The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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What does the mormon Church believe about the worship and praising of Christ the son instead of El-Yahweh the Father?

that it's not an instead of, but an also. The first Article of Faith addresses this: "We believe in God, the Father, and his Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost."

Furthermore, what does the Mormon Church belive about the Sabbath and the Rapture?

Mormons believe that Christ will return soon, thus the term "latter days". They believe that it really doesn't matter which day of the week is the Sabbath, so they worship on Sunday out of convenience.

What is the origin of the name `Jesus', and what is his real biblical name?

Not sure about that one. Obviously, anyone born in Jesus time would have a name that would sound strange to our English speaking ears.
It matters to God that his chosen day of worship is kept. Have you ever read up on the fourth commandment? Remember my day (the Sabbath) and keep it holy. This is a mark on my people.... Those who keep the commandments of God and the testimony of Yahshua....

God said his name will be known throughout the land...this is so you will be without excuse.... Not the name some evil jerk made up and passed off on the rest of us....
It matters to God that his chosen day of worship is kept. Have you ever read up on the fourth commandment? Remember my day (the Sabbath) and keep it holy. This is a mark on my people.... Those who keep the commandments of God and the testimony of Yahshua....

God said his name will be known throughout the land...this is so you will be without excuse.... Not the name some evil jerk made up and passed off on the rest of us....

Do you seriously believe that the calendar hasn't changed since the time of Jesus?

Early Roman Calendar
The Romans borrowed parts of their earliest known calendar from the Greeks. The calendar consisted of 10 months in a year of 304 days. The Romans seem to have ignored the remaining 61 days, which fell in the middle of winter. The 10 months were named Martius, Aprilis, Maius, Junius, Quintilis, Sextilis, September, October, November, and December. The last six names were taken from the words for five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten. Romulus, the legendary first ruler of Rome, is supposed to have introduced this calendar in the 700s B.C.E.

According to tradition, the Roman ruler Numa Pompilius added January and February to the calendar. This made the Roman year 355 days long. To make the calendar correspond approximately to the solar year, Numa also ordered the addition every other year of a month called Mercedinus. Mercedinus was inserted after February 23 or 24, and the last days of February were moved to the end of Mercedinus. In years when it was inserted, Mercedinus added 22 or 23 days to the year.

So, which day in the modern calendar is the Sabbath again?
The calendar was in fact changed by the the Vicar of the pagan holy Roman empire to reflect the names of pagan gods and their pagan holy days. However, the Hebrew calendar still exists and is used, and is very accurate. God would not allow us to forget the day he made for us to keep holy or make it impossible for us to remember which day it was after telling us to remember it in a commandment.... Computers and astronomers can track and compute time very accuratly by planetary position over time....

Satuday has been and will remain God's holy day according to which day is marked as the last day of the week wherein God rested and made holy and not the first day which is sun god day...Sunday....
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The calendar was in fact changed by the the Vicar of the pagan holy Roman empire to reflect the names of pagan gods and their pagan holy days. However, the Hebrew calendar still exists and is used, and is very accurate. God would not allow us to forget the day he made for us to keep holy or make it impossible for us to remember which day it was after telling us to remember it in a commandment.... Computers and astronomers can track and compute time very accuratly by planetary position over time....

Satuday has been and will remain God's holy day according to which day is marked as the last day of the week wherein God rested and made holy and not the first day which is sun god day...Sunday....

hmmmm.. and you're sure that Saturday is the same day that it was in the time of Christ? How could that be done without modern prophecy?

How else would we know Saturn's day (saturday) or Sunday (the day of the sun), from Wodensday (the day of Woden) or perphaps Thorsday? We have to keep our gods days straight, of course.
I believe I already answered that for you.... Why would we need prophecy to remember the day? The People of Israel never lost their identity or religion after being scattered for a couple thousand years and came back to re-establish Israel in a day just as prophecied.... So, what makes you believe it was forgotten?
I believe I already answered that for you.... Why would we need prophecy to remember the day? The People of Israel never lost their identity or religion after being scattered for a couple thousand years and came back to re-establish Israel in a day just as prophecied.... So, what makes you believe it was forgotten?

The fact that the calendar is not the same as it was back then, for one. If you were to start with Saturday, then count the number of days since the proclamation was made about the Sabbath, then divided by seven, the odds of it being a Saturday would be about one in seven. Record keeping that far back is a crapshoot at best.

Do you know when Jesus birthday really is? How about his death and resurrection? Shall we delve into the reasons why we celebrate December 25 and the way we schedule the Easter holiday?
What does the mormon Church believe about the worship and praising of Christ the son instead of El-Yahweh the Father?
The Church of Jesus Christ believes that the Son is equal to the Father but not the same person. All the Glory goes to the Father who asks us to worship him by worshipping his son also. We pray to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ who allows us to return to Him. The Father is the "Most High".

Furthermore, what does the Mormon Church belive about the Sabbath and the Rapture?
The Church of Jesus Christ of latter Day Saints believes that the Sabbath which used to be on Saturday was changed by Jesus to Sunday after his resurrection on the first day. We also believe that the righteous souls will be caught up in the clouds before Christ comes down to destroy the wicked at his second coming.

What is the origin of the name `Jesus', and what is his real biblical name?
Jesus is the anglicized version of the latin transliteration Ie-so-us, which came from the greek Ie-s-ous which was transliterated from the Hebrew name Yahshua
Does it agree with research in the linlks provided...Why? But no matter how it's transliterated and what we call him or pronounce, it is the same man we are referring to and that's why he has so many names.

Sunday is NOT the Sabbath!

From Sabbath to Sunday

Secret Rapture Truth - Bible Prophecy


Yeshua, the real name of Jesus

How Did the Name Jesus Originate?


I appreciate you contributing real substance to this discussion. Also if you're a 7th day adventists with a not-so-thinly-veiled agenda of arguing Saturday over Sunday, I will not engage in the argument. I have better things to debate, like politics. I am not going to debate religion. I will only clarify what we believe and debate falsehoods presented as "mormon doctrine".
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So much bickering over issues, although important, like Sunday or Saturday(7th day adventist focus), or crucified vs. torture stake(jehovah's witness focus) I believe miss the mark and are not so important for our salvation.
While proper symbolism, name pronunciation and historical facts can help us remember Christ and His Father, they become trivial things if they cause us to "miss the mark" by causing contentions and arguments and offend the spirit of God.

That's why Christ accused the Pharisees of missing the mark, telling them "the sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath."

There is truth. let him who is not offended by it embrace it.

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