The true living God

I'm not sure I understand the question. Is this a chicken and egg thing?

We already have the answer for which came first the chicken or the egg.

What I have to come to realize that this is freedom to sin vs God's laws or natural laws thing. God doesn't like sin.

To use an analogy as example, traffic laws are man-made,yet they are based on natural laws. It is impossible to violate the laws of nature without paying the consequences. If one steps off the roof of a relatively tall building, then gravity will get you every time. You could be seriously injured or killed. While drivers may not experience consequences every time they violate traffic laws, but sooner or later the laws of nature will take effect. The odds of you getting a ticket goes up with the number infractions.

Thus, people sin all the time; it is our nature and people want to not be penalized for it. However, they are and just do not want to admit it. Thus, the number of atheists keep going up.

Ahh, yes. That universally sustaining benediction hurled by the angriest religionists:

"You'll get yours"

I really have to ask if you think the gods want or need you to be a Mafioso type enforcer.
Actually yes. If you look at a dividing cell you can watch the process in action.
You clearly don’t understand understand how the first life was assembled through chance if that is how you believe the process worked.
It's not only me: First life: The search for the first replicator
4 BILLION years before present: the surface of a newly formed planet around a medium-sized star is beginning to cool down. It’s a violent place, bombarded by meteorites and riven by volcanic eruptions, with an atmosphere full of toxic gases. But almost as soon as water begins to form pools and oceans on its surface, something extraordinary happens. A molecule, or perhaps a set of molecules, capable of replicating itself arises.

This was the dawn of evolution. Once the first self-replicating entities appeared, natural selection kicked in, favouring any offspring with variations that made them better at replicating themselves. Soon the first simple cells appeared. The rest is prehistory.​
No. Chemical chains would have had to fold themselves in the exact right sequence. There was no self replicating until AFTER chance created the first chain that miraculously folded itself in the right sequence.
No. Self-assembly is the process by which an organized structure spontaneously forms from individual components, as a result of specific, local interactions among the components. When the constitutive components are molecules, the process is termed molecular self-assembly. We have examples of molecules capable of self-assembly. The molecules could self-assemble into long chains that when broken would yield two molecules capable of self-assembly. Voila! REPRODUCTION and EVOLUTION. It may have been that simple.
There are no examples of chemical chains folding themselves into living matter.

Only theories.
There are no examples of God creating life from non-life. There isn't even a theory.
Ahh, yes. That universally sustaining benediction hurled by the angriest religionists:

"You'll get yours"

I really have to ask if you think the gods want or need you to be a Mafioso type enforcer.

Where did I say that? It sounds like you are putting words in my mouth because of having lost the argument of mountains of evidence for creation.

I think it's you who is angry like it's God rage (similar to road rage). Your emotions are out of control.

Why do you and atheists blame God for misfortunes and negative events in your life? Perhaps, he was warning you of your negative behavior, but you did not pay heed? Thus, I am just trying to point out how God warns you of going into sin. This is the opposite of Satan who tempts you into sin.

No one is a "Mafioso type enforcer here." If so, then you can report to the mod where they will make a decision.
You clearly don’t understand understand how the first life was assembled through chance if that is how you believe the process worked.
It's not only me: First life: The search for the first replicator
4 BILLION years before present: the surface of a newly formed planet around a medium-sized star is beginning to cool down. It’s a violent place, bombarded by meteorites and riven by volcanic eruptions, with an atmosphere full of toxic gases. But almost as soon as water begins to form pools and oceans on its surface, something extraordinary happens. A molecule, or perhaps a set of molecules, capable of replicating itself arises.

This was the dawn of evolution. Once the first self-replicating entities appeared, natural selection kicked in, favouring any offspring with variations that made them better at replicating themselves. Soon the first simple cells appeared. The rest is prehistory.​
No. Chemical chains would have had to fold themselves in the exact right sequence. There was no self replicating until AFTER chance created the first chain that miraculously folded itself in the right sequence.
No. Self-assembly is the process by which an organized structure spontaneously forms from individual components, as a result of specific, local interactions among the components. When the constitutive components are molecules, the process is termed molecular self-assembly. We have examples of molecules capable of self-assembly. The molecules could self-assemble into long chains that when broken would yield two molecules capable of self-assembly. Voila! REPRODUCTION and EVOLUTION. It may have been that simple.
There are no examples of chemical chains folding themselves into living matter.

Only theories.
There are no examples of God creating life from non-life. There isn't even a theory.

Actually, there are stories in the Bible that says that Jesus created living birds from clay as a child. And, since God and Jesus are considered to be one and the same, God created life (birds) from non life (clay).
Ahh, yes. That universally sustaining benediction hurled by the angriest religionists:

"You'll get yours"

I really have to ask if you think the gods want or need you to be a Mafioso type enforcer.

Where did I say that? It sounds like you are putting words in my mouth because of having lost the argument of mountains of evidence for creation.

I think it's you who is angry like it's God rage (similar to road rage). Your emotions are out of control.

Why do you and atheists blame God for misfortunes and negative events in your life? Perhaps, he was warning you of your negative behavior, but you did not pay heed? Thus, I am just trying to point out how God warns you of going into sin. This is the opposite of Satan who tempts you into sin.

No one is a "Mafioso type enforcer here." If so, then you can report to the mod where they will make a decision.

I think you’re angry and emotive because you’re unable to offer even the most basic elements of corroboration for your gods. It’s actually comical that launch yourself into these sweaty, chest-heaving rants where you claim “mountains” of evidence yet you offer literally nothing,

Why d9 you religious extremists use your gods in weak attempts to threaten and coerce others? Using your gods like a bloody truncheon seems counterproductive to me.
I think you’re angry and emotive because you’re unable to offer even the most basic elements of corroboration for your gods. It’s actually comical that launch yourself into these sweaty, chest-heaving rants where you claim “mountains” of evidence yet you offer literally nothing,

Why d9 you religious extremists use your gods in weak attempts to threaten and coerce others? Using your gods like a bloody truncheon seems counterproductive to me.

The following is the general psychological makeup of people. Negative emotions encourage negative, judgmental, and self-serving thoughts. Negative thoughts often surface in the form of hostile verbal expression. Recognize the effects of emotions on your personality when you go about your daily behaviors. Watch for anger caused by the need for revenge or retaliation, and recognize your competitive nature.

Underneath all this is the need to be right over the other. I think this is our competitive nature between believers and non-believers. That said, it is the non-belivers, by a large margin, who express the negative emotions that encourage negative, judgmental, and self-serving thoughts. We learned that it was human sin that cause these negative emotions, but the non-believers blame God for it. The atheists do not believe in God except to blame him for their negative emotions.

Blaise Pascal said (warned?) that it's better to believe and to be safe than sorry if your well-being for the rest of eternity is at stake. We also have faith in God leads to God revealing himself to you. What could be less threatening or less negative that that? Instead, the blame of God continues to go on and it seems to grow by the day. It seems non-believers are not happy and it leads to negative emotions and complaints of God because they do not have self-control. Believers usually blame themselves first for their short-comings and try to correct those before blaming other people.
I think you’re angry and emotive because you’re unable to offer even the most basic elements of corroboration for your gods. It’s actually comical that launch yourself into these sweaty, chest-heaving rants where you claim “mountains” of evidence yet you offer literally nothing,

Why d9 you religious extremists use your gods in weak attempts to threaten and coerce others? Using your gods like a bloody truncheon seems counterproductive to me.

The following is the general psychological makeup of people. Negative emotions encourage negative, judgmental, and self-serving thoughts. Negative thoughts often surface in the form of hostile verbal expression. Recognize the effects of emotions on your personality when you go about your daily behaviors. Watch for anger caused by the need for revenge or retaliation, and recognize your competitive nature.

Underneath all this is the need to be right over the other. I think this is our competitive nature between believers and non-believers. That said, it is the non-belivers, by a large margin, who express the negative emotions that encourage negative, judgmental, and self-serving thoughts. We learned that it was human sin that cause these negative emotions, but the non-believers blame God for it. The atheists do not believe in God except to blame him for their negative emotions.

Blaise Pascal said (warned?) that it's better to believe and to be safe than sorry if your well-being for the rest of eternity is at stake. We also have faith in God leads to God revealing himself to you. What could be less threatening or less negative that that? Instead, the blame of God continues to go on and it seems to grow by the day. It seems non-believers are not happy and it leads to negative emotions and complaints of God because they do not have self-control. Believers usually blame themselves first for their short-comings and try to correct those before blaming other people.

Don’t you think it’s ethical to provide attribution to the material you steal?

Love Does Not Come With An Instruction Manual
I think you’re angry and emotive because you’re unable to offer even the most basic elements of corroboration for your gods. It’s actually comical that launch yourself into these sweaty, chest-heaving rants where you claim “mountains” of evidence yet you offer literally nothing,

Why d9 you religious extremists use your gods in weak attempts to threaten and coerce others? Using your gods like a bloody truncheon seems counterproductive to me.

The following is the general psychological makeup of people. Negative emotions encourage negative, judgmental, and self-serving thoughts. Negative thoughts often surface in the form of hostile verbal expression. Recognize the effects of emotions on your personality when you go about your daily behaviors. Watch for anger caused by the need for revenge or retaliation, and recognize your competitive nature.

Underneath all this is the need to be right over the other. I think this is our competitive nature between believers and non-believers. That said, it is the non-belivers, by a large margin, who express the negative emotions that encourage negative, judgmental, and self-serving thoughts. We learned that it was human sin that cause these negative emotions, but the non-believers blame God for it. The atheists do not believe in God except to blame him for their negative emotions.

Blaise Pascal said (warned?) that it's better to believe and to be safe than sorry if your well-being for the rest of eternity is at stake. We also have faith in God leads to God revealing himself to you. What could be less threatening or less negative that that? Instead, the blame of God continues to go on and it seems to grow by the day. It seems non-believers are not happy and it leads to negative emotions and complaints of God because they do not have self-control. Believers usually blame themselves first for their short-comings and try to correct those before blaming other people.

Don’t you think it’s ethical to provide attribution to the material you steal?

Love Does Not Come With An Instruction Manual

My, my. I didn't learn it from there, but my traffic school class. Did your FB user go to traffic school haha?

I learned it in discussing negative emotions while driving. Our true personalities come out then. Negative emotions which have to do with such things as road rage.

From my class notes:
"What Causes Road Rage?

A number of factors can affect your psychological ability to focus on the driving task, and react safely and courteously to others on the road.

These characteristics include:

Emotional tension
Environmental conditions (both inside and outside your vehicle)
Heredity of behaviors
Physical conditions of your body
The amount of training and practice you've had

Negative emotions encourage negative, judgmental, and self-serving thoughts. Negative thoughts often surface in the form of hostile verbal expression. Recognize the effects of emotions on your personality when you drive. Watch for anger caused by the need for revenge or retaliation, and recognize your competitive nature.

Road rage can affect any driver, even if the driver has no history of violence, involvement with crime, or substance abuse. According to research released by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety in 2016, nearly 80% of drivers engaged in at least one aggressive driving behavior at
least once in the past year.

While only 3% of drivers reported getting out of their vehicle to confront another driver, 12% reported cutting off another vehicle on purpose, 24% purposefully blocked another vehicle from changing lanes, and about half of drivers had hoked to show annoyance or anger (45%), yelled
at another driver (47%), or tailgated another vehicle on purpose (51%).

An earlier study found that 56% of fatal crashes involved at least one unsafe driving behavior typically associated with aggressive driving.
Road rage is a reaction to events that may or may not be under the driver's control. Drivers who describe the experience of road rage say that
the feelings of anger and their destructive impulses can actually be diminished if the other driver makes a gesture of apology to acknowledge that
you were at fault. Mouthing the words "I'm sorry," holding up your hands in a gesture of prayer or mock surrender, or making a regretful,
apologetic face will send the message to the other driver that you are sorry for your mistake."

Can you say, "I'm sorry to God" for the expressions you made while experiencing negative emotions?
I think you’re angry and emotive because you’re unable to offer even the most basic elements of corroboration for your gods. It’s actually comical that launch yourself into these sweaty, chest-heaving rants where you claim “mountains” of evidence yet you offer literally nothing,

Why d9 you religious extremists use your gods in weak attempts to threaten and coerce others? Using your gods like a bloody truncheon seems counterproductive to me.

The following is the general psychological makeup of people. Negative emotions encourage negative, judgmental, and self-serving thoughts. Negative thoughts often surface in the form of hostile verbal expression. Recognize the effects of emotions on your personality when you go about your daily behaviors. Watch for anger caused by the need for revenge or retaliation, and recognize your competitive nature.

Underneath all this is the need to be right over the other. I think this is our competitive nature between believers and non-believers. That said, it is the non-belivers, by a large margin, who express the negative emotions that encourage negative, judgmental, and self-serving thoughts. We learned that it was human sin that cause these negative emotions, but the non-believers blame God for it. The atheists do not believe in God except to blame him for their negative emotions.

Blaise Pascal said (warned?) that it's better to believe and to be safe than sorry if your well-being for the rest of eternity is at stake. We also have faith in God leads to God revealing himself to you. What could be less threatening or less negative that that? Instead, the blame of God continues to go on and it seems to grow by the day. It seems non-believers are not happy and it leads to negative emotions and complaints of God because they do not have self-control. Believers usually blame themselves first for their short-comings and try to correct those before blaming other people.

Don’t you think it’s ethical to provide attribution to the material you steal?

Love Does Not Come With An Instruction Manual

My, my. I didn't learn it from there, but my traffic school class. Did your FB user go to traffic school haha?

I learned it in discussing negative emotions while driving. Our true personalities come out then. Negative emotions which have to do with such things as road rage.

From my class notes:
"What Causes Road Rage?

A number of factors can affect your psychological ability to focus on the driving task, and react safely and courteously to others on the road.

These characteristics include:

Emotional tension
Environmental conditions (both inside and outside your vehicle)
Heredity of behaviors
Physical conditions of your body
The amount of training and practice you've had

Negative emotions encourage negative, judgmental, and self-serving thoughts. Negative thoughts often surface in the form of hostile verbal expression. Recognize the effects of emotions on your personality when you drive. Watch for anger caused by the need for revenge or retaliation, and recognize your competitive nature.

Road rage can affect any driver, even if the driver has no history of violence, involvement with crime, or substance abuse. According to research released by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety in 2016, nearly 80% of drivers engaged in at least one aggressive driving behavior at
least once in the past year.

While only 3% of drivers reported getting out of their vehicle to confront another driver, 12% reported cutting off another vehicle on purpose, 24% purposefully blocked another vehicle from changing lanes, and about half of drivers had hoked to show annoyance or anger (45%), yelled
at another driver (47%), or tailgated another vehicle on purpose (51%).

An earlier study found that 56% of fatal crashes involved at least one unsafe driving behavior typically associated with aggressive driving.
Road rage is a reaction to events that may or may not be under the driver's control. Drivers who describe the experience of road rage say that
the feelings of anger and their destructive impulses can actually be diminished if the other driver makes a gesture of apology to acknowledge that
you were at fault. Mouthing the words "I'm sorry," holding up your hands in a gesture of prayer or mock surrender, or making a regretful,
apologetic face will send the message to the other driver that you are sorry for your mistake."

Can you say, "I'm sorry to God" for the expressions you made while experiencing negative emotions?

Can you say, "I'm responsible for my actions and my need for an angry, stern, father figure to keep me from my more base behavior keeps me under control".
I think you’re angry and emotive because you’re unable to offer even the most basic elements of corroboration for your gods. It’s actually comical that launch yourself into these sweaty, chest-heaving rants where you claim “mountains” of evidence yet you offer literally nothing,

Why d9 you religious extremists use your gods in weak attempts to threaten and coerce others? Using your gods like a bloody truncheon seems counterproductive to me.

The following is the general psychological makeup of people. Negative emotions encourage negative, judgmental, and self-serving thoughts. Negative thoughts often surface in the form of hostile verbal expression. Recognize the effects of emotions on your personality when you go about your daily behaviors. Watch for anger caused by the need for revenge or retaliation, and recognize your competitive nature.

Underneath all this is the need to be right over the other. I think this is our competitive nature between believers and non-believers. That said, it is the non-belivers, by a large margin, who express the negative emotions that encourage negative, judgmental, and self-serving thoughts. We learned that it was human sin that cause these negative emotions, but the non-believers blame God for it. The atheists do not believe in God except to blame him for their negative emotions.

Blaise Pascal said (warned?) that it's better to believe and to be safe than sorry if your well-being for the rest of eternity is at stake. We also have faith in God leads to God revealing himself to you. What could be less threatening or less negative that that? Instead, the blame of God continues to go on and it seems to grow by the day. It seems non-believers are not happy and it leads to negative emotions and complaints of God because they do not have self-control. Believers usually blame themselves first for their short-comings and try to correct those before blaming other people.

Don’t you think it’s ethical to provide attribution to the material you steal?

Love Does Not Come With An Instruction Manual

My, my. I didn't learn it from there, but my traffic school class. Did your FB user go to traffic school haha?

I learned it in discussing negative emotions while driving. Our true personalities come out then. Negative emotions which have to do with such things as road rage.

From my class notes:
"What Causes Road Rage?

A number of factors can affect your psychological ability to focus on the driving task, and react safely and courteously to others on the road.

These characteristics include:

Emotional tension
Environmental conditions (both inside and outside your vehicle)
Heredity of behaviors
Physical conditions of your body
The amount of training and practice you've had

Negative emotions encourage negative, judgmental, and self-serving thoughts. Negative thoughts often surface in the form of hostile verbal expression. Recognize the effects of emotions on your personality when you drive. Watch for anger caused by the need for revenge or retaliation, and recognize your competitive nature.

Road rage can affect any driver, even if the driver has no history of violence, involvement with crime, or substance abuse. According to research released by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety in 2016, nearly 80% of drivers engaged in at least one aggressive driving behavior at
least once in the past year.

While only 3% of drivers reported getting out of their vehicle to confront another driver, 12% reported cutting off another vehicle on purpose, 24% purposefully blocked another vehicle from changing lanes, and about half of drivers had hoked to show annoyance or anger (45%), yelled
at another driver (47%), or tailgated another vehicle on purpose (51%).

An earlier study found that 56% of fatal crashes involved at least one unsafe driving behavior typically associated with aggressive driving.
Road rage is a reaction to events that may or may not be under the driver's control. Drivers who describe the experience of road rage say that
the feelings of anger and their destructive impulses can actually be diminished if the other driver makes a gesture of apology to acknowledge that
you were at fault. Mouthing the words "I'm sorry," holding up your hands in a gesture of prayer or mock surrender, or making a regretful,
apologetic face will send the message to the other driver that you are sorry for your mistake."

Can you say, "I'm sorry to God" for the expressions you made while experiencing negative emotions?

Can you say, "I'm responsible for my actions and my need for an angry, stern, father figure to keep me from my more base behavior keeps me under control".

I'm going to take that as a "bleep No." Kinda ironic. Just hope you can keep the God rage within.

23 Startling Road Rage Facts and Statistics
It's not only me: First life: The search for the first replicator
4 BILLION years before present: the surface of a newly formed planet around a medium-sized star is beginning to cool down. It’s a violent place, bombarded by meteorites and riven by volcanic eruptions, with an atmosphere full of toxic gases. But almost as soon as water begins to form pools and oceans on its surface, something extraordinary happens. A molecule, or perhaps a set of molecules, capable of replicating itself arises.

This was the dawn of evolution. Once the first self-replicating entities appeared, natural selection kicked in, favouring any offspring with variations that made them better at replicating themselves. Soon the first simple cells appeared. The rest is prehistory.​
No. Chemical chains would have had to fold themselves in the exact right sequence. There was no self replicating until AFTER chance created the first chain that miraculously folded itself in the right sequence.
No. Self-assembly is the process by which an organized structure spontaneously forms from individual components, as a result of specific, local interactions among the components. When the constitutive components are molecules, the process is termed molecular self-assembly. We have examples of molecules capable of self-assembly. The molecules could self-assemble into long chains that when broken would yield two molecules capable of self-assembly. Voila! REPRODUCTION and EVOLUTION. It may have been that simple.
There are no examples of chemical chains folding themselves into living matter.

Only theories.
There are no examples of God creating life from non-life. There isn't even a theory.

Actually, there are stories in the Bible that says that Jesus created living birds from clay as a child. And, since God and Jesus are considered to be one and the same, God created life (birds) from non life (clay).
As I recall, that story didn't even make it into the cannon so it's hard to take it seriously. Any creation still going on today? Any idea how you go from clay to life?
God doesn't like sin.
He must like it, since he sure created a whole lot of it. On the other hand, maybe we don't really know what sin is.
God created tell
He created the universe. If there is sin in it, who else would be responsible?
The people who did the sinning
If I built a clock that didn't keep time, who is to responsible, the clock or me?

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