"The Trouble with Rand Paul"

Sit back and see who is wearing the costume

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZI_YAmLPbo]Costumes and The Genuine Disappointment ! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XM5FKawx1No]Obama: U.S. `Will Not Torture' - YouTube[/ame]

I am pretty sure he ment proof that he was sending people to get tortured.....But you already knew this. I hate having to stick up for liberals so why dont you try to be more honest?

He's already acknowledged Obama's rendition policies, so why would he now ask me to prove that it exists? Also, if that were the case, why did he bold the portion of my post that says Obama said he was ending torture? Why don't you try to learn some reading comprehension?

I am pretty sure he ment proof that he was sending people to get tortured.....But you already knew this. I hate having to stick up for liberals so why dont you try to be more honest?

He's already acknowledged Obama's rendition policies, so why would he now ask me to prove that it exists? Also, if that were the case, why did he bold the portion of my post that says Obama said he was ending torture? Why don't you try to learn some reading comprehension?

I would love proof that he really is doing this.........Do you have it? Unless you ether of you can prove pour president did this shut up about it cause it fucking doesnt help. This scumbag of a president does enough that is proven to hang him as a failure without you and anyone's stupid conspiracy theories no one can prove.

Some things to help you.

1. There is no Santa, Easter bunny or tooth fairy.

2. Aliens are not out to cornhole all rednecks.

3. The government can not spend itself out of debt.

4. There are evil mother fuckers out there who want us dead cause we are free.

5. Tinfoil hats really dont stop them from reading bran waves cause they are not reading brain waves you stupid fuck!
I am pretty sure he ment proof that he was sending people to get tortured.....But you already knew this. I hate having to stick up for liberals so why dont you try to be more honest?

He's already acknowledged Obama's rendition policies, so why would he now ask me to prove that it exists? Also, if that were the case, why did he bold the portion of my post that says Obama said he was ending torture? Why don't you try to learn some reading comprehension?

I would love proof that he really is doing this.........Do you have it? Unless you ether of you can prove pour president did this shut up about it cause it fucking doesnt help. This scumbag of a president does enough that is proven to hang him as a failure without you and anyone's stupid conspiracy theories no one can prove.

Some things to help you.

1. There is no Santa, Easter bunny or tooth fairy.

2. Aliens are not out to cornhole all rednecks.

3. The government can not spend itself out of debt.

4. There are evil mother fuckers out there who want us dead cause we are free.

5. Tinfoil hats really dont stop them from reading bran waves cause they are not reading brain waves you stupid fuck!

Extraordinary Rendition Obama | Obama preserves renditions as counter-terrorism tool - Los Angeles Times
Barack Obama to allow anti-terror rendition to continue - Telegraph
Extraordinary rendition lawsuit also window into low point for American experiment - CIA - Salon.com

He's already acknowledged Obama's rendition policies, so why would he now ask me to prove that it exists? Also, if that were the case, why did he bold the portion of my post that says Obama said he was ending torture? Why don't you try to learn some reading comprehension?

I would love proof that he really is doing this.........Do you have it? Unless you ether of you can prove pour president did this shut up about it cause it fucking doesnt help. This scumbag of a president does enough that is proven to hang him as a failure without you and anyone's stupid conspiracy theories no one can prove.

Some things to help you.

1. There is no Santa, Easter bunny or tooth fairy.

2. Aliens are not out to cornhole all rednecks.

3. The government can not spend itself out of debt.

4. There are evil mother fuckers out there who want us dead cause we are free.

5. Tinfoil hats really dont stop them from reading bran waves cause they are not reading brain waves you stupid fuck!

Extraordinary Rendition Obama | Obama preserves renditions as counter-terrorism tool - Los Angeles Times
Barack Obama to allow anti-terror rendition to continue - Telegraph
Extraordinary rendition lawsuit also window into low point for American experiment - CIA - Salon.com

I see cause he didnt strike down these things he is using them? Again you must understand they are not reading your brainwaves.
I would love proof that he really is doing this.........Do you have it? Unless you ether of you can prove pour president did this shut up about it cause it fucking doesnt help. This scumbag of a president does enough that is proven to hang him as a failure without you and anyone's stupid conspiracy theories no one can prove.

Some things to help you.

1. There is no Santa, Easter bunny or tooth fairy.

2. Aliens are not out to cornhole all rednecks.

3. The government can not spend itself out of debt.

4. There are evil mother fuckers out there who want us dead cause we are free.

5. Tinfoil hats really dont stop them from reading bran waves cause they are not reading brain waves you stupid fuck!

Extraordinary Rendition Obama | Obama preserves renditions as counter-terrorism tool - Los Angeles Times
Barack Obama to allow anti-terror rendition to continue - Telegraph
Extraordinary rendition lawsuit also window into low point for American experiment - CIA - Salon.com

I see cause he didnt strike down these things he is using them? Again you must understand they are not reading your brainwaves.

You didn't even so much as click one of those links, did you? You certainly didn't read them.
You have proof of this or are you as I know talking out of your ass? There were Conservatives in the republican party AS WELL as libertarians...To think you have to be libertarian to be conservative is bullshit. I am not sure libertarians can even be considered conservative seeing their stances on things like defense and abortion.

I do not have the ability to "talk out my ass" as I am certain we have no relation so I could not have inherited your gene.

Yes, conservatives have always been in the GOP. The idea of and movement of the party as ideological contrast to American liberalism was born and first articulated by libertarians within the republican party.

For a little interesting read check out the link. Be aware that you may need an interpreter- the article does not speak "outyourassese" either.

Campaign For Liberty — Are Libertarians 'Conservative'? ** by Jack Hunter
Revisionist history by a libertarian. What about Buckly? Regan? Those are conservatives. They didnt need libertarians to tell them they were ether.

Buckley wrote God and Man at Yale (1951); among over 50 other books on writing, speaking, history, politics and sailing were a series of novels featuring CIA agent Blackford Oakes. Buckley referred to himself as either a libertarian or conservative.

William F. Buckley, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
I do not have the ability to "talk out my ass" as I am certain we have no relation so I could not have inherited your gene.

Yes, conservatives have always been in the GOP. The idea of and movement of the party as ideological contrast to American liberalism was born and first articulated by libertarians within the republican party.

For a little interesting read check out the link. Be aware that you may need an interpreter- the article does not speak "outyourassese" either.

Campaign For Liberty — Are Libertarians 'Conservative'? ** by Jack Hunter
Revisionist history by a libertarian. What about Buckly? Regan? Those are conservatives. They didnt need libertarians to tell them they were ether.

Buckley wrote God and Man at Yale (1951); among over 50 other books on writing, speaking, history, politics and sailing were a series of novels featuring CIA agent Blackford Oakes. Buckley referred to himself as either a libertarian or conservative.

William F. Buckley, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Did he NEED a liberaltarian to tell him what he was? You see it isnt the fact that liberaltarians think they are conservatives that bother me cause much of what they want is. No it is their fucking arrogance in them telling others what is conservative. Liberty without responsibility is anarchy.
I see cause he didnt strike down these things he is using them? Again you must understand they are not reading your brainwaves.

You didn't even so much as click one of those links, did you? You certainly didn't read them.
You calling me a liar?

Not necessarily. You've demonstrated a lack of reading comprehension in this thread previously, it could simply be that you didn't understand what you read.
Revisionist history by a libertarian. What about Buckly? Regan? Those are conservatives. They didnt need libertarians to tell them they were ether.

Buckley wrote God and Man at Yale (1951); among over 50 other books on writing, speaking, history, politics and sailing were a series of novels featuring CIA agent Blackford Oakes. Buckley referred to himself as either a libertarian or conservative.

William F. Buckley, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Did he NEED a liberaltarian to tell him what he was? You see it isnt the fact that liberaltarians think they are conservatives that bother me cause much of what they want is. No it is their fucking arrogance in them telling others what is conservative. Liberty without responsibility is anarchy.

If you want to debate a purist libertarian ideology- dismissing their influence on conservative ideas sucks the life out of your ability to make intelligent and thought provoking arguments. You accused me of posting "revisionist history". I did not.

I understand that you instinctively understand that a pure libertarian ideology bumps up against mans selfish nature and therefore is impractical in its purest form, with regards to a working philosophy in a society. As you note, anarchy would be the result.

Your trouble is that you seem to miss that there are numerous gradations of libertarian thought- which by the way, is actually the same as classical liberalism. My suggestion is, since you like his political philosophy, that you go back and read William F. Buckley thoroughly-
You didn't even so much as click one of those links, did you? You certainly didn't read them.
You calling me a liar?

Not necessarily. You've demonstrated a lack of reading comprehension in this thread previously, it could simply be that you didn't understand what you read.

NOWHERE WAS THERE PROOF THAT HE WAS USING IT! Thats my point. He could be. Not that I care cause truthfully I dont fucking care about terrorists and they all should be sent to meet Alla as quickly ans it can be arranged. I dont see jumping at shadows very helpful. I am getting tired of the the nutbags that have came with the Paul movement.
Scary that rw voters think its okay to vote for some twit who "kisses asses" to make money and enforce an agenda that we ALL know "is deeply hostile to human liberty".

Why is the rw so willing to vote away "human liberty???

Then, just in case you want to throw up some more -

Oh, STFU...It's not like you socialist dickweeds are any great defenders of the individual.

Neither are you anarchists.

When there's no one to protect you sheep from the big bad wolf..he's gonna eat ya.

I can't wait.

Buckley wrote God and Man at Yale (1951); among over 50 other books on writing, speaking, history, politics and sailing were a series of novels featuring CIA agent Blackford Oakes. Buckley referred to himself as either a libertarian or conservative.

William F. Buckley, Jr. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Did he NEED a liberaltarian to tell him what he was? You see it isnt the fact that liberaltarians think they are conservatives that bother me cause much of what they want is. No it is their fucking arrogance in them telling others what is conservative. Liberty without responsibility is anarchy.

If you want to debate a purist libertarian ideology- dismissing their influence on conservative ideas sucks the life out of your ability to make intelligent and thought provoking arguments. You accused me of posting "revisionist history". I did not.

I understand that you instinctively understand that a pure libertarian ideology bumps up against mans selfish nature and therefore is impractical in its purest form, with regards to a working philosophy in a society. As you note, anarchy would be the result.

Your trouble is that you seem to miss that there are numerous gradations of libertarian thought- which by the way, is actually the same as classical liberalism. My suggestion is, since you like his political philosophy, that you go back and read William F. Buckley thoroughly-

I never said they did not have some influence I said they accomplished jack and shit in getting their views made into laws or bills. The new breed of libertarians are even worse. Shit most are just liberals who dig the idea of legal pot and no wars. Libertarians are becoming the new pot smoking hippie movement. Shoot I would have called myself a libertarian until the Paul revolution showed me the direction they are going.
You calling me a liar?

Not necessarily. You've demonstrated a lack of reading comprehension in this thread previously, it could simply be that you didn't understand what you read.

NOWHERE WAS THERE PROOF THAT HE WAS USING IT! Thats my point. He could be. Not that I care cause truthfully I dont fucking care about terrorists and they all should be sent to meet Alla as quickly ans it can be arranged. I dont see jumping at shadows very helpful. I am getting tired of the the nutbags that have came with the Paul movement.

So we're still at you either not reading, or not understanding, the links provided.
Not necessarily. You've demonstrated a lack of reading comprehension in this thread previously, it could simply be that you didn't understand what you read.

NOWHERE WAS THERE PROOF THAT HE WAS USING IT! Thats my point. He could be. Not that I care cause truthfully I dont fucking care about terrorists and they all should be sent to meet Alla as quickly ans it can be arranged. I dont see jumping at shadows very helpful. I am getting tired of the the nutbags that have came with the Paul movement.

So we're still at you either not reading, or not understanding, the links provided.
Whatever you need to tell yourself.
Who cares if it complies with U.S. law? Obama said he was going to end torture, and yet he has no problem sending people to be tortured by foreign countries who are probably far more ruthless about it than Bush's people ever were.


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XM5FKawx1No"]Obama: U.S. `Will Not Torture' - YouTube[/ame]

That's a big 10-FAIL, good buddy! I asked for a link to prove that Obama said he was going to end torture, and you give me a link that says "U.S. will not torture". There is a big difference. Obama kept his promise. The U.S. no longer tortures.

Bush owns the torture shame alone.

I am pretty sure he ment proof that he was sending people to get tortured.....But you already knew this. I hate having to stick up for liberals so why dont you try to be more honest?

He's already acknowledged Obama's rendition policies, so why would he now ask me to prove that it exists? Also, if that were the case, why did he bold the portion of my post that says Obama said he was ending torture? Why don't you try to learn some reading comprehension?

Because Obama said he would end U.S. torture. No more waterboarding. He kept his promise.
I am pretty sure he ment proof that he was sending people to get tortured.....But you already knew this. I hate having to stick up for liberals so why dont you try to be more honest?

He's already acknowledged Obama's rendition policies, so why would he now ask me to prove that it exists? Also, if that were the case, why did he bold the portion of my post that says Obama said he was ending torture? Why don't you try to learn some reading comprehension?

Because Obama said he would end U.S. torture. No more waterboarding. He kept his promise.

Extraordinary rendition still prospers- the liberal media, and their devoted acolytes, have just stopped caring. But I digress- why pour a little water on their face when assassination is so much more humane.
He's already acknowledged Obama's rendition policies, so why would he now ask me to prove that it exists? Also, if that were the case, why did he bold the portion of my post that says Obama said he was ending torture? Why don't you try to learn some reading comprehension?

Because Obama said he would end U.S. torture. No more waterboarding. He kept his promise.

Extraordinary rendition still prospers- the liberal media, and their devoted acolytes, have just stopped caring. But I digress- why pour a little water on their face when assassination is so much more humane.
Shut the fuck up. The grownups are trying to have a conversation here.

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