The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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A guy who has been dead a long, long time.

Not too worry: I am sure his "for the dead" rituals have all been done.

So you claim this is another photo of Joseph Smith?

And no not all the baptisms for the dead have been done. Not even close to close.
Histeryicalsister, JakeThe Flake, and the EVILTruthSlayer.. Fuck y'all. This is over when I say it's over your grace not withstanding. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yo, Huggy, you atheistic "drop and leave Mexican sleeper terror baby", how ya doin?
A guy who has been dead a long, long time.

Not too worry: I am sure his "for the dead" rituals have all been done.

So you claim this is another photo of Joseph Smith?

And no not all the baptisms for the dead have been done. Not even close to close.

No, that isn't JS a'tall, TS. I am pretty sure the guy's temple work has been done for him.
These are possibilities: The death mask is the only thing we have that's been verified.


Numbers 1 and 2 have been dismissed, I believe. The death masks of HS and JS are something, aren't they?
Mormonism and Black Skin

“But let them apostatize, and they will become gray-haired, wrinkled, and black, just like the Devil" (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses, vol. 5, p. 332

When Mormon missionaries come to the door of literally thousands of potential converts they will assure the unsuspecting that they represent "Jesus Christ" and are preaching His Gospel. However, that is not the case on many accounts.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) cannot escape their racist past. For nearly 150 years, the Mormon Church had taught that ALL blacks were cursed. Hence, a black Mormon male could not hold the highly regarded LDS Priesthood1 because of his dark skin. And since he could not hold this Priesthood, he could not enter the Mormon Temple. This doctrine in no way, shape, or form can be substantiated in Scripture. Only in the LDS scriptures does this racist doctrine exist.

Correction. It was not because of their black skin that they could not hold the priesthood. It was because of their lineage. The skin of blackness givent to them was a mark to help them deal with the environment God knew they would be living in for thousands of years. The Sun drenched land of Africa. Don't confuse the two. Lamanites were allowed to hold the priesthood in the book of Mormon despite their skin color. For them to have remained light skinned would have been most unconvenient in Africa.

Unpopular as it may sound here in the politically correct society we live in, nevertheless it is true.

If you go this way, Truth, you are going to have to admit everything that Brother Brigham and Brother John and Brother Rudger taught about blacks. You can't cherry pick what you want. Be very careful about "pure and delightsome" and "white and delightsome."

They always tell what story fits their need at the time even tho it might change a week later.
Numbers 1 and 2 have been dismissed, I believe. The death masks of HS and JS are something, aren't they?

Yes they are. I don't believe the first picture because his facial features don't seem prominent enough, especially considering his famous Roman nose.

Number two looks believable but I just don't think he ever got in front of a camera because although cameras had been invented, they weren't widely used and surely he would have mentioned taking a picture in his journals since it would have been such a rare event. #2 is probably doctored but I think it looks like him.

the masks are very interesting and they make me sad. One cannot help but reflect after taking a look.
Correction. It was not because of their black skin that they could not hold the priesthood. It was because of their lineage. The skin of blackness givent to them was a mark to help them deal with the environment God knew they would be living in for thousands of years. The Sun drenched land of Africa. Don't confuse the two. Lamanites were allowed to hold the priesthood in the book of Mormon despite their skin color. For them to have remained light skinned would have been most unconvenient in Africa.

Unpopular as it may sound here in the politically correct society we live in, nevertheless it is true.

If you go this way, Truth, you are going to have to admit everything that Brother Brigham and Brother John and Brother Rudger taught about blacks. You can't cherry pick what you want. Be very careful about "pure and delightsome" and "white and delightsome."

They always tell what story fits their need at the time even tho it might change a week later.

That's the beauty of modern revelation. You act as though it's a bad thing. Times change people change, and so there needs to be new revelations to govern God's people during those times of change. God is not a god of outdated practices. He's always up on the latest.
Histeryicalsister, JakeThe Flake, and the EVILTruthSlayer.. Fuck y'all. This is over when I say it's over your grace not withstanding. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Welcome back Huggy-hoff. How's you're little thread doing? Have you passed us yet in views and pages? Not that I care but it would be a useless fact I'd like to know.

How's it feel to be one year closer to death with no hope of a resurrection. Must get worse every year for you non-believers.

There's still time you know. You could get this whole religious thing figured out in time so that you don't wake up after you die and realize "Oh crap! I'm still alive! Now what the hell- I mean heck am I supposed to do?:lol:
One of these days it would be nice to have productive discussions about the doctrines on one of these threads.

Sadly, I think this like many other threads gets into irrelevant things.
One of these days it would be nice to have productive discussions about the doctrines on one of these threads.

Sadly, I think this like many other threads gets into irrelevant things.

Well we used to have more of it but now we just get trolls and Jake.
If you go this way, Truth, you are going to have to admit everything that Brother Brigham and Brother John and Brother Rudger taught about blacks. You can't cherry pick what you want. Be very careful about "pure and delightsome" and "white and delightsome."

They always tell what story fits their need at the time even tho it might change a week later.

That's the beauty of modern revelation. You act as though it's a bad thing. Times change people change, and so there needs to be new revelations to govern God's people during those times of change. God is not a god of outdated practices. He's always up on the latest.

Since Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8), and since our God has said, "...I am the Lord, I do not change..." (Mal. 3:6), why not put your whole trust in Him for deliverance? Remember, Paul says that it is not ourselves that we trust, but God - the same Person Who delivered Christ (and us) from death.
Histeryicalsister, JakeThe Flake, and the EVILTruthSlayer.. Fuck y'all. This is over when I say it's over your grace not withstanding. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Welcome back Huggy-hoff. How's you're little thread doing? Have you passed us yet in views and pages? Not that I care but it would be a useless fact I'd like to know.

How's it feel to be one year closer to death with no hope of a resurrection. Must get worse every year for you non-believers.

There's still time you know. You could get this whole religious thing figured out in time so that you don't wake up after you die and realize "Oh crap! I'm still alive! Now what the hell- I mean heck am I supposed to do?:lol:

Too bad you have no proof of any resurrection, which means you're just a deluded boob who believes in fairy tales.
Like when is a prophet being a prophet?

A prophet is a prophet always. But he doesn't always behave like one.

One incorrect or bad prophecy, and a prophet is a "false prophet".....

Also the bible says that "death" for that false prophet is justice-done.

J.S. Jr. has a major string of false prophecies........"false prophet"

A true prophet is a "mouthpiece" of God......He/she "can't" make false prophecies.

J.S. Jr. is just one of a long string of false prophets......i.e. Mohammed, Balaam, White(7th Day Adventist Prophetess), Russel(Watch Tower), Reverend Moon(Moonies), Hubbard(Scientology), Mary Baker Eddy(Christian Science)........
Like when is a prophet being a prophet?

A prophet is a prophet always. But he doesn't always behave like one.

One incorrect or bad prophecy, and a prophet is a "false prophet".....

Also the bible says that "death" for that false prophet is justice-done.

J.S. Jr. has a major string of false prophecies........"false prophet"

A true prophet is a "mouthpiece" of God......He/she "can't" make false prophecies.

J.S. Jr. is just one of a long string of false prophets......i.e. Mohammed, Balaam, White(7th Day Adventist Prophetess), Russel(Watch Tower), Reverend Moon(Moonies), Hubbard(Scientology), Mary Baker Eddy(Christian Science)........

And whoever the lead "prophet" is for your faith group, 8ball. Give grace if you want it.
Like when is a prophet being a prophet?

A prophet is a prophet always. But he doesn't always behave like one.

I am not concerned about behavior but rather that the doctrine changes for an unchanging God.

But that is a discussion for another day.

The doctrine doesn't change. But it does get modified from time to time. God has changed the rules many times throughout the course of history. He knows the right time for all updates but the spirit of all his laws are the same. They all point to the sacrifice of the Only Begotten.

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