The Trump/Russia narrative has imploded.

Isn't it strange when that was supposed to be the topic today and it turned out little was said by Comey about it?

This is precisely what many of us thought. I don't dislike Comey, he seems like a good guy, fairly straight laced. It's clear it was time for him to move on, the handling of the Clinton investigation AND the Russian "investigation" just couldn't be overlooked and in reality, it takes a very particular person to deal with the extreme political environment. He just wasn't up for the task and I can't blame him, most aren't.

I have no doubt he loves his country and believes in the sanctity of government duty. With so much at stake in the world and in America though, there needs to be someone who is able to clean this up so that the administration is not unfairly painted with the brush that some want to.
I believe most of what you say, except there was a dark side to Comey, I feel. What was the reason for Comey to come out the day BEFORE the hearing with his prepared statement? It gave the Democrats to turn their questions from the Russian involvement to the meetings where he was "intimidated, stunned, and didn't know what to do.

I found Comey's testimony that he was "stunned" when Trump hoped he could let it go on Flynn to be rather amusing! This is a man who just dealt with a full court press from the Clinton's to bury the investigation into her emails, caving to Loretta Lynch and Hillary Clinton...but he's shocked that Trump asked him to go easy on Flynn? I'm sorry but pretending wide eyed innocence at that point is a joke! Quite frankly I was "stunned" to hear a former FBI Director repeatedly say that he was too timid or unsure of what was being said to him to react! You're the damn Director of the FBI, James! If you think it's even possible that someone's suggesting something look them in the eye and tell them so! Comey didn't do that...he took notes and then sat on them. As for his being a "good guy"? I'm sorry but good guy FBI Directors don't anonymously leak information to the media! Chicken shit and sleazy guys do that!
Can we move the fuck on now? Russia clearly tried to interfere. Trump clearly had nothing to do with it.
I know it's a hard pill for you moonbats to swallow but the bitch lost, Trump won. Those are the undisputed facts.

Time to work for the betterment of your country for a change, rather than your party's ego.


We can 'move on' when obstruction of justice is off the table.
It's off the table into rover's dinner dish. Eat up if you like, but the standard of obstruction of justice will not be met.

lol, by the time it's off the table the Democrats will own the House and Trump's agenda will be the dog's breakfast.
Clearly Trump had nothing to do with it, it's just a big ol coinky dink that everyone around him had contacts with Russian spies, paid by Russian spies or the Kremlin and many had to recuse or resign because of those contacts. Clearly nothing to see here....just all bad luck.

3 investigations lead by Republicans doesnt mean anything, right?

Clearly Trump had nothing to do with it, it's just a big ol coinky dink that everyone around him had contacts with Russian spies, paid by Russian spies or the Kremlin and many had to recuse or resign because of those contacts. Clearly nothing to see here....just all bad luck.

3 investigations lead by Republicans doesnt mean anything, right?


At some point, need to back up allegations with actual facts. We've had 10 months of allegations. What we're missing now is any proof that Trump colluded with Russia to hack our elections! I don't care if you have 30 investigations into this...there comes a time when you need to show that Trump did what you've accused him of doing! That time has come and gone.
Can we move the fuck on now? Russia clearly tried to interfere. Trump clearly had nothing to do with it.
I know it's a hard pill for you moonbats to swallow but the bitch lost, Trump won. Those are the undisputed facts.

Time to work for the betterment of your country for a change, rather than your party's ego.


They finished the investigation?
Clearly Trump had nothing to do with it, it's just a big ol coinky dink that everyone around him had contacts with Russian spies, paid by Russian spies or the Kremlin and many had to recuse or resign because of those contacts. Clearly nothing to see here....just all bad luck.

3 investigations lead by Republicans doesnt mean anything, right?


At some point, need to back up allegations with actual facts. We've had 10 months of allegations. What we're missing now is any proof that Trump colluded with Russia to hack our elections! I don't care if you have 30 investigations into this...there comes a time when you need to show that Trump did what you've accused him of doing! That time has come and gone.

I know! The only thing that has happened is recusals, resignations and 3 investigations including a special prosecutor. Everyone knows all that equals nothing never happened *waves hand like a Jedi*
Can we move the fuck on now? Russia clearly tried to interfere. Trump clearly had nothing to do with it.
I know it's a hard pill for you moonbats to swallow but the bitch lost, Trump won. Those are the undisputed facts.

Time to work for the betterment of your country for a change, rather than your party's ego.


Things are just not that clear. We had 9 investigations of Benghazi. You probably were not complaining then.
Can we move the fuck on now? Russia clearly tried to interfere. Trump clearly had nothing to do with it.
I know it's a hard pill for you moonbats to swallow but the bitch lost, Trump won. Those are the undisputed facts.

Just that everyone in his administration had some meeting with a high ranking Russian official--which they lied about for some reason.
Except for Trump that is. Now...if you were going to be above board and do nothing wrong...wouldn't these officials want to talk to the head guy?

The investigation continues.

Love how the ex-con now talks about "working for the betterment of the country".

I too would like to just move on

Just as soon as I get a credible reason why so many key Trump aides were meeting with the Russians
Clearly Trump had nothing to do with it, it's just a big ol coinky dink that everyone around him had contacts with Russian spies, paid by Russian spies or the Kremlin and many had to recuse or resign because of those contacts. Clearly nothing to see here....just all bad luck.

3 investigations lead by Republicans doesnt mean anything, right?


At some point, need to back up allegations with actual facts. We've had 10 months of allegations. What we're missing now is any proof that Trump colluded with Russia to hack our elections! I don't care if you have 30 investigations into this...there comes a time when you need to show that Trump did what you've accused him of doing! That time has come and gone.

Trump has not been accused with colluding yet

What is being investigated is the meetings that key Trump aides had with the Russians at the time the emails were being released. Until those meetings have been thoroughly investigated we cannot determine whether illegal activity (which may include collusion) occurred
Can we move the fuck on now? Russia clearly tried to interfere. Trump clearly had nothing to do with it.
I know it's a hard pill for you moonbats to swallow but the bitch lost, Trump won. Those are the undisputed facts.

Just that everyone in his administration had some meeting with a high ranking Russian official--which they lied about for some reason.
Except for Trump that is. Now...if you were going to be above board and do nothing wrong...wouldn't these officials want to talk to the head guy?

The investigation continues.

Love how the ex-con now talks about "working for the betterment of the country".

I too would like to just move on

Just as soon as I get a credible reason why so many key Trump aides were meeting with the Russians

And why they all just happened to lie about it like a choreography in a Bollywood movie. Coincidence or covfefe?
Can we move the fuck on now? Russia clearly tried to interfere. Trump clearly had nothing to do with it.
I know it's a hard pill for you moonbats to swallow but the bitch lost, Trump won. Those are the undisputed facts.

Time to work for the betterment of your country for a change, rather than your party's ego.


The narrative exploded when trump bombed Syria. That didn't change anything. I doubt this will. Sadly
Keep hope alive republicans.
Score card...

Trump not under investigation... That lie is now gone

No evidence of Russian collusion. That lie is now gone.

Lynch Thrown under the bus and Clinton again in danger of criminal charges... Front and center.

Comey acting like a victim and a disgruntled, fired employee.. Front and center.. Credibility now gone..

Mueller announces that his investigation will be concluded in no more than three months...

No Obstruction of Justice charge is forthcoming...

This interview undid all of the democrat talking points and they are spinning like hell..

When did Mueller make that announcement?
Can we move the fuck on now? Russia clearly tried to interfere. Trump clearly had nothing to do with it.
I know it's a hard pill for you moonbats to swallow but the bitch lost, Trump won. Those are the undisputed facts.

Time to work for the betterment of your country for a change, rather than your party's ego.


They finished the investigation?
Technically no. But an investigation can be drug on forever. Since it is impossible to prove a negative such as Trump and his minions didn't collude with Russia, the inventigation has the potential to be drug out for a very long time. How much investigating is enough when no evidence of a crime (collusion) is found?
Clearly Trump had nothing to do with it, it's just a big ol coinky dink that everyone around him had contacts with Russian spies, paid by Russian spies or the Kremlin and many had to recuse or resign because of those contacts. Clearly nothing to see here....just all bad luck.

3 investigations lead by Republicans doesnt mean anything, right?


At some point, need to back up allegations with actual facts. We've had 10 months of allegations. What we're missing now is any proof that Trump colluded with Russia to hack our elections! I don't care if you have 30 investigations into this...there comes a time when you need to show that Trump did what you've accused him of doing! That time has come and gone.

I know! The only thing that has happened is recusals, resignations and 3 investigations including a special prosecutor. Everyone knows all that equals nothing never happened *waves hand like a Jedi* what DOES it equal? Show me some proof, CC! 3 investigations including a special prosecutor plus a main stream media that has been foaming at the mouth to find proof that this took place...we're ten months down the road from the start of this and there's still zero proof that Donald Trump had anything to do with the Russian attempts to influence our elections. Give me something...or admit that there never WAS anything there in the first place!
Can we move the fuck on now? Russia clearly tried to interfere. Trump clearly had nothing to do with it.
I know it's a hard pill for you moonbats to swallow but the bitch lost, Trump won. Those are the undisputed facts.

Time to work for the betterment of your country for a change, rather than your party's ego.


They finished the investigation?
Technically no. But an investigation can be drug on forever. Since it is impossible to prove a negative such as Trump and his minions didn't collude with Russia, the inventigation has the potential to be drug out for a very long time. How much investigating is enough when no evidence of a crime (collusion) is found?

I haven't seen details of the investigation to know what they have found. You have?

Btw, I don't think he colluded, but this is big enough it needs to be properly cleared.
Clearly Trump had nothing to do with it, it's just a big ol coinky dink that everyone around him had contacts with Russian spies, paid by Russian spies or the Kremlin and many had to recuse or resign because of those contacts. Clearly nothing to see here....just all bad luck.

3 investigations lead by Republicans doesnt mean anything, right?


At some point, need to back up allegations with actual facts. We've had 10 months of allegations. What we're missing now is any proof that Trump colluded with Russia to hack our elections! I don't care if you have 30 investigations into this...there comes a time when you need to show that Trump did what you've accused him of doing! That time has come and gone.

I know! The only thing that has happened is recusals, resignations and 3 investigations including a special prosecutor. Everyone knows all that equals nothing never happened *waves hand like a Jedi* what DOES it equal? Show me some proof, CC! 3 investigations including a special prosecutor plus a main stream media that has been foaming at the mouth to find proof that this took place...we're ten months down the road from the start of this and there's still zero proof that Donald Trump had anything to do with the Russian attempts to influence our elections. Give me something...or admit that there never WAS anything there in the first place!

People are resigning and recusing themselves for no reason? Seems right. Lol...what did Sessions recuse for? For nothing? Sounds good bro :2up:
Can we move the fuck on now? Russia clearly tried to interfere. Trump clearly had nothing to do with it.
I know it's a hard pill for you moonbats to swallow but the bitch lost, Trump won. Those are the undisputed facts.

Just that everyone in his administration had some meeting with a high ranking Russian official--which they lied about for some reason.
Except for Trump that is. Now...if you were going to be above board and do nothing wrong...wouldn't these officials want to talk to the head guy?

The investigation continues.

Love how the ex-con now talks about "working for the betterment of the country".

You should investigate that. May I recommend holding a hearing in the house? We can schedule all the senate bills for that day. This way while you guys are distracted looking even more foolish we can get more work done unopposed
can we just call it a day and move on? even when the investigation shuts down, we will never hear the end of it on those three lying networks.
Playbook: “Forget what the White House thinks of yesterday’s testimony. We spent the day in the Capitol, talking to Republican members of Congress — the ones that have to vote on President Donald Trump’s agenda — and they were absolutely shocked at how poorly yesterday went for the president. Publicly they say that the president is a political neophyte who is still learning the presidency. But privately, they said James Comey was extraordinarily convincing and Trump’s team absolutely botched their response. They’re all afraid of more shoes dropping.”

Funny the lack of quotes and names
Can we move the fuck on now? Russia clearly tried to interfere. Trump clearly had nothing to do with it.
I know it's a hard pill for you moonbats to swallow but the bitch lost, Trump won. Those are the undisputed facts.

Time to work for the betterment of your country for a change, rather than your party's ego.


We can 'move on' when obstruction of justice is off the table.

Well when you get it on the table let us know.

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