The Trump administration was a leader in so many ways.

Yeah, maybe a small time crook compared to the DNC, the DOJ FBI and the Bidens, as to how it harms our country. I am not going to comment on all of your claims, because you will never take the time to point out the hundreds major crimes and scandals your side has engaged in this past decade. But I will leave you with an old post of mine as to why your side --- the odious left --- hated Trump and why we loved him. . . Have a nice day.

Why the left hates Trump and Christians love him.
  1. They hate that he wants to build a wall to stop the insanity at the southern border.
And yet he didn't build the wall.

  1. They hate that he wants to stop the immigration of Middle Eastern muslims that went unvetted under Obama. So the democrats find some rogue judge to usurp the president’s powers and stop his directives.
How many domestic Muslim terror attacks have there been? More or less than domestic right wing attacks?

  1. They hate that he has made real efforts to get U.S. corporations to bring jobs back to America and increase factories or manufacturing domestically.
Except he didn't

  1. They hate that his initiatives has brought down unemployment dramatically, especially amongst minorities.
Trump was elected on third base and you tard think he hit a triple.

  1. They hate that he pulled the U.S. out of the insane nuclear agreement with Iran. agreement.
Which resulted in Iran immediately resuming their nuclear weapons program.

  1. They hate that he finds the trade imbalance with China and others a scandal, so he has the courage to do something about it starting with tariffs.
You and Trump are too stupid to realize far left tariff wars don't work. That's why our trade deficit with China hit RECORD LEVELS, thanks to Trump's idiotic, retarded trade war.

And so forth, and so on.
Hunter Biden is not part of the Administration.
Try to keep up.
Hunter is part of the Biden Crime Family.
Who else could get $83,000 a month for a no-show job with Burisma, and have his VP dad extort Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma?
Who else could get $billions from China to "invest"?
Who else gives 10% to the "big guy"?
Who gets $millions for garbage paintings?

Do try to keep up.
And yet he didn't build the wall.

How many domestic Muslim terror attacks have there been? More or less than domestic right wing attacks?

Except he didn't

Trump was elected on third base and you tard think he hit a triple.

Which resulted in Iran immediately resuming their nuclear weapons program.

You and Trump are too stupid to realize far left tariff wars don't work. That's why our trade deficit with China hit RECORD LEVELS, thanks to Trump's idiotic, retarded trade war.

And so forth, and so on.
The House stopped Trump from spending money left and right and you're an idiot for repeating the same old crap over and over again knowing the truth.
Either that or you're mentally ill.
Hunter is part of the Biden Crime Family.
Who else could get $83,000 a month for a no-show job with Burisma?
Who else could get $billions from China to "invest"?
Who else gives 10% to the "big guy"?
Who gets $millions for garbage paintings?

Do try to keep up.
g5000 = RWer?
Hunter is part of the Biden Crime Family.
Who else could get $83,000 a month for a no-show job with Burisma, and have his VP dad extort Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma?
Who else could get $billions from China to "invest"?
Who else gives 10% to the "big guy"?
Who gets $millions for garbage paintings?

Do try to keep up.
The OP is about those in the Administration who were caught being crooks.

But if you want to whine about nepotism, how quickly you tards forget!

Hunter is part of the Biden Crime Family.
Who else could get $83,000 a month for a no-show job with Burisma, and have his VP dad extort Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma?
Who else could get $billions from China to "invest"?
Who else gives 10% to the "big guy"?
Who gets $millions for garbage paintings?

Do try to keep up.
The OP is about those in the Administration who were caught being crooks.
But if you want to whine about nepotism, how quickly you tards forget!
You forgot Trump's Chinese made ties.

The Bidens get $billions of foreign largess and that's fine, the Trumps do a little business in China and its criminal?!

There is a difference between doing legitimate business in China, and extortion and selling influence.
ann coulter sour grapes...
At least Jarad had a few accomplishments. Ann Coulter is a garden variety Trump hater.

‘The dawn of a new Middle East’: Trump celebrates Abraham Accords with White House signing ceremony​


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