The Trump/Russia narrative has imploded.

Can we move the fuck on now? Russia clearly tried to interfere. Trump clearly had nothing to do with it.
I know it's a hard pill for you moonbats to swallow but the bitch lost, Trump won. Those are the undisputed facts.

Time to work for the betterment of your country for a change, rather than your party's ego.

How do you know he had nothing to do with it?
So so many of his staff that Trump picked had ties to Russia but not the guy at the top?
Kinda like the Chris Christie defense.
Worked for him. Won't work for Trump.
Can we move the fuck on now? Russia clearly tried to interfere. Trump clearly had nothing to do with it.
I know it's a hard pill for you moonbats to swallow but the bitch lost, Trump won. Those are the undisputed facts.

Time to work for the betterment of your country for a change, rather than your party's ego.


Felonious, why do you make up such hyperbolic bullshit that even you must know isn't true? Are you that desperate for attention?
Says the copy and paste MSNBC sockpuppet attention whore.
Can we move the fuck on now? Russia clearly tried to interfere. Trump clearly had nothing to do with it.
I know it's a hard pill for you moonbats to swallow but the bitch lost, Trump won. Those are the undisputed facts.

Time to work for the betterment of your country for a change, rather than your party's ego.

How do you know he had nothing to do with it?
So so many of his staff that Trump picked had ties to Russia but not the guy at the top?
Kinda like the Chris Christie defense.
Worked for him. Won't work for Trump.
Trump has fewer ties to Russia than Clinton so go hump that dildo somewhere else faggot.
Here is another fact.
Comey's first meeting with The President Comey asked Everyone to leave the room so he could speak with The President Alone.
And now The White House is filing criminal complaints with The DOJ and Senate Judiciary Committee against him.
Here is another fact.
Comey's first meeting with The President Comey asked Everyone to leave the room so he could speak with The President Alone.
Funny Comey set a precedent... I wonder why it was all right for him but not all right for Trump to do the same.. Isn't hypocrisy grand?
Can we move the fuck on now? Russia clearly tried to interfere. Trump clearly had nothing to do with it.
I know it's a hard pill for you moonbats to swallow but the bitch lost, Trump won. Those are the undisputed facts.

Time to work for the betterment of your country for a change, rather than your party's ego.


You got that right. The hearing started out:

A). Not about party politics.

B). To get to the heart of Russian cyber attacks.

Then I sat there for an hour and a half and listened to party spin, party conclusions before the facts, and talking points and defense of Comey instead of the hard questions by the democrats. Then I sat there and watched as it became all about HE SAID SHE SAID, Comey vs. Trump. I didn't hear hardly anything about Russia. It was a Trump and pony show. And now the Dems are saying lots of new questions are raised and lots of more questions need asked. I just wonder:

WHEN THE FUCK ARE ANY OF THESE MF'ers EVERY GOING TO GET AROUND TO RUNNING THE COUNTY? Fixing healthcare? Changing the tax code? Building the damned wall? Pretty soon they will be off again on summer recess cruising around in their yachts. The Congress will have spent the WHOLE YEAR jacking off to some bullshit allegation that somehow, Trump was working with the Russians to throw the election. NO EVIDENCE! YOU DON'T START AN INVESTIGATION to find evidence to fit an allegation, you start an investigation BECAUSE THE EVIDENCE IS THERE DEMANDING IT!

Then there is the Mueller Special Investigator. WHAT THE FUCK IS HE INVESTIGATING? Whether Trump picks his bellybutton lint?

Meantime there is Clinton, there is Lynch, there is Obama, there is Adebin,--------------------- there ain't enough investigators out there to investigate them all! It will take half of Washington DC investigating the other half! I am so sick and tired of this chicken shit. When will these people work for the people. The only thing worse than the Democrats are the GOP who constantly get caught up and tripped up in this shit. If this ends up being one bullshit allegation after another, one claim of impropriety after another, one hokey news bulletin after another, one smear campaign covert news leak after another, one smarmy arrogant jackass late night comedian after another for the next four years, I might have to break my TV, renounce my citizenship and move to Canada were absolutely nothing exciting ever happens at all!
Can we move the fuck on now? Russia clearly tried to interfere. Trump clearly had nothing to do with it.
I know it's a hard pill for you moonbats to swallow but the bitch lost, Trump won. Those are the undisputed facts.

Just that everyone in his administration had some meeting with a high ranking Russian official--which they lied about for some reason.
Except for Trump that is. Now...if you were going to be above board and do nothing wrong...wouldn't these officials want to talk to the head guy?

The investigation continues.

Love how the ex-con now talks about "working for the betterment of the country".
As far as soothing the butthurtness with Preparation H, it says start by using a pea-sized amount, and apply the product thinly and evenly over the affected area. If you find that a pea-sized amount is not enough, you can use a little more. However, try to use the smallest amount needed to evenly cover the affected area. :p
As far as soothing the butthurtness with Preparation H, it says start by using a pea-sized amount, and apply the product thinly and evenly over the affected area. If you find that a pea-sized amount is not enough, you can use a little more. However, try to use the smallest amount needed to evenly cover the affected area. :p

These hearings are going to last a long time. You better go ahead and get yourself a case.
can we just call it a day and move on? even when the investigation shuts down, we will never hear the end of it on those three lying networks.
can we just call it a day and move on? even when the investigation shuts down, we will never hear the end of it on those three lying networks.
Playbook: “Forget what the White House thinks of yesterday’s testimony. We spent the day in the Capitol, talking to Republican members of Congress — the ones that have to vote on President Donald Trump’s agenda — and they were absolutely shocked at how poorly yesterday went for the president. Publicly they say that the president is a political neophyte who is still learning the presidency. But privately, they said James Comey was extraordinarily convincing and Trump’s team absolutely botched their response. They’re all afraid of more shoes dropping.”
Can we move the fuck on now? Russia clearly tried to interfere. Trump clearly had nothing to do with it.
I know it's a hard pill for you moonbats to swallow but the bitch lost, Trump won. Those are the undisputed facts.

Time to work for the betterment of your country for a change, rather than your party's ego.


We can 'move on' when obstruction of justice is off the table.
Can we move the fuck on now? Russia clearly tried to interfere. Trump clearly had nothing to do with it.
I know it's a hard pill for you moonbats to swallow but the bitch lost, Trump won. Those are the undisputed facts.

Time to work for the betterment of your country for a change, rather than your party's ego.


We can 'move on' when obstruction of justice is off the table.
It's off the table into rover's dinner dish. Eat up if you like, but the standard of obstruction of justice will not be met.
Can we move the fuck on now? Russia clearly tried to interfere. Trump clearly had nothing to do with it.
I know it's a hard pill for you moonbats to swallow but the bitch lost, Trump won. Those are the undisputed facts.

Time to work for the betterment of your country for a change, rather than your party's ego.

How do you know he had nothing to do with it?
So so many of his staff that Trump picked had ties to Russia but not the guy at the top?
Kinda like the Chris Christie defense.
Worked for him. Won't work for Trump.
Comey himself testified that he told President Trump that he, President Trump was NOT under any investigation.
You better try to come up with another false narrative. How about "President Trump" has secret meetings with the 'International Beet Soup' makers of America!!!!!!!
Fucking LOSER!!!!!

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