The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Kettle meet pot and pan. :lol:

Except I'm not accusing anyone of wasting their time here on this forum. Froggy accused you. Yet if he thinks you're wasting your time with me yet continues with his own dribble, that effectively makes him the pot.
I on the other hand by definition am neither pot, kettle or pan.:eusa_angel:
The BoM fails archaeology and history, you know that, Truthspeaker. The Neal A. Maxwell Institute of Religion at BYU is maneuvering to a limited geographical model for Lehi and his descendents rather than being the general father of most of the Native Americans. That's one simple example that even in your own faith group that you are in the minority. I mean (and I am not laughing, only pointing out) that you still believe in the concept of African ancestry is linked to the less valiant in the war before the formation of the Earth. I mean, what's up with that?
The BoM fails archaeology and history, you know that, Truthspeaker. The Neal A. Maxwell Institute of Religion at BYU is maneuvering to a limited geographical model for Lehi and his descendents rather than being the general father of most of the Native Americans. That's one simple example that even in your own faith group that you are in the minority. I mean (and I am not laughing, only pointing out) that you still believe in the concept of African ancestry is linked to the less valiant in the war before the formation of the Earth. I mean, what's up with that?

My poor dear jake,
We've been here before but you refuse to accept my doctrinally sound answer. The book itself generalizes when talking about ancestry. The book says that those who were of Lehi's ancestry and those who were not of his ancestry but chose to be associated under his name would be called his children in a general sense. The book itself mentions that the majority of people throughout the timeline were actually more numerous than Lehi's descendents already in THOSE days. How could you miss that? We never claimed that ALL of the native americans were of Lehi's descent. But that is the lineage which gets the recognition because of the spiritual implications. The Mulekites themselves were more than all the Lehites combined. Understand that just like today, there was a huge mixing of gene pools back then. You need to understand what the text actually says.

As for the less valiant deal with africans. That age has passed. those less valiant souls have already lived their lives before the time of the restoration. It was true then, it's not true any more. Cut and dry. No big deal.
The BoM fails archaeology and history, you know that, Truthspeaker. The Neal A. Maxwell Institute of Religious Studies at BYU is maneuvering to a limited geographical model for Lehi and his descendents rather than being the general father of most of the Native Americans. That's one simple example that even in your own faith group that you are in the minority. I mean (and I am not laughing, only pointing out) that you still believe in the concept of African ancestry is linked to the less valiant in the war before the formation of the Earth. I mean, what's up with that?

My poor dear jake,
We've been here before but you refuse to accept my doctrinally sound answer. The book itself generalizes when talking about ancestry. The book says that those who were of Lehi's ancestry and those who were not of his ancestry but chose to be associated under his name would be called his children in a general sense. The book itself mentions that the majority of people throughout the timeline were actually more numerous than Lehi's descendents already in THOSE days. How could you miss that? We never claimed that ALL of the native americans were of Lehi's descent. But that is the lineage which gets the recognition because of the spiritual implications. The Mulekites themselves were more than all the Lehites combined. Understand that just like today, there was a huge mixing of gene pools back then. You need to understand what the text actually says.

As for the less valiant deal with africans. That age has passed. those less valiant souls have already lived their lives before the time of the restoration. It was true then, it's not true any more. Cut and dry. No big deal.

It's not only me, Truthspeaker: it is many of your church leaders that do not agree with your beliefs now and before. For any who have further interests in these matters, please go to Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship - Home and for more traditional LDS stances.
The BoM fails archaeology and history, you know that, Truthspeaker. The Neal A. Maxwell Institute of Religious Studies at BYU is maneuvering to a limited geographical model for Lehi and his descendents rather than being the general father of most of the Native Americans. That's one simple example that even in your own faith group that you are in the minority. I mean (and I am not laughing, only pointing out) that you still believe in the concept of African ancestry is linked to the less valiant in the war before the formation of the Earth. I mean, what's up with that?

My poor dear jake,
We've been here before but you refuse to accept my doctrinally sound answer. The book itself generalizes when talking about ancestry. The book says that those who were of Lehi's ancestry and those who were not of his ancestry but chose to be associated under his name would be called his children in a general sense. The book itself mentions that the majority of people throughout the timeline were actually more numerous than Lehi's descendents already in THOSE days. How could you miss that? We never claimed that ALL of the native americans were of Lehi's descent. But that is the lineage which gets the recognition because of the spiritual implications. The Mulekites themselves were more than all the Lehites combined. Understand that just like today, there was a huge mixing of gene pools back then. You need to understand what the text actually says.

As for the less valiant deal with africans. That age has passed. those less valiant souls have already lived their lives before the time of the restoration. It was true then, it's not true any more. Cut and dry. No big deal.

It's not only me, Truthspeaker: it is many of your church leaders that do not agree with your beliefs now and before. For any who have further interests in these matters, please go to Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship - Home and for more traditional LDS stances.

You're such a spin doctor. Yes I encourage everyone to go to that site. You'll hear the same thing I've been telling all along. I say that because you never.....EVER cite a specific article contradicting what I've said. You've never posted one statement from our leaders that's not in line with what I've told you. Please, prove me wrong. There I am putting myself out there again...... :cool:
Not truthful, Truthspeaker. I have given you many folks and stuff to read, and all you have ever said is that you don't care what others wrote if it disagrees with you. That is why I am sending any who are interested to approved LDS sites. Holy Hannah, TS, you ought to be pleased.
I doubt you have ever sat down and read the book all the way through. I find it virtually impossible to believe you know how many authors the book claims to have and find it completely impossible to believe you prayed to know if the book was true. This is because I don't think you really believe in God.
If what you say is true and you have actually read the book several times then you obviously have been reading not to comprehend and or grow your faith, but to pick apart any flaws you think you can find.

I can't believe it either, that he would waste his time like that.

Pot meet Kettle:D

Pot meet Kettle meet fence post.
Not truthful, Truthspeaker. I have given you many folks and stuff to read, and all you have ever said is that you don't care what others wrote if it disagrees with you. That is why I am sending any who are interested to approved LDS sites. Holy Hannah, TS, you ought to be pleased.

Sure I'm pleased, but I'm confused when you say I'm preaching something out of step with our leaders. I'd like to hear some specifics.
[ame=]YouTube - "Master Jack" 4 Jacks and a Jill[/ame] shes got a message for all mormons.
The message is that it's a strange world we live in. I concur since all the other worlds in the solar system are very different from here. Thank you for that nugget.
The message is that it's a strange world we live in. I concur since all the other worlds in the solar system are very different from here. Thank you for that nugget.

No, she said she was going out in the real world and not stay in master jacks.
The message is that it's a strange world we live in. I concur since all the other worlds in the solar system are very different from here. Thank you for that nugget.

No, she said she was going out in the real world and not stay in master jacks.

Seems rather irrelevant to anything going on in this thread. But I would invite you into the real world.
The message is that it's a strange world we live in. I concur since all the other worlds in the solar system are very different from here. Thank you for that nugget.

No, she said she was going out in the real world and not stay in master jacks.

Seems rather irrelevant to anything going on in this thread. But I would invite you into the real world.

I think if you were in the real world, you could see the truth about Joey.

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