The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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To me religion is a very personal thing. The way the church pushes it's members to prosthesis was a big issue for me. I did not feel comfortable with how often I was pushed to try and get neighbors to come to our church or to come to my home to be taught lessons by the missionaries. If someone is interested in becoming a member, I never had issue with answering questions, but I did not like the idea of going out and recruiting.

I think the final straw was the church's support of prop 8. To me for them to get that involved in something that the people of California had already approved was in poor taste, and overstepped their position in the community.

I held a number of positions within my ward and did enjoy those callings especially ward mission leader. I did hold a temple recommend for years and never had issues with what was done there, and I do miss my magic underwear. :)

To me religion is a very personal thing. The way the church pushes it's members to prosthesis was a big issue for me. I did not feel comfortable with how often I was pushed to try and get neighbors to come to our church or to come to my home to be taught lessons by the missionaries. If someone is interested in becoming a member, I never had issue with answering questions, but I did not like the idea of going out and recruiting.

I think the final straw was the church's support of prop 8. To me for them to get that involved in something that the people of California had already approved was in poor taste, and overstepped their position in the community.

I held a number of positions within my ward and did enjoy those callings especially ward mission leader. I did hold a temple recommend for years and never had issues with what was done there, and I do miss my magic underwear. :)


I always find it curious when people have been in deep with our church yet oppose some of it's strongest principles, like missionary work and standing for priniciples.

Were those the only two reasons you left the church?

Do you really feel right when discussing your garments so casually?

Do you believe the book of mormon?

Do you believe Joseph Smith was a prophet?

Do you still believe in Jesus?

What do you mean when you say you were pressured to bring recruits?

I've never ever had an individual come up to me and ask why I didn't bring more friends to church. If you felt pressured by leaders who spoke of the importance of spreading the gospel from the pulpit, then you must feel pressured by Jesus when he tells us "Go ye into all the world and share my gospel." He didn't say "Wait for all the world to come to you and ask about my gospel."

Plus I've never heard a sermon of any kind urging our members to get prosthetic limbs.

It is with respect that I ask these questions. Please don't feel that I'm attacking. Just trying to understand your point of view. Thank you.
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TSO, I feel that Truthspeaker, while meaning well within his narrow worldview, is being disingenuous. He is trying to guide you toward his goal of you either (1) returning to the church, or (2) finding a glaring, "evil" sin that the can lamblast you with.

Truth, I think TSO was honest and open, and I think you should accept it at, and leave it there.
double post So I will ask this here. Is Liability a member of your church? He is an active member? Does he go to the temple, and does he don special garments on a daily basis. Instead of TSO, I think you should be looking at and talking to Liability.
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Book of Mormon Man of the Day:


His exact age was unknown but clearly perished in the prime of his life. He was one of the chief generals of the Nephite nation in the early 1st century. He was loyal to Moroni, the commander of all the armies and was famous for being an elite warrior, leader and strategist.

He believed in Jesus and was a truly righteous man who loved freedom.

Fought in many battles and was most famous for the assasinations of two tyrants, Amalickiah and Ammoron his brother who took over for him. After throwing a javeline at Ammoron while he slept, the dying king woke his guards who tracked down Teancum before he could escape over the city walls and killed him.

He was a great motivation to the Nephite people and they mourned his death. Teancum was my personal favorite.
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TSO, I feel that Truthspeaker, while meaning well within his narrow worldview, is being disingenuous. He is trying to guide you toward his goal of you either (1) returning to the church, or (2) finding a glaring, "evil" sin that the can lamblast you with.

Truth, I think TSO was honest and open, and I think you should accept it at, and leave it there.

Jake, nobody asked you. Why do you care about our conversation. What is in it for me if he decides to come back to church? Do you really think that I have the power to change him? I don't. This is a discussion board. Why do people discuss things? To get information. I like knowledge. It might help me one day. You can learn something from everyone. I have no interest in uncovering some glaring sin. We all have those. That is the furthest thing from my mind. You don't have to be a sinner to leave the LDS church.
double post So I will ask this here. Is Liability a member of your church? He is an active member? Does he go to the temple, and does he don special garments on a daily basis. Instead of TSO, I think you should be looking at and talking to Liability.

If Liability is a member of our church, then I'm a Hindu.
I am very glad you said that, Truthspeaker, because many LDS, like folks from other faiths, do think that sin is the only real reason that some one would leave the "true faith". I apologize then for imputing the possibility of ulterior motives to you. But, because this is a public forum, I will participate if I wish.
I am very glad you said that, Truthspeaker, because many LDS, like folks from other faiths, do think that sin is the only real reason that some one would leave the "true faith". I apologize then for imputing the possibility of ulterior motives to you. But, because this is a public forum, I will participate if I wish.

No problem Jake. And I wasn't discouraging you from participating. I just thought you were speaking inappropriately. Please continue to chime in. And since you do think the Book of Mormon is interesting, I'd like to know who your favorite character is.
My favorite character? Probably King Benjamin. His advise in Mosiah 3 and 4 is applicable to today.
btw Jake's avatar is a stroke of genius for Schrute lovers everywhere!

Tomorrow I will do a plug for King Benjamin!
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I always find it curious when people have been in deep with our church yet oppose some of it's strongest principles, like missionary work and standing for priniciples.

Were those the only two reasons you left the church? God no, there were many others. I just don't really feel like listing them here.

Do you really feel right when discussing your garments so casually? To me the "sanctity" of the garments seemed a bit silly. I did find it odd that there was nothing in the discussions about garments, and I only really found out about them during my temple prep class. But don't worry, I cut them up properly before discarding of them.

Do you believe the book of mormon? Nope.

Do you believe Joseph Smith was a prophet? Nope.

Do you still believe in Jesus? That he existed, sure. That he was the son of God? No.

What do you mean when you say you were pressured to bring recruits? Not something I chose to discuss at this moment.

See my answers above in bold.

I have read it several times over the years, and I still think it is an unique literary adventure in American religious fiction.

I doubt you have ever sat down and read the book all the way through. I find it virtually impossible to believe you know how many authors the book claims to have and find it completely impossible to believe you prayed to know if the book was true. This is because I don't think you really believe in God.
If what you say is true and you have actually read the book several times then you obviously have been reading not to comprehend and or grow your faith, but to pick apart any flaws you think you can find.

I can't believe it either, that he would waste his time like that.
Truthspeaker: "If what you say is true and you have actually read the book several times then you obviously have been reading not to comprehend and or grow your faith, but to pick apart any flaws you think you can find."

Why would I do that, when I do not believe JS was a prophet, thus the BoM is not scripture. I read it because I think it the most unique piece of American religious literature, period." JS keeps not getting his due. If God revealed, then the guy is just the mope being used by Him; if not, then he is just a huckster. I don't judge at all: I look at the work.
I always find it curious when people have been in deep with our church yet oppose some of it's strongest principles, like missionary work and standing for priniciples.

Were those the only two reasons you left the church? God no, there were many others. I just don't really feel like listing them here.

Do you really feel right when discussing your garments so casually? To me the "sanctity" of the garments seemed a bit silly. I did find it odd that there was nothing in the discussions about garments, and I only really found out about them during my temple prep class. But don't worry, I cut them up properly before discarding of them.

Do you believe the book of mormon? Nope.

Do you believe Joseph Smith was a prophet? Nope.

Do you still believe in Jesus? That he existed, sure. That he was the son of God? No.

What do you mean when you say you were pressured to bring recruits? Not something I chose to discuss at this moment.

See my answers above in bold.


Man, well I guess it all boils down to the Jesus thing. It all starts there. Everything after Him being the son of God is an afterthought and isn't even worth discussing until you deal with that first.

Why don't you believe He was the Son of God?
No, Truthspeaker, you know better than to try to engage me that way. My own beliefs are my own.
I have read it several times over the years, and I still think it is an unique literary adventure in American religious fiction.

I doubt you have ever sat down and read the book all the way through. I find it virtually impossible to believe you know how many authors the book claims to have and find it completely impossible to believe you prayed to know if the book was true. This is because I don't think you really believe in God.
If what you say is true and you have actually read the book several times then you obviously have been reading not to comprehend and or grow your faith, but to pick apart any flaws you think you can find.

I can't believe it either, that he would waste his time like that.

Pot meet Kettle:D
Truthspeaker: "If what you say is true and you have actually read the book several times then you obviously have been reading not to comprehend and or grow your faith, but to pick apart any flaws you think you can find."

Why would I do that, when I do not believe JS was a prophet, thus the BoM is not scripture. I read it because I think it the most unique piece of American religious literature, period." JS keeps not getting his due. If God revealed, then the guy is just the mope being used by Him; if not, then he is just a huckster. I don't judge at all: I look at the work.

What do you have to say about all the work being so applicable to history and archaeology? Since you're so keen on the work itself? Why not test it?

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