the Democrat party.

What about balanced budgets? Republicans used to value them. Republicans should have learned during the Reagan administration that tax cuts do not pay for themselves; they raise yearly deficits and the national debt.
You are stuck in your prejudiced world. You can't think past Democrats good, Republicans bad, even as you pay higher prices for everything. You eat the fish food that they throw out at you. Inflation is transitory. We're not in recession. High prices are Trump's fault. High prices are Republican's fault. High prices are large companies' fault. High prices are Putin's fault. Trump didn't take responsibility for anything but the mess we are currently in is everyone's fault but ours so, no matter how many Americans think the country is going in the wrong direction, we're going to keep on going in this same direction.
Because we over spend and cut taxes. The premise of my thread.
Cutting taxes often increased tax revenue collected. Yes, we do overspend. That's a fact jack. So, let me hear you say you want to cut spending. You can't. All you can say is that we should tax the rich more. That's your answer to everything. And, every time you guys want to tax the rich more, you want to spend at least 100% of that, leaving deficits.
Cutting taxes often increased tax revenue collected. Yes, we do overspend. That's a fact jack. So, let me hear you say you want to cut spending. You can't. All you can say is that we should tax the rich more. That's your answer to everything. And, every time you guys want to tax the rich more, you want to spend at least 100% of that, leaving deficits.

He wants to cut spending, just not spending the Democrats do.
When democrats are in power the deficit goes up because taxes largely stay the same as spending increases. This is fiscally irresponsible but it pales in comparison to when republicans are in power.

When republicans are in power the deficit blows up because taxes are reduced and spending goes up at the same time. It’s a complete calamity and Republican voters do not see the connection for some bizarre reason.

Republicans complain an awful lot about taxes but don’t seem to understand that it pays for government spending. If rich people and corporations are taking advantage of loopholes that allows them to effectively little to nothing in taxes, that’s of course a problem. Those entities paying taxes is the only way to pay for our defense budget which is the spending republicans get hard ons over.

Your post would make sense if you knew tax revenues increase when taxes are cut.
Why do you think Kennedy did it?
In 1945 World War II ended. The national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) was 114%.

1980 was President Carter's last full year in office. The national debt as a percentage of GDP had declined to 32%. The national debt was $908 billion. From 1945 to 1980 the national debt as a percentage of GDP had declined every year, even during the War in Korea and the War in Vietnam. During this time this time the top tax rate never got below 70%, and was often much higher.

U.S. National Debt by Year

President Reagan reduced the top tax rate from 70% to 28%. During his last full year in office, 1980, the national debt as a percentage of GDP had increased to 50%. The national debt had increased to $2,602 billion.

President Clinton raised the top tax rate from 31.0% to 39.6%. During his eight years in office the national debt as a percentage of GDP declined from 63% to 55%.

Bush II and Trump cut taxes for the rich. During Trump's last year in office, 2000, the national debt as a percentage of GDP had risen to 129%. The national debt had risen to $27,748 billion.

This is what we have to show for all that Republican debt:

When talking taxation with leftists always remember these are the people who actually believed Obamacare was going to save so much money they would pay down the national debt. Set aside for a moment that ridiculous fantasy and understand that if Obamacare did save billions these idiots believed politicians , especially democrats, would actually use it to pay down the national debt.

Stupidity like this isn’t natural, it’s groomed.
Cutting taxes often increased tax revenue collected. Yes, we do overspend. That's a fact jack. So, let me hear you say you want to cut spending. You can't. All you can say is that we should tax the rich more. That's your answer to everything. And, every time you guys want to tax the rich more, you want to spend at least 100% of that, leaving deficits
Cutting taxes often increased tax revenue collected. Yes, we do overspend. That's a fact jack. So, let me hear you say you want to cut spending. You can't. All you can say is that we should tax the rich more. That's your answer to everything. And, every time you guys want to tax the rich more, you want to spend at least 100% of that, leaving deficits.
That is complete and utter bullshit. Any revenue gained from this is minuscule to the actual revenue that is initially lost. Tax cuts do not even come close to paying for themselves. The GOP really have you by the balls huh?
When talking taxation with leftists always remember these are the people who actually believed Obamacare was going to save so much money they would pay down the national debt. Set aside for a moment that ridiculous fantasy and understand that if Obamacare did save billions these idiots believed politicians , especially democrats, would actually use it to pay down the national debt.

Stupidity like this isn’t natural, it’s groomed.
Who exactly said ObamaCare would pay down the national debt? Was it someone on the internet?
That is complete and utter bullshit. Any revenue gained from this is minuscule to the actual revenue that is initially lost. Tax cuts do not even come close to paying for themselves. The GOP really have you by the balls huh?
Many of the times, tax cuts have lead to increased tax revenues. Deficits continued or got worse because we spent more money than the higher revenues collected. I'll give you a second chance to state that we should spend less money. Can you say it? Can you say that we need to cut spending?
Many of the times, tax cuts have lead to increased tax revenues. Deficits continued or got worse because we spent more money than the higher revenues collected. I'll give you a second chance to state that we should spend less money. Can you say it? Can you say that we need to cut spending?
Fucking of course we should spend less money. I never said we shouldn’t. I’m just not going to delude this fantasy of yours that tax cuts pay for themselves.

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