The True Democrat Party? Socialist!!!


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, it`s funny how a Socialist like Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders talk, and make promises, but can`t say where the money is coming from? Just VOTE for me, then? You can live in poverty the rest of your life fools!!!


by PAM KEY18 Oct 201517,644

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Democratic presidential candidate

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)


said his tax increases would “hit everybody” becuse he would raise the payroll tax to pay for paid family and medical leave.

Sanders said, “I think if you are looking about guaranteeing paid family and medical leave, which every other major country has so that when a mom gives birth she doesn’t have to go back to work in two weeks. Dad or mom can stay home with the kids. That will require a small increase in the payroll tax.”

Stephanopoulos said, “That’s going to hit everybody.”

Sanders agreed saying, “That would hit everybody, yeah, It would but it would mean we were drawing the rest of the industrialized world and make sure that when a mom has a baby she can in fact stay home with that baby for three months rather than go back to work at the end of one week. We are the only country, only major country that doesn’t guarantee paid family and medical leave. We do a lot of great things in this country but we are behind many other countries in protecting the middle class and working families.”

Sanders Would Raise Payroll Taxes on Everyone to Fund Paid Family Leave - Breitbart

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The republican party is the party of I hate government, I hate investment and I hate science. A party that would rather see us some third world backwater shit hole then a leader on this planet.
Republicans have tranformed into something that truly sucks ass.
The republican party is the party of I hate government, I hate investment and I hate science. A party that would rather see us some third world backwater shit hole then a leader on this planet.
Republicans have tranformed into something that truly sucks ass.

It is hard to believe that someone like you actually BELIEVES the bullshit he spews, especially after seeing where we have fallen to over the last 7 years! BUT we must realize that YOU along with 99% of your fellow travelers have the IQ's of moths!
Paying the bills, what a revolutionary idea, I can see why you're shocked.
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The republican party is the party of I hate government, I hate investment and I hate science. A party that would rather see us some third world backwater shit hole then a leader on this planet.
Republicans have tranformed into something that truly sucks ass.

You got the first part right. Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under.
How kind of these snakes like Bernie and Hillary.

they want to give you paid leave. so YOU GET TO PAY for your own paid leave (because this government doesn't have (IT'S OWN money) and get higher taxes at the same time. man aren't these politicians brilliant. Hell you could have put money in a saving account for something such as that. but no, they want you to give THE GUBERMENT (Just call them, Your Masters) your money to do it FOR YOU

what snakes, but unfortunately, many of the citizens of today will fall for it.

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