the truest line at the debate

I am surprised that no media or Trump supporters in the media have mentioned Bidens notes. He was reading from a sheet, looking down and reading. I've never seen this in a presidential debate ever.

He was mic'd up. You could see him try to stop and listen frequently.
He was mic'd up. You could see him try to stop and listen frequently.

Well that would backfire dramatically if so because it would confuse him. He would get the first 10 words out verbatim, but then he would have to create his own words.

I dont think he was mic'ed up, he had notes he was reading from though.
Monica was not a porn star and Bill was not a convicted felon. But trump is both.
Clinton did go on TV before the 1992 election and talked Clintonese about his past dalliances. Which at the time was a problem he had to deal with.
Monica was not a porn star and Bill was not a convicted felon. But trump is both.

The Debate From Hell: Stumbling Biden Slow To Counter Trump's Barrage Of Lies​

Trump lied nearly nonstop, on everything from tariffs to the VA Choice Act to his role on Jan. 6 — and got away with it thanks to a tired and fumbling performance by Biden.


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