The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
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  • Crazy

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  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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The meaning of Jakestarky's post is not that Christ was a god in man form. It literally means that god was once like us, and that we may one day become like him.

If god is our heavenly father, why not? Don't children grow to be like their parents?
The meaning of Jakestarky's post is not that Christ was a god in man form. It literally means that god was once like us, and that we may one day become like him.

If god is our heavenly father, why not? Don't children grow to be like their parents?

That's beside the point. Whether we are talking about the Father or the Son, the scriptures are clear that God became a man and that we are supposed to become like God. The idea that it's somehow alright to believe that Christ is God and was made flesh and we are supposed to become like Him and yet the Father is God and once mortal, and we are supposed to be like Him is blasphemous and wrong is incredibly inconsistant.

Especially when these are the same people claiming they are one and the same being.
okay is it true that mormon men think they will become gods and be given a star or planet...just like your god has?

i am about finished with the discusses diantes?

No. Mormon men are not given Godhood, planets or stars when they die.

But they can acheive godhood eventually. One of the most attractive doctrines of he church is eternal progression. We continue to learn, to improve, and to progress until we're capable of creating a world of our own and becoming like god. That sounds a lot better to me than sitting asround on a cloud singing praises for eternity.

We ask ourselves where we want to be in ten years. If you believe in eternal life, then you need to ask yourself where you will be in ten million.

Yes but that reward is extended to all men, not just "Mormon" men.
No. Mormon men are not given Godhood, planets or stars when they die.

But they can acheive godhood eventually. One of the most attractive doctrines of he church is eternal progression. We continue to learn, to improve, and to progress until we're capable of creating a world of our own and becoming like god. That sounds a lot better to me than sitting asround on a cloud singing praises for eternity.

We ask ourselves where we want to be in ten years. If you believe in eternal life, then you need to ask yourself where you will be in ten million.

Yes but that reward is extended to all men, not just "Mormon" men.

Good point.
Book of Mormon Man of the Day:

NEPHI- Approx. 620 BC - 544 BC......

One of the most famous characters of the entire Book of Mormon. Also one of the most critical. One of the original members of the first colony of roughly 30 people led by Lehi out of Jerusalem. The fourth son of Lehi and eventual prophet and king of the Nephite people who called themselves under his name.

Was well known for having many arguments and reconciliations with his wicked and stubborn brothers
Laman and Lemuel, before finally, fleeing for the life of his person,family and friends, he separated from the "Lamanites". Thus beginning a long lasting feud not unlike Muslims & Jews.

He was large in stature and spirit. Humble and obedient to his father and his God. An excellent hunter and Bedouin Arab. Skilled in Hebrew and Egyptian. Was also instructed by God on how smelt ore into metal and to build a ship that was ahead of it's time to bear the company across the Indian and Pacific oceans.

Was a great speaker and had voice mimicking talents and must have been a dead ringer for Laban in appearance; at least in the dimly lit Jerusalem nighttime. Probably wore a beard despite popular depictions, at least while in Jerusalem. Famous for chopping off the head of Laban, a major military figure in ancient Jerusalem.

He was the founder of the plates of Nephi which consisted of two different sets of records of the people and kept on thin metal plates with engravings thereon; a secular history and a spiritual history. From these, Mormon summarized, along with other writings to compile the book we currently call the Book of Mormon.

He was a great leader and true prophet of God and his Christ. Prophesied the coming of Jesus and many other true happenings in his day and long after he lived.

Stay tuned till next time...........
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Book of Mormon Man of the Day:

NEPHI- Approx. 620 BC - 544 BC......

One of the most famous characters of the entire Book of Mormon. Also one of the most critical. One of the original members of the first colony of roughly 30 people led by Lehi out of Jerusalem. The fourth son of Lehi and eventual prophet and king of the Nephite people who called themselves under his name.

* * * *

Kinda looks like he might be wearing a blue and red suit underneath his tunic with a large letter "S" inscribed on his chest (within a diamond shape)!
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Book of Mormon Man of the Day:

NEPHI- Approx. 620 BC - 544 BC......

One of the most famous characters of the entire Book of Mormon. Also one of the most critical. One of the original members of the first colony of roughly 30 people led by Lehi out of Jerusalem. The fourth son of Lehi and eventual prophet and king of the Nephite people who called themselves under his name.

* * * *

Kinda looks like he might be wearing a blue and red suit underneath his tunic with a large letter "S" inscribed on his chest (within a diamond shape)!

Well he also had his weaknesses just like everybody else. But everyone can become great if they humble themselves before God.
Book of Mormon Man of the Day:


It's time we address the man who's name is on the tip of everyone's tongue these days. This man is truly among the greatest who ever lived. Spiritually he was like an apostle. Militarily he arguably could have been the greatest general ever to walk the planet. He is the one pictured reaching out with his hand.

He was born in a time of great wickedness. Most people of the day only pretended live the laws of God. The Churches had become largely corrupted by the time of his adolescence. Yet he decided to live moral life despite everyone else discarding the gospel. He was from a long line of record keepers and his lineage was full of leaders. This is part of the reason why he was chosen at the age of 15 to be the commander of the entire Nephite army. The other reasons were that he was trustworthy, brave, skilled and large beyond his years. He also weiled the sword of Laban that had been handed down by lineage from Nephi down to his own day.

He used his influence in the military to teach the gospel to whoever would listen. He put his faith in God to help deliver the armies of the Nephites from the Lamanites who vastly outnumbered them. He received revelations on how to live his life and how to use military stratagems. He was highly favored of God.

He was also the keeper of the archives and is the great editor who put the collection of books known as The Book of Mormon together. He also added commentary on the words of other prophets and wrote a small book of his own detailing the gruesome consequences of war and disobedience to God's laws.

He lamented the fall of his people when they became more wicked than the lamanites and therefore lost their privilege of protection from God according to the promises made to them. He tried and tried to get them to repent but they refused.

After their last great victory over the Lamanites, the armies and people of the Nephites became proud and arrogant and decided they would no longer fight just to defend themselves but that they would seek out the Lamanites and destroy them. At this point Mormon refused to lead them any more and steps down as their leader. This was the fatal decision for the society of the Nephites.

After the Lamanites had punished the Nephites to the point of near collapse, the people begged Mormon to return and lead them, as if they thought one man could save them from destruction. He thought this meant they would repent and come back to God. But they still did not return to God. They instead cursed God and blamed him for their problems, using all the excuses man is capable of making. Reluctantly Mormon led his people in battle nonetheless. Even though he knew his people would be destroyed. He buried the many records that had been kept and prepared for the final battles of his people.


Before he was killed in battle at the age of 60, he entrusted the secret hiding place of the records to his son Moroni, one of 24 survivors of the final battle, and the only survivor of the 24 refugees that wasn't eventually hunted down.

Mormon along with his son Moroni is also known for painting the bloodiest picture of the destruction of the Nephites in all of scripture. A warning to nations who rebel against the God who placed them in power.

Mormon lived great and died great in the eyes of God.
Book of Mormon Man of the Day:

NEPHI- Approx. 620 BC - 544 BC......

One of the most famous characters of the entire Book of Mormon. Also one of the most critical. One of the original members of the first colony of roughly 30 people led by Lehi out of Jerusalem. The fourth son of Lehi and eventual prophet and king of the Nephite people who called themselves under his name.

Was well known for having many arguments and reconciliations with his wicked and stubborn brothers
Laman and Lemuel, before finally, fleeing for the life of his person,family and friends, he separated from the "Lamanites". Thus beginning a long lasting feud not unlike Muslims & Jews.

He was large in stature and spirit. Humble and obedient to his father and his God. An excellent hunter and Bedouin Arab. Skilled in Hebrew and Egyptian. Was also instructed by God on how smelt ore into metal and to build a ship that was ahead of it's time to bear the company across the Indian and Pacific oceans.

Was a great speaker and had voice mimicking talents and must have been a dead ringer for Laban in appearance; at least in the dimly lit Jerusalem nighttime. Probably wore a beard despite popular depictions, at least while in Jerusalem. Famous for chopping off the head of Laban, a major military figure in ancient Jerusalem.

He was the founder of the plates of Nephi which consisted of two different sets of records of the people and kept on thin metal plates with engravings thereon; a secular history and a spiritual history. From these, Mormon summarized, along with other writings to compile the book we currently call the Book of Mormon.

He was a great leader and true prophet of God and his Christ. Prophesied the coming of Jesus and many other true happenings in his day and long after he lived.

Stay tuned till next time...........
Great fairytale with pictures, that joe. Who'd he get to write it for him?
Froggy, truly you should not discount the literary ability of Joseph Smith. He gets bad reviews: either God wrote, so he is merely the copy boy, or he did write it and becomes nothing more than a huckster. But, wow, great story line, super characters, internal conflict, blood, gore, guts: super stuff.
Froggy, truly you should not discount the literary ability of Joseph Smith. He gets bad reviews: either God wrote, so he is merely the copy boy, or he did write it and becomes nothing more than a huckster. But, wow, great story line, super characters, internal conflict, blood, gore, guts: super stuff.

Thats what i said great fairytale.
I have read it several times over the years, and I still think it is an unique literary adventure in American religious fiction.
I have read it several times over the years, and I still think it is an unique literary adventure in American religious fiction.

I doubt you have ever sat down and read the book all the way through. I find it virtually impossible to believe you know how many authors the book claims to have and find it completely impossible to believe you prayed to know if the book was true. This is because I don't think you really believe in God.
If what you say is true and you have actually read the book several times then you obviously have been reading not to comprehend and or grow your faith, but to pick apart any flaws you think you can find.
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Truth goes, "blah blah blah blah." You remind me of Mercutio in the scene about fairies and the night air and the senseless nonsense of man. I have read the BoM several times. It's good religious fiction, unlike anything else in American literature.
I left the church last year for my own personal reasons. That being said, most Mormons I know and have known are kind, thoughtful and giving people. My youngest daughter is named after the missionary that taught my ex-wife and myself the initial lessons during our investigation of the church.

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I left the church last year for my own personal reasons. That being said, most Mormons I know and have known are kind, thoughtful and giving people. My youngest daughter is named after the missionary that taught my ex-wife and myself the initial lessons during our investigation of the church.


Wow, for some reason that sounds like such a sad story to me. I don't mean to pry, but this is a discussion board. What reasons caused you to leave the church?

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