The Trump Economy


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
Now that his ride on Obama’s coattails has ended...

Now that the artificially goosed economy from the #TaxScam is wearing off...

We’re now left with The Trump Economy. Lets take a look...


What is your solution? Stop all tariffs against other nations, but allow them to continue to use tariffs against the US?

You dolts keep parroting that “tariffs don’t work”, yet none of you can explain how and why the EU uses them to great benefit, as well as China.

Your great solution is to continue the forty year trend of shipping manufacturing jobs overseas to the cheapest bidder, usually communist China.

It’s also not “Trump’s trade war”. The “trade war” has been going on for forty years and we have been losing it all this time. At least President Trump is trying to do something about it.

What is your solution? Stop all tariffs against other nations, but allow them to continue to use tariffs against the US?

You dolts keep parroting that “tariffs don’t work”, yet none of you can explain how and why the EU uses them to great benefit, as well as China.

Your great solution is to continue the forty year trend of shipping manufacturing jobs overseas to the cheapest bidder, usually communist China.

It’s also not “Trump’s trade war”. The “trade war” has been going on for forty years and we have been losing it all this time. At least President Trump is trying to do something about it.
Tariffs are a tax, nothing more. You think more taxes are good?
The market sell off was over china ...pffft wall st reacts to butterfly farts ..same old same old

The American working classes barely notices the flat assed global economy .... as long as they're working ...fat n happy theY could give a rats ass about what a bunch of left wing failures think .

That and the wall st journal was reporting wages are rising for the bottom classes ..they could also give a rats ass about who got laid off at John deer last week

The tariff threads will cause a recession here on usmb were partisan retardation at its finest.......

OnlY morons believe that tariffs are the sole cause of the upcoming u.s. recession .... And that it’s solely the US tariffs causing it.

Other countries like china , russia and a host of others already haveextensive tariffs on foreign goods derp .....which also had no effect on the global economy

Do your own poll here ask anyone if they quit or got laid off tomorrow how confident are they
That they can replace thier jobs pretty fast.

Add this to it and looks like complete failure for dems 2020 chances across the board .
Independents are being turned off by free shit for illegal criminal leeches
The NY times actually ran this
What Democrats Could Lose With Their Left Turn
My point is leftwingers are low iq idiots
Even your own Democrat leaders and the chi coms agree
You're clueless brainwashed morons

As for the scotch...... Scotch I drink tons of single malts ...I was a regular at a place on Lafayette st. Where your cheapest glass will go from 30 bucks all the way up to a couple hundred ..a glass
I don't drink anything under 21 years old
I just finished off 1000 dollar bottle of a special glenfiddich 30 year old
I replaced it with a 500 dollar a bottle dalwhinnie...well when fed ex gets hEre Thursday

Go ahead hit me with 25% on all my scotch ....I think I can still swing it year I gave a 5000 dollar a bottle limited batch macallan as a Christmas gift to my bestest bud , my brother ...and one for me ...they knocked a g note off of the bill since I bought three bottles

The liquor store that sold it probably wouldn't let you in the door and he was only able to get his hands on 12 of em guy took six ..whY would anyone spend that on a bottle of booze ?


Fuckin progressive peasant's
Eviscerate the proletariat!

The globo homo elite have the right idea about thier progressive useful idiots ...into the woodchipper with yas after you've outlived your purpose ...

That's why if I think warren has the slightest chance of winning (which unfortunatelylooks like she doesn't)...I'm voting for that dumb twat..... give you authoritarian nazi progressive socialist morons exactly what you want ......Burn this mofo down

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