The Trump Sounds

Mrs. M.

Man Feed Guest Writer
Nov 2, 2015

Donald Trump has lifted up his voice like a trump (trumpet) to sound the alarm that America is about to go down. While televangelist "false shepherds" are out shopping for their next Bentley, private jet, or multi-million dollar mansion which the blind sheep were fleeced for, God is lifting up the sound of a trump in America and in this case, it's Donald Trump's voice.

The Church is comfortably asleep in the midst of a deadly storm. The Church is like Jonah who didn't wake up until the unbelieving Shipmaster of the boat went to him and said, What meanest thou, O sleeper? arise, call upon thy God, if so be that God will think upon us, that we perish not.

Though the men in the boat didn't know God, they knew who did and had it not been for their shipmaster who woke up the "sleeper," and commanded him to call upon his God, everyone aboard would have perished in that storm.

Clearly Donald Trump isn't Jonah nor is he a televangelist. He sees the storm, he's wide awake and he is lifting up his voice like a trumpet to wake up those who are able to do something about this storm that is threatening our lives and the death of our nation.

Who are those who are able to do something about it? The Americans who know God and know His Word.

Donald Trump has won the vote of the evangelicals in America but without fasting, repentance and prayer our nation is still facing the same destruction Nineveh faced thousands of years ago.

The situation of Nineveh at the time of their judgment was not as dire as America's situation is today. There has been no call from America's President to fast and pray for the country. He is counting on keeping everyone distracted while the ship goes down. He hates America as much as Hillary Clinton does. During the Final 2016 White House Correspondent's Dinner Speech, Obama stated, "The end of the Republic has never looked better."

You can’t say it, but you know it is true.

Good evening everybody. It is an honor to be here at my last, and perhaps the last White House correspondents’ dinner. You all look great. The end of the Republic has never looked better.

The complete transcript of President Obama’s 2016 White House correspondents’ dinner speech

Counting on President Barack Obama to call for fasting, repentance and prayer to God for mercy is like counting on Joel Osteen, Rick Warren or Kenneth Copeland to call America to fast, repent and pray. The Word of God is clear, God does not hear the prayers of the wicked! Hirelings do not save the sheep when the wolf comes. They have no heart for the sheep and will stand by and watch them get devoured in order to save their own bank accounts and luxurious lifestyles. Anyone waiting on Hedonists to tell them the truth will find it to be the ultimate act of futility and foolishness.

Like the cry of the unbelieving, perishing men and their shipmaster who told Jonah to wake up, this Trump is sounding to the church who has laid her head in the lap of this world and is fast asleep. Like Samson, they will find that by the time they wake up, it will be too late. They will find themselves without power, without strength, and being led away into captivity by Baal worshipers who paid "Delilah" for a job well done. They are foolish virgins without oil. Shut out because they refused listen to the wise virgins who warned them to be ready.

Donald Trump can not make America great again without God's blessing upon this nation. He can sound the trump and remind Americans that a woman who supports the murder of a baby fully formed in its mothers womb and about to be born is supporting cold blooded murder. He can remind Americans that a woman who has broken laws and escaped justice repeatedly should not be allowed to run for the office of president. He can even point out that if Hillary Clinton wins America will become like Venezuela, a nation that is starving to death and is being crushed under the iron fist of a socialist. Indeed he has done this because the people who should have been doing it are too busy finding excuses not to do it!

The irony of a secular billionaire business man trying his best to sound the alarm to those who once knew the Lord but have chosen the love of this world and it's pleasures is surreal to say the least. Adding to this irony is that some of them will actually vote for Hillary Clinton knowing full well that the judgment of God is going to fall upon them for doing so. These are a type of those the King said were invited but not worthy to come to His Son's Wedding Banquet. See Matthew 22 for the full account of how God sees the disobedience of those who were called but ultimately - not chosen.

So now the call goes out to the highways and byways:

As November 8th closes in and the votes are tallied America is either headed down to her grave or down on her knees to ask Jesus Christ for mercy on our nation which has gone astray from God and from His Commandments. God can override the outcome of a rigged election and the George Soros-linked Smartmatic voting machines which are being used in US voting poll locations - the same machines that led to a fixed election in the 2004 Venezuela Vote. George Soros and his extremist Communist Comrades may be shrewd but they are no match for God and His Wisdom.

God's arm is not too short to save this nation. The trouble is that He must have a people who are asking for mercy and are willing to meet Him on His terms for granting it.

There are some people in this country who have been blinded by the satanic agenda that seeks to destroy this nation in order to bring about a New World Order. It is a conspiracy of the highest order and it isn't a myth as some would prefer to believe. It's a reality. There was a time when anyone using the term "New World Order" was considered mad. Today we see World leaders speaking of an "international community" and the meaning is no different than it was then. It's the same agenda under a different name.

There are two choices in this race. A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for a godless Communist who will turn America into a 3rd World country like Venezuela has become, a woman who will enforce laws which will ultimately lead to Christians being arrested and imprisoned, starvation, poverty, an end of our sovereignty as a nation, ensuring that 1st and 2nd Amendment rights go the way of Europe (under America's Merkel) with millions of unvetted refugees from restricted Islamic nations (which "Internationalists" - another term for Globalists - have destroyed) flooding America's shores unleashing Islamic terrorism which will become a reality in our own land on a scale unprecedented in the history of our nation.

A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for a second chance to get it right. Trump chose a Christian Vice President that will provide wise council and help to give him direction in how to guide us out of the dangerous waters godless men have led us into and avoid the fate of Venezuelans. It is an opportunity to exit the Globalist cage that Britain has escaped through Brexit. It is an opportunity to see the Hand of God move once more and buy some time before the night falls and time runs out.

You may not be a Christian. You may not believe in God at all. Yet you can see that America is about to go over the cliff and if Hillary Clinton becomes president there will be no turning back. You may know Christians who are not praying but should be. Tell them to pray! Our only hope is that Americans will unite and elect Donald Trump as the next president and that we will return to God which is to turn from and repent of our former ways - our sin.

I believe in the mercy of God. I believe God is a God of second chances and that it isn't His will to see our nation fall, our children starve - ultimately leading to American cities being destroyed (by Russian Nuclear Fire). I believe God hears the prayers of His people and that if the American people will humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways, get on their knees and cry out to God for mercy, He will hear from heaven.

Not for our sake but for His Own Name's Sake. It is time to call an Assembly, fast, pray and cry out to God as never before, asking in the name of His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to turn back the enemy before it is too late.

God always makes a way of escape for those who are willing to listen and obey. Even when it looks like there is no way out, God can make a way. Listening alone will not do it. We must be willing to listen and obey. We must be willing to vote and then pray that God will destroy the plans of the wicked before they destroy us as a nation. Otherwise, the Watchman labors in vain.

The Trump sounds.

Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he seeth. - Isaiah 21:6

Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.
Psalm 127:1

Bible Gateway passage: Jonah 1:1-9 - King James Version
Ephesians 5:14 KJV: Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
Romans 13:11 KJV: And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
Could Trump Pull A Brexit-Style Surprise In November?
The man who led the Brexit movement suggests a Trump election victory could be America's Brexit
Venezuela: An Election That Reeks Of Fraud
The System Is Rigged in Venezuela
Soros-Linked Voting Machines Cause Concern Over Rigged Election | Zero Hedge
Concern Grows Over Soros-Linked Voting Machines
Fox is covering the Soros Smartmatic voting machines fraud in Venezuela. In 2006, The New York Times also covered Smartmatic suspected fraud. • /r/The_Donald
Smartmatic admits using unofficial servers - The Manila Times Online
Children Are Starving To Death In Socialist Venezuela
Socialism works SO WELL, starving Venezuelans are EATING ZOO ANIMALS to survive... - The Right Scoop
Trump: 'We’re gonna end up being Venezuela’ if Hillary Clinton wins - The Washington Post
Trump: If Hillary wins, 'we will be a large-scale version of Venezuela'
Trump: The U.S. Will Become ‘Another Venezuela’ if Clinton Wins in November
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So God now listens to those that have accumulated vast amounts of wealth? Hmmm, that's a new one.......
Humanity really began to go off the rails with this notion of a male dominator god.
The trump is sounding the defeat of Trump.
Trump's defeat is your defeat.
America is the last great bastion of freedom. A shining city on a hill.
Once that light goes out, the darkness that will descend upon this world will be like nothing you could imagine. You had better pray that Trump wins because there isn't anywhere else to go. This is it. The last stand.
Trump would snuff out the light of the city on the hill.

This is no last stand except in the heads of the delusional.

But: you sing a good jeremiad.
Donald Trump has lifted up his voice like a trump (trumpet) to sound the alarm that America is about to go down. While televangelist "false shepherds" are out shopping for their next Bentley, private jet, or multi-million dollar mansion which the blind sheep were fleeced for, God is lifting up the sound of a trump in America and in this case, it's Donald Trump's voice.

It is astounding that you would portray Trump as a servant of God. The Pope doesn't even consider him a Christian.

Pope Francis said:
"A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian," Francis told reporters in response to a specific question about the presidential candidate, according to Reuters' account. "This is not in the gospel."
Donald Trump has lifted up his voice like a trump (trumpet) to sound the alarm that America is about to go down. While televangelist "false shepherds" are out shopping for their next Bentley, private jet, or multi-million dollar mansion which the blind sheep were fleeced for, God is lifting up the sound of a trump in America and in this case, it's Donald Trump's voice.

It is astounding that you would portray Trump as a servant of God. The Pope doesn't even consider him a Christian.

Pope Francis said:
"A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian," Francis told reporters in response to a specific question about the presidential candidate, according to Reuters' account. "This is not in the gospel."
The Pope isn't a Christian. He's a communist and a political opportunist - not necessarily in that order. Most Catholics are not too impressed with Jorge Bergoglio and with good reason. He should be working on his own soul and leave Donald Trump alone. After all the prayer Donald Trump has received, you can be sure he is thinking about God a great deal now.

As for the Op-ed, if you decide to read it (all of it) you'll find that I didn't compare Trump to Jonah (who was the messenger of God) but rather to the shipmaster who had enough sense to know there was a God even if he didn't know him personally. His own fear of God and his courage to wake Jonah up led to he and his crew being spared in that storm.

As news travels fast by word of mouth it would not surprise me to learn that the shipmaster and his crew heard what happened in Nineveh, repented and believed on God even as Nineveh did after having come so close to death. Even if they didn't hear about it, they still saw God calm the sea after Jonah was cast into it, which surely made believers out of them. After all, their own false gods could do nothing to save them. There is only One God that has the power to calm the sea and His Name is Jesus Christ.

On the subject of Donald Trump:

Keep in mind we're not electing a Pastor on November 8th. We're electing the best candidate for president and that person is Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton is a war criminal who supports gay marriage, abortion and a no fly zone over Syria and your Pope believes that erecting a wall between Mexico and America is the greatest character flaw of any candidate in the 2016 election? That ought to tell you something about him. Wake up.
Donald Trump has lifted up his voice like a trump (trumpet) to sound the alarm that America is about to go down. While televangelist "false shepherds" are out shopping for their next Bentley, private jet, or multi-million dollar mansion which the blind sheep were fleeced for, God is lifting up the sound of a trump in America and in this case, it's Donald Trump's voice.

It is astounding that you would portray Trump as a servant of God. The Pope doesn't even consider him a Christian.

Pope Francis said:
"A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian," Francis told reporters in response to a specific question about the presidential candidate, according to Reuters' account. "This is not in the gospel."
The Pope isn't a Christian. He's a communist and a political opportunist - not necessarily in that order. Most Catholics are not too impressed with Jorge Bergoglio and with good reason. He should be working on his own soul and leave Donald Trump alone. After all the prayer Donald Trump has received, you can be sure he is thinking about God a great deal now.

As for the Op-ed, if you decide to read it (all of it) you'll find that I didn't compare Trump to Jonah (who was the messenger of God) but rather to the shipmaster who had enough sense to know there was a God even if he didn't know him personally. His own fear of God and his courage to wake Jonah up led to he and his crew being spared in that storm.

As news travels fast by word of mouth it would not surprise me to learn that the shipmaster and his crew heard what happened in Nineveh, repented and believed on God even as Nineveh did after having come so close to death. Even if they didn't hear about it, they still saw God calm the sea after Jonah was cast into it, which surely made believers out of them. After all, their own false gods could do nothing to save them. There is only One God that has the power to calm the sea and His Name is Jesus Christ.

On the subject of Donald Trump:

Keep in mind we're not electing a Pastor on November 8th. We're electing the best candidate for president and that person is Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton is a war criminal who supports gay marriage, abortion and a no fly zone over Syria and your Pope believes that erecting a wall between Mexico and America is the greatest character flaw of any candidate in the 2016 election? That ought to tell you something about him. Wake up.
Would you wash the feet of a poor beggar on the street who professed Christianity? This Pope would. Pope Francis has forsaken ostentation and walks in the shadow of Jesus Christ. Reflecting on the life of Jesus in adulthood and comparing it to that of the Pope during his tenure, I see a correlation.What man , especially a White man, would do what you see here in public for all the world to see? Certainly not a man full of evil vanity and unholy arrogance. Jesus would do what the Pope did.


Pope Francis Washes, Kisses Feet of Muslim Refugees on Easter, Says All People Are 'Children of Same God'

Would a communist be as humble as the Pope was when he washed and kissed the feet of a muslim refugee? I reject your charge of communism against the Pope even though am not a Catholic. The principles taught by Jesus do, in some instances, resemble the tenets associated with communism. Remember, Jesus came first. The Pope has convinced me of his sincerity and of his authenticity as a true Christian. Trump has not.

On Hillary:

Your list of complains against Hillary aren't resonating with the masses. For one thing there is a distinction between being pro choice and supporting abortion. Like Hillary I don't support abortion but I don't want to keep others from making that choice if they want it. That choice should be a matter of reconciliation between a woman and her god. Apparently a great portion of the US population thinks that way too.

Donald Trump has lifted up his voice like a trump (trumpet) to sound the alarm that America is about to go down. While televangelist "false shepherds" are out shopping for their next Bentley, private jet, or multi-million dollar mansion which the blind sheep were fleeced for, God is lifting up the sound of a trump in America and in this case, it's Donald Trump's voice.

The Church is comfortably asleep in the midst of a deadly storm. The Church is like Jonah who didn't wake up until the unbelieving Shipmaster of the boat went to him and said, What meanest thou, O sleeper? arise, call upon thy God, if so be that God will think upon us, that we perish not.

Though the men in the boat didn't know God, they knew who did and had it not been for their shipmaster who woke up the "sleeper," and commanded him to call upon his God, everyone aboard would have perished in that storm.

Clearly Donald Trump isn't Jonah nor is he a televangelist. He sees the storm, he's wide awake and he is lifting up his voice like a trumpet to wake up those who are able to do something about this storm that is threatening our lives and the death of our nation.

Who are those who are able to do something about it? The Americans who know God and know His Word.

Donald Trump has won the vote of the evangelicals in America but without fasting, repentance and prayer our nation is still facing the same destruction Nineveh faced thousands of years ago.

The situation of Nineveh at the time of their judgment was not as dire as America's situation is today. There has been no call from America's President to fast and pray for the country. He is counting on keeping everyone distracted while the ship goes down. He hates America as much as Hillary Clinton does. During the Final 2016 White House Correspondent's Dinner Speech, Obama stated, "The end of the Republic has never looked better."

You can’t say it, but you know it is true.

Good evening everybody. It is an honor to be here at my last, and perhaps the last White House correspondents’ dinner. You all look great. The end of the Republic has never looked better.

The complete transcript of President Obama’s 2016 White House correspondents’ dinner speech

Counting on President Barack Obama to call for fasting, repentance and prayer to God for mercy is like counting on Joel Osteen, Rick Warren or Kenneth Copeland to call America to fast, repent and pray. The Word of God is clear, God does not hear the prayers of the wicked! Hirelings do not save the sheep when the wolf comes. They have no heart for the sheep and will stand by and watch them get devoured in order to save their own bank accounts and luxurious lifestyles. Anyone waiting on Hedonists to tell them the truth will find it to be the ultimate act of futility and foolishness.

Like the cry of the unbelieving, perishing men and their shipmaster who told Jonah to wake up, this Trump is sounding to the church who has laid her head in the lap of this world and is fast asleep. Like Samson, they will find that by the time they wake up, it will be too late. They will find themselves without power, without strength, and being led away into captivity by Baal worshipers who paid "Delilah" for a job well done. They are foolish virgins without oil. Shut out because they refused listen to the wise virgins who warned them to be ready.

Donald Trump can not make America great again without God's blessing upon this nation. He can sound the trump and remind Americans that a woman who supports the murder of a baby fully formed in its mothers womb and about to be born is supporting cold blooded murder. He can remind Americans that a woman who has broken laws and escaped justice repeatedly should not be allowed to run for the office of president. He can even point out that if Hillary Clinton wins America will become like Venezuela, a nation that is starving to death and is being crushed under the iron fist of a socialist. Indeed he has done this because the people who should have been doing it are too busy finding excuses not to do it!

The irony of a secular billionaire business man trying his best to sound the alarm to those who once knew the Lord but have chosen the love of this world and it's pleasures is surreal to say the least. Adding to this irony is that some of them will actually vote for Hillary Clinton knowing full well that the judgment of God is going to fall upon them for doing so. These are a type of those the King said were invited but not worthy to come to His Son's Wedding Banquet. See Matthew 22 for the full account of how God sees the disobedience of those who were called but ultimately - not chosen.

So now the call goes out to the highways and byways:

As November 8th closes in and the votes are tallied America is either headed down to her grave or down on her knees to ask Jesus Christ for mercy on our nation which has gone astray from God and from His Commandments. God can override the outcome of a rigged election and the George Soros-linked Smartmatic voting machines which are being used in US voting poll locations - the same machines that led to a fixed election in the 2004 Venezuela Vote. George Soros and his extremist Communist Comrades may be shrewd but they are no match for God and His Wisdom.

God's arm is not too short to save this nation. The trouble is that He must have a people who are asking for mercy and are willing to meet Him on His terms for granting it.

There are some people in this country who have been blinded by the satanic agenda that seeks to destroy this nation in order to bring about a New World Order. It is a conspiracy of the highest order and it isn't a myth as some would prefer to believe. It's a reality. There was a time when anyone using the term "New World Order" was considered mad. Today we see World leaders speaking of an "international community" and the meaning is no different than it was then. It's the same agenda under a different name.

There are two choices in this race. A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for a godless Communist who will turn America into a 3rd World country like Venezuela has become, a woman who will enforce laws which will ultimately lead to Christians being arrested and imprisoned, starvation, poverty, an end of our sovereignty as a nation, ensuring that 1st and 2nd Amendment rights go the way of Europe (under America's Merkel) with millions of unvetted refugees from restricted Islamic nations (which "Internationalists" - another term for Globalists - have destroyed) flooding America's shores unleashing Islamic terrorism which will become a reality in our own land on a scale unprecedented in the history of our nation.

A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for a second chance to get it right. Trump chose a Christian Vice President that will provide wise council and help to give him direction in how to guide us out of the dangerous waters godless men have led us into and avoid the fate of Venezuelans. It is an opportunity to exit the Globalist cage that Britain has escaped through Brexit. It is an opportunity to see the Hand of God move once more and buy some time before the night falls and time runs out.

You may not be a Christian. You may not believe in God at all. Yet you can see that America is about to go over the cliff and if Hillary Clinton becomes president there will be no turning back. You may know Christians who are not praying but should be. Tell them to pray! Our only hope is that Americans will unite and elect Donald Trump as the next president and that we will return to God which is to turn from and repent of our former ways - our sin.

I believe in the mercy of God. I believe God is a God of second chances and that it isn't His will to see our nation fall, our children starve - ultimately leading to American cities being destroyed (by Russian Nuclear Fire). I believe God hears the prayers of His people and that if the American people will humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways, get on their knees and cry out to God for mercy, He will hear from heaven.

Not for our sake but for His Own Name's Sake. It is time to call an Assembly, fast, pray and cry out to God as never before, asking in the name of His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to turn back the enemy before it is too late.

God always makes a way of escape for those who are willing to listen and obey. Even when it looks like there is no way out, God can make a way. Listening alone will not do it. We must be willing to listen and obey. We must be willing to vote and then pray that God will destroy the plans of the wicked before they destroy us as a nation. Otherwise, the Watchman labors in vain.

The Trump sounds.

Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he seeth. - Isaiah 21:6

Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.
Psalm 127:1

Bible Gateway passage: Jonah 1:1-9 - King James Version
Ephesians 5:14 KJV: Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
Romans 13:11 KJV: And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
Could Trump Pull A Brexit-Style Surprise In November?
The man who led the Brexit movement suggests a Trump election victory could be America's Brexit
Venezuela: An Election That Reeks Of Fraud
The System Is Rigged in Venezuela
Soros-Linked Voting Machines Cause Concern Over Rigged Election | Zero Hedge
Concern Grows Over Soros-Linked Voting Machines
Fox is covering the Soros Smartmatic voting machines fraud in Venezuela. In 2006, The New York Times also covered Smartmatic suspected fraud. • /r/The_Donald
Smartmatic admits using unofficial servers - The Manila Times Online
Children Are Starving To Death In Socialist Venezuela
Socialism works SO WELL, starving Venezuelans are EATING ZOO ANIMALS to survive... - The Right Scoop
Trump: 'We’re gonna end up being Venezuela’ if Hillary Clinton wins - The Washington Post
Trump: If Hillary wins, 'we will be a large-scale version of Venezuela'
Trump: The U.S. Will Become ‘Another Venezuela’ if Clinton Wins in November

By the way, good job on depicting Christians like a Bible-based version of ISIS.

I do not appreciate it.
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