The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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They always tell what story fits their need at the time even tho it might change a week later.

That's the beauty of modern revelation. You act as though it's a bad thing. Times change people change, and so there needs to be new revelations to govern God's people during those times of change. God is not a god of outdated practices. He's always up on the latest.

Since Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8), and since our God has said, "...I am the Lord, I do not change..." (Mal. 3:6), why not put your whole trust in Him for deliverance? Remember, Paul says that it is not ourselves that we trust, but God - the same Person Who delivered Christ (and us) from death.

We have never put trust in anyone else but Jesus. I don't know what you mean.
Histeryicalsister, JakeThe Flake, and the EVILTruthSlayer.. Fuck y'all. This is over when I say it's over your grace not withstanding. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Welcome back Huggy-hoff. How's you're little thread doing? Have you passed us yet in views and pages? Not that I care but it would be a useless fact I'd like to know.

How's it feel to be one year closer to death with no hope of a resurrection. Must get worse every year for you non-believers.

There's still time you know. You could get this whole religious thing figured out in time so that you don't wake up after you die and realize "Oh crap! I'm still alive! Now what the hell- I mean heck am I supposed to do?:lol:

Too bad you have no proof of any resurrection, which means you're just a deluded boob who believes in fairy tales.

Even if I were deluded, it would be better than the alternative-believing life sucks and then you die. I'd end up wearing black lipstick, a trenchcoat and a dog collar if that were true.
Histeryicalsister, JakeThe Flake, and the EVILTruthSlayer.. Fuck y'all. This is over when I say it's over your grace not withstanding. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Welcome back Huggy-hoff. How's you're little thread doing? Have you passed us yet in views and pages? Not that I care but it would be a useless fact I'd like to know.

How's it feel to be one year closer to death with no hope of a resurrection. Must get worse every year for you non-believers.

There's still time you know. You could get this whole religious thing figured out in time so that you don't wake up after you die and realize "Oh crap! I'm still alive! Now what the hell- I mean heck am I supposed to do?:lol:

Too bad you have no proof of any resurrection, which means you're just a deluded boob who believes in fairy tales.

I have the Bible and Book of Mormon two written witnesses of the Resurrection of Christ. I have the witness of Modern Prophets saying:

22 And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!

23 For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the Only Begotten of the Father—

24 That by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God (D&C 76:22-24)

Most importantly, I have the witness of the Holy Ghost that testifies with power that the Resurrection is real. That one day our spirit will reunite with our body in immortal glory.

You can deny this all you want. You can disbelieve the evidence placed before you. But it's true nonetheless. You can find out for yourself from the Lord.
Jake: I'm an agnostic, the only sane path. No god has been proven, but if one ever is, I'm open to it.
Truthy: when you die, there's a possibility of several scenarios playing out, as an agnostic, nothing has ever been proven, but whatever it is, there's even a good chance that everyone was wrong. And whatever it is, it'll happen to everyone equally, regardless of their personal mental delusions.
Av: you get your info from man-written books of fiction, that about sums it up pretty sadly. Nothing in the bible is provable, the mormon book I'm not really familiar with, but I can't imagine it being a stroke of genius either, from the things that I gather from this thread and elsewhere, like the simpletons who come to my door. Kolob, golden plates, the wacky Smith guy, polygamy... Pretty crazy stuff. And you guys have been going door to door for how long and still mormons are a tiny inconsequential bunch.
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I love the assumption that they are fiction.

They aren't. But you don't have to take my word for it. That's the beauty of it all.
A prophet is a prophet always. But he doesn't always behave like one.

One incorrect or bad prophecy, and a prophet is a "false prophet".....

Also the bible says that "death" for that false prophet is justice-done.

J.S. Jr. has a major string of false prophecies........"false prophet"

A true prophet is a "mouthpiece" of God......He/she "can't" make false prophecies.

J.S. Jr. is just one of a long string of false prophets......i.e. Mohammed, Balaam, White(7th Day Adventist Prophetess), Russel(Watch Tower), Reverend Moon(Moonies), Hubbard(Scientology), Mary Baker Eddy(Christian Science)........

You just don't want to get it....... If this person claims to be a bible Christian, and has a "Word" from God, and it is unbiblical.........or contradicts the bible, that person has just evoked a false prophecy, and the "church" is to ignore, or ban that person........ They are misleading God's flock.

I don't give a hoot what religion a person belongs to; when they say, that God said this or that via dreams, visions, or other means, and it it is not biblical, then they have produced a false prophecy.

The bible is the final Word........As it has always been. It is good for reproof, encouragement, discipline, and especially wisdom.
Jake: I'm an agnostic, the only sane path. No god has been proven, but if one ever is, I'm open to it.
Truthy: when you die, there's a possibility of several scenarios playing out, as an agnostic, nothing has ever been proven, but whatever it is, there's even a good chance that everyone was wrong. And whatever it is, it'll happen to everyone equally, regardless of their personal mental delusions.
Av: you get your info from man-written books of fiction, that about sums it up pretty sadly. Nothing in the bible is provable, the mormon book I'm not really familiar with, but I can't imagine it being a stroke of genius either, from the things that I gather from this thread and elsewhere, like the simpletons who come to my door. Kolob, golden plates, the wacky Smith guy, polygamy... Pretty crazy stuff. And you guys have been going door to door for how long and still mormons are a tiny inconsequential bunch.

It's startling how many deathbed conversions to Christianity have beenn recorded.............Also, the opposite too. Many have been avowed agnostics and the rarebird atheist, and at death-bed time screamed out in horror, when they were at their last heartbeat, and breath, as they saw that their life had been dedicated to refuting the obvious(Romans Chapter 1 NT), and now the reality of their eternal destiny was truly revealed and coming to them.

Still remember my mother as she was on her deathbed, and she sat up and pointed skyward in that last minute, and the pain left her face and she started to smile, and whisper soft words of excitement as she saw her Redeember and Lord awaiting her. Then she laid down peacefully and died. Mom saw things that I didn't, and it happened when her soul and spirit were being taken from her pain ravaged body. She was a Christian women who had suffered for years with Lupus. She daily read her bible while she sat up in bed.
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Jake: I'm an agnostic, the only sane path. No god has been proven, but if one ever is, I'm open to it.
Truthy: when you die, there's a possibility of several scenarios playing out, as an agnostic, nothing has ever been proven, but whatever it is, there's even a good chance that everyone was wrong. And whatever it is, it'll happen to everyone equally, regardless of their personal mental delusions.
Av: you get your info from man-written books of fiction, that about sums it up pretty sadly. Nothing in the bible is provable, the mormon book I'm not really familiar with, but I can't imagine it being a stroke of genius either, from the things that I gather from this thread and elsewhere, like the simpletons who come to my door. Kolob, golden plates, the wacky Smith guy, polygamy... Pretty crazy stuff. And you guys have been going door to door for how long and still mormons are a tiny inconsequential bunch.

It's startling how many deathbed conversions to Christianity have beenn recorded.............Also, the opposite too. Many have been avowed agnostics and the rarebird atheist, and at death-bed time screamed out in horror, when they were at their last heartbeat, and breath, as they saw that their life had been dedicated to refuting the obvious(Romans Chapter 1 NT), and now the reality of their eternal destiny was truly revealed and coming to them.

Still remember my mother as she was on her deathbed, and she sat up and pointed skyward in that last minute, and the pain left her face and she started to smile, and whisper soft words of excitement as she saw her Redeember and Lord awaiting her. Then she laid down peacefully and died. Mom saw things that I didn't, and it happened when her soul and spirit were being taken from her pain ravaged body. She was a Christian women who had suffered for years with Lupus. She daily read her bible while she sat up in bed.

My neighbor once hit my cat with his car, when we found it, it was in the middle of our road, couldn't stand up and had 1 eye hanging from its smashed up face. So I went and got a shovel to kill it, and whacked it on the back of the neck a few times. It then lay flat on its side and started to move its legs as though it was running. Did that for about 30 seconds as I just watched, and then it died. Point being, it looked like she was, in her mind, running through a field as her last thought before death. So your mom's last thought was something comforting to her, doesn't mean she saw god.
One incorrect or bad prophecy, and a prophet is a "false prophet".....

Also the bible says that "death" for that false prophet is justice-done.

J.S. Jr. has a major string of false prophecies........"false prophet"

A true prophet is a "mouthpiece" of God......He/she "can't" make false prophecies.

J.S. Jr. is just one of a long string of false prophets......i.e. Mohammed, Balaam, White(7th Day Adventist Prophetess), Russel(Watch Tower), Reverend Moon(Moonies), Hubbard(Scientology), Mary Baker Eddy(Christian Science)........

You just don't want to get it....... If this person claims to be a bible Christian, and has a "Word" from God, and it is unbiblical.........or contradicts the bible, that person has just evoked a false prophecy, and the "church" is to ignore, or ban that person........ They are misleading God's flock.

I don't give a hoot what religion a person belongs to; when they say, that God said this or that via dreams, visions, or other means, and it it is not biblical, then they have produced a false prophecy.

The bible is the final Word........As it has always been. It is good for reproof, encouragement, discipline, and especially wisdom.

Well your faith is based on the book called the Bible. Fine.

Our faith is based in Jesus Christ, the inspirator of the book.
Jake: I'm an agnostic, the only sane path. No god has been proven, but if one ever is, I'm open to it.
Truthy: when you die, there's a possibility of several scenarios playing out, as an agnostic, nothing has ever been proven, but whatever it is, there's even a good chance that everyone was wrong. And whatever it is, it'll happen to everyone equally, regardless of their personal mental delusions.
Av: you get your info from man-written books of fiction, that about sums it up pretty sadly. Nothing in the bible is provable, the mormon book I'm not really familiar with, but I can't imagine it being a stroke of genius either, from the things that I gather from this thread and elsewhere, like the simpletons who come to my door. Kolob, golden plates, the wacky Smith guy, polygamy... Pretty crazy stuff. And you guys have been going door to door for how long and still mormons are a tiny inconsequential bunch.

It's startling how many deathbed conversions to Christianity have beenn recorded.............Also, the opposite too. Many have been avowed agnostics and the rarebird atheist, and at death-bed time screamed out in horror, when they were at their last heartbeat, and breath, as they saw that their life had been dedicated to refuting the obvious(Romans Chapter 1 NT), and now the reality of their eternal destiny was truly revealed and coming to them.

Still remember my mother as she was on her deathbed, and she sat up and pointed skyward in that last minute, and the pain left her face and she started to smile, and whisper soft words of excitement as she saw her Redeember and Lord awaiting her. Then she laid down peacefully and died. Mom saw things that I didn't, and it happened when her soul and spirit were being taken from her pain ravaged body. She was a Christian women who had suffered for years with Lupus. She daily read her bible while she sat up in bed.

I'm glad your mother had a peaceful death. I'm sure she is happier on the other side. We believe we will all be with our families again if we follow God's commandments.
Jake: I'm an agnostic, the only sane path. No god has been proven, but if one ever is, I'm open to it.
Truthy: when you die, there's a possibility of several scenarios playing out, as an agnostic, nothing has ever been proven, but whatever it is, there's even a good chance that everyone was wrong. And whatever it is, it'll happen to everyone equally, regardless of their personal mental delusions.
Av: you get your info from man-written books of fiction, that about sums it up pretty sadly. Nothing in the bible is provable, the mormon book I'm not really familiar with, but I can't imagine it being a stroke of genius either, from the things that I gather from this thread and elsewhere, like the simpletons who come to my door. Kolob, golden plates, the wacky Smith guy, polygamy... Pretty crazy stuff. And you guys have been going door to door for how long and still mormons are a tiny inconsequential bunch.

It's startling how many deathbed conversions to Christianity have beenn recorded.............Also, the opposite too. Many have been avowed agnostics and the rarebird atheist, and at death-bed time screamed out in horror, when they were at their last heartbeat, and breath, as they saw that their life had been dedicated to refuting the obvious(Romans Chapter 1 NT), and now the reality of their eternal destiny was truly revealed and coming to them.

Still remember my mother as she was on her deathbed, and she sat up and pointed skyward in that last minute, and the pain left her face and she started to smile, and whisper soft words of excitement as she saw her Redeember and Lord awaiting her. Then she laid down peacefully and died. Mom saw things that I didn't, and it happened when her soul and spirit were being taken from her pain ravaged body. She was a Christian women who had suffered for years with Lupus. She daily read her bible while she sat up in bed.

I'm glad your mother had a peaceful death. I'm sure she is happier on the other side. We believe we will all be with our families again if we follow God's commandments.

Poor you. You're following man's commandments. Your books aren't written by god. :eek:
It's startling how many deathbed conversions to Christianity have beenn recorded.............Also, the opposite too. Many have been avowed agnostics and the rarebird atheist, and at death-bed time screamed out in horror, when they were at their last heartbeat, and breath, as they saw that their life had been dedicated to refuting the obvious(Romans Chapter 1 NT), and now the reality of their eternal destiny was truly revealed and coming to them.

Still remember my mother as she was on her deathbed, and she sat up and pointed skyward in that last minute, and the pain left her face and she started to smile, and whisper soft words of excitement as she saw her Redeember and Lord awaiting her. Then she laid down peacefully and died. Mom saw things that I didn't, and it happened when her soul and spirit were being taken from her pain ravaged body. She was a Christian women who had suffered for years with Lupus. She daily read her bible while she sat up in bed.

I'm glad your mother had a peaceful death. I'm sure she is happier on the other side. We believe we will all be with our families again if we follow God's commandments.

Poor you. You're following man's commandments. Your books aren't written by god. :eek:

We all follow man's commandments to some degree. We all have to follow the law, which is made by men.

But I'm under no delusion that the books were written by the finger of God. Scriptures were written by prophets under the inspiration of God.

But sometimes we lose the originals and then interpolations can be made by the uninspired or deceitful. Thus we have missing or changed portions of scriptures. Thus the need for proper interpretation and explanation from Modern day prophets with regard to the sacred writings.
I'm glad your mother had a peaceful death. I'm sure she is happier on the other side. We believe we will all be with our families again if we follow God's commandments.

Poor you. You're following man's commandments. Your books aren't written by god. :eek:

We all follow man's commandments to some degree. We all have to follow the law, which is made by men.

But I'm under no delusion that the books were written by the finger of God. Scriptures were written by prophets under the inspiration of God.

But sometimes we lose the originals and then interpolations can be made by the uninspired or deceitful. Thus we have missing or changed portions of scriptures. Thus the need for proper interpretation and explanation from Modern day prophets with regard to the sacred writings.

So basically, anyone can make anything up as long as it's inspired by god? Hmmm.
Respectfully Truthspeaker:

Thank you for the kind words about my Mother's passing.
I understand your "take" or "direction" on the bible with the premise that these passed-on, recopied letters lose their accuracy through the many years.........

Here, I must respectfully disagree Truthspeaker: Throughout the bible, the almighty power of a sovereign God is expressed both in the OT and NT.......through prophets and through Christ well as His disciples and Apostles.

This is the crux of my disagreement here. Almighty and sovereign, means that our God has total control over all things. Even what seems out of control is part of His sovereignty...........yet when it comes to what the O.T. prophets wrote and passed down, as well as the N.T. disciples and Apostles wrote and was handed down, this same God who is the "Same yesterday, today, and tomorrow" is still omnipotent.

Now, "Why?" would this/our omnipotent Creator allow His message to be skewed, mistranslated, twisted, or even allow important parts to be left out. How could this be according to what you believe, and we still have an "omnipotent" Creator who holds the keys to Hades, Heaven, and all material and unmaterial creation?

When you say that the bible is incomplete because of the age of it's original authorship, how is it that our omnipotent Creator let His message become fuzzy, indistinct, your church's teaching?

There seems to be a contradiction here......I see it clearly......Respectfully......:)
God doesn't let His message become Fuzzy because He constantly keeps teaching it to us. The scriptures were provided to us as a tool to bring us to know Christ. They weren't the be all end all of everything God has said or will say.

God speaks from the Heavens. He isn't silent. He isn't just the God of the dead prophets. But He is our Living God. He loves us now.

The danger is when we try to replace God with the scriptures and demand perfection from something that was touched and written by human hands. Doesn't matter how much God inspires us, we are still flawed. We still need Christ and the Atonement. We need to lean on the Spirit and not just on our own understanding of what we think the scriptures say.

Are we really supposed to believe that God has changed from a God who lovingly reveals Himself to the people living to someone who will only speak to us from our ancestors words?
The danger is when any man or woman allows scriptures and "prophets" to replace one's responsibility to seek God on his or her own, to commune with the infinite, and to receive His direction for one's personal life. One needs not a church, a scripture, or a prophet for that; in fact, those items are often extraneous.

Avatar, I do hope you know God on your own.
God doesn't let His message become Fuzzy because He constantly keeps teaching it to us. The scriptures were provided to us as a tool to bring us to know Christ. They weren't the be all end all of everything God has said or will say.

God speaks from the Heavens. He isn't silent. He isn't just the God of the dead prophets. But He is our Living God. He loves us now.

The danger is when we try to replace God with the scriptures and demand perfection from something that was touched and written by human hands. Doesn't matter how much God inspires us, we are still flawed. We still need Christ and the Atonement. We need to lean on the Spirit and not just on our own understanding of what we think the scriptures say.

Are we really supposed to believe that God has changed from a God who lovingly reveals Himself to the people living to someone who will only speak to us from our ancestors words?

So what happens when the bible is factually wrong? Like the world wasn't made in 6 days, c'mon, does anyone still believe that as a fact? Or that eve was made out of adam's rib? Or that anyone could get 2 of every animal in the world on a boat?
And if god loves us now, does he also love the ones who die of starvation...? Doesn't make much sense.
Poor you. You're following man's commandments. Your books aren't written by god. :eek:

We all follow man's commandments to some degree. We all have to follow the law, which is made by men.

But I'm under no delusion that the books were written by the finger of God. Scriptures were written by prophets under the inspiration of God.

But sometimes we lose the originals and then interpolations can be made by the uninspired or deceitful. Thus we have missing or changed portions of scriptures. Thus the need for proper interpretation and explanation from Modern day prophets with regard to the sacred writings.

So basically, anyone can make anything up as long as it's inspired by god? Hmmm.

Your statement doesn't make sense. If they're inspired by God, then God is making it up, not the person.

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