The truth about far right hacks in office

At least he was a senator, what were Bachmann, Rand Paul, Allen West before taking office in the way of political experience? Dumbass.[/QUOTE

Have you ever heard the saying "better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt", you would be well served to heed those words. Allen West was a U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel, battalion command in Iraq. I served with him and there is no finer American. He does not mince words, and is extremely intelligent and is a man of principle. To bad I can't say that about the rest of our nations "leaders" in D.C. They know nothing about leadership.

I honor his service, I honor that he got intelligence he needed knowing he would have to retire it, but outside of the Army he is a fucking loon, thinking fellow congress critters are communists. Barking mad is the LTC West retired.

I honor that he got intelligence he needed knowing he would have to retire it Wow, wish I could say the same for you. By the way, he never called them communist, he called them what they are, socialists.
Good to know OL'Fail&Go thinks Barry had all kinds of experience.

I mean really. A community organizer/part time Senator/Law professor??

Who the fuck does he think he's kidding??
Good lord..

The self importance of the left..

Don't they realize that the Founders didn't want professional politicians?

They wanted people to serve a term or two then retire back to the population. That is why George Washington only served two terms in office and every President afterwards until that Socialist FDR was elected 4 terms.

Look at what "professional" politicians have gotten us into.. A more Socialist country where those in Government feel they can determine, by law, who is a Journalist, who has what "rights", what "rights" actually are.. They have all but destroyed this country and you want more of it.
Most of them have no experience in politics

I hear ya man, our problems are so bad we certainly need experienced political people in office right now, it's no time for newbies.

One problem, who got us into this mess???
I honor his service, I honor that he got intelligence he needed knowing he would have to retire it, but outside of the Army he is a fucking loon, thinking fellow congress critters are communists. Barking mad is the LTC West retired.

I honor that he got intelligence he needed knowing he would have to retire it Wow, wish I could say the same for you. By the way, he never called them communist, he called them what they are, socialists.

BTW, he most certainly did. Oh and he is a loon.......

“That’s a fair question. I believe there’s about 78 to 81 members of the Democratic Party that are members of the Communist Party,” West says in the video.

Read more: Allen West: 80 Communists in the House -

[ame=]SPOT THE LOONEY - YouTube[/ame]
I can do a damn thing about the lefties, but we can call out the reactionaries on the far right for their lies.

[ame=]Rep. Peter King: "We shutdown the government" - YouTube[/ame]
BTW, he most certainly did. Oh and he is a loon.......

“That’s a fair question. I believe there’s about 78 to 81 members of the Democratic Party that are members of the Communist Party,” West says in the video.

Read more: Allen West: 80 Communists in the House -
Well, he's close. Commie-Lite is more accurate.

DSA-Members: American Socialist Voter - Democratic Socialists of America - 10-1-09
Q: How many members of the U.S. Congress are alsomembers of the DSA?
A: Seventy​
List of the pinkos in the link.
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what was Obamas before he became a Senator?...

Constitutional lawyer, which is some what better a qualification Bachmann and those other dipshits.

Too bad he doesn't know shit about the Constitution, huh?

Apparently he did because the Supreme Court voted in his favor in upholding Obamacare, dipshit and rightwing loons know jackshit about the Constitution and cherrypick what they like and talk about repealing what the don't like.
what was Obamas before he became a Senator?...

Constitutional lawyer, which is some what better a qualification Bachmann and those other dipshits.

Too bad he doesn't know shit about the Constitution, huh?

And the Teabaggers do?

12 Examples of Stunning Hypocrisy from Tea Party Republicans In One Short Month | Alternet

BTW, where are all of those Constitutional citations for every bill they want to pass as they claimed they would? Still waiting.
Wow change right to left in your post and you could be describing Obama.

It is obvious that those of you on the far right are blind to what is happening. You are being used by Obama and the Dems. You think that Americans support the move to shut down the government or that they are blaming Obama. Obama is just sitting back and allowing it to continue because this has been a one player game of Russian Roulette and you guys are running out of blank chambers.

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