The tragedy of the excessive minority birth rate

So you admit that one would have to be an idiot for "thinking" that Romney can cut taxes, increase defense spending, and balance the budget?

Don't go for your strawman bullshit Ed......Answer the question.
This is because liberalism is based on bleeding heart emotion, not logic

I've demonstrated clearly that my logical abilities is[are] vastly superior to what you can manage.

of course if true you would not be so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see. What does your fear tell us???
Can America remain the world's policeman while it is falling apart thanks to liberalisms destruction of the American family?

Actually it was Republicans who gave unwed teen motherhood a standing ovation at their last convention.

These days educated liberals are far more likely to be married when they have children than many right-wingers such as Bristol Palin.

The percentage of unwed birth in this country is 41% and the right isn't taking it on as an issue because all sorts of right-wingers go in for unwed motherhood.

Blaming me (a liberal) for families falling apart is dishonest and stupid.

And paid her 1/4 million for getting pregnant out of wedlock.
To promote abstinance of all things.

something like 40% of white births are out of wedlock.

Is not the Christian religion based upon an unwed teenager?
What does your fear tell us???

I have no fear here Ed......You're not making any sense.

You seem to be the one with the fear Ed. Why won't you answer the question Ed......You're afraid aren't you?

So you admit that one would have to be an idiot for "thinking" that Romney can cut taxes, increase defense spending, and balance the budget?
Minorities now out-reproduce the white majority in America. This may spell doom for America since minorities, having being spolied by liberal entitlements, have mostly illigitmate children with all the attendent consequences like poverty, criminality, incarceration, illegitimatacy, illiteracy, drugs, sexual abuse, etc.

Can America remain the world's policeman while it is falling apart thanks to liberalisms destruction of the American family?

Hate to be in the one to break it to you, but even among whites the illegitimacy rate is more than 30%
This is because liberalism is based on bleeding heart emotion, not logic

I've demonstrated clearly that my logical abilities is[are] vastly superior to what you can manage.

of course if true you would not be so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see. What does your fear tell us???

Like the rights addiction to religion as a foundation of logic?
Actually it was Republicans who gave unwed teen motherhood a standing ovation at their last convention.

These days educated liberals are far more likely to be married when they have children than many right-wingers such as Bristol Palin.

The percentage of unwed birth in this country is 41% and the right isn't taking it on as an issue because all sorts of right-wingers go in for unwed motherhood.

Blaming me (a liberal) for families falling apart is dishonest and stupid.

And paid her 1/4 million for getting pregnant out of wedlock.
To promote abstinance of all things.

something like 40% of white births are out of wedlock.

Is not the Christian religion based upon an unwed teenager?

Nope, Mary was married to Joseph when she gave birth.
And paid her 1/4 million for getting pregnant out of wedlock.
To promote abstinance of all things.

something like 40% of white births are out of wedlock.

Is not the Christian religion based upon an unwed teenager?

Nope, Mary was married to Joseph when she gave birth.

She was impregnated before being fully mariied;

Mary resided in "her own house"[Lk.1:56] in Nazareth in Galilee, possibly with her parents, and during her betrothal – the first stage of a Jewish marriage – the angel Gabriel announced to her that she was to be the mother of the promised Messiah by conceiving him through the Holy Spirit.[19] After a number of months, when Joseph was told of her conception in a dream by "an angel of the Lord", he was surprised; but the angel told him to be unafraid and take her as his wife, which Joseph did, thereby formally completing the wedding rites.[Mt 1:18-25]
Is not the Christian religion based upon an unwed teenager?

Nope, Mary was married to Joseph when she gave birth.

She was impregnated before being fully mariied;

Mary resided in "her own house"[Lk.1:56] in Nazareth in Galilee, possibly with her parents, and during her betrothal – the first stage of a Jewish marriage – the angel Gabriel announced to her that she was to be the mother of the promised Messiah by conceiving him through the Holy Spirit.[19] After a number of months, when Joseph was told of her conception in a dream by "an angel of the Lord", he was surprised; but the angel told him to be unafraid and take her as his wife, which Joseph did, thereby formally completing the wedding rites.[Mt 1:18-25]

Yep, but she was married when she gave birth, and isn't that the important part?
It takes two to raise a kid.
This is because liberalism is based on bleeding heart emotion, not logic

I've demonstrated clearly that my logical abilities is[are] vastly superior to what you can manage.

of course if true you would not be so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see. What does your fear tell us???

Thats where youre wrong.

Logically, in a capitalist society, it is not enough to have industrialists trying to make a buck, they have to have someone to sell to. Therefore a strong middle class creates a strong consumer base with a disposable income. With that purchasing power they create demand.

But what about supply? Too much supply drives prices down and doesnt create jobs. Too little supply causes prices to skyrocket and thus puts it out of the reach of the smart consumer. Therefore supply, unless balanced properly with demand can only slow an economy. It can NEVER drive an economy or grow it.

By giving larger tax breaks to the middle class, it increases their purchasing power thus increases the goods and services the corporations can provide and thus makes them more money too.

So the progressives want to keep the economy rolling by raising as many people into the middle class as possible and thus creating more opportunity for people to earn wealth.
Why do you think the Republicans are working hard on keeping birth control out of the hands of white married women?

didn't know they were. Any reason to think they are doing that??

In several states the Republican legislatures have tried to pass Life begins at Conception laws.

Conception is when the egg gets fertilized NOT when it implants. The pill for example tries to prevent both fertilezation but also implantation of the fertilized egg. Almost any hormonal birth control works that way. It fools the womans body into thinking its already pregnant so further pregnancies cannot occur. So if they passed those laws, they would have outlawed the birth control pill and most other forms of hormonal birth control.

I can understand the argument against abortion, but theyre setting their sights on birth control now, and what reason could they possible have for outlawing a married couple planning a family responsibly?

Could it be we need more white people?

Abortion is birth control.

Abortion takes place after conception.

I think you are trying, unsuccessfully and stupidly, to argue that aborting after conception but prior to implantation is CONTRACEPTION, but of course it isn't. Contraception takes place before CONCEPTION. Get it? Contra (against)+ conception. It means preventing conception.

Abortion is preventing birth by killing the conceived child.
Abortion is preventing birth by killing the conceived child.

1. Birth control pills, which prevent implantation of zygotes, are widely considered to be contraception.

2. Children are different than zygotes. Zygotes consist of a single cell (fertilized egg) while children consist of trillions of cells.
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didn't know they were. Any reason to think they are doing that??

In several states the Republican legislatures have tried to pass Life begins at Conception laws.

Conception is when the egg gets fertilized NOT when it implants. The pill for example tries to prevent both fertilezation but also implantation of the fertilized egg. Almost any hormonal birth control works that way. It fools the womans body into thinking its already pregnant so further pregnancies cannot occur. So if they passed those laws, they would have outlawed the birth control pill and most other forms of hormonal birth control.

I can understand the argument against abortion, but theyre setting their sights on birth control now, and what reason could they possible have for outlawing a married couple planning a family responsibly?

Could it be we need more white people?

Abortion is birth control.

Abortion takes place after conception.

I think you are trying, unsuccessfully and stupidly, to argue that aborting after conception but prior to implantation is CONTRACEPTION, but of course it isn't. Contraception takes place before CONCEPTION. Get it? Contra (against)+ conception. It means preventing conception.

Abortion is preventing birth by killing the conceived child.

Technically you are correct. Abortion is a form birth control.

But thats not what we are talking about here. I made it CLEAR that its hormonal borth control methods that are under fire, NOT abortion. And you ought to be smart enough or at least have the decency to READ the post so you understand the difference.

Or is that just expecting too much from you?

Hormonal birth control doesnt just prevent conception, it also prevents implantation of fertized eggs. That is NOT abortion. If you think it is, then you dont understand how the female body works and need a decent health education refresher course.

Here let me help you understand how hormonal contraception works.

Birth control pills, or oral contraceptives, contain hormones that suppress ovulation. During ovulation an egg is released from the ovaries, without ovulation there is no egg to be fertilized and pregnancy cannot occur. There are 2 types of birth control pills -- the combined pill and the Minipill. The combined pill contains both estrogen and progestin, while the Minipill contains only progestin.
The progestin in the Minipill may prevent ovulation; however it may not do this reliably each month. The Minipill works further by thickening the mucous around the cervix and preventing sperm from entering the uterus. The lining of the uterus is also affected in a way that prevents fertilized eggs from implanting into the wall of the uterus. The Minipill is taken every day. You may not have a period while taking the Minipill, if you do have periods that means you are still ovulating and your risk for pregnancy occuring is greater.
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Hormonal birth control that kills an unattached zygote IS ABORTION.

Is that too complicated for you?

Got it. You think that birth control pills cause abortions.

Is the notion of a zygote not being the same thing as a child too complicated for you?
No, I think if they cause you to abort, then they've caused an abortion.

Are we really doing this? Are you sure you want to go further?
I have no fear here Ed......

then why not show us an example of what you describe as your superior liberal thinking?? This is third time I've asked. Afraid to even try?? You're fooling only yourself by trying to change the subject?
Minorities now out-reproduce the white majority in America. This may spell doom for America since minorities, having being spolied by liberal entitlements, have mostly illigitmate children with all the attendent consequences like poverty, criminality, incarceration, illegitimatacy, illiteracy, drugs, sexual abuse, etc.

Can America remain the world's policeman while it is falling apart thanks to liberalisms destruction of the American family?

Hate to be in the one to break it to you, but even among whites the illegitimacy rate is more than 30%

dear, we all have read the numbers but since whites have better numbers and are being dragged down by minority behavior( admittedly well tolerated if not encouraged by liberal whites) it might be better to have whites doing the reproducing, that is if you think whole families are best for kids and the trend ought to be back toward the glory days- the Republican 1950's.
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