The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Now, "Why?" would this/our omnipotent Creator allow His message to be skewed, mistranslated, twisted, or even allow important parts to be left out. How could this be according to what you believe, and we still have an "omnipotent" Creator who holds the keys to Hades, Heaven, and all material and unmaterial creation?

There's a couple of reasons why God has allowed the Bible to not be available to us in it's original form:

1. To show that the best way to know God is to come to Him directly through prayer and meditation. That the testator known as The Holy Ghost be our primary informer. The apostle James himself said so in chapter 1, verse 5 of his works. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him.(He didn't say, if any of you lack wisdom, read the Bible.)

2. If God truly meant for the Bible to be the most important source of information regarding His kingdom, I would have been available to Adam and all his children in it's original form, unsullied and we all would have spoken just one language. Certainly not a copied and retranslated version of what is left of the original Bible.

When you say that the bible is incomplete because of the age of it's original authorship, how is it that our omnipotent Creator let His message become fuzzy, indistinct, your church's teaching?

The Bible is not incomplete or complete because it is merely a collection of some of the writings of the prophets. Many books were left out by the Nicean Creed after much debate. If God intended the Bible to be assembled perfectly, he would have had Jesus or his apostles put the book together long before the international squabble known as the Creed of Nicea. I repeat, The Bible is but a mere blip in the writings and holy teachings of Jesus. John said so himself in the last verse of his gospel.
"And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which if they should be written every one, I suppose the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. "
So what happens when the bible is factually wrong? Like the world wasn't made in 6 days, c'mon, does anyone still believe that as a fact? Or that eve was made out of adam's rib?
The Bible is a book that is full of literal and figurative statements. Some of the literal statements are also taken out of context or are hard to understand because the imagery described is often misunderstood by modern readers. The ancients could only speak in terms THEY were familar with. They had idioms and phrases they understood well but are lost on the readers many times.

This is part of the reason why we need to pray to God for proper understanding of all it's passages. Remember, the Bible is not a golden ticket(an ancient reader would not have seen Willy Wonka's Chocolate factory and therefore would not understand this last statement.) It DOESN'T have all the answers. God is the only one who has all the answers.

Or that anyone could get 2 of every animal in the world on a boat?

What probably happened is that he got 2 of every major species of animal. Like 2 of every feline, canine, fowl, etc. and the rest of the species we have today were descended from those. It's amazing how fast breeding can populate the earth. But even then maybe I'm wrong. Perhaps Noah just took 2 of every kind of animal that the writers of Genesis were familiar with.

In the end. It's a trivial question and if there was something erroneous found in the Bible, it's ok. It doesn't shatter faith because my faith is not founded on the Bible. But on Jesus Christ himself.
And if god loves us now, does he also love the ones who die of starvation...? Doesn't make much sense.

It actually makes loads of sense when you understand the plan God has for all His children. Those who suffer in this world will receive equal rejoicing when they are resurrected with perfect immortal physical bodies. They will enjoy life without hunger, pain and suffering more than those who have not suffered. It will balance out in the universe in the end. Remember that suffering is PART of the plan of happiness. For in order to know happiness you must first know suffering and sadness.
So what happens when the bible is factually wrong? Like the world wasn't made in 6 days, c'mon, does anyone still believe that as a fact? Or that eve was made out of adam's rib?
The Bible is a book that is full of literal and figurative statements. Some of the literal statements are also taken out of context or are hard to understand because the imagery described is often misunderstood by modern readers. The ancients could only speak in terms THEY were familar with. They had idioms and phrases they understood well but are lost on the readers many times.

This is part of the reason why we need to pray to God for proper understanding of all it's passages. Remember, the Bible is not a golden ticket(an ancient reader would not have seen Willy Wonka's Chocolate factory and therefore would not understand this last statement.) It DOESN'T have all the answers. God is the only one who has all the answers.

Or that anyone could get 2 of every animal in the world on a boat?

What probably happened is that he got 2 of every major species of animal. Like 2 of every feline, canine, fowl, etc. and the rest of the species we have today were descended from those. It's amazing how fast breeding can populate the earth. But even then maybe I'm wrong. Perhaps Noah just took 2 of every kind of animal that the writers of Genesis were familiar with.

In the end. It's a trivial question and if there was something erroneous found in the Bible, it's ok. It doesn't shatter faith because my faith is not founded on the Bible. But on Jesus Christ himself.
And if god loves us now, does he also love the ones who die of starvation...? Doesn't make much sense.

It actually makes loads of sense when you understand the plan God has for all His children. Those who suffer in this world will receive equal rejoicing when they are resurrected with perfect immortal physical bodies. They will enjoy life without hunger, pain and suffering more than those who have not suffered. It will balance out in the universe in the end. Remember that suffering is PART of the plan of happiness. For in order to know happiness you must first know suffering and sadness.

Wow, that's pretty honest of you to admit that the bible isn't a factual historical document. Hope Avatar doesn't report you to the church! :D

The part I bolded is total crap though. You have no idea what happens to them when they die, you read that in a book, didn't you? And you already agree that it's not a factual book. So...
Wow, that's pretty honest of you to admit that the bible isn't a factual historical document. Hope Avatar doesn't report you to the church! :D

Let's not put words in each other's mouths now. I didn't "admit" anything that you say. I'm not quite sure what you mean by "factual historical document."

It is a fact that the Bible extists....I believe the things in the Bible happened. I'm not sure of the details and I don't really care what the details are. The book is there to help us build faith in the things we don't have answers for. But if there were no more copies of the bible available and they were all destroyed across the face of the earth, I would still be ok because of my relationship with Christ.

The part I bolded is total crap though.
I'm glad you have an opinion. I don't care for it but it's a free world.

You have no idea what happens to them when they die, you read that in a book, didn't you? And you already agree that it's not a factual book. So...

No idea? Is that just a figure of speech? I've outlined in great detail what happens to people when they die. It's the only thing that makes any sense in this universe. Every other conclusion has holes in it. but the doctrine of our church on life after death is the most iron clad thing there ever was IMHO.
Yes, much of the knowledge gained in this world comes from reading books. You say it as though it's a bad thing.Cheers:eusa_angel:
I'm a bit late to this thread, but tell me:

What is significantly different about the Morman religion as compared to other religions?

They all preach 'goodness'. They all preach belief in God. One believes in John Smith, the next Mohammud, another Moses, yet another Martin Luther. So what?

There's only been a tiny number of significant things said by any of them:

Love thy Neighbor...
Thou shalt not commit murder....
The middle way....

For most people these are statements of the obvious.

The differences from one religion to the next are their beliefs in mystical theology:

A triune god.
Was Jesus infused or impuned in the spirit of God?
Was Jesus God, just a man, or an interim prophet?
How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

None of which is provable and none of which matters.

I think that organized religions exist just to provide people with a sense of community, without fear of being abused (Most religious people are really nice and trust worthy).

Besides that the religions divide up into different ones primarily for financial and political reasons - then the come up with some lame theological basis (which no one can prove and which doesn't matter much) for dividing.

So tell me what is so different about the Mormon religion?
I'm a bit late to this thread, but tell me:

What is significantly different about the Morman religion as compared to other religions?

They all preach 'goodness'. They all preach belief in God. One believes in John Smith, the next Mohammud, another Moses, yet another Martin Luther. So what?

There's only been a tiny number of significant things said by any of them:

Love thy Neighbor...
Thou shalt not commit murder....
The middle way....

For most people these are statements of the obvious.

The differences from one religion to the next are their beliefs in mystical theology:

A triune god.
Was Jesus infused or impuned in the spirit of God?
Was Jesus God, just a man, or an interim prophet?
How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

None of which is provable and none of which matters.

I think that organized religions exist just to provide people with a sense of community, without fear of being abused (Most religious people are really nice and trust worthy).

Besides that the religions divide up into different ones primarily for financial and political reasons - then the come up with some lame theological basis (which no one can prove and which doesn't matter much) for dividing.

So tell me what is so different about the Mormon religion?

Revelation. The Book of Mormon. Restoration of Power
I'm a bit late to this thread, but tell me:

What is significantly different about the Morman religion as compared to other religions?

They all preach 'goodness'. They all preach belief in God. One believes in John Smith, the next Mohammud, another Moses, yet another Martin Luther. So what?

There's only been a tiny number of significant things said by any of them:

Love thy Neighbor...
Thou shalt not commit murder....
The middle way....

For most people these are statements of the obvious.

The differences from one religion to the next are their beliefs in mystical theology:

A triune god.
Was Jesus infused or impuned in the spirit of God?
Was Jesus God, just a man, or an interim prophet?
How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

None of which is provable and none of which matters.

I think that organized religions exist just to provide people with a sense of community, without fear of being abused (Most religious people are really nice and trust worthy).

Besides that the religions divide up into different ones primarily for financial and political reasons - then the come up with some lame theological basis (which no one can prove and which doesn't matter much) for dividing.

So tell me what is so different about the Mormon religion?

Revelation. The Book of Mormon. Restoration of Power

So what? If I had asked the same question to a Catholic they could have answered:

Faith. The Resurrection. The second coming of Christ. The Trinity. The Immaculate Conception.

or some equivalent B.S.

You said nothing.
I'm a bit late to this thread, but tell me:

What is significantly different about the Mormon religion as compared to other religions?

What is significantly different about us is that we claim to have a prophet like Moses today who speaks to God and is his mouthpiece on earth today. We also believe in the words of the Book of Mormon. What that means is that if those claims are true, then God has revealed lots of new information about how to live a godly life in today's day and age.

They all preach 'goodness'. They all preach belief in God. One believes in John Smith, the next Mohammud, another Moses, yet another Martin Luther. So what?

Most preach goodness, but they can't all be right. The laws governing truth dictate that only one of them can be right or all of them are wrong. That's the only conclusion that makes any sense to me. And it's Joseph Smith not John Smith. but no big deal. What is a big deal is the difference between the teachings of each leader. We don't "believe" in Joseph Smith the way you have put it. We believe in Jesus Christ and we accept Joseph Smith as a prophet of God.

There's only been a tiny number of significant things said by any of them:

Love thy Neighbor...
Thou shalt not commit murder....
The middle way....

For most people these are statements of the obvious.

Having studied religion for the last 20 years, I must respectfully disagree. There are lots and lots more points of doctrine beyond the basics that are fundamental to each religion. There is simply much more to it than that.

The differences from one religion to the next are their beliefs in mystical theology:
Some may be mystical to you and I but some may not be mystical. Those who believe it consider it real. That's a matter for you to decide between you and God.

A triune god.

We don't believe in a triune God.

Was Jesus infused or impuned in the spirit of God?

Jesus was His own person. Distinctly a different individual from His Father, whom we call ELOHIM.

Was Jesus God, just a man, or an interim prophet?

Jesus is a God. His name before Jesus was Jehovah, before he took on a physical body.

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

None of which is provable and none of which matters.

Again I respectfully disagree. All truth matters. If such claims are true, it matters because you would want to follow God's teachings. If they are untrue then it still matters because then you could be freed from dogmatic traditions which hold you down in ignorance.

think that organized religions exist just to provide people with a sense of community, without fear of being abused (Most religious people are really nice and trust worthy).

That is true. That is definitely one of the functions of organized religion.

Besides that the religions divide up into different ones primarily for financial and political reasons - then the come up with some lame theological basis (which no one can prove and which doesn't matter much) for dividing.

Sadly you are right in most cases, religion is a business for the clergy. Often taking advantage of the faith and sometimes gullibility of their members.

So tell me what is so different about the Mormon religion?

We believe we have the answers to life's most difficult questions. We don't shy away from questions. We truly have a detailed plan as to what to do with our lives and what will happen after death. The details of which are quite different from other religions.
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I'm a bit late to this thread, but tell me:

What is significantly different about the Mormon religion as compared to other religions?

What is significantly different about us is that we claim to have a prophet like Moses today who speaks to God and is his mouthpiece on earth today. We also believe in the words of the Book of Mormon. What that means is that if those claims are true, then God has revealed lots of new information about how to live a godly life in today's day and age.

They all preach 'goodness'. They all preach belief in God. One believes in John Smith, the next Mohammud, another Moses, yet another Martin Luther. So what?

Most preach goodness, but they can't all be right. The laws governing truth dictate that only one of them can be right or all of them are wrong. That's the only conclusion that makes any sense to me. And it's Joseph Smith not John Smith. but no big deal. What is a big deal is the difference between the teachings of each leader. We don't "believe" in Joseph Smith the way you have put it. We believe in Jesus Christ and we accept Joseph Smith as a prophet of God.

Having studied religion for the last 20 years, I must respectfully disagree. There are lots and lots more points of doctrine beyond the basics that are fundamental to each religion. There is simply much more to it than that.

Some may be mystical to you and I but some may not be mystical. Those who believe it consider it real. That's a matter for you to decide between you and God.

We don't believe in a triune God.

Jesus was His own person. Distinctly a different individual from His Father, whom we call ELOHIM.

Jesus is a God. His name before Jesus was Jehovah, before he took on a physical body.


Again I respectfully disagree. All truth matters. If such claims are true, it matters because you would want to follow God's teachings. If they are untrue then it still matters because then you could be freed from dogmatic traditions which hold you down in ignorance.


That is true. That is definitely one of the functions of organized religion.

Besides that the religions divide up into different ones primarily for financial and political reasons - then the come up with some lame theological basis (which no one can prove and which doesn't matter much) for dividing.

Sadly you are right in most cases, religion is a business for the clergy. Often taking advantage of the faith and sometimes gullibility of their members.

So tell me what is so different about the Mormon religion?

We believe we have the answers to life's most difficult questions. We don't shy away from questions. We truly have a detailed plan as to what to do with our lives and what will happen after death. The details of which are quite different from other religions.

You sound an awful lot like other religions. They all claim to know these answers to life's greatest questions. They all say that they have the mystical knowledge. That they know the truth. They all claim to know what will happen after death.

I'm not even sure what life's greatest questions are much less what are the answers.

So then, what are "life's most difficult questions" and what are the answers?

Please don't tell me (like other religions), that before I could possibly understand, I would have to spend years of absolute obedience and discipline, studying under some all knowing guru before I'm worthy. That's just a means of tricking people into slavery, servitude and brainwashing.
Wow, that's pretty honest of you to admit that the bible isn't a factual historical document. Hope Avatar doesn't report you to the church! :D

Let's not put words in each other's mouths now. I didn't "admit" anything that you say. I'm not quite sure what you mean by "factual historical document."

It is a fact that the Bible extists....I believe the things in the Bible happened. I'm not sure of the details and I don't really care what the details are. The book is there to help us build faith in the things we don't have answers for. But if there were no more copies of the bible available and they were all destroyed across the face of the earth, I would still be ok because of my relationship with Christ.

The part I bolded is total crap though.
I'm glad you have an opinion. I don't care for it but it's a free world.

You have no idea what happens to them when they die, you read that in a book, didn't you? And you already agree that it's not a factual book. So...

No idea? Is that just a figure of speech? I've outlined in great detail what happens to people when they die. It's the only thing that makes any sense in this universe. Every other conclusion has holes in it. but the doctrine of our church on life after death is the most iron clad thing there ever was IMHO.
Yes, much of the knowledge gained in this world comes from reading books. You say it as though it's a bad thing.Cheers:eusa_angel:

You yourself agree that not all the stories in the bible are right and are actual events that happened. Like Noah, there's NO WAY he could have rounded up all the animals from Australia, Asia, the Americas... So you agree the bible is a load of crap.

In a nutshell, what will happen to you when you die, where did you find this out, and why is this the only thing that makes sense to you? (or maybe link a previous answer, I wouldn't know which one it is)

Reading books is fine, but you ain't gonna learn a whole lot from Cat in the hat books either. :D
You sound an awful lot like other religions.

I'd like to know even one that sounds the same or makes the same claims as we do.

They all claim to know these answers to life's greatest questions.

Not true. In fact many of them claim that not knowing is part of the plan of God. That that's part of the mystery and wonder of God. That we are supposed to just accept things on blind faith alone. that we ought not search things out in our minds or pray to know the truth of such things.

They all say that they have the mystical knowledge. That they know the truth. They all claim to know what will happen after death.

Yes but I haven't heard any of their explanations make any sense to me yet.

So then, what are "life's most difficult questions" and what are the answers?

Well whatever the questions are there is usually an answer, especially if it pertains to your salvation. I don't know what questions you might have but for me it was these:

Where did I come from?
Why am I here?
What happens to me after I die?
Why does suffering exist in the world?
Why does God allow injustice?
Who, what and where is God?
Why do I need a God?
Why doesn't he just show himself if he's really there?

And other such questions.

Please don't tell me (like other religions), that before I could possibly understand, I would have to spend years of absolute obedience and discipline, studying under some all knowing guru before I'm worthy. That's just a means of tricking people into slavery, servitude and brainwashing.

I'd never tell you such a thing. You are meant to understand everything. God is a god of knowledge who encourages education and discourages ignorance. You can know anything if you learn how to approach God in your private life. If you take the leap of faith that it takes to pray to him and ask for him to answer your questions. If you learn how to meditate and listen for the answers they will come into your mind as sudden strokes of ideas, happy emotions and logical thoughts. It's difficult to describe but it's like a light bulb going on. And everything seems to come together and then you know truth.
You yourself agree that not all the stories in the bible are right and are actual events that happened. Like Noah, there's NO WAY he could have rounded up all the animals from Australia, Asia, the Americas... So you agree the bible is a load of crap.

:eusa_hand:No... That's not I said either. I believe the Bible when it says things happened. I believe that there may be things that on the surface don't make sense, but that doesn't mean that it didn't happen. I take it with a grain of salt rather than dismiss it. I believe there are missing pieces that would help it all make sense that we will find one day. Some things may be inexplicable now, but in the end will make sense and I don't want to be the guy who at the last day is found scratching his head and saying. "Why didn't I look at it that way?" I make a point not to draw conclusions on things which have not had a conclusion yet.

The Bible is the antithesis of a "load of crap".

In a nutshell, what will happen to you when you die, where did you find this out, and why is this the only thing that makes sense to you? (or maybe link a previous answer, I wouldn't know which one it is)

When we die, the body and the spirit separate. Then we go to the world of spirits which actually is right here among us. It is a place of either peace and rest, or a place of ignorance and dismay. It is merely a continuation of this life. The same sociality that exists among us here exists among them there. You will still be you. But not everything is immediately revealed as far as religious correction for those who lived in religious error.

There will be a great missionary work that still continues and people will still have to make choices to follow God in that arena. The only difference is that EVERYONE will get a chance to hear the full gospel of Christ in it's entirety and therefore accept or reject it.

That's phase 1.

Phase two I will sum up rather quickly. After every soul that has lived or ever will live has had the opportunity to accept or reject the gospel of Christ without fear of reprisal, then comes the final judgment and resurrection of all. The physical body will be reunited with our spirits and we will all still be recognizable as ourselves but any imperfections we had in mortality will be removed in the resurrection.
This is revealed in parts in the Bible, but more especially in the Book of Mormon(ancient writings of prophets from the Western Hemisphere) and Doctrine and Covenants(revelations given to Joseph Smith and some of his predecessors.)

Reading books is fine, but you ain't gonna learn a whole lot from Cat in the hat books either. :D

Quite so, but I'll have you know that knowlege is found in more places than just books. And Dr. Seuss was a genius.
Tru, do you believe yes or no that Noah rounded up 2 of each animal on this planet with food for 40 days and put it all on a boat that he built?

And your stories about death are messed up, none of that stuff can be proven, but hey, if that keeps you from going postal...
Tru, do you believe yes or no that Noah rounded up 2 of each animal on this planet with food for 40 days and put it all on a boat that he built?

And your stories about death are messed up, none of that stuff can be proven, but hey, if that keeps you from going postal...

Here's what I personally believe about the Noah situation. This is not the church's doctrine. I believe the Bible. The authors of the book make statements which sometimes are exagerrated and which they expect you to understand what they meant. Then again I could be wrong.
I believe He rounded up 2 of every major species, not two of every breed. 2 Felines, 2 Canines, 2 bovines at least, 2 birds, 2 Fish(though they probably just swam along). I don't think the author of Genesis knew that people in the 21st century would haggle over the way he said "every kind" He figured he'd just write "every kind" instead of every breed of every dog, llamas, poison dart frogs and ocelots. No need to trifle with too many details.

Who knows how many were babies and other such particulars. Anywhoo, I don't think Noah did it. I'm sure what happened was God commanded the animals and they obeyed. If you believe in miracles, you believe that if God felt like doing it in that manner, he could. He could show Noah how to build a boat big enough, He could command the animals to do whatever he says, he could provide supplies for all of them if he felt like it. He could even take away the heinous smell it must have had if he felt like it.

So yes I believe it happened, though most of the details were left out of Genesis because they are unimportant. What's important is this question: Do you believe in miracles?
I think I believe in miracles because it's got to be a miracle that anyone could believe that noah bs you just told. So where did all the other species come from? Was there a noah guy on every continent? So what happened to the animals that didn't make in onto a boat? With only 2 of every species, the gene pool isn't big enough to have a lot of the species not die out... oh wait, you don't believe in gene pools... do you?
You should go tell the head of your church that you don't believe the bible's account of noah's ark, and write back was he says... before you get excommunicated.
Be careful, Avatar is taking notes.:eusa_doh:
So then, what are "life's most difficult questions" and what are the answers?

Well whatever the questions are there is usually an answer, especially if it pertains to your salvation. I don't know what questions you might have but for me it was these:

Where did I come from?
Why am I here?
What happens to me after I die?
Why does suffering exist in the world?
Why does God allow injustice?
Who, what and where is God?
Why do I need a God?
Why doesn't he just show himself if he's really there?

Wow, you ask such deeply theological questions! Most of which I really don't think are important in life. Maybe my experiences in life have just perplexed me so much that I wouldn't even approach questions of that magnitude anymore.

But if you know so much about God, you should be able to answer much simpler questions about God's creation. Ones that have perplexed man for all time. These should be easy for you:

Please explain the romantic behavior of women.

Please explain why there are so many nice peaceful people, yet there are so many violent nasty people.

If you know the nature of God, these questions should be easy for you.
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Wow, you ask such deeply theological questions! Most of which I really don't think are important in life.

Well such questions are important to most of us, at least myself. what's important to one may not be important to another.
Maybe my experiences in life have just perplexed me so much that I wouldn't even approach questions of that magnitude anymore.

But if you know so much about God, you should be able to answer much simpler questions about God's creation. Ones that have perplexed man for all time. These should be easy for you:
I'll give it my best shot!

Please explain the romantic behavior of women.
God placed a chemical mixture in the makeup of women to have a strong desire to have a man in their life to love them. If he didn't do it, they would never be attracted to us and there would be no babies. It also makes marriage enjoyable, which is part of the purpose of life in having joy.
Likewise men, surprisingly have the same desire, though at times their desire is less monogamous.

Please explain why there are so many nice peaceful people, yet there are so many violent nasty people.

Without the urge to be violent people could not choose for themselves to be peaceful. Peace would be forced upon us. Force is Satan's way, while choice is Jesus' way.

Therefore people are left to their own choices. It is part of the plan of God to give us our complete freedom to choose what type of person we want to be. Thus most people choose to be nice, while others give in to their selfish desires to be violent.

Also since the purpose of existence is to have joy, the righteous could not experience joy in all it's completeness without experiencing the sufferings brought on by violence, etc.

If you know the nature of God, these questions should be easy for you.
You're right...They were.:eusa_angel:
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Wow, you ask such deeply theological questions! Most of which I really don't think are important in life.

Well such questions are important to most of us, at least myself. what's important to one may not be important to another.
Maybe my experiences in life have just perplexed me so much that I wouldn't even approach questions of that magnitude anymore.

I'll give it my best shot!

God placed a chemical mixture in the makeup of women to have a strong desire to have a man in their life to love them. If he didn't do it, they would never be attracted to us and there would be no babies. It also makes marriage enjoyable, which is part of the purpose of life in having joy.
Likewise men, surprisingly have the same desire, though at times their desire is less monogamous.

Please explain why there are so many nice peaceful people, yet there are so many violent nasty people.

Without the urge to be violent people could not choose for themselves to be peaceful. Peace would be forced upon us. Force is Satan's way, while choice is Jesus' way.

Therefore people are left to their own choices. It is part of the plan of God to give us our complete freedom to choose what type of person we want to be. Thus most people choose to be nice, while others give in to their selfish desires to be violent.

Also since the purpose of existence is to have joy, the righteous could not experience joy in all it's completeness without experiencing the sufferings brought on by violence, etc.

If you know the nature of God, these questions should be easy for you.
You're right...They were.:eusa_angel:

Well, you've proven two things:

You know nothing about the romantic nature of women (or men).


You know nothing about why some people are nasty and other are nice.

You score a zero. (Sorry, no extra credit for cutesy answers).
I think I believe in miracles because it's got to be a miracle that anyone could believe that noah bs you just told. So where did all the other species come from? Was there a noah guy on every continent? So what happened to the animals that didn't make in onto a boat? With only 2 of every species, the gene pool isn't big enough to have a lot of the species not die out... oh wait, you don't believe in gene pools... do you?
You should go tell the head of your church that you don't believe the bible's account of noah's ark, and write back was he says... before you get excommunicated.
Be careful, Avatar is taking notes.:eusa_doh:

Trut, you avoiding my questions?

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