The Tomb Is Empty

I laugh at you because it must be horrific to be a non-believer with absolutely no faith in God.

Why? You obviously aren't an authority on non-belief, so what would you know about it?

I pity you more than I laugh at you because your soul must be totally empty, because of your lack of faith.

So now you pity more than laugh. You also acknowledge an existence of soul as if it's a common fact. You value your philosophy as common knowledge. Your inconsistent message is your personal opinion, and nothing more.

Life for me is SO much more bearable BECAUSE I have a strong belief in Jesus and God. It has really helped me get through some tough times, most recently my developing diabetes about two months ago, and the utter chaos and change caused by the Chinese Virus.

So your coping mechanism is sustaining your dealings in current reality for a belief in a god. But everyone maintains their circumstances in life differently, so yours is just one of many unique snowflake opinions in this world. Some may see benefits, others will pass and look for something else.

I pray to God several times a day for strength and guidance, and I ALWAYS feel better after doing so. Thank you.

Good for you. However, other people with different coping mechanisms exist on this planet too. Many have zero interest in entertaining your ideas. This is something you will have to get over.

Or don't. I don't give a shit either way.
The death of Jesus to redeem mankind of sin and his resurrection to defeat death for all time are the central beliefs of the Christian religion. No other religion offers anything of equal value.
Why is that? There were some pagan beliefs based on their main god dying and borning each year and providing live to other beings through this cycle. Christians just modernized this version.
Let's say you persuade one Christian that the Bible is a lie.

What have you accomplished?
Helped him throw away his imaginary crutch and stand on his own two feet.
So people like Obama, MLK, Mother Teresa, all the Astronauts who went to the moon, Tony Dungy, Pistol Pete Maravich, Kurt Warner, Stephen Colbert, Tom Hanks, Chuck Norris, Denzel Washington, Alice Cooper, Mr T, Whitney Houston, Johnny Cash, MC Hammer, Andy Griffith, etc etc were just leaning on an imaginary crutch and unable to stand on their own two feet?
The Jewish messiah was to be a man.
What man coukd rise from absolute death?
Another reason why Jesus was the fake messiah..
Bluzman laughs but wont bother to counter.
How typical
I laugh at you because it must be horrific to be a non-believer with absolutely no faith in God. I pity you more than I laugh at you because your soul must be totally empty, because of your lack of faith. Life for me is SO much more bearable BECAUSE I have a strong belief in Jesus and God. It has really helped me get through some tough times, most recently my developing diabetes about two months ago, and the utter chaos and change caused by the Chinese Virus. I pray to God several times a day for strength and guidance, and I ALWAYS feel better after doing so. Thank you.
I think the concept of the man made god is for some is a great thing. For the weak.
I don't need your 2000 year old ignorant desert savage make believe to make me happy. Or believe that life has meaning.
Man made religion constantly contradicts itself. You are just to weak to accept it. And that's ok.
So people like Obama, MLK, Mother Teresa, all the Astronauts who went to the moon, Tony Dungy, Pistol Pete Maravich, Kurt Warner, Stephen Colbert, Tom Hanks, Chuck Norris, Denzel Washington, Alice Cooper, Mr T, Whitney Houston, Johnny Cash, MC Hammer, Andy Griffith, etc etc were just weak?
He is Risen!!!

Unspeakable joy!

I am living life to the brim. I was given the greatest life!

Love. Hope. Joy. Peace.

The empty tomb is proof.

Praise God!!!
At the base of what is believed to be the hill that the crucifixion took place (Golgotha, which means Skull, was an unknown location until a chap from England in the late 19th century stood on the wall of Jerusalem and saw this:
View attachment 322283
At the base of this hill is a tomb. It’s empty, I checked.
View attachment 322275

The story of what occurred that morning bolsters the validity of the story. A woman went to the tomb while all of the men sat around whining and wondering how their messiah could have been killed. She comes back with the news of seeing him and they’re still being skeptical.

If you’re going to make up a story, you’re not going to make yourself look like a Dufus and the woman the hero, especially in 32 AD.

Happy Easter fellow Christian's

Is he going to do something about COVID-19 as long as he's up?

God has given us his greatest gift!!! He is Risen!!!

It means unspeakable joy!

Love. Hope. Joy. Peace.

Perfect peace.

What great blessings from God!!!

He has Risen!!!

I believe Jesus died on the cross and rose again on the third day.

I am living life to the brim; I was given the greatest life!!!

The empty tomb is proof.


Covid-19 and Satan has nothing on me.

"In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?" John 14:2

At the base of what is believed to be the hill that the crucifixion took place (Golgotha, which means Skull, was an unknown location until a chap from England in the late 19th century stood on the wall of Jerusalem and saw this:
View attachment 322283
At the base of this hill is a tomb. It’s empty, I checked.
View attachment 322275

The story of what occurred that morning bolsters the validity of the story. A woman went to the tomb while all of the men sat around whining and wondering how their messiah could have been killed. She comes back with the news of seeing him and they’re still being skeptical.

If you’re going to make up a story, you’re not going to make yourself look like a Dufus and the woman the hero, especially in 32 AD.
This guy has found the exact place where Jesus had died.
Jesus had to fulfilled all the rituals of the old covenant in order to complete it. He was considered as the sacrifices for each rituals.
Like when the people have to atone for their sin. The High priest of that year must sprinkle the sacrificed animal's blood on that seat. So that the people will be atoned from their sin.
But nobody knew where the seat and the rest of the items was placed accept for God. The Highest of all High priest. But someone had to sprinkle the blood in order for the people to be atone for their sin. Or else, their sin will not be forgiven.
So Jesus fulfilled all of the rituals while he was alive and after His death.

Matthew 3:15 Jesus replied, “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.” Then John consented.

Hebrews 12:24 to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.

Hebrews 11:4 By faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. By faith he was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead.
as i said, i think man made religion is good for the weak.
I just prefer reality and logic :dunno: sorry

And guys who buy guns all have little peckers, right?

I'd have believed you had you not made this "weak" comment. That's the work of a man with an agenda to belittle and mock his opponent.

Don't get me're still ok in my book. We can disagree on religion and I promise not to take it personally.
I watched the Passion of Christ and it was quite difficult to watch.
That's why I have never watched it.
You can fast forward the difficult parts. Gibson did a great job with Satan. That alone is worth it. Little trivia is that the hands shown driving the nails in were Gibson’s hands. Because it really was his, yours, mine hands driving in those nails.

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