The tragedy of the excessive minority birth rate

Hormonal birth control that kills an unattached zygote IS ABORTION.

Is that too complicated for you?

So you think a married couple whos being responsible and not producing more children then they can afford are ABORTING babies if they use hormonal birth control?

Not if they use it prior, and not subsequent, to conception.

If they're using it after conception, then they're aborting. Which is what we were talking about...aborting a zygote before implantation.

Ok Im just trying to understand your viewpoint here.

So if for example my wife is on the pill for six months. THEN, we have sex and an egg is fertilized but the pill prevents it from implanting. Is that abortion or acceptable contraception?

You haven't answered the question. You've changed the subject instead.

One would have to be stupid to "think" Romney can increase defense spending, cut taxes, and balance the budget wouldn't they Ed?

If you're afraid to answer the question why not admit it?
why not show us an example of what you describe as your superior liberal thinking

I have done so Ed. Why can't you get that Ed?

if you have why not do it again for the whole world to see once again an example of your superior liberal logic?? I asked you 8 eight times now??

Why be so afraid to try? What does that tell you about your superior liberal logic???

I answered you. Post 132 I think. Did you respond? nope. too busy repeating yourself over and over like Rain Man.
If they're using it after conception,

Birth control pills are taken before conception. They prevent implantation.

You are correct BUT...

Technically, thats the third and final protection hormonal borth control provides.

First, it tries to prevent ovulation
Second, it builds up mucous to prevent the sperm from reaching the egg
Third, if the above two fail, it tries to prevent the fertilized egg from implanting.

its the third one that "life begins at conception" laws would outlaw. IF we define conception as egg fertilization.

However, IF conception is defined as implantation of the fertilized egg, those laws would not apply.

As the lows were not going to define "conception" there was some controversy.
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First, it tries to prevent ovulation
Second, it builds up mucous to prevent the sperm from reaching the egg

That's true. I was using the implantation bit to make a more dramatic point.
Leave it to the racist cowards (like Joyce, Salt, 52ndStreet, Yidnar, Del, and Catz) to get into a panic about who is having more children. Fucking losers.
What I've heard is that with the abortion factories running full time in the poorest, blackest neighborhood, the black population can't make enough babies to survive.

"Within the past two decades, fertility rates have declined substantially among non-Hispanic blacks (from 91 births per 1,000 women aged 15 to 44 in 1980 to 67 per 1,000 in 2005)* and among American Indian and Alaska Native women (from 83 births per 1,000 to 60 births per 1,000 women between 1980 and 2005)*. Fertility rates also declined slightly overall among non-Hispanic whites (from 62 births per 1,000 women in 1980 to 58 births per 1,000 women in 2005)*. Fertility rates among Hispanics, however, increased from 95 births per 1,000 women in 1980 to 108 per 1,000 women in 1990"
"From 2008 to 2009, the birth rate among Hispanics dropped almost 6%. In comparison, blacks experienced a 2.4% decline, and whites experienced a 1.6% decline. While Hispanics continue to have birth rates that are much higher than their non-Hispanic counterparts, the 2009 Hispanic birth rate of 93.3 births per 1000 women of childbearing age is the lowest rate since 1999."

In a Down Economy, Fewer Births | Pew Social & Demographic Trends
*Women of all major racial and language groups experienced a decline in birthrate in 2008. The decline pushed the birthrate below 2.1 children per woman.
That means American women, as a whole, did not have enough children to match the death rate. Thus, the nation’s population could start to decline. But the one year fall in birthrate is not significant enough for making long term predictions.
Among major population groups, Hispanic women in 2008 (the latest year for which complete figures are available) had the highest birthrate – 98.6 births per 1,000 women. This compares with birthrates of 71.2 per 1,000 women for African American women, 71.4 for Asian American women and 59.6 for white women.
Meanwhile, the report from the National Center for Health Statistics showed Black women continuing to lead the nation in out-of-wedlock births. A whopping 72.3 percent of Black babies were born to unmarried women. [(Taylor Media Services) ]"

African American Birthrate Falls along with that of the Rest of the Nation | EURweb
What I've heard is that with the abortion factories running full time in the poorest, blackest neighborhood, the black population can't make enough babies to survive.

You heard wrong.

You have been duped. One would have to a colossal idiot to "think" that the black population isn't sustaining itself with it's birth rate.
Minorities now out-reproduce the white majority in America. This may spell doom for America since minorities, having being spolied by liberal entitlements, have mostly illigitmate children with all the attendent consequences like poverty, criminality, incarceration, illegitimatacy, illiteracy, drugs, sexual abuse, etc.

Can America remain the world's policeman while it is falling apart thanks to liberalisms destruction of the American family?
And still Conservatives are amazed that they are regarded as racists! I wonder if they ever bother to listen to themselves?

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