The truth about far right hacks in office

Constitutional lawyer, which is some what better a qualification Bachmann and those other dipshits.

Too bad he doesn't know shit about the Constitution, huh?

Apparently he did because the Supreme Court voted in his favor in upholding Obamacare, dipshit and rightwing loons know jackshit about the Constitution and cherrypick what they like and talk about repealing what the don't like.

I guess you slept through all that, huh?

Obama: ACA is not a tax.

SCOTUS: Yes, it is.

Obama: Ummmm...okay.
Constitutional lawyer, which is some what better a qualification Bachmann and those other dipshits.

Too bad he doesn't know shit about the Constitution, huh?

And the Teabaggers do?

12 Examples of Stunning Hypocrisy from Tea Party Republicans In One Short Month | Alternet

BTW, where are all of those Constitutional citations for every bill they want to pass as they claimed they would? Still waiting.
Shall we discuss all the things Obama said he'd do but never did?
Too bad he doesn't know shit about the Constitution, huh?

Apparently he did because the Supreme Court voted in his favor in upholding Obamacare, dipshit and rightwing loons know jackshit about the Constitution and cherrypick what they like and talk about repealing what the don't like.

I guess you slept through all that, huh?

Obama: ACA is not a tax.

SCOTUS: Yes, it is.

Obama: Ummmm...okay.

You dipshits made the initial push to have it overturned citing that it was unconstitutional, that's how it ended up in the SCOTUS anyways. All of that talk about classes on the Constitution and guess what, you all still don't know shit.
BTW, he most certainly did. Oh and he is a loon.......

“That’s a fair question. I believe there’s about 78 to 81 members of the Democratic Party that are members of the Communist Party,” West says in the video.

Read more: Allen West: 80 Communists in the House -
Well, he's close. Commie-Lite is more accurate.

DSA-Members: American Socialist Voter - Democratic Socialists of America - 10-1-09
Q: How many members of the U.S. Congress are alsomembers of the DSA?
A: Seventy​
List of the pinkos in the link.

Thanks for confirming that West was caught in a lie.
Constitutional lawyer, which is some what better a qualification Bachmann and those other dipshits.

Too bad he doesn't know shit about the Constitution, huh?

Apparently he did because the Supreme Court voted in his favor in upholding Obamacare, dipshit and rightwing loons know jackshit about the Constitution and cherrypick what they like and talk about repealing what the don't like.

Are you really so dumb as to use OBAMACARE as your example. Obama, "it's not a tax, its a choice." SC, " it's a tax!" too bad you don't know shit about the constitution!!
Apparently he did because the Supreme Court voted in his favor in upholding Obamacare, dipshit and rightwing loons know jackshit about the Constitution and cherrypick what they like and talk about repealing what the don't like.

I guess you slept through all that, huh?

Obama: ACA is not a tax.

SCOTUS: Yes, it is.

Obama: Ummmm...okay.

You dipshits made the initial push to have it overturned citing that it was unconstitutional, that's how it ended up in the SCOTUS anyways. All of that talk about classes on the Constitution and guess what, you all still don't know shit.
Yeah, yeah, we get it. Obama can do no wrong. Everything Dear Reader does is good and righteous and holy.

Now go light a candle on your Obama altar, sheep.
BTW, he most certainly did. Oh and he is a loon.......

“That’s a fair question. I believe there’s about 78 to 81 members of the Democratic Party that are members of the Communist Party,” West says in the video.

Read more: Allen West: 80 Communists in the House -
Well, he's close. Commie-Lite is more accurate.

DSA-Members: American Socialist Voter - Democratic Socialists of America - 10-1-09
Q: How many members of the U.S. Congress are alsomembers of the DSA?
A: Seventy​
List of the pinkos in the link.

Thanks for confirming that West was caught in a lie.
Really not that much difference between commies and socialists, Skippy.

But I notice you have nothing to say about all those Democrats who caucus with the pinkos.

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