The Term"Democrat Star Power".Really?,There Are No Stars In The Democrat Party.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:abgg2q.jpg: :aargh: :cul2: Really? Joe Biden is a star? :rofl:,,,Oprah? :puhleeze: Obama?:poke:. Over these last few weeks, we have heard the MSM refer to anyone, celebrities being referred to as "Star Power", Star Power for these Dem's running for office, to show up at their rallies. yah. right. The Dem's haven't had any real stars since the Bill Clinton of the 90's.
Over these last 10 years or so, we have all been laughing
at these so called Democrat Leaders. We have all seen their embarrassing gaffes, getting heckled, insulting black people.
So Joe Biden is a Star?, and how many people showed up at his last rally campaigning for one of his Democrat buddies?
:slap: :hyper: :21::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
:abgg2q.jpg: :aargh: :cul2: Really? Joe Biden is a star? :rofl:,,,Oprah? :puhleeze: Obama?:poke:. Over these last few weeks, we have heard the MSM refer to anyone, celebrities being referred to as "Star Power", Star Power for these Dem's running for office, to show up at their rallies. yah. right. The Dem's haven't had any real stars since the Bill Clinton of the 90's.
Over these last 10 years or so, we have all been laughing
at these so called Democrat Leaders. We have all seen their embarrassing gaffes, getting heckled, insulting black people.
So Joe Biden is a Star?, and how many people showed up at his last rally campaigning for one of his Democrat buddies?
:slap: :hyper: :21::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Obama was looking pretty good until the healthcare debate aged him a decade.

But yeah, the R's have the Donald who ignored the party platform on talking with North Korea w/o pre existing conditions and who went against the free trade debates of the last century by installing tariffs.

Donald is a reality TV star. Go Republicans?

Why are we even having this partisan debate. Want to talk about an issue?
Your Star is a fat assed conman, proven fraud, women assaulter, bigot, hate monger, fear monger, low intelligence, liar that laid waste to every Republican in the 2016 primaries.

I guess either These candidates were all sub par morons or the Republican voters are.

The Aging Boomer Dems have neglected building a strong Gen X bench.

Robert Francis BETA O'Rourke was truly an Obamanation. What a nothingburger John Kerry wannabe posing as Bobby Kennedy.

i am surprised that none of these dems called on the cast of Sesame Street to join them in campaigns
Remember when Republicans and rightwingers were decrying "celebritism" in politics, when Obama was STOMPING all over them?

Your Star is a fat assed conman, proven fraud, women assaulter, bigot, hate monger, fear monger, low intelligence, liar that laid waste to every Republican in the 2016 primaries.

I guess either These candidates were all sub par morons or the Republican voters are.


Don't sugar coat you butthurt snowflake.

Tell us how you really feel about your POTUS?

Not hardly.

Now meteors......

Many think of those cold, old chunks of rock burning up as they plunge to earth....yeah, think of them as "shooting stars".

Then they crash to Earth and fracture into little bitty pieces with only two possible futures: 1. Bury themselves deep and vanish or 2. Be picked up by the curious and hammered into little chunks to sell to tourists.

Yup - STARS! That very kind of stars.
Remember when Republicans and rightwingers were decrying "celebritism" in politics, when Obama was STOMPING all over them?


Remember when you almost lost your account to me by thinking Beta Beto would win in Texas?

Well played.
Democrats have lots of stars.

Republicans have the Mafia Don.

And now Republicans have chased all the moderate Republicans away.

All they have left are swamp things.
Your Star is a fat assed conman, proven fraud, women assaulter, bigot, hate monger, fear monger, low intelligence, liar that laid waste to every Republican in the 2016 primaries.

I guess either These candidates were all sub par morons or the Republican voters are.


Don't sugar coat you butthurt snowflake.

Tell us how you really feel about your POTUS?

Your Orange Virus is a peice of shit. Anything else?
Remember when Republicans and rightwingers were decrying "celebritism" in politics, when Obama was STOMPING all over them?


Remember when you almost lost your account to me by thinking Beta Beto would win in Texas?

Well played.
If it weren't for voter suppression, Republicans would have been destroyed.

Well, like I've been saying, you will see the Blue Wave. But not until 2020.
Your Star is a fat assed conman, proven fraud, women assaulter, bigot, hate monger, fear monger, low intelligence, liar that laid waste to every Republican in the 2016 primaries.

I guess either These candidates were all sub par morons or the Republican voters are.


Don't sugar coat you butthurt snowflake.

Tell us how you really feel about your POTUS?

Your Orange Virus is a peice of shit. Anything else?

Was I talkin' to you cupcake?

Now go get your shinebox.
Remember when Republicans and rightwingers were decrying "celebritism" in politics, when Obama was STOMPING all over them?


Remember when you almost lost your account to me by thinking Beta Beto would win in Texas?

Well played.
If it weren't for voter suppression, Republicans would have been destroyed.

Well, like I've been saying, you will see the Blue Wave. But not until 2020.

Reminds me of you in 2016 darling:

All they seem to have is the old retreads.

I can't believe there aren't some younger, more dynamic Dems out there that could fill the role.

Sure hope Biden, Hitlery and Kerry aren't all they have.

If so 2020 looks pretty damned bleak.
Your Star is a fat assed conman, proven fraud, women assaulter, bigot, hate monger, fear monger, low intelligence, liar that laid waste to every Republican in the 2016 primaries.

I guess either These candidates were all sub par morons or the Republican voters are.


Don't sugar coat you butthurt snowflake.

Tell us how you really feel about your POTUS?

Your Orange Virus is a peice of shit. Anything else?

Was I talkin' to you cupcake?

Now go get your shinebox.

I repeat: Your Orange Virus is a piece of shit. Stick the shinebox where the sun don't shine.
Your Star is a fat assed conman, proven fraud, women assaulter, bigot, hate monger, fear monger, low intelligence, liar that laid waste to every Republican in the 2016 primaries.

I guess either These candidates were all sub par morons or the Republican voters are.

But he IS A got none.
Your Star is a fat assed conman, proven fraud, women assaulter, bigot, hate monger, fear monger, low intelligence, liar that laid waste to every Republican in the 2016 primaries.

I guess either These candidates were all sub par morons or the Republican voters are.


Don't sugar coat you butthurt snowflake.

Tell us how you really feel about your POTUS?

Your Orange Virus is a peice of shit. Anything else?

Was I talkin' to you cupcake?

Now go get your shinebox.

I repeat: Your Orange Virus is a piece of shit. Stick the shinebox where the sun don't shine.
No he just cleanses out all of your bullshit....

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