"The Trouble with Rand Paul"

Why do narcos make excuses for the worst behavior in other nations? So 9/11, if it wasn't an inside job, was a justified action to combat American foreign policy. WW2 was our fault. The Lusitania was our fault. It is a blame the victim mentality, except if that victim happens to be from outside the US.
This is why the narcos nauseate every real conservative. They might as well be radical 60s leftists.

Why do you make up straw men arguments? The world may never know.

There is no strawman argument. You are arguing the US is responsible for Pearl Harbor, for WW2 and in the past you argued that 9/11 was the US's fault too.

Contrary to popular belief, repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it the truth.
Why do narcos make excuses for the worst behavior in other nations? So 9/11, if it wasn't an inside job, was a justified action to combat American foreign policy. WW2 was our fault. The Lusitania was our fault. It is a blame the victim mentality, except if that victim happens to be from outside the US.
This is why the narcos nauseate every real conservative. They might as well be radical 60s leftists.
Mmmm...So neocons are victims....How liberoidal of you. :lol:
Hey Democrats..... I mean Republicans you wanted Romney now if he wins you must own everything he does. Do not be like the Democrats and defend him like they defend obama when you go after obama like you do.
Isn't politics as usual that got to where we are now?

There's nothing "as usual" about Rand's politics. He's by far the most maverick member of the senate. When SOPA, Patriot Act, etc are breathing down our necks it was Rand there to step up and go to bat for us.

He does deserve credit for taking those stands.

Take a stand just too give up the ground you took a stand on does not compute.
Hey Democrats..... I mean Republicans you wanted Romney now if he wins you must own everything he does. Do not be like the Democrats and defend him like they defend obama when you go after obama like you do.
Personally, I'm not defending Vinnie...I merely understand why Rand is positioning himself the way he is.

If he ends up being like the neocon douchenozzles who defended Chimpola just because of that (R), I'll be the first to dump all over his ass.
Hey Democrats..... I mean Republicans you wanted Romney now if he wins you must own everything he does. Do not be like the Democrats and defend him like they defend obama when you go after obama like you do.
Personally, I'm not defending Vinnie...I merely understand why Rand is positioning himself the way he is.

If he ends up being like the neocon douchenozzles who defended Chimpola just because of that (R), I'll be the first to dump all over his ass.

Well he is heading in the right ....I mean wrong direction.
How can someone who is so different politically endorse the other person.

It's like Gandhi endorsing Saddam.

You're putting something as simple as an endorsement on way too high a pedestal. It's just a statement. It's not an action like voting on legislation. It's a stupid little statement that may or may not have any tangible effect either way.

It very well could be something Rand could stomach doing for the purpose of gaining a stronger foothold in his journey through the ranks to fight the machine.

It's pointless to judge and sentence him right now, because the motive is completely unknown.

If Rand is endorsing him isn't hew asking people too vote for Romney?

LOL, good question.
If Rand is endorsing him isn't hew asking people too vote for Romney?

No, it's him saying he supports him in November. He never said anything about others voting for him. That's for Rand's supporters to decide on their own.

Paulie please don't go there I'm midway through my second case and the BS was just a little deep.:lol:

LOL, I like this guy!!! Another person who "re-hydrates" with beer?
I think this is a good description of Mitt Romney.

"When the Mitt hits the fan, Paul libertarians--especially the young and idealistic--will NOT back Romney. He is, after all, a champion of everything repellent the US State does overseas and at home. He is a despicable statist, a junior oligarch, and a proponent of perpetual war, bank bailouts, torture, murder, camps, drones, the police state, redistribution, and the empire. I could go on."

Politico Gets It Wrong | Lew Rockwell's Political Theatre

Regardless, I think this situation is being way overblown. This has absolutely no effect on my opinion of Rand Paul.

But he's not Black!

So idiots like The T, who use the word 'statist' in every post, will happily pull Romney's lever.

(Those are 8 different links - click a couple! :lol: )
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There's nothing "as usual" about Rand's politics. He's by far the most maverick member of the senate. When SOPA, Patriot Act, etc are breathing down our necks it was Rand there to step up and go to bat for us.

He does deserve credit for taking those stands.

Take a stand just too give up the ground you took a stand on does not compute.

Good points, I was just trying to give him some credit. I remember seeing him and about two other Senators as the only ones taking a stand against some of those bills that infringe uopn our Civil Liberties.
I think this is a good description of Mitt Romney.

"When the Mitt hits the fan, Paul libertarians--especially the young and idealistic--will NOT back Romney. He is, after all, a champion of everything repellent the US State does overseas and at home. He is a despicable statist, a junior oligarch, and a proponent of perpetual war, bank bailouts, torture, murder, camps, drones, the police state, redistribution, and the empire. I could go on."

Politico Gets It Wrong | Lew Rockwell's Political Theatre

Regardless, I think this situation is being way overblown. This has absolutely no effect on my opinion of Rand Paul.

But he's not Black!

So idiots like The T, who use the word 'statist' in every post, will happily pull Romney's lever.

(Those are 8 different links - click a couple! :lol: )

LOL, ain't that the truth!!!! We had a little discussion and I asked him who he was going to vote for and he never answered me. :)

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