The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
Well, you've proven two things:

You know nothing about the romantic nature of women (or men).

Well thanks for your opinion. You use an interesting word with "proven". I'd like to know how you came to your calculations. If you know something I don't, why don't you share it with the rest of the class.

You know nothing about why some people are nasty and other are nice.

You score a zero. (Sorry, no extra credit for cutesy answers).

Well professor, you asked and I answered, hinting that you didn't know the answer to such questions yourself. So are you asking because you're quizzing me or are you trying to actually find an answer? If you don't like my answer, that doesn't mean it's wrong. It just means you don't like it.
I think I believe in miracles because it's got to be a miracle that anyone could believe that noah bs you just told. So where did all the other species come from? Was there a noah guy on every continent? So what happened to the animals that didn't make in onto a boat? With only 2 of every species, the gene pool isn't big enough to have a lot of the species not die out... oh wait, you don't believe in gene pools... do you?
You should go tell the head of your church that you don't believe the bible's account of noah's ark, and write back was he says... before you get excommunicated.
Be careful, Avatar is taking notes.:eusa_doh:

Trut, you avoiding my questions?

Dude, you're nuts. I've been here taking all the tomatoes thrown at me for nearly 2 years. Ya think I might be able to live my life in between answers?

I don't know where all the other species came from. It's quite possible that they evolved from the ones on Noah's boat. I know about gene pools. They take long times to develop. I'm aware of that. But the Noah incident was incredibly long ago. But I'm not going to say that God hasn't caused more animals to develop since that time. In fact I'll go out on a limb and guarantee that there have been new animals that have come and gone since Noah's time. There's still animals we don't even know exist in the deep part of the junges and oceans.
I'm sure there was only one Noah's ark. and I'm sure there were plenty of sea going animals that didn't need to be in the boat.

The point is, that there are lots of details that are not included in the Bible. But it doesn't mean that their claims are not true. It's not important to me to know how large the boat was, or the exact inventory of the boat either. what's important to me is not the stories themselves as much as the doctrine taught in the Bible. For doctrine, everyone, is the key. What is your religion teaching you? What are you practicing? Is what you are learning and practicing in harmony with God's will?
It's quite possible that they evolved from the ones on Noah's boat.

:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:I think you're going to be in a lot of trouble:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:

What is your religion teaching you? What are you practicing? Is what you are learning and practicing in harmony with God's will?

If god existed and had a will, I'm sure he'd let me know. I'm agnostic and believe in peace and love and tolerance... just like a follower of jesus should, but think that organized religion is a scam.
It's quite possible that they evolved from the ones on Noah's boat.

:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:I think you're going to be in a lot of trouble:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:

What is your religion teaching you? What are you practicing? Is what you are learning and practicing in harmony with God's will?

If god existed and had a will, I'm sure he'd let me know. I'm agnostic and believe in peace and love and tolerance... just like a follower of jesus should, but think that organized religion is a scam.

I don't know why you think I'm in trouble, but things evolve sometimes. There is no doctrine of our church eliminating evolution. Now, evolution is a broad term and a lot of people get a lot of ideas when they hear that word so it's important that you understand what I mean.
I said it's POSSIBLE that animals evolved from the time of Noah, but I don't know for certain. Scientists don't know either, they just act like they know. They seem to forget all too often that the theory of evolution is a THEORY not a law. So often times when a theory makes a certain amount of sense people tend to treat it as a law which is wrong. Speculation, however educated it may sound, should not be taught at truth.

As for God letting you know His will, I'm sure He is trying every day to get you to listen to Him. But you have to be willing to do it His way, not you're way. That's the one thing He won't take from you, your freedom to choose your lifestyle.

Don't be like the guy on the rooftop during the flood who says I'm waiting for God to save me, then a lifeboat comes along and he rejects it saying, I'm trusting in God to save me, then a helicopter comes along and drops a ladder and reject it saying "I'm trusting in God to save me." and when he drowns he asks God, Why didn't you save me? I trusted in you. Then God replies: "Nonsense. I sent you a boat and a helicopter and you refused my help." Don't be that guy.
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It's quite possible that they evolved from the ones on Noah's boat.

:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:I think you're going to be in a lot of trouble:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:

What is your religion teaching you? What are you practicing? Is what you are learning and practicing in harmony with God's will?

If god existed and had a will, I'm sure he'd let me know. I'm agnostic and believe in peace and love and tolerance... just like a follower of jesus should, but think that organized religion is a scam.

What makes you think He hasn't been pounding you on the head with a 2x4 for many years, but you aren't paying attention. ;)
I don't know why you think I'm in trouble, but things evolve sometimes. There is no doctrine of our church eliminating evolution. Now, evolution is a broad term and a lot of people get a lot of ideas when they hear that word so it's important that you understand what I mean.
I said it's POSSIBLE that animals evolved from the time of Noah, but I don't know for certain. Scientists don't know either, they just act like they know. They seem to forget all too often that the theory of evolution is a THEORY not a law. So often times when a theory makes a certain amount of sense people tend to treat it as a law which is wrong. Speculation, however educated it may sound, should not be taught at truth.

As for God letting you know His will, I'm sure He is trying every day to get you to listen to Him. But you have to be willing to do it His way, not you're way. That's the one thing He won't take from you, your freedom to choose your lifestyle.

Don't be like the guy on the rooftop during the flood who says I'm waiting for God to save me, then a lifeboat comes along and he rejects it saying, I'm trusting in God to save me, then a helicopter comes along and drops a ladder and reject it saying "I'm trusting in God to save me." and when he drowns he asks God, Why didn't you save me? I trusted in you. Then God replies: "Nonsense. I sent you a boat and a helicopter and you refused my help." Don't be that guy.

I like the joke, :lol:

So if you believe in evolution, then you don't follow the bible, so how can you call yourself a christian? And you also question the veracity of the bible. You better die with a bathing suit on, it's going to be pretty hot where you're going! :D

If god exists, why doesn't he just hold a press conference on the White House lawn? That would get everyone's attention and he could get us all to do exactly what he wants.
I don't know why you think I'm in trouble, but things evolve sometimes. There is no doctrine of our church eliminating evolution. Now, evolution is a broad term and a lot of people get a lot of ideas when they hear that word so it's important that you understand what I mean.
I said it's POSSIBLE that animals evolved from the time of Noah, but I don't know for certain. Scientists don't know either, they just act like they know. They seem to forget all too often that the theory of evolution is a THEORY not a law. So often times when a theory makes a certain amount of sense people tend to treat it as a law which is wrong. Speculation, however educated it may sound, should not be taught at truth.

As for God letting you know His will, I'm sure He is trying every day to get you to listen to Him. But you have to be willing to do it His way, not you're way. That's the one thing He won't take from you, your freedom to choose your lifestyle.

Don't be like the guy on the rooftop during the flood who says I'm waiting for God to save me, then a lifeboat comes along and he rejects it saying, I'm trusting in God to save me, then a helicopter comes along and drops a ladder and reject it saying "I'm trusting in God to save me." and when he drowns he asks God, Why didn't you save me? I trusted in you. Then God replies: "Nonsense. I sent you a boat and a helicopter and you refused my help." Don't be that guy.

I like the joke, :lol:

So if you believe in evolution, then you don't follow the bible, so how can you call yourself a christian? And you also question the veracity of the bible. You better die with a bathing suit on, it's going to be pretty hot where you're going! :D

If god exists, why doesn't he just hold a press conference on the White House lawn? That would get everyone's attention and he could get us all to do exactly what he wants.

I can think right off the top of my head, one very piercing and to-the-point press conference brought to all non-Christians...........

Just take a deep breath, and read the first chapter of the Book of Romans authored by the Apostle Paul.

Chapter 1, clearly and concisely reveals how very obvious God has made Himself to all of creation..........which does include humanity.......and how we/humanity are "without excuse" when we continue in "unbelief".

Even my 7 year old grandson in his very child like simple way has expressed to me his belief in God. He's told grandpa, how incredible he finds nature.......trees, animals, microscopic life.......volcanoes, weather, cellular life..............and on and on..........This 7 year old grandson marvels in his very childlike and simple way..........

Somehow when we reach adulthood, we ignore that side of our life, and start to rebell against the elemental, things that we saw and believed in our youth.

Just as Christ says that we must come to Him with a childlike faith.........and that is not a stupid or ignorant faith..........but He means a simple, innocent, faith, without hangups over things.........that just sees a intelligent creativity in life itself, without getting hung up on wanting more and more proofs that really just underlie a rebellious unbelief(willful unbelief).

As He said........."Suffer not these little ones to come to Me". For some reason, children saw in Christ, the divine, expressed in a forgiving, and unjudgemental love, that just desired the best for mankind, and a restoration of mankind to a close, intimate relationship with God.

Christ even said, "I and the Father are One"........If you know Christ, you know the Father. To know Christ is to trust and believe He is who He says He is.

It's funny how people who refuse Christianity will say that Christ was a good guy, He taught good things, and He died for that..........Yet, those same people will refuse to put their trust in Him as their personal Saviour. In other words, He's an ok guy, and as far as we know He never did anything bad, and in fact did some pretty amazing stuff as recorded in the bible, but put my trust in Him, no way.

What do unbelievers think will happen if they were to actually exert a childlike faith in those little ones did 2,000 years ago? Will something bad happen? Will they become weird bible thumpers? Will they lose friendships? Will they have to give something up that they cherish?.............I've never met a true Christian yet that regretted giving up their life's agenda for Christ's life yet. Though they will tell you that the Christian life isn't easy, they will emphatically tell you that they would never want to go back to being a non-Christian or unbeliever, as losing this intimate relationship with God through Christ's life would be terrible.

Christianity is not a religion.........It is a relationship............based on a one on one encounter "show-down" between an individual and their Creator.

Just as Chapter one of Romans in the N.Testament makes it so emphatically clear that no human being has a plausible escuse for being agnostic, or atheistic, it also makes it very clear that God has not hidden Himself from His creation but has made Himself very obvious through His creation itself.

To deny intelligent design is to willfully go against the strongest evidences possible.

Evidence demands a verdict, and we/humans are without excuse.
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I like the joke, :lol:

So if you believe in evolution, then you don't follow the bible, so how can you call yourself a christian?
First, I never said I "believed in evolution." I don't even know what you mean by that. My mind is open with regard to the matter but since nothing has been proven, the details are unimportant to me.
What is important is the knowledge I have gained. Not to say that knowledge I haven't gained is unimportant but I've realized I'm not going to gain all knowledge while in this life. But I can gain the essential knowledge I need to guide me to salvation.

And you also question the veracity of the bible.
I believe the Bible as far as it is translated correctly. And of course God would have us question everything. Even His own extistance. That is how knowledge is gained. Through questions. God is not a God of dogma(teachings not to be questioned), which is the opposite of doctrine(teachings that should be questioned).

You better die with a bathing suit on, it's going to be pretty hot where you're going! :D

I'm sure Jesus would approve of the words of Gandalf: "Do not be so quick to deal out death and judgment."

If anyone ought to be careful it's the one pronouncing eternities on someone when they aren't Jesus.

If god exists, why doesn't he just hold a press conference on the White House lawn? That would get everyone's attention and he could get us all to do exactly what he wants
Here is a good question. No really. It's reasonable to ask this.

Think what would happen if He did. Everyone would follow His commandments right? Because everyone would want to live with Him/avoid His punishment. If we all knew He was there and we never learned faith, we would have no choice but to obey His laws. This was Satan's plan from the beginning: To take away the choice of man. But God wanted to find out who truly loved Him and would seek Him out rather than be forced to follow Him. He has promised to reveal himself to those who seek Him out. There is actually a plan to this life. It's not entirely random. That's why there is such order in the world. The only disorder comes from the choices of Humans. Do you realize that? The animals don't go on murderous rampages. They only kill to eat. The earth doesn't pollute itself, it's only the choices of Man that cause great things of good or evil in the world. The whole key is choice. It's the only power that God does not have because he refuses to take it from us. We have the power of God with us because of choice. We don't survive on instinct. We survive on choice and intellect.

So if God appeared to all of us, he would be going against His own plan set from the beginning. Do you think you're the only one who's ever asked that question before? Billions have asked and had the answer given to them so why do you think you can't have the same answer?
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First, I never said I "believed in evolution." I don't even know what you mean by that. My mind is open with regard to the matter but since nothing has been proven, the details are unimportant to me.
You were the one who used the word "evolved", you should read up on it, to get a better sense of the word and the process.
I'm still wondering through, how did all those animals get to Australia, if noah never went there?

Like I said, you also don't believe that the bible is to be considered 100% fact, so you're not a true christian. You might want to stockpile some sunscreen too. :D

Think what would happen if He did. Everyone would follow His commandments right? Because everyone would want to live with Him/avoid His punishment. If we all knew He was there and we never learned faith, we would have no choice but to obey His laws. This was Satan's plan from the beginning: To take away the choice of man. But God wanted to find out who truly loved Him and would seek Him out rather than be forced to follow Him. He has promised to reveal himself to those who seek Him out. There is actually a plan to this life. It's not entirely random. That's why there is such order in the world. The only disorder comes from the choices of Humans. Do you realize that? The animals don't go on murderous rampages. They only kill to eat. The earth doesn't pollute itself, it's only the choices of Man that cause great things of good or evil in the world. The whole key is choice. It's the only power that God does not have because he refuses to take it from us. We have the power of God with us because of choice. We don't survive on instinct. We survive on choice and intellect.

So if God appeared to all of us, he would be going against His own plan set from the beginning. Do you think you're the only one who's ever asked that question before? Billions have asked and had the answer given to them so why do you think you can't have the same answer?

ok, that makes no sense at all. God WOULDN'T hold a press conference for that flimsy reason you gave? I've heard that before, and it's just the conclusion that theists have made up given the awkward nature of your written texts. Of course god would hold a press conference, then satan would hold one, then there would be a election. This time gOdbama won. :D
But seriously, god would show itself to everyone for real, not just send a bunch of half-wits to my door.
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Every time I drop by this thread I am struck by two things.

1. How quick some idiots are to slam Mormons because they don't understand them or disagree with them.

2. How tolerant our Mormon members are.

If someone asked me who has earned respect on this forum, I'd have to say, hands down, it's the Mormons. They have outplayed every single idiot in this thread. Well done, guys.
Every time I drop by this thread I am struck by two things.

1. How quick some idiots are to slam Mormons because they don't understand them or disagree with them.

2. How tolerant our Mormon members are.

If someone asked me who has earned respect on this forum, I'd have to say, hands down, it's the Mormons. They have outplayed every single idiot in this thread. Well done, guys.

Amazing, isn't it?
Every time I drop by this thread I am struck by two things.

1. How quick some idiots are to slam Mormons because they don't understand them or disagree with them.

2. How tolerant our Mormon members are.

If someone asked me who has earned respect on this forum, I'd have to say, hands down, it's the Mormons. They have outplayed every single idiot in this thread. Well done, guys.

Like lots of religions, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has some problems associated with it in terms of its literal written words and the application of logic.

But despite the fact that a "critic" of the Mormons (and of their religious beliefs) could exploit such things, I believe YOU happen to be very much correct in your assessment. I haven't seen any rude replies or anything but patience and civility from the participants here who are Mormon.

Therefore, I join you in applauding the way the Mormons in this thread have proceeded to discuss whatever has been tossed their way.

Every time I drop by this thread I am struck by two things.

1. How quick some idiots are to slam Mormons because they don't understand them or disagree with them.

2. How tolerant our Mormon members are.

If someone asked me who has earned respect on this forum, I'd have to say, hands down, it's the Mormons. They have outplayed every single idiot in this thread. Well done, guys.

Amazing, isn't it?

To be honest, from the Mormons I know, they are fairly typical. Generally speaking, I find Mormons to be very tolerant and accepting of others. Most of us, me included, could learn a thing or two from them.
Every time I drop by this thread I am struck by two things.

1. How quick some idiots are to slam Mormons because they don't understand them or disagree with them.

2. How tolerant our Mormon members are.

If someone asked me who has earned respect on this forum, I'd have to say, hands down, it's the Mormons. They have outplayed every single idiot in this thread. Well done, guys.

Like lots of religions, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has some problems associated with it in terms of its literal written words and the application of logic.

But despite the fact that a "critic" of the Mormons (and of their religious beliefs) could exploit such things, I believe YOU happen to be very much correct in your assessment. I haven't seen any rude replies or anything but patience and civility from the participants here who are Mormon.

Therefore, I join you in applauding the way the Mormons in this thread have proceeded to discuss whatever has been tossed their way.


See, that's the thing.... many people on this forum seem to be exceptionally rude about the Mormon religion. I have no issue with them as a religion or as people.... What does really stand out though is that, despite being slammed, made fun of, criticized and ridiculed, they remain polite, pleasant and tireless in their patience.

I wander in and out of this thread to see who's whining at them etc and all I ever see from them is that endless patience.

They are the most remarkable bunch of individuals on the forum. Not one of them seems to let their side down. Impressive stuff.
Every time I drop by this thread I am struck by two things.

1. How quick some idiots are to slam Mormons because they don't understand them or disagree with them.

2. How tolerant our Mormon members are.

If someone asked me who has earned respect on this forum, I'd have to say, hands down, it's the Mormons. They have outplayed every single idiot in this thread. Well done, guys.

Like lots of religions, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has some problems associated with it in terms of its literal written words and the application of logic.

But despite the fact that a "critic" of the Mormons (and of their religious beliefs) could exploit such things, I believe YOU happen to be very much correct in your assessment. I haven't seen any rude replies or anything but patience and civility from the participants here who are Mormon.

Therefore, I join you in applauding the way the Mormons in this thread have proceeded to discuss whatever has been tossed their way.


See, that's the thing.... many people on this forum seem to be exceptionally rude about the Mormon religion. I have no issue with them as a religion or as people.... What does really stand out though is that, despite being slammed, made fun of, criticized and ridiculed, they remain polite, pleasant and tireless in their patience.

I wander in and out of this thread to see who's whining at them etc and all I ever see from them is that endless patience.

They are the most remarkable bunch of individuals on the forum. Not one of them seems to let their side down. Impressive stuff.

For me, it is a breath of fresh air to hear such positive words from a non-Mormon about Mormons in this thread. Thank you.

By the way, when can we schedule your baptism?:)

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